What does the Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) system utilize to represent each decimal digit?
How many unique symbols or characters can the ASCII-7 code accommodate?
What is the primary purpose of Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange (EBCDIC)?
Which binary coding scheme allows for 2^8 unique combinations of bits?
What is the significance of the fixed-size groups in binary coding schemes?
How does ASCII-7 compare to EBCDIC in terms of the number of unique characters it can represent?
What is the fundamental characteristic of an AND gate in a digital circuit?
What is the primary function of an XOR gate in digital circuitry?
What is the primary function of a NAND gate in digital circuits?
What property makes NAND and NOR gates unique compared to other logic gates?
In digital circuitry, what does the term "ones' complement" refer to?
What distinguishes Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) from ASCII in terms of character representation?
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