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NCERT Textbook - Advanced GIMP, Information & Computer Technology Class 10 | Information & Computer Technology (Class 10) - Notes & Video PDF Download

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Information and Computer Technology
Chapter 2
Advanced GIMP
Learning Objectives 
Aft er	 learning	 this	 chap t er	 learner	 will	 be	 able	 t o:-
• 	 St a t e	 the	 purpose	 of	 using	 Gimp	 softw ar e.
• 	 Lis t	 the	 f ea tur es	 of	 Gimp.
• 	 Use	 adv ance	 t ools	 of	 Gimp	 f or	 editing	 the	 imag es.
• 	 Align	 diff er en t	 objects	 placed	 in	 a	 La y er .
• 	 Cr ea t e	 imag e	 b y	 mer ging	 tw o	 or	 thr ee	 imag es	 using	 La y er s.
• 	 Vie w	 the	 imag es	 in	 diff er en t	 dimensions	 using	 P er spectiv e	 t ool.
• 	 Apply	 diff er en t	 e ff ects	 on	 imag e	 using	 Masking	 op tion.
GIMP is called multi-platform photo manipulation tool. Since, GIMP is free software, 
it is covered by the General Public License [GPL]. The GPL provides the users with the 
freedom to access and alter the source code. In this chapter, you will learn advance tools 
of Gimp used to give different projections to the image to get the desired result.
1. reVIew of GIMP CoVered In ClaSS IX
GIMP is a GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a powerful open source image editing 
tool that provides retouching, authoring and composition of photos. It consists of the 
features similar to the ones provided by the other available Photo Editing software. It is 
freely downloadable software, which can be downloaded from site.
GNU/Linux distributions include GIMP as a standard application. The GIMP is also 
available for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Apple’s Mac OS X™ 
1.1 features of GIMP are:
 ? It can be used as a simple paint program
 ? It can be used as an expert quality photo retouching program.
 ? It can be used as an online batch processing system.
Page 2

Information and Computer Technology
Chapter 2
Advanced GIMP
Learning Objectives 
Aft er	 learning	 this	 chap t er	 learner	 will	 be	 able	 t o:-
• 	 St a t e	 the	 purpose	 of	 using	 Gimp	 softw ar e.
• 	 Lis t	 the	 f ea tur es	 of	 Gimp.
• 	 Use	 adv ance	 t ools	 of	 Gimp	 f or	 editing	 the	 imag es.
• 	 Align	 diff er en t	 objects	 placed	 in	 a	 La y er .
• 	 Cr ea t e	 imag e	 b y	 mer ging	 tw o	 or	 thr ee	 imag es	 using	 La y er s.
• 	 Vie w	 the	 imag es	 in	 diff er en t	 dimensions	 using	 P er spectiv e	 t ool.
• 	 Apply	 diff er en t	 e ff ects	 on	 imag e	 using	 Masking	 op tion.
GIMP is called multi-platform photo manipulation tool. Since, GIMP is free software, 
it is covered by the General Public License [GPL]. The GPL provides the users with the 
freedom to access and alter the source code. In this chapter, you will learn advance tools 
of Gimp used to give different projections to the image to get the desired result.
1. reVIew of GIMP CoVered In ClaSS IX
GIMP is a GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a powerful open source image editing 
tool that provides retouching, authoring and composition of photos. It consists of the 
features similar to the ones provided by the other available Photo Editing software. It is 
freely downloadable software, which can be downloaded from site.
GNU/Linux distributions include GIMP as a standard application. The GIMP is also 
available for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Apple’s Mac OS X™ 
1.1 features of GIMP are:
 ? It can be used as a simple paint program
 ? It can be used as an expert quality photo retouching program.
 ? It can be used as an online batch processing system.
Advanced GIMP
 ? It can be used as a mass production image producer to develop different models.
 ? The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the 
most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.
 ? It can convert and save files to many file formats such as gif, jpeg, tiff.etc
 ? It can load and save animations in a convenient frame as layer format.
 ? Virtually unlimited images can be opened at one time.
 ? GIMP works with numerous operating systems including Linux, Mac OS and 
Microsoft Windows.
2. tool BoX
The Basic tools were learnt in Class IX. Here we would learn some advanced tools. 
