Melanochlamys Droupadi, recently seen in the news, belongs to which one of the following species?
How many railway stations have successfully achieved the prestigious “Eat Right Station” certification?
Brian Mulroney, who recently passed away, was the former Prime Minister of which country?
Global Waste Management Outlook 2024, recently seen in the news, is published by which one of the following organization?
Vikramaditya Vedic Clock, recently mentioned in the news, is located in which city?
Which state has officially declared Kaji Nemu as its 'State Fruit'?
Which Indian state recently announced a one-time livelihood cash assistance of ₹1,000 for families covered by the Public Distribution System (PDS)?
Which country was honoured with the 9th GovTech Prize for its AI-Powered Road Safety Initiative at the World Government Summit 2024?
Which company recently surpassed the ₹20-lakh crore market capitalization mark, becoming the first on Indian stock exchanges to do so?
Which organization unveiled the GROW Initiative for Agroforestry Development aimed at revitalizing India's wastelands?
56 docs|699 tests