The output resistance of FET when operating in pinch off at a current 10 mA and λ = 0.05 V-1 is given as
Thermal runaway is not possible in FET because as the temperature increases
The voltage gain of a common-source JFET amplifier depends up on its
Compared to bipolar transistors, field effect transistors are NOT normally characterized by:
The most commonly used feedback arrangement in cascaded amplifier is:
In a Common Drain (CD) MOSFET amplifier with voltage divider bias with R1 and R2 equal to 1.5 MΩ and 1 MΩ respectively, the input impedance Zf is:
When a 1 V increase in the gate voltage changes the drain current 10 mA in a FET, its gm equals.
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25 docs|247 tests