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30 Questions MCQ Test NVS MTS Mock Test Series 2025 - NVS MTS Mock Test - 3

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 for NVS TGT/PGT 2025 is part of NVS MTS Mock Test Series 2025 preparation. The NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 questions and answers have been prepared according to the NVS TGT/PGT exam syllabus.The NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 MCQs are made for NVS TGT/PGT 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 below.
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NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 1

'जो केले तुम लाए थे वह बहुत ही मीठे हैं।' वाक्य में कौन उपवाक्य है? 

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 1

यहाँ मीठा केले की विशेषता है.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 2

Directions: In the question below, three statements are given with a phrase or an idiom highlighted in underline. They might be contextually or grammatically incorrect. Select the answer choice that states the combination of statements in which the idiom or the phrase has been correctly used.

I. The man didn’t cross paths when the explosions went off around him and bullets zipped past his head.
II. I knew that my words would fall on deaf ears since no one wanted to acknowledge the problem.
III. All of the citizens heard the clarion call and prepared themselves to defend their city.

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 2

The idiom is incorrectly used in the sentence I and the correct idiom will be ‘bat an eye’.
Cross paths: encounter or meet someone by chance.
Bat an eye: to avoid expressing surprise, fear, or shock.
The usage of the idiom in statement II is absolutely correct.
Fall on deaf ears: to disregard or ignore.
The usage of the idiom in statement III is absolutely correct.
Clarion call: a clarion is a high-pitch bugle.
Hence, the correct answer is option D. 

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 3

Direction: Choose the option closest in meaning to the OPPOSITE of the word given in capitals.


Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 3

One meaning of fathom is to comprehend, and hence misconstrue is the closest antonym.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 4

निम्नलिखित में पुल्लिंग शब्द है-

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 4

सारस पुल्लिंग शब्द है।

वे संज्ञा शब्द जो हमें पुरुष जाति के व्यक्ति, वस्तु आदि का बोध कराते हैं, वे पुल्लिंग शब्द कहलाते हैं। जैसे:

बकरा, घोड़ा, लड़का, आदमी, शेर, हाथी, भेड़िया, खटमल, बन्दर, कुत्ता, बालक, शिशु, पत्रकार, राजा, राजकुमार, सारस आदि।

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 5

कौन-सा शब्द हमेशा एकवचन में प्रयुक्त होता है?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 5

‘मित्रता’ शब्द सदा एकवचन में प्रयुक्त होता है। शेष विकल्पों का प्रयोग बहुवचन में किया जाता है। अतः सही उत्तर ‘मित्रता’ है।

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 6

निम्न में से "यण संधि" का उदाहरण नहीं है-

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 6

नाविक शब्द में अयादि संधि है, अन्य विकल्पों में यण संधि है। 

संधि - संधि (सम् + धि) शब्द का अर्थ है 'मेल' या जोड़। दो निकटवर्ती वर्णों के परस्पर मेल से जो विकार (परिवर्तन) होता है वह संधि कहलाता है। 

नाविक = नौ + इक (अयादि संधि) 

नियम - औ + इ = आव् + इ 

अयादि संधि - ए, ऐ और ओ औ से परे किसी भी स्वर के होने पर क्रमशः अय् आय्, अव् और आव् हो जाता है। इसे अयादि संधि कहते हैं। 

अन्य विकल्प -

स्वागत = सु + आगत (उ +आ = व् +आ)

अन्वेषण =अनु + एषण (उ व् ए)

देव्यागमन = देवी + आगमन ( ई + आ = य् + आ) यण संधि - इ, ई के आगे कोई विजातीय (असमान) स्वर होने पर इ, ई को 'य्' हो जाता है। उ, ऊ के आगे किसी विजातीय स्वर के आने पर उ, ऊ को 'व्' हो जाता है। 'ऋ' के आगे किसी विजातीय स्वर के आने पर ऋ को 'र्' हो जाता है। इन्हें यण-संधि कहते हैं।

अत: विकल्प (C) सही है I

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 7

Find out the Synonym of the following word:


Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 7
  • Meaning of Warrior: A brave or experienced soldier or fighter.
  • Meaning of Sailor: a person who goes sailing as a sport or recreation
  • Meaning of Pirate: a person who attacks and robs ships at sea
  • Meaning of Spy: a person employed by a government or other organization to secretly obtain information on an enemy or competitor
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 8

‘दवात’ का बहुवचन शब्द क्या है?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 8

दवात एकवचन शब्द है जिसका बहुवचन शब्द दवातें हैं। दिए गए अन्य विकल्पों का कोई सार्थक अर्थ नहीं है न ही और न ही वो दवात का बहुवचन रूप हो सकते हैं।

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 9

Direction: Choose the option closest in meaning to the OPPOSITE of the word given in capitals.


Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 9

Deceptive is a synonym.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 10

Assertion : The rupee is widely accepted as a medium of exchange in India.
Reason: It is authorised by the government of the country.

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 10

  • Assertion (A): The rupee is widely accepted as a medium of exchange in India.

  • Reason (R): It is authorized by the government of the country.

  • Assertion (A) is correct: The rupee is indeed widely accepted as a medium of exchange in India. It is the official currency of the country and is used for all transactions.

  • Reason (R) is also correct: The rupee is authorized by the government of India as the legal tender for transactions. It is issued and regulated by the Reserve Bank of India, which is the central monetary authority in the country.

  • R is the correct explanation of A: The reason why the rupee is widely accepted as a medium of exchange in India is because it is authorized and backed by the government. The government ensures its stability and acceptance in the economy.

Therefore, option A is the correct choice as both the assertion and reason are true, and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 11

How much is the Mauna Kea higher than Mount Everest ?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 11

Mauna Kea (Hawaii) in the Pacific Ocean is an undersea mountain. It is higher than Mount Everest being 10,205 metres high.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 12

Arrange the rulers of Vijayanagar in chronological order:

(I) Devaraya I
(II) Virupaksha
(III) Vir Narasimha
(IV) Krishnadeva Raya
(V) Tirumala

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 12

Rulers of Vijayanagar
Deva Raya I reigned from 1406–1422 CE
Virupaksha Raya II reigned from 1465-1485
Vira Narasimha Raya reigned from 1505–1509
Krishnadevaraya reigned from 1509–1529
Tirumala Deva Raya reigned from 1565–1572 CE
Hence, the correct answer is option (A).

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 13

In which Indian region were the first lithium deposits discovered with estimated reserves of 5.9 million tonnes?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 13

The groundbreaking discovery of India's first lithium deposits, estimated at 5.9 million tonnes, was made in Jammu and Kashmir in February. Subsequent modifications to mining rules in July allowed private miners to explore these critical minerals, and reports indicate that the region will auction its lithium reserves in the coming months.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 14
In which of the following districts Chhilchhila Wildlife Sanctuary  is situated?
Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 14

The correct answer is Kurukshetra.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 15

Which of the following statements are correct about upsurges during the INA Trials 

1. These upsurges were like direct and violent contact with authority 

2. The General INA agitation was confined to a few urban centres, but these upsurges were spread to remotest villages 

3. Only the more militant section could participate 

Choose from the following options.

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 15
  • These upsurges were like a direct and violent conflict with authority, which had obvious limitations.

  • Only the more militant sections could participate. 

  • These upsurges were short-lived and were confined to a few urban centres while the general INA agitation reached the remotest villages. Communal unity witnessed was more organizational than unity among the people. 

  • Muslim ratings went to the League to seek advice and the rest to the Congress and the Socialists.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 16

In which state was the Swaminarayan Institute of Medical Science and Research inaugurated by Amit Shah?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 16

The Swaminarayan Institute of Medical Science and Research was inaugurated by Amit Shah in Gujarat. This inauguration, attended by Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel and other dignitaries, signifies a significant development in advancing medical education and healthcare services in the region.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 17
Which of the following is the tributary of river Tangri ?
Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 17
  • Tangri river is also known as Dangri river has two tributaries namely Balaiali river and Amri river which originates from the foothills of Shivalik mountains near Haryana and Himachal Pradesh border.
  • Tangri river has an entire length of about 70 km after which it discharges into Ghaggar river. 
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 18

Which of the following freedoms is not available to an Indian citizen?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 18

