For laminar film condensation on a vertical plate, the velocity distribution at a distance δ from the top edge is given by
For laminar film condensation on a vertical plate, the film thickness is given by
For laminar film condensation on a vertical plate, the mass flow rate of the condensate per unit depth of the film at any position x is given by
For laminar film condensation on a vertical plate, the gravitational acceleration g is replaced by
Where, α is the inclination angle with the horizontal
For laminar film condensation on a vertical plate, the local heat transfer coefficient at the lower edge of the plate is given by
Mark the wrong statement with respect to laminar flow condensation on a vertical plate
A plate condenser of dimensions l * b has been designed to be kept with side l in the vertical position. However due to oversight during erection and installation, it was fixed with side b vertical. How would this affect the heat transfer? Assume laminar conditions and same thermos-physical properties and take b = l/2
Determine the length of a 25 cm outer diameter tube if the condensate formed on the surface of the tube is to be same whether it is kept vertical or horizontal
The critical Reynolds number for transition from laminar to turbulent film condensation is
Which of the following is a wrong statement in the context of convective heat transfer coefficient in laminar film condensation?The heat transfer coefficient varies as
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