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NCERT Textbook: An Indian American Women in Space: Kalpana Chawla | English Class 6 (Honeysuckle) PDF Download

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Before you read
In 1997, an Indian – American, Kalpana Chawla,
was part of the international crew aboard the
U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first
woman born in India to go into space. Sadly, the
second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy.
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
1. A space shuttle is a spacecraft that is made
for repeated space travel (unlike a rocket), for
example, between earth and a space station.
2. Use a dictionary to do the tasks below.
(i) Find out the meanings of the following words
and phrases (look up the words underlined in
the phrases).
(a) naturalised U.S. citizen 
(b) space 
(c) frontiers of space 
(d) aboard 
(e) lift off (How is it different from ‘take off’?)
 (f) crew 
(ii) Notice the spellings of these words in this
lesson: airplane, program. This is how these
words are spelt in American English. How are
they spelt in British English?
Rationalised 2023-24
Page 2

Before you read
In 1997, an Indian – American, Kalpana Chawla,
was part of the international crew aboard the
U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first
woman born in India to go into space. Sadly, the
second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy.
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
1. A space shuttle is a spacecraft that is made
for repeated space travel (unlike a rocket), for
example, between earth and a space station.
2. Use a dictionary to do the tasks below.
(i) Find out the meanings of the following words
and phrases (look up the words underlined in
the phrases).
(a) naturalised U.S. citizen 
(b) space 
(c) frontiers of space 
(d) aboard 
(e) lift off (How is it different from ‘take off’?)
 (f) crew 
(ii) Notice the spellings of these words in this
lesson: airplane, program. This is how these
words are spelt in American English. How are
they spelt in British English?
Rationalised 2023-24
A News Report
Tragedy in Space
U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia
breaks into flames
In an unprecedented
space tragedy, U.S. Space
Shuttle Columbia, carrying
India-born American
astronaut Kalpana
Chawla and six others,
broke apart in flames as
it streaked over Texas
towards  its landing strip
on Saturday, 1 February
2003, killing all seven
on board.
The shuttle lost contact
with NASA at about 9 a.m.
(19.30 hrs 1ST) as it came
in for landing. It was flying
at an altitude of over
200,000 feet and travelling
at over 20,000 km. per hour
when ground control lost
contact with the shuttle.
Columbia had lifted off
on 16 January 2003, from
the Kennedy Space Center,
Florida. It had stayed
in orbit for 16 days and
the seven-member crew
conducted 80 experiments
before it began its downward
journey, which ended in
tragedy. This was Columbia’s
28th space flight and the
shuttle was said to be good
for 100 flights.
1. KALPANA Chawla said that she never
dreamed, as a child in Karnal, that she
would cross the frontiers of space. It was
enough that her parents allowed her to
attend engineering college after she
graduated from Tagore School.
2. After a Bachelor of Science degree in
aeronautical engineering, against great
opposition from her father, she went for
a master’s degree to the United States
of America. She later earned her Ph.D.
in aerospace engineering. Kalpana
Chawla was the first Indian–American
woman astronaut to blast off from the
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Page 3

Before you read
In 1997, an Indian – American, Kalpana Chawla,
was part of the international crew aboard the
U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first
woman born in India to go into space. Sadly, the
second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy.
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
1. A space shuttle is a spacecraft that is made
for repeated space travel (unlike a rocket), for
example, between earth and a space station.
2. Use a dictionary to do the tasks below.
(i) Find out the meanings of the following words
and phrases (look up the words underlined in
the phrases).
(a) naturalised U.S. citizen 
(b) space 
(c) frontiers of space 
(d) aboard 
(e) lift off (How is it different from ‘take off’?)
 (f) crew 
(ii) Notice the spellings of these words in this
lesson: airplane, program. This is how these
words are spelt in American English. How are
they spelt in British English?
Rationalised 2023-24
A News Report
Tragedy in Space
U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia
breaks into flames
In an unprecedented
space tragedy, U.S. Space
Shuttle Columbia, carrying
India-born American
astronaut Kalpana
Chawla and six others,
broke apart in flames as
it streaked over Texas
towards  its landing strip
on Saturday, 1 February
2003, killing all seven
on board.
The shuttle lost contact
with NASA at about 9 a.m.
(19.30 hrs 1ST) as it came
in for landing. It was flying
at an altitude of over
200,000 feet and travelling
at over 20,000 km. per hour
when ground control lost
contact with the shuttle.
Columbia had lifted off
on 16 January 2003, from
the Kennedy Space Center,
Florida. It had stayed
in orbit for 16 days and
the seven-member crew
conducted 80 experiments
before it began its downward
journey, which ended in
tragedy. This was Columbia’s
28th space flight and the
shuttle was said to be good
for 100 flights.
1. KALPANA Chawla said that she never
dreamed, as a child in Karnal, that she
would cross the frontiers of space. It was
enough that her parents allowed her to
attend engineering college after she
graduated from Tagore School.
2. After a Bachelor of Science degree in
aeronautical engineering, against great
opposition from her father, she went for
a master’s degree to the United States
of America. She later earned her Ph.D.
in aerospace engineering. Kalpana
Chawla was the first Indian–American
woman astronaut to blast off from the
Rationalised 2023-24
launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida,
and participate in a successful mission
in space. Her family from India cheered
along with staff at the Kennedy Space
Center as they watched the Columbia
lift off.
3. Kalpana was born in Karnal, Haryana,
but was a naturalised U.S. citizen,
married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre
Harrison. Besides being an astronaut,
she was licensed to fly single and multi-
engine land airplanes, single-engine
seaplanes and gliders. She was also a
certified flight instructor. After
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Page 4

