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हिंदी for Grade 4

हिंदी for Grade 4

 ·  Last updated on Dec 22, 2024
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हिंदी for Grade 4 कक्षा 4 के छात्रों के लिए एक पाठ्यक्रम है जो EduRev द्वारा प्रदान किया जाता है। इस पाठ्यक्रम में हिंदी भाषा की महत्वपूर्ण बातें और स ... view more िद्धांतों को बढ़ावा दिया जाता है। यह पाठ्यक्रम छात्रों को हिंदी भाषा में सुधार करने के लिए विभिन्न गतिविधियों, उदाहरणों, और अभ्यास का अवसर प्रदान करता है। हिंदी for Grade 4 कक्षा 4 के छात्रों के लिए एक आवश्यक पाठ्यक्रम है।

हिंदी for Grade 4 Study Material

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हिंदी for Grade 4 Exam Pattern 2024-2025

हिंदी for Grade 4 Exam Pattern for Grade 4

विद्यार्थियों के लिए हिंदी का अध्ययन ग्रेड 4 में आवश्यक होता है। हिंदी विषय में प्रदर्शन को मापने के लिए ग्रेड 4 के छात्रों को एक परीक्षा पैटर्न में आयोजित किया जाता है। इस पैटर्न का पालन करने से छात्र अपनी परीक्षा की तैयारी कर सकते हैं और अच्छे अंक प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

परीक्षा पैटर्न:

  • प्रश्न-पत्र में हिंदी विषय से संबंधित विभिन्न प्रश्न पूछे जाते हैं।

  • प्रश्न-पत्र में वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न, मस्तिष्कशक्ति और लेखन कौशल आदि के प्रश्न हो सकते हैं।

  • परीक्षा में पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न वस्तुनिष्ठता, व्याकरण और पाठ-संबंधित विषयों पर आधारित होते हैं।

  • प्रश्न-पत्र में वस्तुनिष्ठता के बारे में प्रश्न जैसे कि कहानियों की पहचान, व्यर्थ वर्तनी का सुधार, वर्णमाला के अक्षरों का प्रयोग, ध्वनि-मिलन, शब्द-रचना, उपसर्ग-प्रत्यय, संज्ञा, सर्वनाम, क्रिया, विशेषण, विलोम शब्द आदि हो सकते हैं।

  • मस्तिष्कशक्ति के प्रश्न में छात्रों को शब्दों को आदान-प्रदान करना होता है, वाक्य बनाना होता है, शब्दों के अर्थ पहचानना होता है और वाक्यों को सुधारना होता है।

  • लेखन कौ

हिंदी for Grade 4 Syllabus 2024-2025 PDF Download

Grade 4 Hindi Syllabus

1. कविता: Grade 4 हिंदी for Grade 4

- Introduction to poetry
- Understanding rhyming words and rhythm
- Identifying the theme and main idea of a poem
- Recitation and memorization of the poem

2. कहानी: Grade 4 अनोखा जादू का खेल

- Introduction to storytelling
- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Identifying the main characters and their roles
- Analyzing the plot and sequence of events
- Vocabulary building through the story

3. कविता: Grade 4 वर्षा रानी

- Understanding the theme of the poem related to rain
- Recognizing literary devices such as similes and metaphors
- Exploring the emotions and imagery evoked by the poem
- Recitation and understanding the rhythm of the poem

4. कहानी: Grade 4 जन्मदिन का उपहार

- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Analyzing the characters and their motivations
- Identifying the conflict and resolution in the story
- Recognizing different types of sentences used in the story
- Vocabulary building through the story

5. कहानी: Grade 4 मैं टी.वी. हूँ

- Exploring the concept of media and television
- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Analyzing the main idea and supporting details
- Identifying the message or moral of the story
- Vocabulary building through the story

6. कहानी: Grade 4 बहादुर बच्चे

- Understanding bravery and courage
- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Analyzing the character traits and actions of the brave children
- Identifying the cause and effect in the story
- Vocabulary building through the story

