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NCERT Textbook: The Banyan Tree | English Class 6 (Honeysuckle) PDF Download

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 Page 1

The fight of the cobra and the
mongoose is a classic drama often
seen in India, and the outcome is
largely the same. The mongoose is
not immune to the venomous bite,
but is faster and quicker in motion
than the snake. The cobra assumes
a posture of defence and attempts to
reach the animal by a sweeping
strike, but the quick-moving
mongoose jumps out of reach and
comes at the snake from another
Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read
l l l l l Have you seen a mongoose? A mongoose can
fight with and kill a snake. Look at the pictures
and read the lines given along with them.
The Banyan Tree
The Banyan Tree
direction, before the snake can
get into striking position again.
This constant movement tires and
discourages the snake, and the
mongoose is finally able to leap in
close and bury its teeth in the
snake’s neck, usually severing the
joints of its vertebrae.
Rationalised 2023-24
Page 2

The fight of the cobra and the
mongoose is a classic drama often
seen in India, and the outcome is
largely the same. The mongoose is
not immune to the venomous bite,
but is faster and quicker in motion
than the snake. The cobra assumes
a posture of defence and attempts to
reach the animal by a sweeping
strike, but the quick-moving
mongoose jumps out of reach and
comes at the snake from another
Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read
l l l l l Have you seen a mongoose? A mongoose can
fight with and kill a snake. Look at the pictures
and read the lines given along with them.
The Banyan Tree
The Banyan Tree
direction, before the snake can
get into striking position again.
This constant movement tires and
discourages the snake, and the
mongoose is finally able to leap in
close and bury its teeth in the
snake’s neck, usually severing the
joints of its vertebrae.
Rationalised 2023-24
morsels: small
pieces of food
delving: going
deep into
spy: watch secretly
resent: dislike; feel
angry about
Part I Part I Part I Part I Part I
1. THOUGH the house and grounds belonged
to my grandparents, the magnificent old
banyan tree was mine — chiefly because
Grandfather, at sixty-five, could no
longer climb it.
2. Its spreading branches, which hung
to the ground and took root again,
forming a number of twisting passages,
gave me endless pleasure.  Among them
were squirrels and snails and
butterflies. The tree was older than the
house, older than Grandfather, as old
as Dehra Dun itself. I could hide myself
in its branches, behind thick green
leaves, and spy on the world below.
3. My first friend was a small grey
squirrel. Arching his back and sniffing
into the air, he seemed at first to resent
my invasion of his privacy. But when
he found that I did not arm myself with
catapult or air gun, he became friendly,
and when I started bringing him pieces
of cake and biscuit he grew quite bold
and was soon taking morsels from hand.
Before long, he was delving into my
pockets and helping himself to whatever
he could find. He was a very young
squirrel, and his friends and relatives
l You must have seen a banyan tree. This is a
story about what the author saw, as a young
boy, when he was sitting in an old banyan tree
in his grandfather’s house.
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Page 3

