Who is the guardian of fundamental right enumerated in Indian constitution?
Which light colour promotes the greatest amount of photosynthesis?
Which of the statement is correct about the impact of climate change?
Consider the following statements:
1. Carbon fibres are used in the manufacture of components used in automobiles and aircrafts.
2. Carbon fibres once used cannot be recycled.
Which of the statements given above is/are correct?
निम्नलिखित में से किस लोकोक्ति का अर्थ "दुष्ट लोग भय से ही कार्य करते है" हैं?
निम्न विकल्पों में से संयुक्त वाक्य को पहचानिए।
Consider the following statements.
1. In PLCs, the rules are executed sequentially through software and in a continuous loop.
2. Each relay rack is represented by a symbol on the ladder diagram.
3. PLC is a modular system.
Which of the following statements regarding PLCs are correct?
Which of the following is extensive property?
Based on the concept of Energy Conversion Efficiency, which of the following statements is correct?
Statement 1: The efficiency (η) of an energy device is the ratio of useful work done to the total energy used.
Statement 2: The energy wasted in a device is given by the equation (1 - η) E.
Statement 3: The efficiency of lighting devices is measured in terms of efficacy, which is the ratio of the amount of light produced to power consumed.
Statement 4: In an ideal energy device, η = 0, meaning no energy is converted into useful work.
If two Carnot engine CE1 and CE2 are connected in a series such that the heat rejected by CE1 is used as the input for the CE2 cycle with the intermediate temperature being the geometric mean of the extreme temperatures. Which of the following statement is TRUE for this efficiency of the Carnot engine?
Which of the following is the variable control chart?
The angle made by the tool face with a plane parallel to cutting tool base is known as
What is the force required in extruding steel billet if the diameter is 220 mm, extrusion constant 400 MPa and extrusion ratio is 18?
Which of the following statement is/are true?
1. Ceramic materials are strong in shearing and tension.
2. Glass is a non-crystalline ceramic.
3. The atomic bonding in ceramic is totally ionic.
4. Some ceramics exhibit superconductivity under extremely high temperatures.Which one of the fire extinguishers is not suitable for petrol fire accident?