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 Page 1

 Class - VI 
Date – 
General Instructions : 
• This paper consists of 4 sections : 
 Section A  Reading 20 marks 
 Section B Writing 25 marks 
 Section C Grammar 20 marks 
 Section D Literature 25 marks 
• Attempt all the questions according to instructions. 
• Don’t write anything on the question paper. 
• All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper. 
• Ensure that questions for each section are answered together. 
• Read each question carefully and follow instructions. 
SECTION – A (Reading) 20 marks 
A1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Did you know that there is an animal which spends all its time hanging upside 
down and most of its life asleep? The animal is the sloth. The sloth is a 
mammal, that is, an animal which feeds on its mother’s milk when young. It is 
found in the jungles of South America, and is one of the laziest animals alive! 
Its enemies do not see it because it stays without moving for such a long time. 
Dangerous animals, which might otherwise kill it, leave it alone. As they go by 
beneath a tree, they do not notice the sloth which is hanging, unmoving, from 
one of the branches! The word ‘sloth’ is now a part of the English language. To 
be ‘Slothful’ is to be ‘lazy’, like the sloth. 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The sloth is a 
 a)  reptile    b) mammal    c) bird     d) insect 
2. It is found in the jungles of 
 a)  Amazon    b) Africa     c) South America   d) Brazil 
3. Who is one of the laziest animals alive? 
 a)  Monkey    b) Sloth     c) Zebra     d) Fox 
4. Slothful means 
 a)  to be fast    b) to be lazy    c) to be active    d) to be alone 
5. Which of the following word from the passage means ‘foe’? 
 a)  hanging    b) beneath     c) enemies     d) asleep  
Page 2

 Class - VI 
Date – 
General Instructions : 
• This paper consists of 4 sections : 
 Section A  Reading 20 marks 
 Section B Writing 25 marks 
 Section C Grammar 20 marks 
 Section D Literature 25 marks 
• Attempt all the questions according to instructions. 
• Don’t write anything on the question paper. 
• All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper. 
• Ensure that questions for each section are answered together. 
• Read each question carefully and follow instructions. 
SECTION – A (Reading) 20 marks 
A1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Did you know that there is an animal which spends all its time hanging upside 
down and most of its life asleep? The animal is the sloth. The sloth is a 
mammal, that is, an animal which feeds on its mother’s milk when young. It is 
found in the jungles of South America, and is one of the laziest animals alive! 
Its enemies do not see it because it stays without moving for such a long time. 
Dangerous animals, which might otherwise kill it, leave it alone. As they go by 
beneath a tree, they do not notice the sloth which is hanging, unmoving, from 
one of the branches! The word ‘sloth’ is now a part of the English language. To 
be ‘Slothful’ is to be ‘lazy’, like the sloth. 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The sloth is a 
 a)  reptile    b) mammal    c) bird     d) insect 
2. It is found in the jungles of 
 a)  Amazon    b) Africa     c) South America   d) Brazil 
3. Who is one of the laziest animals alive? 
 a)  Monkey    b) Sloth     c) Zebra     d) Fox 
4. Slothful means 
 a)  to be fast    b) to be lazy    c) to be active    d) to be alone 
5. Which of the following word from the passage means ‘foe’? 
 a)  hanging    b) beneath     c) enemies     d) asleep  
A2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
There was once a village near Jaipur. It was a quiet place. People worked 
hard. The fields were full of ripe grain. There was plenty of food for 
everyone. But one year the rain did not come at the usual time. Therefore 
there was no water and the crops dried up. People started leaving the village 
for the city. They tried to get a job there. Animals also followed the people. 
