Engineering problems of practical interest are involved with heat exchange between two or more surfaces, and this exchange is strongly dependent upon
(i) Radiative properties
(ii) Temperature levels
(iii) Surface geometrics
Identify the correct statements
The fraction of the radiative energy that is diffused from one surface element and strikes the other surface directly with no intervening reflections is called
(i) Radiation shape factor
(ii) Geometrical factor
(iii) Configuration factor
Choose the correct answer
For the same type of shapes, the value of radiation shape factor will be higher when
A thin shield of emissivity E 3 on both sides is placed between two infinite parallel plates of emissivities E 1 and E 2 and temperatures T 1 and T 2. If E 1 = E 2 = E 3, then the fraction radiant energy transfer without shield takes the value
The grey body shape factor for radiant heat exchange between a small body (emissivity = 0.4) in a large enclosure (emissivity = 0.5) is
Two long parallel surfaces, each of emissivity 0.7 are at different temperatures and accordingly have radiation exchange between them. It is desired to reduce 75% of this radiant heat transfer by inserting thin parallel shields of equal emissivity 0.7 on both sides. What should be the number of shields?
An enclosure consists of four surfaces 1, 2, 3 and 4. The view factors for radiation heat transfers are
F 11 = 0.1
F 12 = 0.4
F 13 = 0.25
The surface areas A 1 and A 2 are 4 m2 and 2 m2. The view factor F 41 is
The value of shape factor depends on how many factors?
Find the shape factor F12 for the arrangement shown in the figure. The areas A1 and A2 are perpendicular but do not share the common edge
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