7. कविता: Grade 4 पृथ्वी

- Understanding the importance of Earth
- Exploring the theme of environmental conservation
- Recognizing the use of poetic devices in the poem
- Recitation and understanding the rhythm of the poem
- Vocabulary building related to nature and the environment

8. कहानी: Grade 4 यह दिवाली याद रहेगी

- Understanding the significance of Diwali
- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Analyzing the cultural traditions and celebrations of Diwali
- Identifying the main events and their impact on the characters
- Vocabulary building related to Diwali and Indian festivals

9. कहानी: Grade 4 चतुर तेनालीरामन

- Introduction to folktales and legends
- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Analyzing the cleverness and wit of Tenali Raman
- Identifying moral lessons conveyed through the story
- Vocabulary building through the story

10. कहानी: Grade 4 यूलिसिस और पॉलीफीमिस

- Understanding the concept of teamwork and cooperation
- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Analyzing the problem-solving skills of Ulysses and Polyphemus
- Identifying the cause and effect in the story
- Vocabulary building through the story

11. कहानी: Grade 4 समस्या ऐसे सुलझी

- Exploring the theme of problem-solving
- Comprehension and understanding of the story
- Analyzing the strategies used by the characters to solve the problem
- Identifying the main events and their impact on the story
- Vocabulary building related to problem-solving and critical thinking

12. कविता: Grade 4 शहर का बच्चा, गाॅंव का बच्चा

- Understanding the differences between city and village life
- Exploring the theme of rural and urban communities
- Recognizing the use of poetic devices in the poem
- Recitation and understanding the rhythm of the poem
- Vocabulary building related to city and village environments

By following this syllabus, Grade 4 students will develop their reading comprehension skills, improve their vocabulary, and gain a deeper understanding of Hindi literature and poetry.

This course is helpful for the following exams: Grade 4

How to Prepare हिंदी for Grade 4?

How to Prepare हिंदी for Grade 4 for Grade 4?

Preparing for the Grade 4 Hindi exam can be a challenging task. However, with the right approach and resources, you can excel in this subject. EduRev offers a comprehensive course specifically designed for Grade 4 students to help them enhance their Hindi language skills. Let's explore some key points on how to prepare Hindi for Grade 4:

1. Understand the Course Structure: Familiarize yourself with the course structure provided by EduRev. This will give you an overview of the topics you need to cover and the format of the exam.

2. Practice Reading Hindi: Hindi is a language that requires good reading skills. Read Hindi storybooks, newspapers, and magazines to improve your vocabulary and comprehension. Practice reading aloud to improve pronunciation and fluency.

3. Grammar and Vocabulary: Work on strengthening your Hindi grammar and vocabulary. Learn new words, their meanings, and usage. Understand the rules of grammar, such as sentence structure, verb forms, tenses, and gender.

4. Writing Skills: Enhance your writing skills by practicing Hindi essays, letters, and compositions. Focus on grammar, punctuation, and sentence formation. Pay attention to the correct usage of Hindi script and handwriting.

5. Listening and Speaking: Develop your listening and speaking skills by watching Hindi movies or videos, listening to Hindi songs, and engaging in conversations with native Hindi speakers. This will help you improve your pronunciation and understanding of the language.

6. Practice Previous Year Papers: Solve previous year question papers to get an idea of the exam pattern and the types of questions asked. This will help you identify your strengths and weaknesses and work on them accordingly.

7. Take Mock Tests: EduRev provides mock tests to assess your Hindi language skills. Take these tests to evaluate your progress and identify areas that need improvement. Practice regularly to build confidence and improve your performance.

Remember, consistency and regular practice are key to success in Hindi language learning. Make use of the resources and support provided by EduRev to enhance your Hindi skills. Good luck with your Grade 4 Hindi exam preparation!

Importance of हिंदी for Grade 4

Importance of हिंदी for Grade 4 Course for Grade 4

EduRev offers a comprehensive Grade 4 Course that includes the study of हिंदी, the national language of India. This course plays a crucial role in the overall development of students at this grade level.

Why is हिंदी Important?

  • Preservation of Culture: हिंदी is not just a language; it is a carrier of Indian culture, traditions, and values. By learning हिंदी, students can connect with their roots and understand the rich heritage of our country.