One morning a hungry cock went to a farmyard in search of food. After a lot 
of searching in the rubbish, he found a sparkling gem lying in the dirt. It 
shone brightly in the morning light. “Ah! If only it were a grain of corn!” the 
cock cried. “Gems look beautiful but they do not satisfy hunger.” 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The villagers left the village because there was 
a)  no food    b) no water    c) no money    d) no job 
2. What did the cock find in the farmyard? 
a)  a stone    b) a corn    c) a treasure    d) a gem 
3. The fields were full of 
a)  rice    b) wheat    c) sour vegetables  d) ripe grain 
4. What were the people trying to get in the city? 
a)  a home    b) a field    c) a job               d) plenty of food 
5. Which of the following word from the passage is the antonym of ‘noisy’? 
a)  dried    b) satisfy    c) sparkling    d) quiet  
A3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Young Thomas Elva Edison was a genius by birth. When he was four years 
old, he once sat on a goose’s egg to see if it would hatch. He was naturally 
curious and a fast learner. At the age of twelve, he started his first job. He 
sold newspapers, food and toffees in the train. When he turned fifteen, 
Thomas was selling his own weekly paper that he printed himself. At the age 
of thirty, Edison established a laboratory in New Jersey’s Menlo Park town. 
This is the place where he invented the historical electric light bulb. Edison 
holds the maximum number of patents to his credit. He was also known as 
“the wizard of the Menlo Park”. Edison was very famous among his friends 
and also known for his witty answers. 
 i)     State whether TRUE/FALSE – 
  a) Edison was a weak learner by birth.  
  b) He established a laboratory in London. 
  c) He invented the historical electric light bulb. 
 ii)    Write the antonyms - 
a) Minimum -  b)   Idiot - 
 iii)   Write two qualities of Thomas Elva Edison? (2) 
 iv)   What is the record held by Edison? (2) 
 v)     He was also known as _________________. (1) 
Page 3

 Class - VI 
Date – 
General Instructions : 
• This paper consists of 4 sections : 
 Section A  Reading 20 marks 
 Section B Writing 25 marks 
 Section C Grammar 20 marks 
 Section D Literature 25 marks 
• Attempt all the questions according to instructions. 
• Don’t write anything on the question paper. 
• All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper. 
• Ensure that questions for each section are answered together. 
• Read each question carefully and follow instructions. 
SECTION – A (Reading) 20 marks 
A1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Did you know that there is an animal which spends all its time hanging upside 
down and most of its life asleep? The animal is the sloth. The sloth is a 
mammal, that is, an animal which feeds on its mother’s milk when young. It is 
found in the jungles of South America, and is one of the laziest animals alive! 
Its enemies do not see it because it stays without moving for such a long time. 
Dangerous animals, which might otherwise kill it, leave it alone. As they go by 
beneath a tree, they do not notice the sloth which is hanging, unmoving, from 
one of the branches! The word ‘sloth’ is now a part of the English language. To 
be ‘Slothful’ is to be ‘lazy’, like the sloth. 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The sloth is a 
 a)  reptile    b) mammal    c) bird     d) insect 
2. It is found in the jungles of 
 a)  Amazon    b) Africa     c) South America   d) Brazil 
3. Who is one of the laziest animals alive? 
 a)  Monkey    b) Sloth     c) Zebra     d) Fox 
4. Slothful means 
 a)  to be fast    b) to be lazy    c) to be active    d) to be alone 
5. Which of the following word from the passage means ‘foe’? 
 a)  hanging    b) beneath     c) enemies     d) asleep  
A2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
There was once a village near Jaipur. It was a quiet place. People worked 
hard. The fields were full of ripe grain. There was plenty of food for 
everyone. But one year the rain did not come at the usual time. Therefore 
there was no water and the crops dried up. People started leaving the village 
for the city. They tried to get a job there. Animals also followed the people. 
One morning a hungry cock went to a farmyard in search of food. After a lot 
of searching in the rubbish, he found a sparkling gem lying in the dirt. It 
shone brightly in the morning light. “Ah! If only it were a grain of corn!” the 
cock cried. “Gems look beautiful but they do not satisfy hunger.” 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The villagers left the village because there was 
a)  no food    b) no water    c) no money    d) no job 
2. What did the cock find in the farmyard? 
a)  a stone    b) a corn    c) a treasure    d) a gem 
3. The fields were full of 
a)  rice    b) wheat    c) sour vegetables  d) ripe grain 
4. What were the people trying to get in the city? 
a)  a home    b) a field    c) a job               d) plenty of food 
5. Which of the following word from the passage is the antonym of ‘noisy’? 
a)  dried    b) satisfy    c) sparkling    d) quiet  
A3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Young Thomas Elva Edison was a genius by birth. When he was four years 
old, he once sat on a goose’s egg to see if it would hatch. He was naturally 
curious and a fast learner. At the age of twelve, he started his first job. He 
sold newspapers, food and toffees in the train. When he turned fifteen, 
Thomas was selling his own weekly paper that he printed himself. At the age 
of thirty, Edison established a laboratory in New Jersey’s Menlo Park town. 
