A simply supported beam of span 4.5 m has an overhang of 0.5 m at left support and is subjected to a vertical load of 4 kN at the left end and two moments of 4 kNm and 2 kNm at the left and right support respectively as shown in the figure. The design bending moment (in kN-m) of beam will be:
An ISMB 500 is used as a beam in a multi-storey construction. From the view point of structural design, it can be considered to be laterally restrained, when
Which of the following is appropriate as a simple field method for assessing consistency of concrete?
A sewer has a diameter of 400 mm and laid at a slope of 1 in 400. While running full it has a mean velocity of 0.7 m/sec. If both the diameter and slope are doubled then what will be the new mean velocity when running half full? [Use Manning’s formula] [Take 22/3 = 1.587]
In a gusseted base, when the end of the column is machined for complete bearing on the base plate, the axial load is assumed to be transferred to the base plate,
A and B are Skempton’s pore pressure coefficients. For normally consolidated saturated soils.
To increase the workability of concrete, it is required to
Choose correct statements
In a PERT network, expected project duration is found to be 86 days from the start of the project. The variance is 3 days. The probability that the project will be completed in 86 days is
The concentration of hardness producing cations may be estimated using which one of the following?
In the following questions two statements are given. Read them carefully and choose from the options given below:
a) Both I and II are true and II is the correct explanation of I.
b) Both I and II are true and II is NOT the correct explanation of I.
c) I is true but II is false.
d) I is false but II is true.
Statement (I): The load carrying capacity of bored cast-in-situ pile in sand is much less than that of driven pile of similar dimensions.
Statement (II): A driven pile generates much more point bearing resistance than a bored pile.
Mohr’s stress circle helps in determining which of the following?
Which of the above statements is(are) CORRECT?
A 12% diluted wastewater sample has the following properties:
DO of diluted sample immediately after preparation, D1 = 6.5 mg/l
DO of diluted sample after 5-days incubation at 20°C, D2 = 2 mg/l
Consumption of oxygen in seeded water sample in 5-days of incubation in blank = 0.6 mg/l
BOD5 of the sample will be
Which one of the following modes of failure is taken care of in plastic design of a steel beam?
High alumina cement is produced by fusing together a mixture of
Considers the following statement regarding Load Path Safety.
Which of the following statements are correct?
For no strain along PQ, the magnitude of stress ‘σ’ for block shown below whose Young’s modulus is 2 × 105 MPa and Poisson’s ratio is 0.25, will be
In the following questions two statements are given. Read them carefully and choose from the options given below:
a) Both I and II are true and II is the correct explanation of I.
b) Both I and II are true and II is NOT the correct explanation of I.
c) I is true but II is false.
d) I is false but II is true.
Statement (I): Supervisors have broad knowledge of the products, materials, machines, equipment, processes, buildings, storage, and day-to-day hazards of the work. They should be given the responsibility for all the fire hazards and equipment in their areas.
Statement (II): Each building or area should be assigned to a specific person who clearly understands that he or she is responsible for the building and accountable for all aspects of the fire plan.
Consider the following statements in a RC structure:
1. The concept of locating the neutral axis in a reinforced concrete flexural member as centroidal axis is applicable in working stress design method, but not in limit state design method.
2. The working stress design method assumes that the structural material behaves in a nonlinear elastic manner and there is strain compatibility in bond between steel and concrete.
Which of the above statement (s) is (are) correct ?
At the time of initial tensioning, the maximum tensile stress immediately behind the anchorage should not exceed :
Consider the following statements
Which of the above statements are correct.
A circular plate of diameter 0.75 m is immersed in a liquid of relative density 0.8 with its plane making an angle of 30° with horizontal. The centre of the plate is at a depth of 1.5 m below the free surface. What will be the total force on one side of the plate?
A beam with a cantilever arm BC supporting a freely supported end span CD is shown below. The shear force (in tonnes) at A due to a uniformly distributed dead load of intensity 2 t/m covering the entire span ABCD will be
While designing a combined footing, the resultant of the column loads passes through the centre of gravity of the footing so that the net soil pressure obtained is:
The allowable shear stress in stiffened web of mild steel beam decreases with
The consistency of saturated soil is mainly affected by
The shear lag width for ISA 110 x 110 x 10 is
[Assume gauge distance = 60 mm]
The deflection at free end ‘C’ of the cantilever shown below will be