  • Enhances Communication Skills: Being proficient in हिंदी allows students to effectively communicate with a vast majority of the Indian population. It opens up doors for better social interactions and fosters a sense of unity among diverse communities.

  • Academic Advancement: A strong foundation in हिंदी language skills is essential for academic success. It helps students excel in subjects like literature, history, and social sciences, as many concepts and texts are taught in हिंदी.

  • Career Opportunities: In addition to being the national language, हिंदी is also widely used in various professional fields such as journalism, translation, public relations, and government sectors. Proficiency in हिंदी can open up numerous career opportunities for students in the future.

Features of EduRev Grade 4 हिंदी Course

EduRev's Grade 4 हिंदी Course is designed to make learning enjoyable and effective. Here are some key features:

  • Interactive Lessons: The course includes interactive lessons with engaging audio-visual content to keep students motivated and interested in learning हिंदी.

  • Practice Exercises: Multiple practice exercises and quizzes are provided to reinforce learning and assess students' understanding of the language.

  • Grammar and Vocabulary: The course covers essential grammar rules and vocabulary to help students build a strong foundation in the language.

  • Listening and Speaking Skills: Special emphasis is given to developing listening and speaking skills through interactive activities and conversations.

  • Writing and Reading Skills: The course focuses on enhancing students' writing and reading skills through various exercises and comprehension passages.


In conclusion, the Grade 4 हिंदी Course offered by EduRev plays a vital role in the overall development of students. It not only helps them understand their cultural heritage but also opens up opportunities for academic and career growth. With its interactive lessons and comprehensive curriculum, EduRev ensures an engaging and effective learning experience for Grade 4 students.

हिंदी for Grade 4 FAQs

1. शब्द 'FAQ' का अर्थ क्या है?
उत्तर: 'FAQ' का पूर्ण रूप होता है 'Frequently Asked Questions' जिसका अर्थ होता है 'अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न।'
2. इस लेख के महत्वपूर्ण शब्द और उनका अर्थ क्या है?
उत्तर: इस लेख में महत्वपूर्ण शब्द और उनका अर्थ निम्नलिखित हैं: 1. छात्र: एक व्यक्ति जो शिक्षा प्राप्त कर रहा होता है। 2. परीक्षा: एक मान्यता प्राप्त प्रश्नों का समूह जिसका उद्देश्य छात्र की ज्ञान और कौशल का मूल्यांकन करना होता है।
3. इस परीक्षा का उद्देश्य क्या है?
उत्तर: इस परीक्षा का उद्देश्य छात्रों की ज्ञान और कौशल का मूल्यांकन करना है।
4. इस परीक्षा के लिए पंजीकरण कैसे करें?
उत्तर: परीक्षा के लिए पंजीकरण करने के लिए आपको EduRev की वेबसाइट ( पर जाना होगा और उनके दिए गए निर्देशों का पालन करना होगा।
5. इस परीक्षा में प्रश्न कितने प्रकार के होते हैं?
उत्तर: इस परीक्षा में प्रश्न दो प्रकार के होते हैं - वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न और मनोवैज्ञानिक प्रश्न।
6. परीक्षा में कितने अंकों की गणना की जाती है?
उत्तर: परीक्षा में 100 अंकों की गणना की जाती है।
7. परीक्षा में नेगेटिव मार्किंग की व्यवस्था है या नहीं?
उत्तर: हाँ, परीक्षा में नेगेटिव मार्किंग की व्यवस्था है। गलत उत्तर के लिए अंक कटेंगे।
8. परीक्षा की तिथि और समय कब घोषित होते हैं?
उत्तर: परीक्षा की तिथि और समय EduRev की वेबसाइट ( पर घोषित होते हैं। आपको नवीनतम अपडेट के लिए वेबसाइट पर नियमित रूप से जांचना चाहिए।
9. परीक्षा के लिए कैसे तैयारी करें?
उत्तर: परीक्षा की तैयारी के लिए आपको विषय के पाठ्यक्रम को अच्छी तरह से समझना होगा। आप अध्ययन सामग्री, प्रैक्टिस पेपर्स और पिछले वर्षों के प्रश्न पत्रों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं।
10. परीक्षा के लिए दोहराने वाले प्रश्न क्या हैं?
उत्तर: दोहराने वाले प्रश्न वे प्रश्न होते हैं जिनमें छात्रों को दिए गए विकल्पों में से सही उत्तर का चयन करना होता है।
11. परीक्षा में अनुच्छेद प्रतिशतन की व्यवस्था है या नहीं?
उत्तर: हाँ, परीक्षा में अनुच्छेद प्रतिशतन की व्यवस्था होती है। अनुच्छेदों की संख्या और उनके अंकों का विवरण परीक्षा पैटर्न में उपलब्ध होता है।
12. परीक्षा में लिखित उत्तर के लिए कितना समय दिया जाता है?
उत्तर: परीक्षा में लिखित उत्तर के लिए परीक्षा पैटर्न में निर्धारित समय दिया जाता है। आपको उत्तर लिखने के लिए समय सीमा का पालन करना होगा।
13. परीक्षा में उत्तर कैसे लिखें?
उत्तर: पर

