A lent Rs. 5000 to B for 2 years and Rs. 3000 to C for 4 years on simple interest at the same rate of interest and received Rs. 2200 in total from both as interest. The rate of interest per annum is.
Amit rows a boat 9 kilometres in 2 hours down-stream and returns upstream in 6 hours. The speed of the boat (in kmph) is:
The sentences given with blanks are to be filled with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. For each question, choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it.They abandoned their comrades ______the wolves.
In the following question, out of the four alternatives, select the word opposite in meaning to the given word.Turgid
Direction: Read the information carefully and give the answer of the following questions:
Total number of children = 2000
If two-ninths of the children who play football are females, then the number of male football children is approximately what percent of the total number of children who play cricket?
Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions:
The following pie chart shows the percentage distribution of total number of Apples (Dry + Wet) sold in different days of a week :
The pie chart2 shows the percentage distribution of total number of Apples (Wet) sold in different days of a week.
Find the ratio of Apples (Dry + Wet) sold on Tuesday to that of the Apples (Wet) sold on Thursday?
Directions: In each of the questions below, some statements are given followed by some conclusions. You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance with commonly known facts. You have to decide which of the following conclusions logically follows from the given statements. Give answer.
Some jacket is shirt.
Some shirts are trouser.
No shoes are t-shirt.
All trousers are shoes.
All pants are t-shirt.
I. All shirts being t-shirt is a possibility.
II. Some shoes are trouser.
III. Some jackets are t-shirt.
IV. Some shirts being t-shirt is a possibility.
The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences. These sentences, when properly sequenced form a coherent paragraph. Select the most logical order of sentences from among the options.
P: July 1969 was to see a transformed Indira Gandhi.
Q: Quite a few people contributed with ideas.
R: She sounded the bugle through her historic ‘Note on Economic Policy and Programme’ that was
circulated among delegates at Bangalore on July 9, 1969.
S: But the pivot was P.N.Haksar who gave shape, structure and substance with the help of some of his
colleagues in the Prime Minister’s Secretariat.
Direction: Which of the following is the MOST SIMILAR in meaning to the given word?
Direction: Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
Seven people, P, Q, R, S, T, W and X sitting in a straight line facing north, not necessarily in the same order. R sits at one of the extreme ends of the line. T has as many people sitting on his right, as on his left. S sits third to the left of X. Q sits on the immediate left of W. Q does not sit at any of the extreme ends of the line.
If all the people are made to sit in alphabetical order from right to left, the positions of how many people will remain unchanged?
A wooden block (relative density = 0.65) floats above surface of a liquid of relative density of 1.35, contained in a tank. The volume fraction of metallic piece lies above the liquid surface is
Match the following lists and choose the correct answer using the codes given below
In a 1:36 scale model test of a spillway, discharge of flow over the model is 6 m3/s. If the velocity of flow over model was found to be 5 knots, then the velocity of flow over prototype in m/s will be
A cylindrical pipe is made up of copper having E=120 Gpa and A=110 mm2. This cylindrical tube is covered with an aluminum tube having E=70 Gpa and A=70 mm2. If the two assembly are in parallel and is loaded with a force of 70 KN. Find the deflection of the whole assembly under this loading. Given length of the tube is 500 mm.
A bar of uniformly tapering section with 75 mm and 150 mm diameter, is held between two parallel end supports 6 m apart. If the length of the bar is 5.998 m, then stress induced in the bar for a temperature change of 30oC will be (Take coefficient of thermal expansion =12×10-6 per oC and E = 2×105 N/mm2)
A spherical body of diameter 750mm of initial temperature 25℃ is immersed in the fluid at temperature 400℃. Thermo physical properties of the body are k=22W/m-K, c=400 J/kg and ρ=9000kg/m3 (Regular notations used). Determine the time (in seconds) when the temperature will become 390℃, given the convective heat transfer coefficient between body and fluid is 300W/m2.
Which of the following statement is correct regarding transportation
Consider a project given below
The variance for the project will be
Guest’s theory of failure is best suited for
In automobiles, the brakes used in hand braking systems are usually
In AJM process nozzle tip distance changes with MRR
A 50mm thick strip rolled to 30mm thickness in 3 passes with equal reduction in each pass by using rolls of 600mm diameter, what is the minimum coefficient of friction required for rolling operation________.
A rectangular hole of size 50mm x 60mm is to be made on a 8 mm thick sheet having ultimate tensile strength and sheer strength of 500MPa & 300MPa respectively the punching force required (in KN) is__________.
Which of the following is not related to soldering operation:
A metric thread of pitch 3mm and diameter 30mm, inspected for its pitch diameter using 2- wire method. The diameter of best size wire in mm is
Hardenability of steel can be improved by adding which of the following element
The value of sensitivity for an isochronous governor is
Match list I (terms) with list II (definition) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I
A) Base circle
B) Trace point
C) Pitch point
D) Prime circle
List II
I. Smallest circle that can be draw from the centre of cam and tangent to pitch curve
II. Smallest circle that can be draw from the centre of cam through the pitch points
III. Point on pitch curve having the maximum pressure angle
IV. Point on pitch curve having the minimum pressure angle
V. Smallest circle that can be draw to the cam profile
VI. Reference point on follower and used to generate pitch curve
A milk chilling unit can remove heat from the milk at the rate of 42 MJ/h. The rate of heat leakage into the milk from the surrounding is 4.2 MJ/h. The specific heat of milk above the freezing point is 4.2 kJ/kg K and below the freezing point is 2.1 kJ/kg K. The freezing point of milk is -2 oc and the latent heat is 100 kJ/kg. The time required (in min) for cooling a batch of 100 kg milk from 47 oc to -5 oc is
A power plant operating on a closed Brayton cycle operates between pressure of 1 bar and 8 bar. Compression and Expansion both are isentropic. The heat absorbed by the coolant per kg kW output of air which is used to cool the air after expansion in turbine is_____
29 docs|220 tests