This is the place where he invented the historical electric light bulb. Edison 
holds the maximum number of patents to his credit. He was also known as 
“the wizard of the Menlo Park”. Edison was very famous among his friends 
and also known for his witty answers. 
 i)     State whether TRUE/FALSE – 
  a) Edison was a weak learner by birth.  
  b) He established a laboratory in London. 
  c) He invented the historical electric light bulb. 
 ii)    Write the antonyms - 
a) Minimum -  b)   Idiot - 
 iii)   Write two qualities of Thomas Elva Edison? (2) 
 iv)   What is the record held by Edison? (2) 
 v)     He was also known as _________________. (1) 
SECTION-B (Writing) 25 marks 
B1. You are Mayank/Meera of class VI A, Oxford Public School, Noida. While 
playing in the basketball court, you lost your identity card. Draft a notice, 
regarding the same and announce a suitable reward to the finder. 
Your school is organising an Inter School Speech Competition on the topic 
‘Incredible India’. As the secretary of your school Literary Club, draft a notice 
for the children of classes VI to VIII to participate in the competition. 
B2. Read the telephonic conversation between Priya and Raman. On the basis 
of the conversation, write the message in 50 words. Put the message in a 
Priya: May I speak to Neha? 
Raman: Sorry, she’s not at home. May I know who’s calling? 
Priya: I’m Priya, her friend. 
Raman: Oh! Hello! Priya Didi. Is there something important to convey her? 
Priya: Yes! Actually, we had planned to go for a matinee show today, but as I 
could not manage to get the tickets, we’ll not be able to go. Instead, I’ve got 
tickets for tomorrow noon show. She can meet me outside VK Theatre at 11:45 
a.m. tomorrow. Please convey this message to her. 
Raman: Sure Didi, anything else? 
Priya:  No, that’s all. Thank You. 
B3. Write a story with the help of the clues given in the box. Give it a suitable 
 Raj and Gopal - friends - crossing jungle - see a bear - bear never climb trees – 
Ram climbs – Gopal afraid – lies quietly – holds breath – as dead – bear comes 
– goes round Gopal – sniffs – goes away – Ram climbs down – Gopal silent – 
Ram asks – what did bear say – Gopal says – don’t trust – no true friend  
B4. Last Sunday, you visited a National Park with your family. Write a letter to your 
cousin who lives in a boarding, telling him how you enjoyed there and how you 
wish to visit the place with him again. 
Write a letter to your aunt in Manali informing her that you’ll be visiting her 
place during the summer vacation. Give her the details so that she can pick you 
at the station and make necessary arrangements. You are Atul/Neha, Delhi. 
SECTION- C (Grammar) 20 marks 
C1. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentence – 
a) famous/his/Robin Hood//was/for/bravery 
b) heavily/it/was/raining 
c) season/my/winter/is/favourite 
d) our/won/matches/all/the/of/team  
Page 4

 Class - VI 
Date – 
General Instructions : 
• This paper consists of 4 sections : 
 Section A  Reading 20 marks 
 Section B Writing 25 marks 
 Section C Grammar 20 marks 
 Section D Literature 25 marks 
• Attempt all the questions according to instructions. 
• Don’t write anything on the question paper. 
• All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper. 
• Ensure that questions for each section are answered together. 
• Read each question carefully and follow instructions. 
SECTION – A (Reading) 20 marks 
A1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Did you know that there is an animal which spends all its time hanging upside 
down and most of its life asleep? The animal is the sloth. The sloth is a 
mammal, that is, an animal which feeds on its mother’s milk when young. It is 
found in the jungles of South America, and is one of the laziest animals alive! 
Its enemies do not see it because it stays without moving for such a long time. 
