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CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
 Class XII Biology (Theory) 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) 
Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions are compulsory. 
2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8  
questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is 
of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each.  
3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one  
question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks 
weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 
4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. 
1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting 
haplontic life cycle. [1] 
2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit 
juices. [1] 
3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness.  [1] 
4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of  
chromosome. [1] 
5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology 
experiments? [1] 
6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 
7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 
8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many 
embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened.  [1] 
Page 2

CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
 Class XII Biology (Theory) 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) 
Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions are compulsory. 
2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8  
questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is 
of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each.  
3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one  
question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks 
weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 
4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. 
1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting 
haplontic life cycle. [1] 
2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit 
juices. [1] 
3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness.  [1] 
4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of  
chromosome. [1] 
5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology 
experiments? [1] 
6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 
7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 
8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many 
embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened.  [1] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 
10.  Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 
11.  Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of 
each.  [2] 
12.  Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 
13.  List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 
14.  Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and 
humoral immunities so called? [2] 
Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in 
humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 
15.  Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to 
the extinction of a particular species.  [2] 
16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] 
Page 3

CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
 Class XII Biology (Theory) 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) 
Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions are compulsory. 
2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8  
questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is 
of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each.  
3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one  
question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks 
weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 
4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. 
1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting 
haplontic life cycle. [1] 
2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit 
juices. [1] 
3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness.  [1] 
4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of  
chromosome. [1] 
5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology 
experiments? [1] 
6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 
7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 
8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many 
embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened.  [1] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 
10.  Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 
11.  Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of 
each.  [2] 
12.  Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 
13.  List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 
14.  Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and 
humoral immunities so called? [2] 
Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in 
humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 
15.  Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to 
the extinction of a particular species.  [2] 
16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
17.  Study the graph given below. Explain how is oxygen concentration affected in the river 
when sewage is discharged into it. [2] 
18.  Explain how a hereditary disease can be corrected. Give an example of first successful 
attempt made towards correction of such diseases.  [2] 
Page 4

CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
 Class XII Biology (Theory) 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) 
Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions are compulsory. 
2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8  
questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is 
of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each.  
3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one  
question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks 
weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 
4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. 
1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting 
haplontic life cycle. [1] 
2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit 
juices. [1] 
3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness.  [1] 
4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of  
chromosome. [1] 
5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology 
experiments? [1] 
6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 
7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 
8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many 
embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened.  [1] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 
10.  Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 
11.  Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of 
each.  [2] 
12.  Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 
13.  List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 
14.  Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and 
humoral immunities so called? [2] 
Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in 
humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 
15.  Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to 
the extinction of a particular species.  [2] 
16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
17.  Study the graph given below. Explain how is oxygen concentration affected in the river 
when sewage is discharged into it. [2] 
18.  Explain how a hereditary disease can be corrected. Give an example of first successful 
attempt made towards correction of such diseases.  [2] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
19.  Draw a diagram of a male gametophyte of an angiosperm. Label any four parts. Why is 
sporopollenin considered the most resistant organic material?  [3] 
20.  How are dominance, codominance and incomplete dominance patterns of inheritance 
different from each other?  [3] 
21.  The base sequence in one of the strands of DNA is TAGCATGAT [3] 
(i) Give the base sequence of its complementary strand. 
(ii) How are these base pairs held together in a DNA molecule? 
(iii) Explain the base complementarity rules. Name the scientist who framed this rule. 
22.    [3] 
(a) Sickle celled anaemia in humans is a result of point mutation. Explain.  
(b) Write the genotypes of both the parents who have produced a sickle celled anaemic 
23.  What is inbreeding depression and how is it caused in organisms? Write any two 
advantages of inbreeding. [3] 
24.     [3] 
(a) Identify (A) and (B) illustrations in the following : 
(b) Write the term given to (A) and (C) and why? 
(c) Expand PCR. Mention its importance in biotechnology. 
Page 5

CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
 Class XII Biology (Theory) 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) 
Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 
General Instruction: 
1. All questions are compulsory. 
2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8  
questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is 
of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each.  
3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one  
question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks 
weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 
4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. 
1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting 
haplontic life cycle. [1] 
2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit 
juices. [1] 
3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness.  [1] 
4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of  
chromosome. [1] 
5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology 
experiments? [1] 
6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 
7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 
8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many 
embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened.  [1] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 
10.  Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 
11.  Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of 
each.  [2] 
12.  Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 
13.  List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 
14.  Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and 
humoral immunities so called? [2] 
Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in 
humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 
15.  Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to 
the extinction of a particular species.  [2] 
16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
17.  Study the graph given below. Explain how is oxygen concentration affected in the river 
when sewage is discharged into it. [2] 
18.  Explain how a hereditary disease can be corrected. Give an example of first successful 
attempt made towards correction of such diseases.  [2] 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
19.  Draw a diagram of a male gametophyte of an angiosperm. Label any four parts. Why is 
sporopollenin considered the most resistant organic material?  [3] 
20.  How are dominance, codominance and incomplete dominance patterns of inheritance 
different from each other?  [3] 
21.  The base sequence in one of the strands of DNA is TAGCATGAT [3] 
(i) Give the base sequence of its complementary strand. 
(ii) How are these base pairs held together in a DNA molecule? 
(iii) Explain the base complementarity rules. Name the scientist who framed this rule. 
22.    [3] 
(a) Sickle celled anaemia in humans is a result of point mutation. Explain.  
(b) Write the genotypes of both the parents who have produced a sickle celled anaemic 
23.  What is inbreeding depression and how is it caused in organisms? Write any two 
advantages of inbreeding. [3] 
24.     [3] 
(a) Identify (A) and (B) illustrations in the following : 
(b) Write the term given to (A) and (C) and why? 
(c) Expand PCR. Mention its importance in biotechnology. 
CBSE XII  |  Biology 
Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 
25.     [3] 
The diagram above is that of a typical biogas plant. Explain the sequence of events 
occurring in a biogas plant. Identify a, b and c.   
26.  How can crop varieties be made disease resistant to overcome food crisis in India? 
Explain. Name one disease resistant variety in India of:  [3] 
(a) Wheat to leaf and stripe rust 
(b) Brassica to white rust 
Write the source and the effect on the human body of the following drugs: 
(i) Morphine 
(ii) Cocaine 
(iii) Marijuana 
27.  Name the type of interaction seen in each of the following examples : [3] 
(i) Ascaris worms living in the intestine of human 
(ii) Wasp pollinating fig inflorescence 
(iii)  Clown fish living among the tentacles of sea-anemone 
(iv) Mycorrhizae living on the roots of higher plants 
(v) Orchid growing on a branch of a mango tree 
(vi) Disappearance of smaller barnacles when Balanus dominated in the Coast of 
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FAQs on CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011, Class 12 - Additional Study Material for NEET

1. What is the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011?
Ans. The CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011 is a question paper for the Biology subject conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) in Delhi in the year 2011. It is a set of questions designed to test the knowledge and understanding of Biology concepts for Class 12 students.
2. How can I access the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011?
Ans. You can access the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011 by searching for it on the official website of CBSE or educational platforms that provide past year papers. Alternatively, you can ask for it from your school or teachers who may have a copy of the paper.
3. What is the significance of solving the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011?
Ans. Solving the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011 can be beneficial for students as it helps them understand the exam pattern, time management, and the types of questions that can be asked in the actual exam. It also allows students to assess their preparation level and identify areas where they need to focus more.
4. Are the questions in the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011 relevant for the NEET exam?
Ans. Yes, the questions in the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011 are relevant for the NEET exam. The NEET exam also tests the same Biology concepts, and practicing with past year papers can help students familiarize themselves with the question format and improve their chances of scoring well in the NEET exam.
5. Can I rely solely on the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011 for NEET preparation?
Ans. While solving the CBSE Biology Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) - 2011 is a good practice, it is not recommended to rely solely on it for NEET preparation. NEET is a highly competitive exam, and it covers a wide range of topics beyond what is included in a single past year paper. It is important to study the complete syllabus, refer to other study materials, and practice with mock tests specifically designed for NEET to ensure thorough preparation.
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