Train – A crosses a pole in 25 seconds and another Train B crosses a pole in 1 minute and 15 seconds. Length of train A is half length of train B. what is the respective ratio between the speed of train A and Train – B?
An aeroplane flies with an average speed of 756 km/hr. A helicopter takes 48 hours to cover twice the distance covered by aeroplane in 9 hours. How much distance will the helicopter cover in 18 hours? (assuming that flights are non-stop and moving with uniform speed)
A 280 meters long train travelling at a uniform speed, crosses a platform in 60 seconds and a man standing on the platform in 20 seconds. What is the length of the platform?
A 320 meter long train moving with an average speed of 120 km/hr crosses a platform in 24 seconds. A man crosses the same platform in 4 minutes. What is the speed of man in meter/second?
A man goes to Mumbai from Pune at a speed of 4 km/hr and returns to Pune at speed of 6km/hr. What is his average speed of the entire journey?
A car covers first 39 km of its journey in 45 minutes and the remaining 25 km in 35 minutes. What is the average speed of the car?
Rohit has to reach Mumbai which is 500 km away in 10 hours. His starting speed for 3 hours was 60 km/hr. For the next 200 km his speed was 50km/hr. By what speed he must travel now so as to reach Mumbai in decided time of 10 hours?
Train – A crosses a stationary train –B in 35 seconds and a pole in 14 seconds with the same speed. The length of the train – A is 280 meters. What is the length of the stationary train – B?
A person crosses a 600 m long street in 5 minutes. What is his speed in km per hour?
A train can travel 50% faster than a car. Both start from point A at the same time and reach point B 75 kms away from A at the same time. On the way, however, the train lost about 12.5 minutes while stopping at the stations. The speed of the car is:
In a flight of 600 km, an aircraft was slowed down due to bad weather. Its average speed for the trip was reduced by 200 km/hr and the time of flight increased by 30 minutes. The duration of the flight is:
A man complete a journey in 10 hours. He travels first half of the journey at the rate of 21 km/hr and second half at the rate of 24 km/hr. Find the total journey in km.
A boy goes to school with a speed of 3 km/hr and returns to the village with a speed of 2 km/hr. If he takes 5 hours in all, the distance between the village and the school is
Two cyclists A and B start from the same place at the same time, one going towards north at 18 km/hr and other going towards south at 20 km/hr. What time will they take to be 95 km apart?
Sharad covers two-third of a certain distance at 4 km/hr and the remaining at 5 km/hr. If he takes 42 minutes in all the distance is
A man performs 2/15 of the total journey by rail, 9/20 by tonga and the remaining 10 km on foot. His total journey is
Raja covers a certain distance in 14 hrs 40 min. He covers one half of the distance by the train at 60 km/hr and the rest half by road at 50 km/hr. The distance traveled by him is
Suresh travelled 1200 km by air which formed (2/5) of his trip. One third of the whole trip, he travelled by car and the rest of the journey he performed by train. The distance travelled by trains was
If a boy takes as much time in running 10 m as a car takes in covering 25 m, the distance covered by the boy during the time the car covers 1 km is
A certain distance is covered at a certain speed. If half of this distance is covered in double the time, the ratio of the two speeds is
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