Which of the following theories relating to legal rights has been propounded by Ihering?
Which one of the following theories of law considers law as an instrument of suppression, its main function being to secure power relationship?
Who among the following is the philosopher who gave the idea of negative and positive freedom, “Two Concepts of Liberty”?
Which of the following rights are included under Article 19 of the Constitution?
Which of the following statements is true about the Family Court Act, 1984?
Which of the following Section defines the offence of Dowry Death and prescribes the punishment?
According to Section 304B, within how many years of marriage, where the woman dies under abnormal circumstances can be considered or be termed a dowry death?
Which among the following is a pre-requisite for consideration of dowry death laid under Section 304B of the Indian Penal Code
Under which of the following cases, was it held by the Supreme Court that the term “soon before death” does not ascribe any definite time frame as such under both the Indian Penal Code as well as under Section 113-B of Indian Evidence Act?
Consider the following statements in the context of the Companies Act, 2013
I. Amalgamation is not defined in the Act.
II. Amalgamation can take place by selling of shares.
III. All the rights and obligations of amalgamated company becomes vested in amalgamating company.
Which of the following statements is correct?
In the case of dowry death, the evidence provided by the victim’s family was considered reliable forming a chain of circumstances leading to the murder. Further, the body of the deceased was found in the river which was within the knowledge of the accused. The accused failed has to establish his innocence as per Section __ of Indian Evidence Act?
In which environment case, the SC analysed the law of unjust enrichment on the basis that no one can take advantage of his own wrong.
In Sahara India Real Estate Corporation Limited v. SEBI, the company issued securities in violation of rules relating to:
Hypothetically, if The Gambian state was to exercise criminal jurisdiction over the persons responsible for Crimes of Genocide, then such jurisdiction would be called as:
In India, which of the following enactments govern(s) the liability of the State for the tortious acts of its servants?
In which of the following cases, the Supreme Court of India dealt extensively with the concept of ‘constitutional tort’?
Which judge on the bench in IYLA disagreed with Justice Chandrachud on the application of Article 17?
In reaching his conclusion on the scope of Article 17, Justice D.Y. Chandrachud cited which of the following works of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar?
The petition filed by the Indian Young Lawyers Association in this case was a:
The power to impose a tax on the produce of some land should be treated as:
Under the Indian Evidence Act, 1872, oral evidence as to the contents of documents:
In A Rajan, which of the following are essential prerequisites for an insider to fall within the mischief of "insider trading" under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations, 1992 (the "Insider Trading Regulations")?
According to Article 94(7) of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS), in the event of a marine casualty or incident of navigation on the high seas involving a ship flying a State's flag and causing loss of life or serious injury to nationals of another State, which of the following shall be the duty of the Flag State?
If one of the two parties to the dispute fails to appear before the Court during the oral proceedings, the other party may call upon the court to decide the matter in favour of its claim. Which of the following provision provides for this?
Under which of the following provisions, Ukraine sought jurisdiction to appear before the Court?
The Russian Federation, in the current dispute submitted to the court, the defence of Article 51 of the UN Charter. What is defence of Article 51?
According to which of the following jurists, property is the objective manifestation of the personality of an individual?
Which of the following statements is true regarding right to property?
9 docs|12 tests