2.1 Move t ool [M] 
The Move Tool is used to move 
layers, selections, paths or  
guides of both the objects and  
the text.
2.2 align t ool [Q] 
The Align tool is useful to align  
the image layers with various image 
2.3 Scale t ool [Shift + t] 
The Scale Tool is used to scale layers, 
selections or paths (the Object).
2.4 Shear t ool [Shift + S] 
Shear tool is used to shift one selected 
part of an image, a layer, a selection 
or a path to a direction and the other 
part to the opposite direction. For 
instance, a horizontal shearing will 
shift the upper part to the right and 
the lower part to the left. 
Rectangle Select tool Oval select tool
Foreground select tool Paths tool
Alignment too
Crop tool
Flip tool Cage transform
Paintbrush tool
Eraser tool
Perspective tool Blur/sharpen tool
Lasso too Fuzzy select tool tool
Color picker tool Zoom tool
Rotate tool
Scale tool
Text tool
Bucket fill tool
Airbrush tool Ink tool
Smudge tool Dodge/Burn tool
Select by color
Scissors tool
Measure too Move tool
Shear tool Rectangle Select tool
Blend tool Pencil tool
Clone tool Heal tool
Foreground color Background color
Page 3

Information and Computer Technology
Chapter 2
Advanced GIMP
Learning Objectives 
Aft er	 learning	 this	 chap t er	 learner	 will	 be	 able	 t o:-
• 	 St a t e	 the	 purpose	 of	 using	 Gimp	 softw ar e.
• 	 Lis t	 the	 f ea tur es	 of	 Gimp.
• 	 Use	 adv ance	 t ools	 of	 Gimp	 f or	 editing	 the	 imag es.
• 	 Align	 diff er en t	 objects	 placed	 in	 a	 La y er .
• 	 Cr ea t e	 imag e	 b y	 mer ging	 tw o	 or	 thr ee	 imag es	 using	 La y er s.
• 	 Vie w	 the	 imag es	 in	 diff er en t	 dimensions	 using	 P er spectiv e	 t ool.
• 	 Apply	 diff er en t	 e ff ects	 on	 imag e	 using	 Masking	 op tion.
GIMP is called multi-platform photo manipulation tool. Since, GIMP is free software, 
it is covered by the General Public License [GPL]. The GPL provides the users with the 
freedom to access and alter the source code. In this chapter, you will learn advance tools 
of Gimp used to give different projections to the image to get the desired result.
1. reVIew of GIMP CoVered In ClaSS IX
GIMP is a GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a powerful open source image editing 
tool that provides retouching, authoring and composition of photos. It consists of the 
features similar to the ones provided by the other available Photo Editing software. It is 
freely downloadable software, which can be downloaded from site.
GNU/Linux distributions include GIMP as a standard application. The GIMP is also 
available for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Apple’s Mac OS X™ 
1.1 features of GIMP are:
 ? It can be used as a simple paint program
 ? It can be used as an expert quality photo retouching program.
 ? It can be used as an online batch processing system.
Advanced GIMP
 ? It can be used as a mass production image producer to develop different models.
 ? The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the 
most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.
 ? It can convert and save files to many file formats such as gif, jpeg, tiff.etc
 ? It can load and save animations in a convenient frame as layer format.
 ? Virtually unlimited images can be opened at one time.
 ? GIMP works with numerous operating systems including Linux, Mac OS and 
Microsoft Windows.
2. tool BoX
The Basic tools were learnt in Class IX. Here we would learn some advanced tools. 
2.1 Move t ool [M] 
The Move Tool is used to move 
layers, selections, paths or  
guides of both the objects and  
the text.
2.2 align t ool [Q] 
The Align tool is useful to align  
the image layers with various image 
2.3 Scale t ool [Shift + t] 
The Scale Tool is used to scale layers, 
selections or paths (the Object).
2.4 Shear t ool [Shift + S] 
Shear tool is used to shift one selected 
part of an image, a layer, a selection 
or a path to a direction and the other 
part to the opposite direction. For 
instance, a horizontal shearing will 
shift the upper part to the right and 
the lower part to the left. 
