Which of the following options is a colloidal solution that exhibits the Tyndall effect?
Intercalated disc is present in _____.
Select the incorrect sentence
If two objects move in a circular path of radii in the ratio of 1:3 and take some time to complete the circle, what is the ratio of their speeds?
Internal forces are forces which bodies exert on each other when the bodies are part of the system is
Take three test tubes A, B and C containing salt solution, egg albumin in water and suspension of sand in water. Filter the contents of A, B, C through filter paper and observe the residue and filtrate. Identify the correct statements.
70-80% of the volume of a mature plant cell is occupied by:
Which of the following components are seen in a slide of human cheek cell when observed under a microscope?
A particle covers equal distances in equal intervals of time. It is said to be
Newton's First Law of Motion is also called as:-
Conversion of solid directly into its vapour form is called:
Living cells were discovered by
Complex tissue consists of:
A plate, a ball and child all have the same mass. The one having more inertia is the
Match the following with the correct response:
To observe starch granules in potato under a microscope, freshly cut surface of potato placed on a slide. The stain that will show starch granules clearly is:
The organelle which is absent in kidney cells is:
Smooth muscle fibres are
Which of the is true for displacement?
A. It cannot be zero.
B. Its magnitude is greater than the distance travelled by the object.
C. It’s the shortest distance between initial & final position.
D. It is a vector quantity.
A force of 5 N applied on mj produces an acceleration of 8 m/s2 and when applied on m2 produces an acceleration of 24 m/s2. When they are tied together, the acceleration will be
Which will not give a stable solution even when stirred for sometimes?
Which of the following lacks nucleus?
The extra stain from the slide if present is removed by:
Equation of motion can be used for a body having:
The correct statement about the object moving along a straight path with an accelerated motion is
A. Its velocity keeps changing
B. Its speed keeps changing
C. A force is always acting on it
D. Its mass keeps on changing
Match the following with correct response:
The substance found in the cell wall of cork or bark that makes it impervious to water is
The function of the upper and lower layer of cells in leaves is/are
A. Protect the inner parts
B. Synthesize food
C. Regulate the water content
D. Exchange the gases
The outermost layer of the human cheek cell is:
Which of the following is an example of uniform motion?
A. The motion of the car in a busy road
B. The motion of a satellite around the planet
C. The motion of the moon around the earth
D. The motion of any particle on the arm of a clock.
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