Project tiger programme was launched in : (SSC CHSL 2015)
Which Indian newspaper has the largest readership ? (SSC CHSL 2015)
Which day is celebrated as International Yoga Day ? (SSC CHSL 2015)
December 1 is celebrated as : (SSC CHSL 2015)
Who was the first Secretary General of UNO? (SSC CHSL 2015)
Earth day is celebrated on : (SSC CHSL 2015)
What is the number of players on each side in Rugby Football? (SSC CHSL 2015)
Which was the first linguistic state to be created ? (SSC CHSL 2015)
The headquarters of the Survey of India Dept. (department) is located at : (SSC CHSL 2015)
The Lalit Kala Academy is devoted to the promotion of : (SSC CHSL 2015)
World wild life fund was founded in : (SSC CHSL 2015)
Arundhati Roy is the author of : (SSC CHSL 2015)
The first Bio-sphere Reserve in India has been established in : (SSC CHSL 2015)
Kimono is a dress style of which Asian Country ? (SSC CHSL 2015)
Dr. P. Rama Rao Committee is related to which of the following ? (SSC CHSL 2015)
Kathakali is a dance prevalent in which state ? (SSC CHSL 2015)
Rand is the currency of : (SSC CHSL 2015)
Iron filings can be separated from a heterogenous mixture using the technique of______. (SSC CHSL 2015)
Who among the following was named as “Haryana Hurricane” ? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2015)
What does the word ‘amphibian’ mean ? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2015)
The founder of the ‘Arya Samaj’ was: (SSC Sub. Ins. 2015)
Immunization technique was developed by: (SSC Sub. Ins. 2015)
Who is the a uthor of the book “Roman cing with Life ”. (SSC CHSL 2015)
NIN (National Institute of Nutrition) Central Office is located at (SSC CGL 2014)
"Bull's eye" is used in the game of (SSC CGL 2014)
Pablo Picasso, the famous painter was (SSC CGL 2014)
Grammy Award is given in the field of (SSC CHSL 2014)
The first woman to get the Bharat Ratan Award is (SSC CHSL 2014)
Karl Marx wrote (SSC CHSL 2014)
The religious text of the Jews is named as (SSC CHSL 2014)
316 docs|268 tests