Freedom available to Indian citizens:
- Freedom to criticise the government
- Freedom to reside in any part of the country
Freedom not available to Indian citizens:
- Freedom to participate in armed rebellion
- Indian citizens have the freedom to criticise the government. This means they have the right to express their opinions, voice their concerns, and hold the government accountable for its actions and policies.
- Indian citizens also have the freedom to reside in any part of the country. They can choose to live and work in any state or union territory without any restrictions.
- However, the freedom to participate in armed rebellion is not available to Indian citizens. Engaging in armed rebellion or taking up arms against the government is considered a criminal act and is punishable under the law.
In summary, Indian citizens have the freedom to criticise the government and the freedom to reside in any part of the country. However, they do not have the freedom to participate in armed rebellion.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 19

Eavesdropping is an example of _______ type of cyber attack.

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 19

The correct answer is Man in the middle.

  • Eavesdropping attack also referred to as Man in the middle attack is a major concern when comes to cyber security. 
  • Man in the Middle Attack (MITM): MITM attack is when a hacker secretly relays communication between two parties who believe they are communicating directly.
    • When emails are sent between two parties unless both parties use encryption the message is open and can be read by anyone who intercepts it.
    • It is a kind of email hacking.

Additional Information​ 

  • Phishing is a fraudulent attempt to obtain sensitive information or data, such as usernames, passwords and credit card details.
  • It is the act of disguising oneself as a trustworthy entity in electronic communication.
  • Signs of phishing include:
    • Incorrect URLs
    • No signature or contact information
    • Too good to be true offer
    • Style inconsistencies 
    • Spelling, punctuation, or grammar errors
    • Attention-grabbing titles
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 20

Which of the following units produces a synchronization signal?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 20

The correct answer is Control Unit.

  • A synchronization signal is a specific signal used in various communication and electronics systems to ensure different parts of a system or multiple systems work together coherently and with proper timing.
  • The primary purpose of synchronization signals is to establish a common reference time or clock for all the components involved.
  • Synchronization signals can come in various forms, depending on the type of system they are used in.
  • A control unit or CU is circuitry that directs operations within a computer's processor. ..
  • Examples of devices that utilize control units include CPUs and GPUs. A control unit works by receiving input information that it converts into control signals, which are then sent to the central processor.
  • A memory unit is the amount of data that the memory can hold. Besides, we measure this storage capacity in terms of bytes. Moreover, there are different units of memory as per the requirement.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 21

When the MS PowerPoint 2007 software is opened, it displays the title slide. Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding this slide?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 21

The correct option is (4) By default, it has 3 placeholders.

Key Points

  • Choose Home > New Slide to add a new slide to your presentation. The Title and Content slide layout are now added. This slide arrangement, which is the default, has placeholders for a title, bulleted text, pictures, and illustrations.
  • Microsoft creates a Title slide by default when you create a new presentation because it expects the first slide in your presentation will be for the title. Two text placeholders are included on a title slide.
  • The font family and font size of the regular input text are automatically carried over to the placeholder text, but there may be times when you want to modify the color of the placeholder text.

Additional Information

  • Create a presentation storyboard or outline using the outline view. It merely shows the text on your slides; no graphics or other visual elements are displayed.
  • Only a static string of text can be used as placeholder help information, which may not always be enough to convey the intended message.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 22

_________ ​are used in Word 2016 for reduced size versions of images.

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 22

The correct answer is Thumbnail.

Key Points

  • A thumbnail is referred to as a graphical object which represents the miniature version of a page in MS Word 2016.
  • The main job of the thumbnail is to identify a file by its contents.
  • The user can click the thumbnail to open the specific file.

Additional Information

  • The leading creators of MS Word software are Charles Simonyi and Richard Brodie, launched in 1983 under Microsoft corporation.
  • Microsoft word is recognised as a word processor software which means that a user can rewrite, erase or modify a document as per the requirement.
  • The documents created in MS Word are very high in quality. MS Word creates reports, stories, letters, resumes etc. 
  • It allows users to edit or modify the new or existing document with colour or any other formats like bold, italic and underline. 
  • The file extension used in Ms Word is .doc or .docx.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 23

Match the correct:

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 23

The correct answer is a - ii, b - iii, c - iv, d - i.

