What is the retail price of 'Bharat' rice per kilogram?
Who recently assumed the role of Chief Hydrographer to the Government of India?
Which educational institution has launched the Human DNA Bank as part of the Make In India initiative?
Which bank has entered into a strategic bancassurance alliance with Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance to offer life insurance?
Which country recently launched the world's first Malaria vaccine program for children?
How many languages does BharatGPT, India's first Large Language Model introduced by CoRover.ai, support in text modality?
With which country did India recently sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation in the field of Information Technology (IT)?
Which company recently achieved full ownership of Meenakshi Energy, following the National Company Law Tribunal's approval for the acquisition?
Which Indian state has embraced drone technology for applications such as land mapping, crime control, and agriculture enhancement?
Which Indian state is the focus of the $100 million project by the central government and ADB aimed at revitalizing tourism and upgrading urban services?
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