Card: 1 / 48 |
Public international law primarily deals with the relationships and conduct of ___ and ___ organizations. |
Card: 3 / 48 |
True or False: Private international law determines how domestic courts should resolve disputes involving foreign elements. |
Card: 5 / 48 |
What are the two main branches of international law that should not be confused? |
Card: 6 / 48 |
The law of nations (jus gentium) and international agreements and conventions (jus inter gentes) |
Card: 7 / 48 |
True or False: Multilateral treaties involve agreements between only two states. |
Card: 11 / 48 |
The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties came into force on ___ and has been ratified by 110 nation-states as of October 2009. |
Card: 13 / 48 |
The International Telecommunication Union was originally founded as the ___ in Paris on 17 May 1865. |
Card: 15 / 48 |
True or False: The Universal Postal Union was established to require countries to negotiate separate postal treaties for international mail. |
Card: 16 / 48 |
False; the UPU was created to eliminate the need for separate treaties by providing equal treatment to foreign and domestic mail. |
Card: 17 / 48 |
Fill in the blank: The Universal Postal Union was originally named ___ when it was created in 1874. |
Card: 19 / 48 |
What significant reform did the Universal Postal Union implement regarding mail treatment? |
Card: 21 / 48 |
The United Nations officially came into existence on ___ with the deposit of the requisite number of ratifications of the Charter. |
Card: 26 / 48 |
The General Assembly consists of representatives from all Member States, meets at least once a year, and discusses and makes recommendations on subjects covered under the UN Charter, except those being dealt with by the Security Council. |
Card: 27 / 48 |
The UN Security Council has ___ permanent members and ___ non-permanent members. |
Card: 29 / 48 |
True or False: The presidency of the UN Security Council is held for a two-month period by the Member States. |
Card: 31 / 48 |
What is one of the primary responsibilities of the Economic and Social Council? |
Card: 32 / 48 |
To address international economic, social, cultural, educational, health, and related matters. |
Card: 33 / 48 |
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) is located in ___ and operates under the statute that forms part of the UN charter. |
Card: 35 / 48 |
How many judges are elected to serve on the International Court of Justice, and what is the duration of their terms? |
Card: 37 / 48 |
The Secretariat of the UN is headed by ___ and is responsible for ___ the activities of the organization. |
Card: 39 / 48 |
True or False: The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) was established during the second Hague Peace Conference in 1907. |
Card: 43 / 48 |
True or False: The International Criminal Court (ICC) was established in 2003 to prosecute individuals for war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity. |
Card: 45 / 48 |
The Special Court for Sierra Leone was established to address crimes committed during a civil war in Sierra Leone and is based on a combination of ___ and ___ law. |
Card: 47 / 48 |
True or False: The Special Tribunal for Lebanon was established to prosecute crimes under international law only. |