The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC) conducts the Agriculture Technical Assistant (AG TA) exam to recruit candidates for the post of Agriculture Technical Assistant in the state of Uttar Pradesh. The syllabus for the UPSSSC AG TA exam can be found on the official website of UPSSSC. Let's break down the syllabus topic-wise along with the marks weightage:
I. General Hindi: (20 marks)
- हिंदी व्याकरण एवं वर्तनी की उपयोगिता (Usefulness of Hindi Grammar and Spelling)
- शब्द रचना (Word Formation)
- वाक्य रचना (Sentence Formation)
- वाक्यों का अशुद्धि शोधन एवं शुद्धि (Detection and Correction of Sentence Errors)
- अनुच्छेद लेखन (Paragraph Writing)
II. General Awareness: (20 marks)
- भारतीय राजव्यवस्था (Indian Politics)
- भारतीय इतिहास (Indian History)
- भूगोल (Geography)
- विज्ञान एवं प्रौद्योगिकी (Science and Technology)
- सामान्य ज्ञान (General Knowledge)
III. General Intelligence: (20 marks)
- शब्दावली (Vocabulary)
- संख्यात्मक राजनीति (Numerical Reasoning)
- बैठक व्यवस्था (Seating Arrangement)
- तर्क (Logic)
- अनुकरणीयता (Analogies)
IV. Agriculture: (120 marks)
- कृषि विज्ञान (Agricultural Science)
- खेती (Farming)
- उर्वरक (Fertilizers)
- सब्जी उत्पादन (Vegetable Production)
- फल उत्पादन (Fruit Production)
- फसलों का बीज संग्रह, उपयोग और रोपण (Seed Collection, Utilization, and Planting)
- कीट एवं उनका नियंत्रण (Pests and their Control)
- फसलों की रोपण-व्यवस्था (Crop Plantation System)
- कृषि योजनाएं (Agricultural Schemes)
- खेती के तत्व (Elements of Farming)
- खेती के तकनीकी अंश (Technical Aspects of Farming)
- खेती में जलवायु और मौसम (Climate and Weather in Farming)
- किसानों की मदद योजनाएं (Farmer Welfare Schemes)
- खेती में विकास एवं नवाचार (Development and Innovations in Farming)
EduRev provides a comprehensive Mock Test Series for the UPSSSC AG TA exam, which covers all the topics mentioned above. The mock tests are designed to simulate the actual exam environment and help candidates assess their preparation level. By practicing these mock tests, candidates can familiarize themselves with the exam pattern, improve their time management skills, and identify areas of improvement.
To access the UPSSSC AG TA Mock Test Series on EduRev, follow these steps:
1. Visit the EduRev website (
2. Search for "UPSSSC AG TA Mock Test Series" in the search bar.
3. Click on the desired mock test series and enroll in the course.
4. Start taking the mock tests and analyze your performance.
Remember, practicing mock tests is an essential part of exam preparation as it helps candidates gain confidence and improve their chances of success. So, make the most of EduRev's Mock Test Series to enhance your preparation for the UPSSSC AG TA exam.
This course is helpful for the following exams: Agriculture Exams