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Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Civil Engineering (CE) MCQ

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10 Questions MCQ Test Engineering Mathematics - Test: Analytic Functions - 1

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 is part of Engineering Mathematics preparation. The Test: Analytic Functions - 1 questions and answers have been prepared according to the Civil Engineering (CE) exam syllabus.The Test: Analytic Functions - 1 MCQs are made for Civil Engineering (CE) 2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes, meanings, examples, exercises, MCQs and online tests for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 below.
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Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 1

If f (z) = u + iv is an analytic function, then

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 1

If a function f satisfies Laplace's equation ∇2f = 0, then f is said to be a harmonic function.
If f (z) = u + iv is an analytic function, then


Both u and v are satisfying Laplace’s equation (∇2f = 0).
∴ Both u and v are harmonic functions.

*Answer can only contain numeric values
Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 2

A function f of the complex variable z = x + i y, is given as f(x, y) = u(x, y) + i v(x, y), where u(x, y) = 2kxy and v(x, y) = x2 – y2. The value of k, for which the function is analytic is _____

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 2

Given u = 2kxy & V = x2 – y2
For function to be analytic:

∴ Apply any of the above condition to get the answer.
By first condition:
2ky = -2y ⇒ k = -1

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 3

The function f(z) of complex variable z = x + iy, where i = √−1, is given as f(z) = (x3 – 3xy2) + i v(x,y). For this function to be analytic, v(x,y) should be

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 3

f(z) = u + iv
u = real part
v = imaginary part

If f(z) is an analytic function

(This is an exact differential equation)

u = x3 – 3xy2
∂u/∂x = 3x2 − 3y2
∂u/∂y = −6xy

It is an exact differential equation the solution is obtained by treating y as constant in the first term and in the second term only that part is integrated which is not containing x.

Integrating the above equation
v = 3x2y − y+ constant

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 4

If f(z) = u + iv is an analytic function of z = x + iy and u – v = ex (cosy - siny), then f(z) in terms of z is

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 4

f(z) = u + iv
⇒ i f(z) = - v + i u
⇒ (1 + i) f(z) = (u - v) + i(u + v)
⇒ F(z) = U + iv, where F(z) = (1 + i) f(z)
U = u – v, V = u + v
Let F(z) be an analytic function
dV =
dV = ex (sin y + cos y) dx + ez(cosy – siny) dy
∴ dV = d[ex(siny + cosy)]

On integrating
V = ex (siny + cosy) + c1
F(z) = U + iV = ex(cosy - siny) + i ex (siny + cosy) ic1
F = ex(cosy + isiny) + iex (cosy + isiny) + ic1
F(z) = (1 + i) ex + iy + ic1 = (1 + i)ez + ic1
⇒ (1 + i) F(z) = (1 + i) ez + ic1

∴ f(z) = ez + (1 + i) c

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 5

If f (z) is an analytic function whose modulus is constant, then f (z) is a

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 5

Let f(z) = u + iv be the analytic function,
then According to Cauchy-Riemann Equations
ux = vy & uy = - vx
modulus is constant
= k ⇒ u2 + v2 = k
Now differentiating both sides w.r.t x and y, we get
2uux + 2vvx = 0 ⇒ 2uux = -2vvx      --- (1)
2uuy + 2vvy = 0 ⇒  2uuy = -2vvy     --- (2)
Now applying Cauchy-Riemann Equations ux = vy & uy = - vx
2uux – 2vuy = 0 ⇒ 2uux = 2vuy     --- (3)
2uuy + 2vux = 0 ⇒ 2uuy = -2vux     --- (4)
Now dividing equations 3 and 4, we get 

⇒ ux = uy = 0 ⇒ u is a constant function.
Similarly, we will get v is a constant function.
∴ f(z) is a constant function.

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 6

The Cauchy Riemann equations for f(z) = u(x, y) + iv(x, y) to be analytic are:

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Cauchy-Riemann equations:

Rectangular form:

f(z) = u(x, y) + f v(x, y)

f(z) to be analytic it needs to satisfy Cauchy Riemann equations

ux = vy, uy = -vx

Polar form:
f(z) = u(r, θ) + f v(r, θ)

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 7

If f(z) is an analytic function whose real part is constant then f(z) is

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 7

Let f(z) = u + iv
if f(z) is analytic

u = constant
since u is constant

this is possible only if v = constant
Hence, f(z) = constant (Both real part (u) and imaginary part (v) are constant)

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 8

Let f(Z) = u(x, y) + i(v(x, y)) be an analytical function. If u = 5x + 2xy then v is equal to _________, where c is a constant.

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 8

Let f(Z) = u(x, y) + i(v(x, y)) be an analytical function.
If the real part u(x, y) of analytic function f(z) is given then to find imaginary part v(x, y) of f(z) we can use the following procedure:
1). Find ux and uy
2). Consider dv =

3). dv = vx dx + vy dy = -uy dx + ux dy.

​4). v = ∫(−uy)dx + ∫(ux)dy + c

u = 5x + 2xy
ux = 5 + 2 × y, uy = 2 × x.
dv = vx dx + vy dy = -uy dx + ux dy = (-2 × x) dx + (5 + 2 × y) dy.

Now by integrating we get:

v = ∫(−uy) dx + ∫(ux)dy

v = ∫(−2x) dx + ∫(5+2y)dy + c

y2 - x2 + 5y + c

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 9

Which of the following function f(z), of the complex variable z, is NOT analytic at all the points of the complex plane?

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 9


The complex function f(z) = u (x, y) + iv (x, y) is to be analytic if it satisfy the following two conditions of Cauchy-Reiman theorem.

are continuous function of x and y.
f(z) = log z

Here, the function f(z) is analytic except z = 0. Since the function is not defined for these two values.
But in question it is asked at all points hence f(z) = log z is not analytic at all points.

Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 10

Polar form of the Cauchy-Riemann equations is

Detailed Solution for Test: Analytic Functions - 1 - Question 10

Cauchy-Riemann equations:

Rectangular form:

f(z) = u(x, y) + f v(x, y)

f(z) to be analytic it needs to satisfy Cauchy Riemann equations

ux = vy, uy = -vx

Polar form:

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