By regarding the expanding universe as a motion picture, you can easily imagine ―running the film backward.If you do so, you find the universe getting smaller and smaller, and eventually you come to the moment when its whole mass is crammed into an infinitely dense point. Before that time it didn‘t exist, or at least it didn‘t exist in its present form. Though there is some controversy about its exact age, most cosmologists would be inclined to agree that the universe has existed for about ten to twenty billion years. For scale, this can be compared to the four-and-a-half-billion-year age of the solar system, the time since the disappearance of the dinosaurs (sixty-five million years), and the age of the human race (about three million years).
The event that marked the beginning of the universe was christened the Big Bang; the term has now entered the vernacular of our culture. Originally the name referred only to the single initiating event; now, however, astronomers have come to use it to mean the entire developmental process of the birth and expansion of the cosmos.
The simple statement that the universe had a beginning in time is by now so obvious to astrophysicists that few give it a second thought. Yet it is a statement that has profound implications. Most civilizations embrace one of two opposite concepts of time. Linear time has a beginning, a duration, and an end; cyclical time, as its name suggests, continues around and around forever. In a universe that functions through cyclical time, the question of creation never arises; the universe always was and always will be. The minute you switch to linear time you immediately confront the vexing question not only of creation, but also of the Creator. Although there is no logical reason for the assumption, many people believe that if something comes into existence, it must do so in response to the actions of some rational being. Because of that belief, astronomers, even though they resist becoming involved in theological discussion, find themselves in one when they posit the Big Bang universe. It puts them squarely in the middle of an age-old debate.
One common misconception about the Big Bang that should be disposed of immediately is the notion that the universal expansion is analogous to the explosion of an artillery shell. The galaxies are not like bits of shrapnel speeding away from a central explosion. The raisin-indough analogy is a more satisfactory way to think about the whole process.
Directions: Read the above paragraph and answer the following:
In the context of the passage, the phrase "age-old debate" (line 31) refers to:
By regarding the expanding universe as a motion picture, you can easily imagine ―running the film backward.‖ If you do so, you find the universe getting smaller and smaller, and eventually you come to the moment when its whole mass is crammed into an infinitely dense point. Before that time it didn‘t exist, or at least it didn‘t exist in its present form. Though there is some controversy about its exact age, most cosmologists would be inclined to agree that the universe has existed for about ten to twenty billion years. For scale, this can be compared to the four-and-a-half-billion-year age of the solar system, the time since the disappearance of the dinosaurs (sixty-five million years), and the age of the human race (about three million years).
The event that marked the beginning of the universe was christened the Big Bang; the term has now entered the vernacular of our culture. Originally the name referred only to the single initiating event; now, however, astronomers have come to use it to mean the entire developmental process of the birth and expansion of the cosmos.
The simple statement that the universe had a beginning in time is by now so obvious to astrophysicists that few give it a second thought. Yet it is a statement that has profound implications. Most civilizations embrace one of two opposite concepts of time. Linear time has a beginning, a duration, and an end; cyclical time, as its name suggests, continues around and around forever. In a universe that functions through cyclical time, the question of creation never arises; the universe always was and always will be. The minute you switch to linear time you immediately confront the vexing question not only of creation, but also of the Creator. Although there is no logical reason for the assumption, many people believe that if something comes into existence, it must do so in response to the actions of some rational being. Because of that belief, astronomers, even though they resist becoming involved in theological discussion, find themselves in one when they posit the Big Bang universe. It puts them squarely in the middle of an age-old debate.
One common misconception about the Big Bang that should be disposed of immediately is the notion that the universal expansion is analogous to the explosion of an artillery shell. The galaxies are not like bits of shrapnel speeding away from a central explosion. The raisin-indough analogy is a more satisfactory way to think about the whole process.
Directions: Read the above paragraph and answer the following:
Q.According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?
Directions: Spot the error in the underlined part of the sentence and choose the correct sentence accordingly.
Dussehra is now celebrated across Karnataka as a State festival with an exquisitely unique blend of the religious and the secularism.
The _________ nature of the food inflation over the last year has brought the acuteness of food _________ in India into political focus.
Directions: In the following questions, some of the sentences have errors and some have none. Find out which part of a sentence has an error and mark the appropriate letter (1), (2) and (3). If there is no error, mark (4).
Please send (1) / the letter on(2) / my business address. (3) / No error (4)
Do the roses in your garden smell / more sweetly / than those in ours? / No error
Which Indian bank has launched the first recyclable PVC plastic credit card?
What are the Benefits of Foreign Portfolio Investment (FPI)?
When was Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana launched by the Government to provide easy access to financial services such as Remittance, credit, Insurance, Pension, savings & Deposits Accounts to the poor and needy section of our society?
If a NPA remained for more than 12 months, then it is called ______________.
______ are frequently intended to cause harm and are frequently sent to a PC as an email attachment.
A software program that is designed to run once a web page has been accessed that is usually in the form of banner or popup advertisements is called _______.
What kind of resource in a computer network is most likely to be shared as a common resource?
A DOS is an operating system that runs from a disk drive. DOS stands for _______.
________ is a network type in which every computer and network device is connected to a single cable.
_______ command is used to divide the blank sector surface into a different partition.