Rectangle Select tool Oval select tool
Foreground select tool Paths tool
Alignment too
Crop tool
Flip tool Cage transform
Paintbrush tool
Eraser tool
Perspective tool Blur/sharpen tool
Lasso too Fuzzy select tool tool
Color picker tool Zoom tool
Rotate tool
Scale tool
Text tool
Bucket fill tool
Airbrush tool Ink tool
Smudge tool Dodge/Burn tool
Select by color
Scissors tool
Measure too Move tool
Shear tool Rectangle Select tool
Blend tool Pencil tool
Clone tool Heal tool
Foreground color Background color
Information and Computer Technology
2.5 Perspective t ool 
The Perspective Tool is used to view the images in different dimensions, of the active 
layer content. 
2.6 flip an Image 
In a photo, if the face of a person is in the left side direction, this tools changes the direction 
of the face to the right side.  It creates the mirror image of the photo. 
2.7 rotate an Image 
This tool is used to rotate an image in different directions i.e. from horizontal to vertical 
and vice versa.
2.8 Blend t ool [l]  
This tool is used to fill the selected area with a gradient blend of the foreground and 
background colours by default. These colours can be modified to change the colour of 
the gradient.
2.9 Blur/Sharpen t ool [Shift +u] 
This tool is used to blur or sharpen the image using the current brush. Note that in 
“Sharpen” mode, the tool increases the contrast where the brush is applied.
2.10 Smudge t ool [S] 
The Smudge tool uses the current brush to smudge colours on the active layer or the 
selection. It takes the colour and uses it to mix it with the next colour it meets.
2.11 dodge/Burn t ool [Shift + d] 
The Dodge tool uses the current brush to lighten the colors in your image.
The Burn tool uses the current brush to darken the colors in your image. 
The mode will determine which types of pixels are affected.
2.12 eraser t ool [Shift + e] 
Eraser Tool works similar to a classic eraser. Simply select the tool and drag on the canvas 
to erase things.
Page 4

Information and Computer Technology
Chapter 2
Advanced GIMP
Learning Objectives 
Aft er	 learning	 this	 chap t er	 learner	 will	 be	 able	 t o:-
• 	 St a t e	 the	 purpose	 of	 using	 Gimp	 softw ar e.
• 	 Lis t	 the	 f ea tur es	 of	 Gimp.
• 	 Use	 adv ance	 t ools	 of	 Gimp	 f or	 editing	 the	 imag es.
• 	 Align	 diff er en t	 objects	 placed	 in	 a	 La y er .
• 	 Cr ea t e	 imag e	 b y	 mer ging	 tw o	 or	 thr ee	 imag es	 using	 La y er s.
• 	 Vie w	 the	 imag es	 in	 diff er en t	 dimensions	 using	 P er spectiv e	 t ool.
• 	 Apply	 diff er en t	 e ff ects	 on	 imag e	 using	 Masking	 op tion.
GIMP is called multi-platform photo manipulation tool. Since, GIMP is free software, 
it is covered by the General Public License [GPL]. The GPL provides the users with the 
freedom to access and alter the source code. In this chapter, you will learn advance tools 
of Gimp used to give different projections to the image to get the desired result.
1. reVIew of GIMP CoVered In ClaSS IX
GIMP is a GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a powerful open source image editing 
tool that provides retouching, authoring and composition of photos. It consists of the 
features similar to the ones provided by the other available Photo Editing software. It is 
freely downloadable software, which can be downloaded from site.
GNU/Linux distributions include GIMP as a standard application. The GIMP is also 
available for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Apple’s Mac OS X™ 
1.1 features of GIMP are:
 ? It can be used as a simple paint program
 ? It can be used as an expert quality photo retouching program.
 ? It can be used as an online batch processing system.
Advanced GIMP
 ? It can be used as a mass production image producer to develop different models.
 ? The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the 
most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.
 ? It can convert and save files to many file formats such as gif, jpeg, tiff.etc
 ? It can load and save animations in a convenient frame as layer format.
 ? Virtually unlimited images can be opened at one time.
 ? GIMP works with numerous operating systems including Linux, Mac OS and 
Microsoft Windows.
2. tool BoX
The Basic tools were learnt in Class IX. Here we would learn some advanced tools. 
2.1 Move t ool [M] 
The Move Tool is used to move 
layers, selections, paths or  
guides of both the objects and  
the text.
