A distribution transformer is normally a transformer with primary and secondary winding sconnected in
High tension cables can be used for transmission of voltage upto
With the increase in transmission voltage, the volume of the conductor will
To detect inter-phase fault of three phase line, the number of relays needed will be
When a line-to-ground fault occurs, the current in the faulted phase is 100 A. The zero-sequence current in this case will be :
The zero-sequence current of a generator for line-to ground fault is j2.4 pu. Then the current through the neutral during the fault is
The minimum oil circuit breaker has less volume of oil because
For rural electrification in a country like India with complex network, the circuit breaker preferred is ....... one.
In a 220 kV system, the inductance and capacitance up the circuit breaker location are 25 mH and 0.025mF respectively. The value of resistor required to be connected across the breaker contacts which will give no transient oscillations, is
Which of the following sequence of operation is correct for operation of circuit breaker, isolator and earthing switch while opening a circuit ?
Plug setting of an electromagnetic relay can be altered by varying
The most efficient torque– producing actuating structure for induction-type relays is
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