Dangerous animals, which might otherwise kill it, leave it alone. As they go by 
beneath a tree, they do not notice the sloth which is hanging, unmoving, from 
one of the branches! The word ‘sloth’ is now a part of the English language. To 
be ‘Slothful’ is to be ‘lazy’, like the sloth. 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The sloth is a 
 a)  reptile    b) mammal    c) bird     d) insect 
2. It is found in the jungles of 
 a)  Amazon    b) Africa     c) South America   d) Brazil 
3. Who is one of the laziest animals alive? 
 a)  Monkey    b) Sloth     c) Zebra     d) Fox 
4. Slothful means 
 a)  to be fast    b) to be lazy    c) to be active    d) to be alone 
5. Which of the following word from the passage means ‘foe’? 
 a)  hanging    b) beneath     c) enemies     d) asleep  
A2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
There was once a village near Jaipur. It was a quiet place. People worked 
hard. The fields were full of ripe grain. There was plenty of food for 
everyone. But one year the rain did not come at the usual time. Therefore 
there was no water and the crops dried up. People started leaving the village 
for the city. They tried to get a job there. Animals also followed the people. 
One morning a hungry cock went to a farmyard in search of food. After a lot 
of searching in the rubbish, he found a sparkling gem lying in the dirt. It 
shone brightly in the morning light. “Ah! If only it were a grain of corn!” the 
cock cried. “Gems look beautiful but they do not satisfy hunger.” 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The villagers left the village because there was 
a)  no food    b) no water    c) no money    d) no job 
2. What did the cock find in the farmyard? 
a)  a stone    b) a corn    c) a treasure    d) a gem 
3. The fields were full of 
a)  rice    b) wheat    c) sour vegetables  d) ripe grain 
4. What were the people trying to get in the city? 
a)  a home    b) a field    c) a job               d) plenty of food 
5. Which of the following word from the passage is the antonym of ‘noisy’? 
a)  dried    b) satisfy    c) sparkling    d) quiet  
A3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Young Thomas Elva Edison was a genius by birth. When he was four years 
old, he once sat on a goose’s egg to see if it would hatch. He was naturally 
curious and a fast learner. At the age of twelve, he started his first job. He 
sold newspapers, food and toffees in the train. When he turned fifteen, 
Thomas was selling his own weekly paper that he printed himself. At the age 
of thirty, Edison established a laboratory in New Jersey’s Menlo Park town. 
This is the place where he invented the historical electric light bulb. Edison 
holds the maximum number of patents to his credit. He was also known as 
“the wizard of the Menlo Park”. Edison was very famous among his friends 
and also known for his witty answers. 
 i)     State whether TRUE/FALSE – 
  a) Edison was a weak learner by birth.  
  b) He established a laboratory in London. 
  c) He invented the historical electric light bulb. 
 ii)    Write the antonyms - 
a) Minimum -  b)   Idiot - 
 iii)   Write two qualities of Thomas Elva Edison? (2) 
 iv)   What is the record held by Edison? (2) 
 v)     He was also known as _________________. (1) 
SECTION-B (Writing) 25 marks 
B1. You are Mayank/Meera of class VI A, Oxford Public School, Noida. While 
playing in the basketball court, you lost your identity card. Draft a notice, 
regarding the same and announce a suitable reward to the finder. 
Your school is organising an Inter School Speech Competition on the topic 
‘Incredible India’. As the secretary of your school Literary Club, draft a notice 
for the children of classes VI to VIII to participate in the competition. 
B2. Read the telephonic conversation between Priya and Raman. On the basis 
of the conversation, write the message in 50 words. Put the message in a 
Priya: May I speak to Neha? 
Raman: Sorry, she’s not at home. May I know who’s calling? 
Priya: I’m Priya, her friend. 
Raman: Oh! Hello! Priya Didi. Is there something important to convey her? 
Priya: Yes! Actually, we had planned to go for a matinee show today, but as I 
could not manage to get the tickets, we’ll not be able to go. Instead, I’ve got 
tickets for tomorrow noon show. She can meet me outside VK Theatre at 11:45 
a.m. tomorrow. Please convey this message to her. 
Raman: Sure Didi, anything else? 
Priya:  No, that’s all. Thank You. 
