The ratio of present ages of P and Q is 5 : 8. Three years later their ages will be in ratio 8 : 11. What is the present age (in years) of Q? (SSC CGL 2017)
If “P”denotes “multiplied by”, “R”denotes “subtracted from”, “S” denotes “added to “ and “Q” denotes “divided by”, “then which of the following equation is true? (SSC CGL 2017)
If 4 * 7 * 2 = 361 and 5 * 9 * 1 = 480, then 2 * 1 * 3 = ? (SSC CGL 2017)
If “+” means “minus”, “×” means “divided by”, “ ÷ ” means “plus” and “–” means “multiplied by”, then 126 × 14 + 7 – 3 ÷ 2 = ? (SSC CHSL 2017)
Some equations ar e solved on th e basis of cer tain system.Find out the correct answer for the unsolved equation on that basis. (SSC MTS 2017)
If 12 × 9 = 810 and 15 × 9 = 513 then 13 × 8 = ?
The total age of a mother and her daughter is 60 years. The difference between their ages is 30 years. Find out the age of mother. (SSC MTS 2017)
If P denotes '÷ ', Q denotes '×', R denotes '+' and S denotes '– ', then 18Q12P4R5S6 is equal to: (SSC MTS 2017)
In the following question, by using which math ematical operators will the expression become correct?
14 ? 2 ? 4 ? 6 ? 4 (SSC Sub. Ins. 2017)
In the following question, corr ect t he equation by interchanging two signs. (SSC Sub. Ins. 2017)
43 + 9 – 6 ÷ 3 × 8 = 50
If 4 * 9 % 2 =47 and 9 * 0 % 6 = 84, then 5 * 3 % 7 = ? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2017)
If 1/4/3 = 254 and 3/6/8 = 479, then 5/2/7 = ? (SSC Sub. Ins. 2017)
If 85 × 5 – 3 = 20 and 18 × 2 –1 = 10, then 100 × 20 – 5 =? (SSC Stenographer 2017)
By interchanging which two signs the equation will be correct? (SSC Stenographer 2017)
25 + 18 ÷ 2 – 4 = 20
Present ages of A and B are in ratio 3 : 5, 7 years later B's age will be twice the age of C. If C celebrated his 10th birthday 4 years ago, then what is the present age (in years) of A? (SSC Stenographer 2017)
If '–' denotes '+' '
÷' denotes '×'
'+' denotes '–'
'×' denotes '÷'
then 27 × 3 ÷ 6 + 9 – 8 = ? (SSC Steno. 2016)
What will be the correct mathematical signs that can be inserted in the following ? (SSC Steno. 2016)
4_6_2_4_8 = 30
If ‘×’ means ‘addition’, ‘–’ means ‘division’, ‘/’ means ‘subtraction’ and ‘+’ means ‘multiplication’, then which of the equation is correct (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
In this question, some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system. On the same basis find out the correct answer from amongst the four alternatives for the unsolved equation. (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
53 – 34 = 533
465 – 46 = 645
675 – 24 = ?
If ‘+’ means ‘/’, ‘/’ means ‘–’,’–’ means ‘×’, ‘×’ means ‘+’, then 24 + 8/2–6 × 6 = ? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
In this question, some equations are solved on the basis of a certain system. On the same basis find out the correct answer from amongst the four alternatives for the unsolved equation. (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
7 × 6 × 8 = 678
8 × 9 × 7 = 987
6 × 5 × 7 = 5675 × 4 × 6 = ?
If '×' means addition, '–' means division, '÷' means subtraction and '+' means multiplication, then which of the equations is correct? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
If 4 × 5 × 2 = 524, 3 × 7 × 2 = 723 and 6 × 8 × 7 = 876 then 9 × 4 × 5 = ? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
If ' + ' means minus , ' - ' means multiplication, ' ÷ ' means plus, and '×' means division , then 15 - 3 + 10 × 5 ÷ 5 (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
A certain system is followed to solve the problem. (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
Accordingly find out the correct answer from the alternatives for the unsolved equations.
7 × 4 × 9 = 479
9 × 5 × 2 = 592
6 × 9 × 5 = 965
8 × 6 × 2 = ?
The age of Dr. Pandey is four times the age of his son. After 10 years , the age of Dr. Pandey will be twice the age of his son . The present age of Dr. Pandey's son is (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2016)
Mona is 6 years younger to her husband and he is 5 times as old as his daughter Rina. If Rina was 5 years old 3 years back, what is the present age of Mona? (SSC SI 2016)
If 678 = 83, 476 = 75 and 567 = 80, what is 369 = ? (SSC SI 2016)
In a peculiar mathematical operation , plus means multiplication, minus means plus, divided means minus and multiplication means sum of digits of two numbers. Follow these rules and solve the following example. (SSC SI 2016)
(6 × 7) – (8 × 9) – (10 × 11) = ?
A train starts from station A and reaches B 15 minutes late when it moves with 40 km/hr and 24 minutes late when it goes 30 km/hr. The distance between the two stations is (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2015)
If, + stands for division; × stands for addition ; – stands for multiplication : ÷ stands for subtraction, which of the following is correct ? (SSC CGL 1st Sit. 2015)
A. 46 × 6 ÷ 4 – 5 + 3 = 74
B. 46 – 6 + 4 × 5 ÷ 3 = 71
C. 46 ÷ 6 × 4 – 5 + 3 = 75.5
D. 46 × 6 – 4 + 5 ÷ 3 = 70.1
316 docs|268 tests