The fight of the cobra and the
mongoose is a classic drama often
seen in India, and the outcome is
largely the same. The mongoose is
not immune to the venomous bite,
but is faster and quicker in motion
than the snake. The cobra assumes
a posture of defence and attempts to
reach the animal by a sweeping
strike, but the quick-moving
mongoose jumps out of reach and
comes at the snake from another
Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read
l l l l l Have you seen a mongoose? A mongoose can
fight with and kill a snake. Look at the pictures
and read the lines given along with them.
The Banyan Tree
The Banyan Tree
direction, before the snake can
get into striking position again.
This constant movement tires and
discourages the snake, and the
mongoose is finally able to leap in
close and bury its teeth in the
snake’s neck, usually severing the
joints of its vertebrae.
Rationalised 2023-24
morsels: small
pieces of food
delving: going
deep into
spy: watch secretly
resent: dislike; feel
angry about
Part I Part I Part I Part I Part I
1. THOUGH the house and grounds belonged
to my grandparents, the magnificent old
banyan tree was mine — chiefly because
Grandfather, at sixty-five, could no
longer climb it.
2. Its spreading branches, which hung
to the ground and took root again,
forming a number of twisting passages,
gave me endless pleasure.  Among them
were squirrels and snails and
butterflies. The tree was older than the
house, older than Grandfather, as old
as Dehra Dun itself. I could hide myself
in its branches, behind thick green
leaves, and spy on the world below.
3. My first friend was a small grey
squirrel. Arching his back and sniffing
into the air, he seemed at first to resent
my invasion of his privacy. But when
he found that I did not arm myself with
catapult or air gun, he became friendly,
and when I started bringing him pieces
of cake and biscuit he grew quite bold
and was soon taking morsels from hand.
Before long, he was delving into my
pockets and helping himself to whatever
he could find. He was a very young
squirrel, and his friends and relatives
l You must have seen a banyan tree. This is a
story about what the author saw, as a young
boy, when he was sitting in an old banyan tree
in his grandfather’s house.
Rationalised 2023-24
probably thought him foolish and
headstrong for trusting a human.
4. In the spring, when the banyan tree
was full of small red figs, birds of all
kinds would flock into its branches: the
red-bottomed bulbul, cheerful and
greedy; parrots, myna and crows
squabbling with one another. During the
fig season, the banyan tree was the
noisiest place in the garden.
5. Halfway up the tree I had built a
crude platform where I would spend the
afternoons when it was not too hot. I
could read there propping myself up
against the tree with a cushion from the
living room. Treasure Island, Huckleberry
Finn and The Story of Dr Dolittle were
during the fig
season: the time
when figs appeared
propping myself up:
leaning against
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Page 4

The fight of the cobra and the
mongoose is a classic drama often
seen in India, and the outcome is
largely the same. The mongoose is
not immune to the venomous bite,
but is faster and quicker in motion
than the snake. The cobra assumes
a posture of defence and attempts to
reach the animal by a sweeping
strike, but the quick-moving
mongoose jumps out of reach and
comes at the snake from another
Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read
l l l l l Have you seen a mongoose? A mongoose can
fight with and kill a snake. Look at the pictures
and read the lines given along with them.
The Banyan Tree
The Banyan Tree
direction, before the snake can
get into striking position again.
This constant movement tires and