Before you read
In 1997, an Indian – American, Kalpana Chawla,
was part of the international crew aboard the
U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first
woman born in India to go into space. Sadly, the
second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy.
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
1. A space shuttle is a spacecraft that is made
for repeated space travel (unlike a rocket), for
example, between earth and a space station.
2. Use a dictionary to do the tasks below.
(i) Find out the meanings of the following words
and phrases (look up the words underlined in
the phrases).
(a) naturalised U.S. citizen 
(b) space 
(c) frontiers of space 
(d) aboard 
(e) lift off (How is it different from ‘take off’?)
 (f) crew 
(ii) Notice the spellings of these words in this
lesson: airplane, program. This is how these
words are spelt in American English. How are
they spelt in British English?
Rationalised 2023-24
A News Report
Tragedy in Space
U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia
breaks into flames
In an unprecedented
space tragedy, U.S. Space
Shuttle Columbia, carrying
India-born American
astronaut Kalpana
Chawla and six others,
broke apart in flames as
it streaked over Texas
towards  its landing strip
on Saturday, 1 February
2003, killing all seven
on board.
The shuttle lost contact
with NASA at about 9 a.m.
(19.30 hrs 1ST) as it came
in for landing. It was flying
at an altitude of over
200,000 feet and travelling
at over 20,000 km. per hour
when ground control lost
contact with the shuttle.
Columbia had lifted off
on 16 January 2003, from
the Kennedy Space Center,
Florida. It had stayed
in orbit for 16 days and
the seven-member crew
conducted 80 experiments
before it began its downward
journey, which ended in
tragedy. This was Columbia’s
28th space flight and the
shuttle was said to be good
for 100 flights.
1. KALPANA Chawla said that she never
dreamed, as a child in Karnal, that she
would cross the frontiers of space. It was
enough that her parents allowed her to
attend engineering college after she
graduated from Tagore School.
2. After a Bachelor of Science degree in
aeronautical engineering, against great
opposition from her father, she went for
a master’s degree to the United States
of America. She later earned her Ph.D.
in aerospace engineering. Kalpana
Chawla was the first Indian–American
woman astronaut to blast off from the
Rationalised 2023-24
launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida,
and participate in a successful mission
in space. Her family from India cheered
along with staff at the Kennedy Space
Center as they watched the Columbia
lift off.
3. Kalpana was born in Karnal, Haryana,
but was a naturalised U.S. citizen,
married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre
Harrison. Besides being an astronaut,
she was licensed to fly single and multi-
engine land airplanes, single-engine
seaplanes and gliders. She was also a
certified flight instructor. After
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qualifying as a pilot, Kalpana began to
consider another challenge: applying to
NASA’s space shuttle program. She was
first hired as a research scientist at
NASA. In 1994 she was selected by
NASA for training as an astronaut.
4. When asked what it was like being a
woman in her field she replied, “I really
never, ever thought, while pursuing my
studies or doing anything else, that I
was a woman, or a person from a small
city, or a different country. I pretty
much had my dreams like anyone else
and I followed them. And people who
were around me, fortunately, always
encouraged me and said, ‘If that’s what
you want to do, carry on’.”
5. Kalpana’s first space mission in the
space shuttle, Columbia, was 15 days,
16 hours and 34 minutes long. During
this time she went around the earth 252
times, travelling 10.45 million
kilometres! The crew included a
Japanese and a Ukranian astronaut.
The crew performed experiments such
as pollinating plants to observe food
growth in space, and tests for making
stronger metals and faster computer
chips — all for a price tag of about
56 million dollars.
6. On the Saturday night when the
news about the Columbia disaster
broke, there was shock and disbelief.
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Page 5