2.2 align t ool [Q] 
The Align tool is useful to align  
the image layers with various image 
2.3 Scale t ool [Shift + t] 
The Scale Tool is used to scale layers, 
selections or paths (the Object).
2.4 Shear t ool [Shift + S] 
Shear tool is used to shift one selected 
part of an image, a layer, a selection 
or a path to a direction and the other 
part to the opposite direction. For 
instance, a horizontal shearing will 
shift the upper part to the right and 
the lower part to the left. 
Rectangle Select tool Oval select tool
Foreground select tool Paths tool
Alignment too
Crop tool
Flip tool Cage transform
Paintbrush tool
Eraser tool
Perspective tool Blur/sharpen tool
Lasso too Fuzzy select tool tool
Color picker tool Zoom tool
Rotate tool
Scale tool
Text tool
Bucket fill tool
Airbrush tool Ink tool
Smudge tool Dodge/Burn tool
Select by color
Scissors tool
Measure too Move tool
Shear tool Rectangle Select tool
Blend tool Pencil tool
Clone tool Heal tool
Foreground color Background color
Information and Computer Technology
2.5 Perspective t ool 
The Perspective Tool is used to view the images in different dimensions, of the active 
layer content. 
2.6 flip an Image 
In a photo, if the face of a person is in the left side direction, this tools changes the direction 
of the face to the right side.  It creates the mirror image of the photo. 
2.7 rotate an Image 
This tool is used to rotate an image in different directions i.e. from horizontal to vertical 
and vice versa.
2.8 Blend t ool [l]  
This tool is used to fill the selected area with a gradient blend of the foreground and 
background colours by default. These colours can be modified to change the colour of 
the gradient.
2.9 Blur/Sharpen t ool [Shift +u] 
This tool is used to blur or sharpen the image using the current brush. Note that in 
“Sharpen” mode, the tool increases the contrast where the brush is applied.
2.10 Smudge t ool [S] 
The Smudge tool uses the current brush to smudge colours on the active layer or the 
selection. It takes the colour and uses it to mix it with the next colour it meets.
2.11 dodge/Burn t ool [Shift + d] 
The Dodge tool uses the current brush to lighten the colors in your image.
The Burn tool uses the current brush to darken the colors in your image. 
The mode will determine which types of pixels are affected.
2.12 eraser t ool [Shift + e] 
Eraser Tool works similar to a classic eraser. Simply select the tool and drag on the canvas 
to erase things.
Advanced GIMP
2.13 Pencil tool [n] 
The Pencil Tool is used as the same way that you would use a real pencil to draw. Simply 
select the tool and drag on the canvas to draw with the Pencil Tool.
2.14 Paintbrush tool [P] 
The Paint Brush tool draws brush like strokes, as if you were painting. It lets you create 
special effects. Unlike the Pencil Tool, the brush tool draws both a fill and outline. 
3.  StePS to uSe tHe toolS Stated aBoVe uSed In GIMP 
are aS followS
3.1 Move t ool [M] 
The Move Tool is used to move layers, selections, paths or guides. It works also on 
Y ou can access the Move Tool in different ways:
From the image menu bar Tools ? Transform Tools ? Move
By clicking the tool icon: 
By using the keyboard shortcut M.
The Move tool is automatically activated when you create a guide.
To use this tool simply click on the canvas and drag the selection to a desired location.
n ote: Holding down the space bar changes the active tool to Move temporarily.
3.2 Move t ool options
Normally, tool options are displayed in a window attached 
under the Toolbox as soon as you activate a tool. If they 
are not, you can access them from the image menu bar 
Windows ? Dock able Windows ? Tool Options which 
opens the option window of the selected tool.
Mov e
Tool Toggle (Shift)
Pick a layer or guide
Move the active layer
Page 5

Information and Computer Technology
Chapter 2
Advanced GIMP
Learning Objectives 
Aft er	 learning	 this	 chap t er	 learner	 will	 be	 able	 t o:-
• 	 St a t e	 the	 purpose	 of	 using	 Gimp	 softw ar e.
• 	 Lis t	 the	 f ea tur es	 of	 Gimp.
• 	 Use	 adv ance	 t ools	 of	 Gimp	 f or	 editing	 the	 imag es.
• 	 Align	 diff er en t	 objects	 placed	 in	 a	 La y er .