discourages the snake, and the
mongoose is finally able to leap in
close and bury its teeth in the
snake’s neck, usually severing the
joints of its vertebrae.
Rationalised 2023-24
morsels: small
pieces of food
delving: going
deep into
spy: watch secretly
resent: dislike; feel
angry about
Part I Part I Part I Part I Part I
1. THOUGH the house and grounds belonged
to my grandparents, the magnificent old
banyan tree was mine — chiefly because
Grandfather, at sixty-five, could no
longer climb it.
2. Its spreading branches, which hung
to the ground and took root again,
forming a number of twisting passages,
gave me endless pleasure.  Among them
were squirrels and snails and
butterflies. The tree was older than the
house, older than Grandfather, as old
as Dehra Dun itself. I could hide myself
in its branches, behind thick green
leaves, and spy on the world below.
3. My first friend was a small grey
squirrel. Arching his back and sniffing
into the air, he seemed at first to resent
my invasion of his privacy. But when
he found that I did not arm myself with
catapult or air gun, he became friendly,
and when I started bringing him pieces
of cake and biscuit he grew quite bold
and was soon taking morsels from hand.
Before long, he was delving into my
pockets and helping himself to whatever
he could find. He was a very young
squirrel, and his friends and relatives
l You must have seen a banyan tree. This is a
story about what the author saw, as a young
boy, when he was sitting in an old banyan tree
in his grandfather’s house.
Rationalised 2023-24
probably thought him foolish and
headstrong for trusting a human.
4. In the spring, when the banyan tree
was full of small red figs, birds of all
kinds would flock into its branches: the
red-bottomed bulbul, cheerful and
greedy; parrots, myna and crows
squabbling with one another. During the
fig season, the banyan tree was the
noisiest place in the garden.
5. Halfway up the tree I had built a
crude platform where I would spend the
afternoons when it was not too hot. I
could read there propping myself up
against the tree with a cushion from the
living room. Treasure Island, Huckleberry
Finn and The Story of Dr Dolittle were
during the fig
season: the time
when figs appeared
propping myself up:
leaning against
Rationalised 2023-24
some of the books that made up my
banyan tree library.
6. When I did not feel like reading, I
could look down through the leaves at
the world below. And on one particular
afternoon I had a grandstand view of
that classic of the Indian wilds, a fight
between a mongoose and a cobra.
Part II Part II Part II Part II Part II
7. The warm breezes of approaching
summer had sent everyone, including
the gardener, into the house. I was
feeling drowsy myself, wondering if I
should  go to the pond and have a swim
with Ramu and the buffaloes, when I
saw a huge black cobra gliding out of a
clump of cactus. At the same time a
mongoose emerged from the bushes and
went straight for the cobra.
8. In a clearing beneath the banyan
tree, in bright sunshine, they came
face to face. The cobra knew only too
well that the grey mongoose, three
feet long, was a superb fighter, clever
and aggressive. But the cobra, too,
was a skilful and experienced fighter.
He could move swiftly and strike with
the speed of light; and the sacs
behind his long sharp fangs were full
of deadly poison. It was to be a battle
of champions.
gliding: moving
clump: group (of
bushes or trees)
emerged: came
clearing: an open
space in a forest
where there are
no trees
sacs: a part (of an
animal or plant)
shaped like a bag
fangs: long sharp
teeth (of a snake
or dog)
grandstand view:
a clear view from
the best position
(a grandstand is
a large covered
space with rows
of seats for people
to watch sports)
Rationalised 2023-24
Page 5

