A perfectly conducting filament containing a 250Ω resistor is formed into a square as shown in fig.
Que: If B = 6 cos (120πt - 300 )uz T, then the value of I(t) is
A perfectly conducting filament containing a 250Ω resistor is formed into a square as shown in fig.
If B = 2 cosπ(ct - y) uz μT, where c is the velocity of light, then I(t) is
Consider the fig. The rails have a resistance of 2 Ω/m. The bar moves to the right at a constant speed of 9 m/s in a uniform magnetic field of 0.8 T. The bar is at x = 2 m at t = 0.
Que: If 6 Ω resistor is present across the left-end with the right end open-circuited, then at t = 0.5 sec the current I is
Consider the fig. The rails have a resistance of 2 Ω/m. The bar moves to the right at a constant speed of 9 m/s in a uniform magnetic field of 0.8 T. The bar is at x = 2 m at t = 0.
Que: If 6 Ω resistor is present across each end, then I at 0.5 sec is
The internal dimension of a coaxial capacitor is a = 1.2 cm, b = 4 cm and c = 40 cm. The homogeneous material inside the capacitor has the parameter ε = 10-11 F/m, μ = 10-5H/m and σ =10-5 S/m.The electric field intensity is
Que: The current density J is
The internal dimension of a coaxial capacitor is a = 1.2 cm, b = 4 cm and c = 40 cm. The homogeneous material inside the capacitor has the parameter ε = 10-11 F/m, μ = 10-5H/m and σ =10-5 S/m.The electric field intensity is
Que: The quality factor of the capacitor is
The following fields exist in charge free regions
The possible electromagnetic fields are
A parallel-plate capacitor with plate area of 5 cm2 and plate separation of 3 mm has a voltage 50 sin (103 t) V applied to its plates. If εr = 2, the displacement current is
In a coaxial transmission line (εr = 1), the electric field intensity is given by
The displacement current density is
Consider the region defined by |x|,|y| and |z| < 1. Let ε = 5ε0 , μ = 4μo and σ = 0 the displacement current densityJd = 20cos(1.5 x 108 t - ax)uy μA/m2. Assume no DC fields are present.
Consider the region defined by |x|,|y| and |z| < 1. Let ε = 5ε0 , μ = 4μo and σ = 0 the displacement current densityJd = 20cos(1.5 x 108 t - ax)uy μA/m2. Assume no DC fields are present.
Que: The magnetic field intensity is
Consider the region defined by |x|,|y| and |z| < 1. Let ε = 5ε0 , μ = 4μo and σ = 0 the displacement current densityJd = 20cos(1.5 x 108 t - ax)uy μA/m2. Assume no DC fields are present.
Que: The value of α is
Let H = 2cos(1010 - βx) uz A/m, μ = 3 x 10-5 H/m, ε = 1.2 x 10-10 F/m and σ = 0 everywhere.
Que: The electric flux density D is
Let H = 2cos(1010 - βx) uz A/m, μ = 3 x 10-5 H/m, ε = 1.2 x 10-10 F/m and σ = 0 everywhere.
Que: The magnetic flux density B is
A material has σ = 0 and εr = 1. The magnetic field intensity is H = 4cos ( 106t - 0.01z)μy A/m.
Que: The electric field intensity E is
The surface ρ = 3 and 10 mm, and z = 0 and 25 cm are perfect conductors. The region enclosed by these surface has μ = 25 x 10-6 H/m, ε = 4 x 10-11 F/m and σ = 0. If H = 2/ρ cos8πz cosωt uø A/m, then the value of ω is
2π x 106 rad/s
8π x 106 rad/s
3π x 106 rad/s
7π x 106 rad/s
For distilled water μ = μo , ε = 81εo and σ = 2 x 10-3 S/m, the ratio of conduction current density to displacement current density at 1 GHz is
1.11 x 10-5
4.44 x 10-4
2.68 x 10-6
1.68 x 10-7
A conductor with cross-sectional area of 10 cm2 carrier a conductor current 2sin (109 t) mA. If σ = 2.5 x 106 S/m and εr 4.6 the magnitude of the displacement current density is
48.4 μA/m2
8.11 nA/m2
32.6 nA/m2
16.4 μA/m2
In a certain region
If volume charge density ρv in z = 0 plane is zero, then ρv is
25 docs|247 tests
25 docs|247 tests