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Page 1 CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 CBSE Class XII Biology (Theory) Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 General Instruction: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8 questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each. 3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. SECTION A 1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting haplontic life cycle. [1] 2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices. [1] 3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness. [1] 4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of chromosome. [1] 5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology experiments? [1] 6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened. [1] Page 2 CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 CBSE Class XII Biology (Theory) Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 General Instruction: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8 questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each. 3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. SECTION A 1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting haplontic life cycle. [1] 2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices. [1] 3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness. [1] 4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of chromosome. [1] 5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology experiments? [1] 6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened. [1] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 SECTION-B 9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 10. Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 11. Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of each. [2] 12. Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 13. List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 14. Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and humoral immunities so called? [2] OR Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 15. Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to the extinction of a particular species. [2] 16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] Page 3 CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 CBSE Class XII Biology (Theory) Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 General Instruction: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8 questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each. 3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. SECTION A 1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting haplontic life cycle. [1] 2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices. [1] 3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness. [1] 4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of chromosome. [1] 5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology experiments? [1] 6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened. [1] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 SECTION-B 9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 10. Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 11. Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of each. [2] 12. Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 13. List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 14. Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and humoral immunities so called? [2] OR Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 15. Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to the extinction of a particular species. [2] 16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 17. Study the graph given below. Explain how is oxygen concentration affected in the river when sewage is discharged into it. [2] 18. Explain how a hereditary disease can be corrected. Give an example of first successful attempt made towards correction of such diseases. [2] Page 4 CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 CBSE Class XII Biology (Theory) Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 General Instruction: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8 questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each. 3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. SECTION A 1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting haplontic life cycle. [1] 2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices. [1] 3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness. [1] 4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of chromosome. [1] 5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology experiments? [1] 6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened. [1] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 SECTION-B 9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 10. Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 11. Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of each. [2] 12. Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 13. List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 14. Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and humoral immunities so called? [2] OR Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 15. Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to the extinction of a particular species. [2] 16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 17. Study the graph given below. Explain how is oxygen concentration affected in the river when sewage is discharged into it. [2] 18. Explain how a hereditary disease can be corrected. Give an example of first successful attempt made towards correction of such diseases. [2] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 SECTION-C 19. Draw a diagram of a male gametophyte of an angiosperm. Label any four parts. Why is sporopollenin considered the most resistant organic material? [3] 20. How are dominance, codominance and incomplete dominance patterns of inheritance different from each other? [3] 21. The base sequence in one of the strands of DNA is TAGCATGAT [3] (i) Give the base sequence of its complementary strand. (ii) How are these base pairs held together in a DNA molecule? (iii) Explain the base complementarity rules. Name the scientist who framed this rule. 22. [3] (a) Sickle celled anaemia in humans is a result of point mutation. Explain. (b) Write the genotypes of both the parents who have produced a sickle celled anaemic offspring. 23. What is inbreeding depression and how is it caused in organisms? Write any two advantages of inbreeding. [3] 24. [3] (a) Identify (A) and (B) illustrations in the following : (b) Write the term given to (A) and (C) and why? (c) Expand PCR. Mention its importance in biotechnology. Page 5 CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 CBSE Class XII Biology (Theory) Board Paper 2011 – Delhi (Set 1) Time: 3 hrs Total Marks: 70 General Instruction: 1. All questions are compulsory. 2. This question paper consists of four Sections A, B C and D. Section A contains 8 questions of one mark each, Section B is of 10 questions of two marks each, Section C is of 9 questions of three marks each, and Section D is of 3 questions of five marks each. 3. There is no overall choice. However an internal choice has been provided in one question of 2 marks, one question of 3 marks and all the three questions of 5 marks weight age. A student has to attempt only one of the alternatives in such questions. 4. Wherever necessary, the diagrams drawn should be neat and properly labelled. SECTION A 1. Name the type of cell division that takes place in the zygote of an organism exhibiting haplontic life cycle. [1] 2. Write the scientific name of the microbe used for fermenting malted cereals and fruit juices. [1] 3. Write the unit used for measuring ozone thickness. [1] 4. Name the event during cell division cycle that results in the gain or loss of chromosome. [1] 5. How can bacterial DNA be released from the bacterial cell for biotechnology experiments? [1] 6. Write the importance of cryopreservation in conservation of biodiversity. [1] 7. Mention the role of the codons AUG and UGA during protein synthesis. [1] 8. Normally one embryo develops in one seed but when an orange seed is squeezed many embryos of different shapes and sizes are seen. Mention how it has happened. [1] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 SECTION-B 9. How do histones acquire positive charge? [2] 10. Why is CuT considered a good contraceptive device to space children? [2] 11. Differentiate between albuminous and non-albuminous seeds, giving one example of each. [2] 12. Explain the process of RNA interference. [2] 13. List the key tools used in recombinant DNA technology. [2] 14. Name the two types of immune systems in a human body. Why are cell mediated and humoral immunities so called? [2] OR Write the scientific names of the causal organisms of elephantiasis and ringworm in humans. Mention the body parts affected by them. 15. Justify with the help of an example where a deliberate attempt by humans has led to the extinction of a particular species. [2] 16. Identify A, D, E and F in the diagram of an antibody molecule given below : [2] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 17. Study the graph given below. Explain how is oxygen concentration affected in the river when sewage is discharged into it. [2] 18. Explain how a hereditary disease can be corrected. Give an example of first successful attempt made towards correction of such diseases. [2] CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 SECTION-C 19. Draw a diagram of a male gametophyte of an angiosperm. Label any four parts. Why is sporopollenin considered the most resistant organic material? [3] 20. How are dominance, codominance and incomplete dominance patterns of inheritance different from each other? [3] 21. The base sequence in one of the strands of DNA is TAGCATGAT [3] (i) Give the base sequence of its complementary strand. (ii) How are these base pairs held together in a DNA molecule? (iii) Explain the base complementarity rules. Name the scientist who framed this rule. 22. [3] (a) Sickle celled anaemia in humans is a result of point mutation. Explain. (b) Write the genotypes of both the parents who have produced a sickle celled anaemic offspring. 23. What is inbreeding depression and how is it caused in organisms? Write any two advantages of inbreeding. [3] 24. [3] (a) Identify (A) and (B) illustrations in the following : (b) Write the term given to (A) and (C) and why? (c) Expand PCR. Mention its importance in biotechnology. CBSE XII | Biology Board Paper 2011 – Delhi – Set 1 25. [3] The diagram above is that of a typical biogas plant. Explain the sequence of events occurring in a biogas plant. Identify a, b and c. 26. How can crop varieties be made disease resistant to overcome food crisis in India? Explain. Name one disease resistant variety in India of: [3] (a) Wheat to leaf and stripe rust (b) Brassica to white rust OR Write the source and the effect on the human body of the following drugs: (i) Morphine (ii) Cocaine (iii) Marijuana 27. Name the type of interaction seen in each of the following examples : [3] (i) Ascaris worms living in the intestine of human (ii) Wasp pollinating fig inflorescence (iii) Clown fish living among the tentacles of sea-anemone (iv) Mycorrhizae living on the roots of higher plants (v) Orchid growing on a branch of a mango tree (vi) Disappearance of smaller barnacles when Balanus dominated in the Coast of Scotland.Read More
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