Kiru Hydel Project, recently seen in the news, is located in which state/UT?
Ancient Badami Chalukya temples were recently discovered in Mudimanikyam village along the banks of which river?
NaViGate Bharat portal, recently seen in the news, is launched by which ministry?
Which of the following countries participated in ‘Exercise Dosti’, recently seen in the news?
Recently, which institute has launched the India’s largest drone pilot organization?
Which country became the first to launch an electromagnetic railgun from an offshore vessel?
Which bank has received the Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) approval to acquire a 100% stake in micro-lender Sonata Finance?
What is the name of India's first semi-high-speed regional rail service?
Where will the Mid-Planning Conference for MILAN 24 (Multilateral Naval Exercise- 2024) be held?
Which food delivery platform has partnered with IRCTC to offer pre-booked meals to railway passengers?
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