Before you read
In 1997, an Indian – American, Kalpana Chawla,
was part of the international crew aboard the
U.S. Space Shuttle, Columbia, becoming the first
woman born in India to go into space. Sadly, the
second mission in Columbia ended in tragedy.
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
An Indian – American
Woman in Space:
Kalpana Chawla
1. A space shuttle is a spacecraft that is made
for repeated space travel (unlike a rocket), for
example, between earth and a space station.
2. Use a dictionary to do the tasks below.
(i) Find out the meanings of the following words
and phrases (look up the words underlined in
the phrases).
(a) naturalised U.S. citizen 
(b) space 
(c) frontiers of space 
(d) aboard 
(e) lift off (How is it different from ‘take off’?)
 (f) crew 
(ii) Notice the spellings of these words in this
lesson: airplane, program. This is how these
words are spelt in American English. How are
they spelt in British English?
Rationalised 2023-24
A News Report
Tragedy in Space
U.S. Space Shuttle Columbia
breaks into flames
In an unprecedented
space tragedy, U.S. Space
Shuttle Columbia, carrying
India-born American
astronaut Kalpana
Chawla and six others,
broke apart in flames as
it streaked over Texas
towards  its landing strip
on Saturday, 1 February
2003, killing all seven
on board.
The shuttle lost contact
with NASA at about 9 a.m.
(19.30 hrs 1ST) as it came
in for landing. It was flying
at an altitude of over
200,000 feet and travelling
at over 20,000 km. per hour
when ground control lost
contact with the shuttle.
Columbia had lifted off
on 16 January 2003, from
the Kennedy Space Center,
Florida. It had stayed
in orbit for 16 days and
the seven-member crew
conducted 80 experiments
before it began its downward
journey, which ended in
tragedy. This was Columbia’s
28th space flight and the
shuttle was said to be good
for 100 flights.
1. KALPANA Chawla said that she never
dreamed, as a child in Karnal, that she
would cross the frontiers of space. It was
enough that her parents allowed her to
attend engineering college after she
graduated from Tagore School.
2. After a Bachelor of Science degree in
aeronautical engineering, against great
opposition from her father, she went for
a master’s degree to the United States
of America. She later earned her Ph.D.
in aerospace engineering. Kalpana
Chawla was the first Indian–American
woman astronaut to blast off from the
Rationalised 2023-24
launch pad at Cape Canaveral, Florida,
and participate in a successful mission
in space. Her family from India cheered
along with staff at the Kennedy Space
Center as they watched the Columbia
lift off.
3. Kalpana was born in Karnal, Haryana,
but was a naturalised U.S. citizen,
married to flight instructor Jean-Pierre
Harrison. Besides being an astronaut,
she was licensed to fly single and multi-
engine land airplanes, single-engine
seaplanes and gliders. She was also a
certified flight instructor. After
Rationalised 2023-24
qualifying as a pilot, Kalpana began to
consider another challenge: applying to
NASA’s space shuttle program. She was
first hired as a research scientist at
NASA. In 1994 she was selected by
NASA for training as an astronaut.
4. When asked what it was like being a
woman in her field she replied, “I really
never, ever thought, while pursuing my
studies or doing anything else, that I
was a woman, or a person from a small
city, or a different country. I pretty
much had my dreams like anyone else
and I followed them. And people who
were around me, fortunately, always
encouraged me and said, ‘If that’s what
you want to do, carry on’.”
5. Kalpana’s first space mission in the
space shuttle, Columbia, was 15 days,
16 hours and 34 minutes long. During
this time she went around the earth 252
times, travelling 10.45 million
kilometres! The crew included a
Japanese and a Ukranian astronaut.
The crew performed experiments such
as pollinating plants to observe food
growth in space, and tests for making
stronger metals and faster computer
chips — all for a price tag of about
56 million dollars.
6. On the Saturday night when the
news about the Columbia disaster
broke, there was shock and disbelief.
Rationalised 2023-24
The town of Karnal spent a sleepless
night as thousands of households
stayed glued to their television sets in
the hope that Kalpana and the crew had
somehow survived. A journalist wrote:
She was a heroine. It takes enormous
ability to become an astronaut. You need
to know a lot about everything, from biology
to astrophysics to aeronautical engineering.
In this age of super-specialisation, you
must have encyclopaedic knowledge
to be an astronaut. Her achievement is
Rationalised 2023-24
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FAQs on NCERT Textbook: An Indian American Women in Space: Kalpana Chawla - English Class 6 (Honeysuckle)

1. Who was Kalpana Chawla and what was her significance in the field of space exploration?
Ans. Kalpana Chawla was an Indian American astronaut who became the first woman of Indian origin in space. She was a significant figure in the field of space exploration due to her contributions to various missions and her inspiring journey as an astronaut.
2. How did Kalpana Chawla's background shape her career in space exploration?
Ans. Kalpana Chawla's background as an Indian American woman influenced her career in space exploration as she faced and overcame various challenges and stereotypes. Her determination and passion for science and space led her to achieve her dream of becoming an astronaut.
3. What were some of the notable achievements of Kalpana Chawla during her time at NASA?
Ans. Kalpana Chawla was part of two space missions, STS-87 and STS-107, where she conducted various experiments and research in space. She was known for her dedication to her work and her willingness to push the boundaries of space exploration.
4. How did Kalpana Chawla inspire future generations, especially women, in the field of space exploration?
Ans. Kalpana Chawla's journey as an astronaut and her achievements in space exploration inspired future generations, especially women, to pursue careers in STEM fields. She became a role model for many aspiring astronauts and showed that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.
5. What was the impact of Kalpana Chawla's tragic death on the space exploration community?
Ans. Kalpana Chawla's tragic death in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster had a profound impact on the space exploration community. It highlighted the risks and challenges of space travel and brought attention to the importance of safety measures in space missions. Her legacy continues to inspire and educate future astronauts about the importance of perseverance and dedication in the field of space exploration.
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