• 	 Cr ea t e	 imag e	 b y	 mer ging	 tw o	 or	 thr ee	 imag es	 using	 La y er s.
• 	 Vie w	 the	 imag es	 in	 diff er en t	 dimensions	 using	 P er spectiv e	 t ool.
• 	 Apply	 diff er en t	 e ff ects	 on	 imag e	 using	 Masking	 op tion.
GIMP is called multi-platform photo manipulation tool. Since, GIMP is free software, 
it is covered by the General Public License [GPL]. The GPL provides the users with the 
freedom to access and alter the source code. In this chapter, you will learn advance tools 
of Gimp used to give different projections to the image to get the desired result.
1. reVIew of GIMP CoVered In ClaSS IX
GIMP is a GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a powerful open source image editing 
tool that provides retouching, authoring and composition of photos. It consists of the 
features similar to the ones provided by the other available Photo Editing software. It is 
freely downloadable software, which can be downloaded from site.
GNU/Linux distributions include GIMP as a standard application. The GIMP is also 
available for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows™ or Apple’s Mac OS X™ 
1.1 features of GIMP are:
 ? It can be used as a simple paint program
 ? It can be used as an expert quality photo retouching program.
 ? It can be used as an online batch processing system.
Advanced GIMP
 ? It can be used as a mass production image producer to develop different models.
 ? The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the 
most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.
 ? It can convert and save files to many file formats such as gif, jpeg, tiff.etc
 ? It can load and save animations in a convenient frame as layer format.
 ? Virtually unlimited images can be opened at one time.
 ? GIMP works with numerous operating systems including Linux, Mac OS and 
Microsoft Windows.
2. tool BoX
The Basic tools were learnt in Class IX. Here we would learn some advanced tools. 
2.1 Move t ool [M] 
The Move Tool is used to move 
layers, selections, paths or  
guides of both the objects and  
the text.
2.2 align t ool [Q] 
The Align tool is useful to align  
the image layers with various image 
2.3 Scale t ool [Shift + t] 
The Scale Tool is used to scale layers, 
selections or paths (the Object).
2.4 Shear t ool [Shift + S] 
Shear tool is used to shift one selected 
part of an image, a layer, a selection 
or a path to a direction and the other 
part to the opposite direction. For 
instance, a horizontal shearing will 
shift the upper part to the right and 
the lower part to the left. 
Rectangle Select tool Oval select tool
Foreground select tool Paths tool
Alignment too
Crop tool
Flip tool Cage transform
Paintbrush tool
Eraser tool
Perspective tool Blur/sharpen tool
Lasso too Fuzzy select tool tool
Color picker tool Zoom tool
Rotate tool
Scale tool
Text tool
Bucket fill tool
Airbrush tool Ink tool
Smudge tool Dodge/Burn tool
Select by color
Scissors tool
Measure too Move tool
Shear tool Rectangle Select tool
Blend tool Pencil tool
Clone tool Heal tool
Foreground color Background color
Information and Computer Technology
2.5 Perspective t ool 
The Perspective Tool is used to view the images in different dimensions, of the active 
layer content. 
2.6 flip an Image 
In a photo, if the face of a person is in the left side direction, this tools changes the direction 
of the face to the right side.  It creates the mirror image of the photo. 
2.7 rotate an Image 
This tool is used to rotate an image in different directions i.e. from horizontal to vertical 
and vice versa.
2.8 Blend t ool [l]  
This tool is used to fill the selected area with a gradient blend of the foreground and 
background colours by default. These colours can be modified to change the colour of 
the gradient.
2.9 Blur/Sharpen t ool [Shift +u] 
This tool is used to blur or sharpen the image using the current brush. Note that in 
“Sharpen” mode, the tool increases the contrast where the brush is applied.
2.10 Smudge t ool [S] 
The Smudge tool uses the current brush to smudge colours on the active layer or the 
selection. It takes the colour and uses it to mix it with the next colour it meets.
2.11 dodge/Burn t ool [Shift + d] 
The Dodge tool uses the current brush to lighten the colors in your image.
The Burn tool uses the current brush to darken the colors in your image. 
The mode will determine which types of pixels are affected.
2.12 eraser t ool [Shift + e] 
Eraser Tool works similar to a classic eraser. Simply select the tool and drag on the canvas 
to erase things.
