Consider the circuit of fig. The transistor parameters are β = 120 and VA = ∞
Que: The hybrid-π parameter values of gm ,rπ and ro are
Consider the circuit of fig. The transistor parameters are β = 120 and VA = ∞
Que: The small signal votlage gain Av = vo/vs
The nominal quiescent collector current of a transistor is 1.2 mA. If the range of β for this transistor is 80 ≤ β ≤ 120 and if the quiescent collector current changes by +-10 percent, the range in value for rπ is
Consider the circuit in fig. The transistor parameter are β = 100 and VA = ∞.
If Q-point is in the center of the load line and ICQ = 0.5 mA, the values of VBB and RC are
Consider the common Base amplifier shown in fig. The parameters are β = 100, gm = 2 mS and ro = 250 kΩ. Find the Thevenin equivalent faced by load resistance RL .
Que: The Thevenin voltage vTH is
Consider the common Base amplifier shown in fig. The parameters are gm = 2 mS and ro = 250 kΩ. Find the Thevenin equivalent faced by load resistance RL .
Que: The Thevenin equivalent resistance RTH is
The common-base amplifier is drawn as a two-port in fig. The parameters are β =100, gm = 3 mS, and ro = 800 kΩ.
Que: The h-parameter h21 is
The common-base amplifier is drawn as a two-port in fig. The parameters are β =100, gm = 3 mS, and ro = 800 kΩ.
Que: The h-parameter h12 is
Consider the source-follower circuit in fig. The values of parameter are gm = 2 mS and ro = 100 kΩ.
Que: The voltage gain Av is
25 docs|247 tests
25 docs|247 tests