B3. Write a story with the help of the clues given in the box. Give it a suitable 
 Raj and Gopal - friends - crossing jungle - see a bear - bear never climb trees – 
Ram climbs – Gopal afraid – lies quietly – holds breath – as dead – bear comes 
– goes round Gopal – sniffs – goes away – Ram climbs down – Gopal silent – 
Ram asks – what did bear say – Gopal says – don’t trust – no true friend  
B4. Last Sunday, you visited a National Park with your family. Write a letter to your 
cousin who lives in a boarding, telling him how you enjoyed there and how you 
wish to visit the place with him again. 
Write a letter to your aunt in Manali informing her that you’ll be visiting her 
place during the summer vacation. Give her the details so that she can pick you 
at the station and make necessary arrangements. You are Atul/Neha, Delhi. 
SECTION- C (Grammar) 20 marks 
C1. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentence – 
a) famous/his/Robin Hood//was/for/bravery 
b) heavily/it/was/raining 
c) season/my/winter/is/favourite 
d) our/won/matches/all/the/of/team  
C2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. 
Write the correct answer in the blank provided. 
In April 12, 1961, major Yuri Gagarin a) __________ 
become the first man ever to venture                         b) __________ 
in space. He did not know for certain                        c) __________ 
beforehand that he is to be chosen.                           d) __________ 
The Russian had three possible candidates               e)  __________ 
ready although Gagarin is first                        f) __________ 
in a list,                                                                  g) __________ 
the choice was not                                                        
definitely made until an morning of April 12.           h) __________                               
C.3 Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the sentences – 
a) Yesterday I ____ to see a cricket match. (go) 
b) She ________ on the floor when I saw her. (dance) 
c) My father ____ us last Sunday. (visit) 
d) Seema’s mother _______ for her since morning. (wait) 
C.4 Correct the underlined word in each sentence – 
a) The severe summer heat effected our work badly. 
b) We need to get permission from the principle to screen the film. 
c) The monsoon will arrive a little latter this year. 
d) The morale of the story is that one should be punctual. 
C.5 Do as directed - 
i)   Choose the correct answer – 
 a) Do not ______ this secret to anyone. 
          (recall, reveal, rebel) 
 b)  Ritesh brings goods from another country to sell. He is an ________. 
     (imposter, investor, importer)  
 ii)   Correct the sentences if necessary - 
 a)  Are there any cellotape left? 
 b)  I don’t have many homework to do tonight. 
SECTION – D (Literature) 25 marks 
D.1 Read the extract and choose the correct answer from the following - (3) 
 He pulled out some colourful fabrics from the shelf and spread them on the 
table. “Ju, select what you like. If your father had been alive, you and your 
mother wouldn’t have worn old clothes. 
a) Who is ‘He’ in the above extract?  
i)   Ben        ii)  Ali  iii)   Philip 
b) Who was Ju’s mother?  
i)   Radha  ii)  Meena  iii)   Madhu 
Page 5

 Class - VI 
Date – 
General Instructions : 
• This paper consists of 4 sections : 
 Section A  Reading 20 marks 
 Section B Writing 25 marks 
 Section C Grammar 20 marks 
 Section D Literature 25 marks 
• Attempt all the questions according to instructions. 
• Don’t write anything on the question paper. 
• All the answers must be correctly numbered as in the question paper. 
• Ensure that questions for each section are answered together. 
• Read each question carefully and follow instructions. 
SECTION – A (Reading) 20 marks 
A1. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Did you know that there is an animal which spends all its time hanging upside 
down and most of its life asleep? The animal is the sloth. The sloth is a 
mammal, that is, an animal which feeds on its mother’s milk when young. It is 
found in the jungles of South America, and is one of the laziest animals alive! 
Its enemies do not see it because it stays without moving for such a long time. 
Dangerous animals, which might otherwise kill it, leave it alone. As they go by 
beneath a tree, they do not notice the sloth which is hanging, unmoving, from 
one of the branches! The word ‘sloth’ is now a part of the English language. To 
be ‘Slothful’ is to be ‘lazy’, like the sloth. 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The sloth is a 
 a)  reptile    b) mammal    c) bird     d) insect 
2. It is found in the jungles of 
 a)  Amazon    b) Africa     c) South America   d) Brazil 
3. Who is one of the laziest animals alive? 
 a)  Monkey    b) Sloth     c) Zebra     d) Fox 
4. Slothful means 
 a)  to be fast    b) to be lazy    c) to be active    d) to be alone 
5. Which of the following word from the passage means ‘foe’? 
 a)  hanging    b) beneath     c) enemies     d) asleep  
A2. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
There was once a village near Jaipur. It was a quiet place. People worked 
hard. The fields were full of ripe grain. There was plenty of food for 
everyone. But one year the rain did not come at the usual time. Therefore 
there was no water and the crops dried up. People started leaving the village 
for the city. They tried to get a job there. Animals also followed the people. 
