Directions: In these questions, which of the phrases; (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below, should replace the phrase given in underline in the following sentence to make the sentence grammatically meaningful and correct. If the sentence is correct as it and no correction is required, mark (e) as the answer:
I "have to cut down" my expenses due to my falling income.
His brother "never has" and never will be dependable.
If you "would have remembered" to bring the map, we would not have lost our way.
The two thieves distributed the loot "between themselves."
The spirit of democracy had "sped into" our way of thinking.
The "decent" from the mountain peak was slow and painful.
The building "will redecorate" during the summer season.
The news is certainly too good to "have been true."
If I "will get" an opportunity, I shall attend the conference without fail.
No sooner "he had arrived" home than he was asked to start on another journey.
To worship idols, has been our "custom from times" immemorial.
He quickly ordered the boy "to being brought" before him.
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