Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) are available for Practice, which would help you prepare for "Future perfect Continuous/Progressive Tense" under English Language Grammar. You can practice these practice quizzes as per your speed and improvise the topic. The same topic is covered under various competitive examinations like - CAT, GMAT, Bank PO, SSC and other competitive examinations.
Q. My friend ______________________ at Samsung for ten years.
If you go to bed now and don't get up until noon tomorrow, you ______________________ for 12 hours.
By the time the concert ends, we _________________ here for 3 hours.
My father _________________ at LG for almost forty years by the time he retires.
I'll be exhausted by the time the coach lets me stop. I ______________________ for 3 hours.
Khadijah _________________ for here 3 years by the time she gets a full time job.
I __________________ for 12 hours by the time I reach my parents' home.
On our anniversary next year, we ______________________ for ten years. Don't you think we should get married?
Prof. Massood ____________________ for 30 years by the time he retires.
On January 2nd, my parents ___________________ together in Dubai for 30 years.
115 videos|382 docs|95 tests
115 videos|382 docs|95 tests