Best Coaching for हिंदी for Grade 4

If you are looking for the best coaching for हिंदी for Grade 4, then EduRev is the perfect platform for you. EduRev offers free online coaching for Grade 4 हिंदी, providing students with a comprehensive and engaging learning experience. The platform offers a wide range of resources, including online study materials, downloadable PDFs, summaries of important chapters, and interactive activities to enhance learning.

EduRev's Grade 4 हिंदी course is designed to cover the complete हिंदी curriculum for Grade 4. The course includes lessons on हिंदी vocabulary, grammar, comprehension, writing skills, reading, and speaking exercises. Students can also practice हिंदी pronunciation and have conversations in हिंदी to improve their language skills.

One of the key features of EduRev is its extensive library of Grade 4 हिंदी worksheets and literature. These resources help students develop their reading and comprehension skills while exposing them to a variety of हिंदी cultural studies.

The online platform of EduRev allows students to learn हिंदी in Grade 4 at their own pace and convenience. The app and website are user-friendly, making it easy for students to navigate through the different lessons and access the study materials.

EduRev's Grade 4 हिंदी coaching is the best choice for students who want to excel in their language skills. The platform provides a comprehensive and interactive learning experience, ensuring that students grasp the concepts effectively. With EduRev, learning हिंदी for Grade 4 becomes a fun and engaging process. So, download the EduRev app or visit the website today to start your journey towards becoming fluent in हिंदी.

Tags related with हिंदी for Grade 4

हिंदी for Grade 4, Grade 4 हिंदी course, हिंदी lessons for Grade 4, हिंदी curriculum for Grade 4, Grade 4 हिंदी syllabus, Grade 4 हिंदी activities, Grade 4 हिंदी worksheets, learn हिंदी in Grade 4, Grade 4 हिंदी grammar, हिंदी vocabulary for Grade 4, Grade 4 हिंदी comprehension, Grade 4 हिंदी writing skills, हिंदी reading for Grade 4, Grade 4 हिंदी speaking exercises, हिंदी pronunciation for Grade 4, Grade 4 हिंदी conversation practice, हिंदी literature for Grade 4, Grade 4 हिंदी cultural studies.
Course Description
हिंदी for Grade 4 for Grade 4 2024-2025 is part of Grade 4 preparation. The notes and questions for हिंदी for Grade 4 have been prepared according to the Grade 4 exam syllabus. Information about हिंदी for Grade 4 covers all important topics for Grade 4 2024-2025 Exam. Find important definitions, questions, notes,examples, exercises test series, mock tests and Previous year questions (PYQs) below for हिंदी for Grade 4.
Preparation for हिंदी for Grade 4 in English is available as part of our Grade 4 preparation & हिंदी for Grade 4 in Hindi for Grade 4 courses. Download more important topics related with हिंदी for Grade 4, notes, lectures and mock test series for Grade 4 Exam by signing up for free.
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