When an ideal gas undergoes unrestrained expansion, no cooling occurs because the molecules : (1984 - 1 Mark)
If a gas is expanded at constant temperature :
Equal weights of ethane and hydrogen are mixed in an empty container at 25°C. The fraction of the total pressure exerted by hydrogen is (1993 - 1 Mark)
According to Graham’s law, at a given temperature the ratio of the rates of diffusion rA/rB of gases A and B is given by (1998 - 2 Marks)
(Where P and M are pressures and molecular weights of gases A and B respectively.)
5. Refer to the figure given : (2006 - 5M; –1) Which of the following statements is wrong?
A gas described by van der Waals equation – (2008- 1 Mark)
According to kinetic theory of gases (2011)
One mole of a monoatomic real gas satisfies the equation p(V – b) = RT where b is a constant. The relationship of interatomic potential V(r) and interatomic distance r for the gas is given by (JEE Adv. 2015)
347 docs|185 tests
347 docs|185 tests