One morning a hungry cock went to a farmyard in search of food. After a lot 
of searching in the rubbish, he found a sparkling gem lying in the dirt. It 
shone brightly in the morning light. “Ah! If only it were a grain of corn!” the 
cock cried. “Gems look beautiful but they do not satisfy hunger.” 
Choose the correct answer – 
1. The villagers left the village because there was 
a)  no food    b) no water    c) no money    d) no job 
2. What did the cock find in the farmyard? 
a)  a stone    b) a corn    c) a treasure    d) a gem 
3. The fields were full of 
a)  rice    b) wheat    c) sour vegetables  d) ripe grain 
4. What were the people trying to get in the city? 
a)  a home    b) a field    c) a job               d) plenty of food 
5. Which of the following word from the passage is the antonym of ‘noisy’? 
a)  dried    b) satisfy    c) sparkling    d) quiet  
A3. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions given below – 
Young Thomas Elva Edison was a genius by birth. When he was four years 
old, he once sat on a goose’s egg to see if it would hatch. He was naturally 
curious and a fast learner. At the age of twelve, he started his first job. He 
sold newspapers, food and toffees in the train. When he turned fifteen, 
Thomas was selling his own weekly paper that he printed himself. At the age 
of thirty, Edison established a laboratory in New Jersey’s Menlo Park town. 
This is the place where he invented the historical electric light bulb. Edison 
holds the maximum number of patents to his credit. He was also known as 
“the wizard of the Menlo Park”. Edison was very famous among his friends 
and also known for his witty answers. 
 i)     State whether TRUE/FALSE – 
  a) Edison was a weak learner by birth.  
  b) He established a laboratory in London. 
  c) He invented the historical electric light bulb. 
 ii)    Write the antonyms - 
a) Minimum -  b)   Idiot - 
 iii)   Write two qualities of Thomas Elva Edison? (2) 
 iv)   What is the record held by Edison? (2) 
 v)     He was also known as _________________. (1) 
SECTION-B (Writing) 25 marks 
B1. You are Mayank/Meera of class VI A, Oxford Public School, Noida. While 
playing in the basketball court, you lost your identity card. Draft a notice, 
regarding the same and announce a suitable reward to the finder. 
Your school is organising an Inter School Speech Competition on the topic 
‘Incredible India’. As the secretary of your school Literary Club, draft a notice 
for the children of classes VI to VIII to participate in the competition. 
B2. Read the telephonic conversation between Priya and Raman. On the basis 
of the conversation, write the message in 50 words. Put the message in a 
Priya: May I speak to Neha? 
Raman: Sorry, she’s not at home. May I know who’s calling? 
Priya: I’m Priya, her friend. 
Raman: Oh! Hello! Priya Didi. Is there something important to convey her? 
Priya: Yes! Actually, we had planned to go for a matinee show today, but as I 
could not manage to get the tickets, we’ll not be able to go. Instead, I’ve got 
tickets for tomorrow noon show. She can meet me outside VK Theatre at 11:45 
a.m. tomorrow. Please convey this message to her. 
Raman: Sure Didi, anything else? 
Priya:  No, that’s all. Thank You. 
B3. Write a story with the help of the clues given in the box. Give it a suitable 
 Raj and Gopal - friends - crossing jungle - see a bear - bear never climb trees – 
Ram climbs – Gopal afraid – lies quietly – holds breath – as dead – bear comes 
– goes round Gopal – sniffs – goes away – Ram climbs down – Gopal silent – 
Ram asks – what did bear say – Gopal says – don’t trust – no true friend  
B4. Last Sunday, you visited a National Park with your family. Write a letter to your 
cousin who lives in a boarding, telling him how you enjoyed there and how you 
wish to visit the place with him again. 
