FET is advantageous in comparison with BJT because of
For the operation of a depletion-type n-MOSFET, the gate voltage has to be
The extremely high input impedance of a MOSFET is primarily due to the
In a JFET, at pinch-off voltage applied on the gate
What is the value of transconductance when the reverse gate voltage of JFET changes from 4.0 to 3.9 V and the drain current changes from 1.3 to 1.6 mA?
A FET has a drain current of 4 mA. If IDss = 8 mA and VGS(off) = - 6V, then the value of gate to source voltage would be
Which of the following statements associated with FET is/are correct compared to BJT?
1. It has higher cut-off frequencies and switching speed.
2. The performance of FET is relatively more affected by ambient temperature changes.
3. FETs are cheaper to produce.
4. FETs are suitable for the fabrication of ICs because they occupy less space than BJTs.
Assertion (A): FET does not suffer from thermal breakdown.
Reason (R): FET has a positive temperature coefficient for resistance.
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25 docs|247 tests