Pick out the wrong statement pertaining to 'green house' for the plants.
In water treatment, alum[Al2(SO4)3] is used for the process of
Pick out the one which is not a chemical coagulant.
Presence of iron and manganese in water causes
Septic tanks are used for the __________ of the deposited solids.
Death may occur, when SO2 concentration in atmospheric air exceeds __________ ppm.
Which of the following acts as a natural source of air pollution ?
Permissible safe limit (TLV) of __________ toxic gas is 100-1000 parts per million (ppm).
Radioactive substances present in the polluted water stream can be removed by
In the context of the chemical process industries, the term BOD is normally associated with the
Noise emitted by a ventilation fan at a distance of 3 metres is about __________ decibels.
Inhalation of silica dust causes a disease called
Solid content in most of the domestic sewage is about __________ percent.
In troposphere (the weather domain), the temperature 't' at height 'h' above the spa level in metres is given by (where, temperature at sea level is 15oC and t is in oC.)
High noise level in a chemical plant can be controlled by the
Limestone powder is injected during pulverised coal burning in boilers to __________ the flue gases.
Main pollutants released from petroleum refineries is
Maximum permissible limit of industrial noise as recommended by World Health Organisation (WHO) is __________ decibels.
Which of the following is a green house gas other than CO2 ?
Automobile exhaust is passed through two compartments catalytic converter employing platinum as catalyst for
Pollution by particulate matter emission in the atmosphere does not take place during metal
Direct reaction of unsaturated hydrocarbons with either NO or NO2 produces an eye irritating pollutant compound known as
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