Key Points

  • Optical Mouse
    • It is a computer mouse that uses a light source, typically a light-emitting diode (LED), and a light detector, such as an array of photodiodes, to detect movement relative to a surface.
    • It uses special-purpose image processing chips, as the mouse takes over 1,000 images/ps below the surface level to detect movement through reflected light changes.
    • It uses camera technology and digital processing to compare and track the position of the mouse.
  • Track Ball
    • ​It is an input device used to enter motion data into computers or other electronic devices.
    • It is designed with a moveable ball on the top, which can be rolled in any direction.
    • A moving ball is mounted on a stationary device that can be rotated mechanically (manually) using the fingers
  • Digitizing(Graphic) Tablet
    • ​It is a computer input device that enables a user to hand-draw images, animations and graphics, with a special pen-like stylus.
    • Alternatively, it is a tool used to convert hand-drawn images into a format suitable for computer processing.
  • Joystick
    • ​It is an input device that can be used for controlling the movement of the cursor or a pointer in a computer device.
    • It was first invented by C. B. Mirick at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, and patented in 1926.
    • It includes a base and a stick that can be move to the different direction.
    • It is used to indicate position in video game play.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 24

Which of the following is contained in the process control block (PCB)?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 24

Process Control Block (PCB)

  • Process number: The PCB contains the unique identifier or process number assigned to the process by the operating system.

  • List of open files: The PCB includes a list of files that the process has currently opened. This list helps the operating system keep track of the files being accessed by the process.

  • Memory limits: The PCB stores information about the memory limits for the process, including the start and end addresses of the process's memory allocation.

Therefore, the correct answer is All of these, as all the given options are contained in the process control block.

NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 25

If the values in A1 is “MCQ” and B1 is “Questions”, which function will return “MCQ@ Questions” in cell C1?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 25

To return the desired result "MCQ@ Questions" in cell C1, you can use the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand (&) operator in Excel.
Here is the detailed solution:
1. The correct function to use in this case is the CONCATENATE function or the ampersand (&) operator.
2. The CONCATENATE function allows you to join multiple text strings together. It takes multiple arguments and concatenates them into a single string.
3. The ampersand (&) operator also performs the same function as the CONCATENATE function and joins text strings together.
4. In this case, you want to join the value in cell A1 ("MCQ") with the text string "@" and the value in cell B1 ("Questions").
5. To achieve this, you can use the following formula in cell C1:
=CONCATENATE(A1, "@", B1) or =A1 & "@" & B1
This formula will concatenate the text in A1, the "@" symbol, and the text in B1, resulting in the desired output "MCQ@ Questions" in cell C1.
Therefore, the correct answer is option C: =A1 & "@" & B1.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 26

How many hosts can successfully send data simultaneously on the Ethernet?

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 26
Number of Hosts That Can Successfully Send Data Simultaneously on Ethernet
There are certain limitations to the number of hosts that can successfully send data simultaneously on Ethernet. The answer to this question is:
Answer: B. 2
Ethernet is a widely used technology for local area networks (LANs) and it uses a shared medium for communication. The number of hosts that can send data simultaneously on Ethernet is limited due to the following reasons:
1. Collision Domain: In Ethernet, all devices connected to the same network segment share the same collision domain. A collision occurs when two or more devices transmit data at the same time, resulting in data corruption. To avoid collisions, Ethernet uses a carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) mechanism. This means that only one device can successfully transmit data at a time, while others must wait for their turn.
2. Half-Duplex Mode: Ethernet operates in either half-duplex or full-duplex mode. In half-duplex mode, a device can either transmit or receive data at a given time, but not both simultaneously. Therefore, only two hosts can communicate at the same time - one sending and the other receiving.
3. Bandwidth Sharing: Ethernet shares the available bandwidth among all the connected devices. If multiple hosts try to transmit data simultaneously, the available bandwidth gets divided, resulting in lower throughput for each host. To ensure efficient data transmission, it is recommended to limit the number of hosts sending data simultaneously.
In summary, due to the collision domain, half-duplex mode, and bandwidth sharing, Ethernet allows only two hosts to successfully send data simultaneously.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 27

Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 27
Actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place in the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit).
The ALU is a crucial component of the computer's central processing unit (CPU) responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations on data. It carries out the actual execution of instructions, manipulating data according to the instructions provided by the program.
Here is a breakdown of the key points:
1. ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit):
- The ALU is a component of the CPU that performs arithmetic and logical operations.
- It is responsible for executing instructions provided by the program.
- The ALU operates on binary data, performing operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and logical operations such as AND, OR, and NOT.
- It is designed to handle various data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, and binary-coded decimal (BCD) numbers.
2. Control Unit:
- The control unit is another component of the CPU, but its main function is to coordinate and control the operations of other components.
- It fetches instructions from memory and sends signals to the ALU and other units to perform the required operations.
- While the control unit plays a vital role in the overall functioning of the computer, it is not directly involved in the execution of instructions.
3. Storage Unit:
- The storage unit, which includes the memory and storage devices, is responsible for storing data and instructions.
- The ALU fetches instructions from the storage unit and performs the necessary operations on the data stored in memory.
- However, the actual execution of instructions takes place in the ALU, not in the storage unit itself.
Therefore, the correct answer is A: ALU. The ALU is where the actual execution of instructions in a computer takes place.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 28

______ refers to a situation in which a process is ready to execute but is continuously denied access to a processor in deference to other processes.

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 28
Starvation refers to a situation in which a process is ready to execute but is continuously denied access to a processor in deference to other processes.
- Starvation occurs when a process is unable to proceed or make progress due to being continually bypassed or overlooked in favor of other processes.
- It often happens in systems that use scheduling algorithms to determine which process gets access to the processor.
- The process that is continuously denied access to the processor is said to be starving.
- Starvation can occur due to various reasons, such as:
- Inefficient scheduling algorithms that prioritize certain processes over others.
- Resource limitations, where a process requires a specific resource that is not available or is being monopolized by other processes.
- Starvation can have negative impacts on system performance, as it can lead to delays and decreased efficiency.
- To address starvation, it may be necessary to adjust scheduling algorithms or allocate resources more fairly among processes.
- Overall, starvation is a situation that can occur in systems where processes compete for resources, and it can impact the overall performance and fairness of the system.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 29

Match the correct :

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 29

The correct answer is a - ii, b - iii, c - iv, d - i

Key Points

  • Ubuntu
    • ​It is an open-source operating system.
    • It is a complete Linux operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. 
    • It is sponsored by Canonical Ltd.
    • It is suitable for cloud computing, servers, desktops, and internet of things (IoT) devices. 
  • Firefox
    • ​It is a Web browser.
    • It was developed by the Mozilla Foundation and its subsidiary, the Mozilla Corporation.
  • Ms-Outlook
    • It is the email client included with the Microsoft Office suite.
    • It is a personal information manager software system from Microsoft.
    • It is a part of the Microsoft Office suite.
  • McAfee
    • ​It is an antivirus software created and maintained by McAfee.
    • McAfee VirusScan Enterprise combines anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall, and intrusion prevention technologies to stop and remove malicious software.
NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 30

Which of the following shortcut key is used to select all cells of the current row in MS - Excel 2010 worksheet? 

Detailed Solution for NVS MTS Mock Test - 3 - Question 30

The correct answer is Shift+Spacebar.

Key Points 

  • The Shift+Spacebar keyboard shortcut in Excel 2010 is used to select all cells of the current row. 
  • Ctrl+Spacebar shortcut selects the entire column.
  • Clicking ctrl+spacebar once selects the table column data whereas clicking crtl+spacebar twice selects the entire table column.
  • You can also do this by clicking the top edge of the column header in the table.

Additional Information 

  • To select a table row, click the first cell in the table row, then click the ctrl+shift+right arrow.
  • To select all rows and columns, click anywhere in the table and click ctrl+A.
  • Ctrl+Alt+F9 shortcut calculates all worksheets in all open workbooks, regardless of whether they have changed since their last calculation.
  • F9 shortcut calculates all worksheets in all workbooks.
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