Advanced GIMP
2.13 Pencil tool [n] 
The Pencil Tool is used as the same way that you would use a real pencil to draw. Simply 
select the tool and drag on the canvas to draw with the Pencil Tool.
2.14 Paintbrush tool [P] 
The Paint Brush tool draws brush like strokes, as if you were painting. It lets you create 
special effects. Unlike the Pencil Tool, the brush tool draws both a fill and outline. 
3.  StePS to uSe tHe toolS Stated aBoVe uSed In GIMP 
are aS followS
3.1 Move t ool [M] 
The Move Tool is used to move layers, selections, paths or guides. It works also on 
Y ou can access the Move Tool in different ways:
From the image menu bar Tools ? Transform Tools ? Move
By clicking the tool icon: 
By using the keyboard shortcut M.
The Move tool is automatically activated when you create a guide.
To use this tool simply click on the canvas and drag the selection to a desired location.
n ote: Holding down the space bar changes the active tool to Move temporarily.
3.2 Move t ool options
Normally, tool options are displayed in a window attached 
under the Toolbox as soon as you activate a tool. If they 
are not, you can access them from the image menu bar 
Windows ? Dock able Windows ? Tool Options which 
opens the option window of the selected tool.
Mov e
Tool Toggle (Shift)
Pick a layer or guide
Move the active layer
Information and Computer Technology
If Move is on “Layer” – 
Only the current Layer 
will be moved.
If Move is on “Selection” – 
The selection’s outline will 
be moved.
If Move is on “Path” - The 
mouse pointer turns to a 
small hand when it goes 
over a visible path. Then you can move this path by click-and-dragging it (it will be the 
active path while moving.
3.3 align t ool 
The Align tool is useful to align the image layers with various image objects. When this 
tool is selected, the mouse pointer turns to a small hand. By clicking on an element of 
a layer in the image, you choose the layer which will be moved (with Shift + click, you 
can choose several layers to be aligned), this focalised layer has small squares in corners. 
Various buttons in the dialog allow you to select how the layer will be moved. And you 
can select the image object (other layer, selection, path...) the selected layer will be aligned 
on. This object is called target.
you can activate the align tool in several ways:
From the image-menu, through: Tools ? Transform Tools ? 
Align, By clicking on the tool icon: in the toolbox, By using 
the Q keyboard shortcut.
3.4 align t ool options           
The options of Align Tool become active when a layer 
is selected. When you click on one of these buttons, you align 
the selected layer with left edge, horizontal middle, right edge, 
top edge, vertical middle, or bottom of the target. 
These options seem to differ from the “Related to ” options only by the possibility to 
set an offset. This offset is the distance which will separate the selected layer(s) from 
Relative to:
First item
Selected part of the Image is moved
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6 videos|25 docs|6 tests

FAQs on NCERT Textbook - Advanced GIMP, Information & Computer Technology Class 10 - Information & Computer Technology (Class 10) - Notes & Video

1. What is the NCERT textbook for Information & Computer Technology Class 10?
Ans. The NCERT textbook for Information & Computer Technology Class 10 is "Advanced GIMP". It is a comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) software, which is used for editing and manipulating digital images.
2. What is GIMP?
Ans. GIMP stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a free and open-source image editing software that offers a wide range of tools and features for image manipulation and retouching. GIMP is widely used by graphic designers, photographers, and artists.
3. What topics are covered in the NCERT textbook "Advanced GIMP"?
Ans. The NCERT textbook "Advanced GIMP" covers topics such as introduction to GIMP, image editing tools, layers and masks, retouching and restoration, filters and effects, working with text, and advanced techniques like batch processing and scripting.
4. Is the NCERT textbook "Advanced GIMP" suitable for beginners?
Ans. Yes, the NCERT textbook "Advanced GIMP" is suitable for beginners. It provides step-by-step instructions and explanations of various tools and techniques in GIMP. The textbook also includes practical exercises and examples to help students understand and apply their knowledge.
5. Where can I find the NCERT textbook "Advanced GIMP" for Information & Computer Technology Class 10?
Ans. The NCERT textbook "Advanced GIMP" for Information & Computer Technology Class 10 is available in both physical and digital formats. It can be purchased from various online platforms, bookstores, or downloaded from the official NCERT website.
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