Of the radiant energy 350W/m2 incident upon a surface 250W/m2 is absorbed, 60W/m2 is reflected and the remainder is transmitted through the surface. Workout the value for reflectivity for the surface material
“Transmissivity can also be defined as ratio of transmitted radiation to that of incident energy flow”. True or false
A polished metal pipe 5 cm outside diameter and 370 K temperature at the outer surface is exposed to ambient conditions at 295 K temperature. The emissivity of the surface is 0.2 and the convection coefficient of heat transfer is 11.35 W/m2 degree. Calculate the overall coefficient of heat transfer by the combined mode of convection and radiation
Radiant energy with an intensity of 800 W/m2 strikes a flat plate normally. The absorptivity is thrice the reflectivity and twice the transmissivity. Determine the rate of transmission
With respect to incident radiation, transmissivity varies with
A body through which all the incident radiations passes, is called
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