Write a letter to your aunt in Manali informing her that you’ll be visiting her 
place during the summer vacation. Give her the details so that she can pick you 
at the station and make necessary arrangements. You are Atul/Neha, Delhi. 
SECTION- C (Grammar) 20 marks 
C1. Rearrange the following words to make meaningful sentence – 
a) famous/his/Robin Hood//was/for/bravery 
b) heavily/it/was/raining 
c) season/my/winter/is/favourite 
d) our/won/matches/all/the/of/team  
C2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. 
Write the correct answer in the blank provided. 
In April 12, 1961, major Yuri Gagarin a) __________ 
become the first man ever to venture                         b) __________ 
in space. He did not know for certain                        c) __________ 
beforehand that he is to be chosen.                           d) __________ 
The Russian had three possible candidates               e)  __________ 
ready although Gagarin is first                        f) __________ 
in a list,                                                                  g) __________ 
the choice was not                                                        
definitely made until an morning of April 12.           h) __________                               
C.3 Choose the correct form of verbs to complete the sentences – 
a) Yesterday I ____ to see a cricket match. (go) 
b) She ________ on the floor when I saw her. (dance) 
c) My father ____ us last Sunday. (visit) 
d) Seema’s mother _______ for her since morning. (wait) 
C.4 Correct the underlined word in each sentence – 
a) The severe summer heat effected our work badly. 
b) We need to get permission from the principle to screen the film. 
c) The monsoon will arrive a little latter this year. 
d) The morale of the story is that one should be punctual. 
C.5 Do as directed - 
i)   Choose the correct answer – 
 a) Do not ______ this secret to anyone. 
          (recall, reveal, rebel) 
 b)  Ritesh brings goods from another country to sell. He is an ________. 
     (imposter, investor, importer)  
 ii)   Correct the sentences if necessary - 
 a)  Are there any cellotape left? 
 b)  I don’t have many homework to do tonight. 
SECTION – D (Literature) 25 marks 
D.1 Read the extract and choose the correct answer from the following - (3) 
 He pulled out some colourful fabrics from the shelf and spread them on the 
table. “Ju, select what you like. If your father had been alive, you and your 
mother wouldn’t have worn old clothes. 
a) Who is ‘He’ in the above extract?  
i)   Ben        ii)  Ali  iii)   Philip 
b) Who was Ju’s mother?  
i)   Radha  ii)  Meena  iii)   Madhu 
c) Ju’s father was a _______. 
i)   mechanic ii)  fruit-seller iii)   tailor 
D.2 Read the extract and answer the following – 
As time passed, the mouse invasion faded into the pages of family history. It 
was only recently that I had the courage to tell my mother what had happened. 
a) Who is ‘I’ in the above extract? 
b) According to the narrator, what had happened in the story? 
D.3 Answer any five of the following questions – (2×5 =10) 
 i) Why did the old lady stop Ju in the street? 
ii)   Why did the narrator bring the snake into the house? 
iii)  What did the men and women learn from the little girls? 
iv)  Fill in the blanks – 
 a) ______ mother turned in full fury to Akulya’s mother.   
 b) The poem ‘Going for Water’ is written by ______. 
 c) The narrator’s mother put her hand into a litter of ______ pink baby mice. 
 d)  The old lady exclaimed and ______ at Ju. 
v)  Complete the statement –  
        a) Philip and his friend sold wild mice to __________. 
        b) It was _________, and the winter snow had just begun to melt in a little village 
      in Russia. 
vi)  State whether TRUE/FALSE – 
a) The girls had just come back from the temple. 
 b) Ju found a butterfly pressed between the pages of  her geography textbook. 
 c)  Just that afternoon, I had caught a 78-centimetre garter snake. 
 d)  The speaker heard the sound of linnet. 
D.4 Answer any one of the following – (3) 
 a) Mention any three things you think adults should learn from children. 
b) What can we learn from Ju? Mention three things that you like about Ju. 
D.5 Imagine that you are Ju and you have just received your first letter from a 
classmate who has moved away. 
Write a reply telling her how happy you are as you have got new clothes from 
Ali uncle as a reward for going to high school. 
Nature plays an important role in our life. Write a paragraph describing the 
significance of various elements of nature present around us. 
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4. What topics are covered in Class 6 English Sample Question Paper – 1?
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