The role of superplasticizer in a cement paste is to
On application of external stress on timbers, it behaves like
The bricks which are extensively used for basic refractories in furnaces are
Timber can be made reasonably fire-resistant by
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List-I (Type of cement)
a. Ordinary Portland cement
b. Rapid hardening cement
c. Low heat cement
d. Sulphate resistant cement
List-II (Characteristics)
1. The percentage of C3S is maximum and is of the order of 50%
2. The percentages of C2S and C3S are the same and of the order of 40%
3. Reacts with silica during burning and causes particles to unite together and development
of strength
4. Preserves the form of brick at high temperature and prevents shrinkage
A well-seasoned timber has a moisture content of about
Consider the following statements:Cement concrete is a/an
1. elastic material
2. visco-elastic material
3. visco-plastic material
Which of the statement given above is /arecorrect ?
Shear strength of timber depends on which one of the following ?
For high class brick masonry, which are the proper bricks ?
What is the variation of influence line for stress function in a statically determinate structure ?
What is the rotation of the member at C for a frame as shown in figure ?
A uniformly distributed load (w) of length shorter than the span crosses a girder.The bending moment at a section in the girder will be maximum when
The moment -distribution method in structural analysis falls in the category of
A simple supported beam of uniform crosssection has span L and is loaded by a point loadP at its mid-span. The length of elastoplastic zone of the plastic hinge will be
The permissible stresses in rivets under wind load conditions as per IS: 800 can be exceeded byabout
Which one of the following is the load factor ?
The load factor to be used for plastic design of steel structures for dead load and imposed loadis
At the location of the plastic hinge of a deformed structure
In a riveted joint, failure will occur due to which one of the following ?
What is the maximum slenderness ratio of lacing bars in built-up columns ?
Where should splices in the columns be provided ?
The slenderness ratio of lacing bars should not exceed
Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists:
A cantilever arm is to be attached to a column. Which one among the following is the bestconnection ?
At what value (nearly) is the maximum spacing of purlins for standard asbestos roofing sheetskept ?
Probability of a 10-year flood to occur at least once in the next 4 years is
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