Ethanolamine is an absorbant used for the removal of __________ from air/gas.
Which of the following causes death by asphyxiation, if its presence in atmospheric air exceeds maximum allowable concentration (i.e. > 50 ppm) ?
__________ plant emits large amount of SO2 as an air pollutant.
Noise pollution level in a chemical plant is expressed in
The maximum permissible noise level to which a man working in a chemical plant can be exposed for eight hours per day is about __________ decibels.
The most commonly used chemical coagulant in water treatment is
The biological decomposition of organic substances in wastes controlled conditions is called
Lung cancer & DNA breakage are the major ill effects of excessive ozone exposure to human beings. Ozone layer depletion in the atmosphere is mainly caused by the presence of
Smog is not formed due to the presence of __________ in the atmosphere.
Which of the following is not a source of ozone emission in the atmosphere ?
Oceans act as sinks for atmospheric gases including carbon dioxide whose concentration in the atmosphere is increased by the
Which of the following is the most widely used disinfectant in water treatment ?
Phenolic water generated in coke ovens & by-product plant of a steel plant are disposed off by
The progressive warming up of the earth's surface is mainly due to the
The effect of increase in carbon dioxide level of the atmosphere and its profound effect on our climate is called the
Arsenic pollutant is not generated in____industries.
The resistance of water to the passage of light through it is a measure of the
Color test of water is done with an instrument called
Which of the following gases is having the widest explosion limit (about 2 to 81% gas in gas-air mixture), rendering it the property of the most explosive gas ?
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