The fight of the cobra and the
mongoose is a classic drama often
seen in India, and the outcome is
largely the same. The mongoose is
not immune to the venomous bite,
but is faster and quicker in motion
than the snake. The cobra assumes
a posture of defence and attempts to
reach the animal by a sweeping
strike, but the quick-moving
mongoose jumps out of reach and
comes at the snake from another
Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read Before you read
l l l l l Have you seen a mongoose? A mongoose can
fight with and kill a snake. Look at the pictures
and read the lines given along with them.
The Banyan Tree
The Banyan Tree
direction, before the snake can
get into striking position again.
This constant movement tires and
discourages the snake, and the
mongoose is finally able to leap in
close and bury its teeth in the
snake’s neck, usually severing the
joints of its vertebrae.
Rationalised 2023-24
morsels: small
pieces of food
delving: going
deep into
spy: watch secretly
resent: dislike; feel
angry about
Part I Part I Part I Part I Part I
1. THOUGH the house and grounds belonged
to my grandparents, the magnificent old
banyan tree was mine — chiefly because
Grandfather, at sixty-five, could no
longer climb it.
2. Its spreading branches, which hung
to the ground and took root again,
forming a number of twisting passages,
gave me endless pleasure.  Among them
were squirrels and snails and
butterflies. The tree was older than the
house, older than Grandfather, as old
as Dehra Dun itself. I could hide myself
in its branches, behind thick green
leaves, and spy on the world below.
3. My first friend was a small grey
squirrel. Arching his back and sniffing
into the air, he seemed at first to resent
my invasion of his privacy. But when
he found that I did not arm myself with
catapult or air gun, he became friendly,
and when I started bringing him pieces
of cake and biscuit he grew quite bold
and was soon taking morsels from hand.
Before long, he was delving into my
pockets and helping himself to whatever
he could find. He was a very young
squirrel, and his friends and relatives
l You must have seen a banyan tree. This is a
story about what the author saw, as a young
boy, when he was sitting in an old banyan tree
in his grandfather’s house.
Rationalised 2023-24
probably thought him foolish and
headstrong for trusting a human.
4. In the spring, when the banyan tree
was full of small red figs, birds of all
kinds would flock into its branches: the
red-bottomed bulbul, cheerful and
greedy; parrots, myna and crows
squabbling with one another. During the
fig season, the banyan tree was the
noisiest place in the garden.
5. Halfway up the tree I had built a
crude platform where I would spend the
afternoons when it was not too hot. I
could read there propping myself up
against the tree with a cushion from the
living room. Treasure Island, Huckleberry
Finn and The Story of Dr Dolittle were
during the fig
season: the time
when figs appeared
propping myself up:
leaning against
Rationalised 2023-24
some of the books that made up my
banyan tree library.
6. When I did not feel like reading, I
could look down through the leaves at
the world below. And on one particular
afternoon I had a grandstand view of
that classic of the Indian wilds, a fight
between a mongoose and a cobra.
Part II Part II Part II Part II Part II
7. The warm breezes of approaching
summer had sent everyone, including
the gardener, into the house. I was
feeling drowsy myself, wondering if I
should  go to the pond and have a swim
with Ramu and the buffaloes, when I
saw a huge black cobra gliding out of a
clump of cactus. At the same time a
mongoose emerged from the bushes and
went straight for the cobra.
8. In a clearing beneath the banyan
tree, in bright sunshine, they came
face to face. The cobra knew only too
well that the grey mongoose, three
feet long, was a superb fighter, clever
and aggressive. But the cobra, too,
was a skilful and experienced fighter.
He could move swiftly and strike with
the speed of light; and the sacs
behind his long sharp fangs were full
of deadly poison. It was to be a battle
of champions.
gliding: moving
clump: group (of
bushes or trees)
emerged: came
clearing: an open
space in a forest
where there are
no trees
sacs: a part (of an
animal or plant)
shaped like a bag
fangs: long sharp
teeth (of a snake
or dog)
grandstand view:
a clear view from
the best position
(a grandstand is
a large covered
space with rows
of seats for people
to watch sports)
Rationalised 2023-24
9. Hissing defiance, his forked tongue
darting in and out, the cobra raised
three of his six feet off the ground, and
spread his broad, spectacled hood. The
mongoose bushed his tail. The long hair
on his spine stood up.
10. Though the combatants were
unaware of my presence in the tree, they
were soon made aware of the arrival of
two other spectators. One was a myna,
the other a jungle crow. They had seen
these preparations for battle, and had
settled on the cactus to watch the
outcome. Had they been content only
to watch, all would have been well with
both of them.
participants in a
spectators: those
who watch a show,
a game, etc.
outcome: result
defiance: rebellion;
dart: move quickly,
Rationalised 2023-24
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FAQs on NCERT Textbook: The Banyan Tree - English Class 6 (Honeysuckle)

1. What is the significance of the banyan tree in Indian culture?
Ans. The banyan tree holds a special significance in Indian culture as it is believed to be a symbol of immortality and longevity. It is also considered sacred by Hindus and is often worshiped.
2. How does the banyan tree represent unity and harmony in the story?
Ans. In the story, the banyan tree's roots spread out and merge with other trees, symbolizing unity and harmony among different beings. This unity is further emphasized by the animals and birds living together peacefully in the tree.
3. Why is the banyan tree described as a "timeless witness" in the text?
Ans. The banyan tree is referred to as a "timeless witness" because it has stood tall for many years, silently observing the changes and events happening around it. It serves as a constant presence in the ever-changing world.
4. How does the banyan tree provide shelter and support to various creatures in the story?
Ans. The banyan tree's wide canopy offers shade and shelter to numerous animals and birds. Its aerial roots provide a safe haven for creatures to nest and rest, showcasing the tree's nurturing and supportive nature.
5. What message does the story of the banyan tree convey to readers?
Ans. The story of the banyan tree conveys a message of interconnectedness, unity, and the importance of living in harmony with nature and other beings. It emphasizes the significance of coexistence and mutual support in creating a peaceful and sustainable environment.
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