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CBSE Accountancy Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) Solution - 2018, Class 12 | Additional Study Material for Commerce PDF Download

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CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
Class XII Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1– 2018 Solution 
1. Answer : 
Share of Chaman
2 1 2
Share acquired from Amit
5 6 30
Share acquired from Beena = Share of Chaman Acquired from Amit 
1 2 3 1
6 30 30 10
? ? ?
? ? ? ?
2. Answer : 
Meetu’s Share in Profits: 1/3 (as the profit sharing ratio is not given, it is assumed to be equal). 
Goodwill of the firm = `4,20,000 
Meetu's share of Goodwill = 4,20,000 
? = `1,40,000 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Jan 1 Neetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 Teetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 -------- To Meetu's Capital A/c    1,40,000 
 (Being goodwill adjusted in 1:1)     
3. Answer : 
Basis  Dissolution of partnership  Dissolution of firm 
Settlements of Assets 
and Liabilities 
Assets and Liabilities are revalued 
and the gain or loss is distributed to 
all partners in old ratio. 
Assets of the firm are realised and 
liabilities are settled. Balance amount, 
if any is distributed among all partners. 
4. Answer : 
No, the relationship between Ritesh and Hitesh cannot be called as Partnership but would be they 
regarded as the co-owners. This is because, Partnership requires the partners to conduct the business on 
a regular basis and share the profits from the same whereas in this case this is a one-time activity. 
5. Answer : 
Reserve Capital is a part of “Uncalled Capital”. 
6. Answer : 
Loans taken are majorly secured by mortgage of the assets known as prime or principal security. Security 
given in addition to the prime or principal security is termed as Collateral Security. If the borrower is not 
able to pay the principal amount or interest on loan amount, then the lender has the right to recover the 
dues from the sale of primary security and in case if the primary security is not sufficient to recover the 
amount of debt, then the collateral security can be used to recover the due amount.  
Page 2

CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
Class XII Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1– 2018 Solution 
1. Answer : 
Share of Chaman
2 1 2
Share acquired from Amit
5 6 30
Share acquired from Beena = Share of Chaman Acquired from Amit 
1 2 3 1
6 30 30 10
? ? ?
? ? ? ?
2. Answer : 
Meetu’s Share in Profits: 1/3 (as the profit sharing ratio is not given, it is assumed to be equal). 
Goodwill of the firm = `4,20,000 
Meetu's share of Goodwill = 4,20,000 
? = `1,40,000 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Jan 1 Neetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 Teetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 -------- To Meetu's Capital A/c    1,40,000 
 (Being goodwill adjusted in 1:1)     
3. Answer : 
Basis  Dissolution of partnership  Dissolution of firm 
Settlements of Assets 
and Liabilities 
Assets and Liabilities are revalued 
and the gain or loss is distributed to 
all partners in old ratio. 
Assets of the firm are realised and 
liabilities are settled. Balance amount, 
if any is distributed among all partners. 
4. Answer : 
No, the relationship between Ritesh and Hitesh cannot be called as Partnership but would be they 
regarded as the co-owners. This is because, Partnership requires the partners to conduct the business on 
a regular basis and share the profits from the same whereas in this case this is a one-time activity. 
5. Answer : 
Reserve Capital is a part of “Uncalled Capital”. 
6. Answer : 
Loans taken are majorly secured by mortgage of the assets known as prime or principal security. Security 
given in addition to the prime or principal security is termed as Collateral Security. If the borrower is not 
able to pay the principal amount or interest on loan amount, then the lender has the right to recover the 
dues from the sale of primary security and in case if the primary security is not sufficient to recover the 
amount of debt, then the collateral security can be used to recover the due amount.  
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
7. Answer : 
Jayant's Share (Old)
2 2 4
Jayant's Gain
5 10 50
Jayant's New Share Jayant's Old Share Jayant's Gain
5 4 29
10 50 50
Leena's Share (Old)
3 2 6
Leena's Gain
5 10 50
Leena's New Share Leena's Old Share Leena'
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
?? s Gain 
3 6 21
10 50 50
? ? ?
Thus, the New Profit Sharing Ratio of Jayant and Leena would be 29 : 21 
8. Answer : 
A company is an entity incorporated by a group of persons through the process of law and has a share 
capital divided into shares, the owners of which are referred to as members or shareholders. Share here 
refers to a unit into which the share capital of a company is divided. It includes the stock of the company 
and represents ownership claims on business. 
Basis of 
Preference Shares Equity Shares 
Voting Rights  Preference shareholders have voting 
rights only in special circumstances 
Equity shareholders have voting rights in all the 
Rate of 
Fixed rate of dividend is received  Rate of dividend is decided by the board every 
year and is approved by the shareholders. 
9. Answer : 
 Balance Sheet (Extract ) 
Particular Note No. Current year 
Previous year  
I. Equity and Liabilities    
1. Shareholders' Funds    
(a) Share capital 1 70,00,000 50,00,000 
Total  70,00,000 50,00,000 
 Particulars ` 
1 Share Capital  
 ---Authorised Capital  
 ---1,00,000 Equity Shares of `100 each 1,00,00,000 
 ---Issued share Capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each  70,00,000 
 subscribed fully paid-up capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each; Fully Called up 70,00,000 
Values involved are: 
(a) Generation of Employment  
(b) Social-upliftment by showing concerns for the differently-abled children. 
Page 3

CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
Class XII Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1– 2018 Solution 
1. Answer : 
Share of Chaman
2 1 2
Share acquired from Amit
5 6 30
Share acquired from Beena = Share of Chaman Acquired from Amit 
1 2 3 1
6 30 30 10
? ? ?
? ? ? ?
2. Answer : 
Meetu’s Share in Profits: 1/3 (as the profit sharing ratio is not given, it is assumed to be equal). 
Goodwill of the firm = `4,20,000 
Meetu's share of Goodwill = 4,20,000 
? = `1,40,000 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Jan 1 Neetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 Teetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 -------- To Meetu's Capital A/c    1,40,000 
 (Being goodwill adjusted in 1:1)     
3. Answer : 
Basis  Dissolution of partnership  Dissolution of firm 
Settlements of Assets 
and Liabilities 
Assets and Liabilities are revalued 
and the gain or loss is distributed to 
all partners in old ratio. 
Assets of the firm are realised and 
liabilities are settled. Balance amount, 
if any is distributed among all partners. 
4. Answer : 
No, the relationship between Ritesh and Hitesh cannot be called as Partnership but would be they 
regarded as the co-owners. This is because, Partnership requires the partners to conduct the business on 
a regular basis and share the profits from the same whereas in this case this is a one-time activity. 
5. Answer : 
Reserve Capital is a part of “Uncalled Capital”. 
6. Answer : 
Loans taken are majorly secured by mortgage of the assets known as prime or principal security. Security 
given in addition to the prime or principal security is termed as Collateral Security. If the borrower is not 
able to pay the principal amount or interest on loan amount, then the lender has the right to recover the 
dues from the sale of primary security and in case if the primary security is not sufficient to recover the 
amount of debt, then the collateral security can be used to recover the due amount.  
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
7. Answer : 
Jayant's Share (Old)
2 2 4
Jayant's Gain
5 10 50
Jayant's New Share Jayant's Old Share Jayant's Gain
5 4 29
10 50 50
Leena's Share (Old)
3 2 6
Leena's Gain
5 10 50
Leena's New Share Leena's Old Share Leena'
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
?? s Gain 
3 6 21
10 50 50
? ? ?
Thus, the New Profit Sharing Ratio of Jayant and Leena would be 29 : 21 
8. Answer : 
A company is an entity incorporated by a group of persons through the process of law and has a share 
capital divided into shares, the owners of which are referred to as members or shareholders. Share here 
refers to a unit into which the share capital of a company is divided. It includes the stock of the company 
and represents ownership claims on business. 
Basis of 
Preference Shares Equity Shares 
Voting Rights  Preference shareholders have voting 
rights only in special circumstances 
Equity shareholders have voting rights in all the 
Rate of 
Fixed rate of dividend is received  Rate of dividend is decided by the board every 
year and is approved by the shareholders. 
9. Answer : 
 Balance Sheet (Extract ) 
Particular Note No. Current year 
Previous year  
I. Equity and Liabilities    
1. Shareholders' Funds    
(a) Share capital 1 70,00,000 50,00,000 
Total  70,00,000 50,00,000 
 Particulars ` 
1 Share Capital  
 ---Authorised Capital  
 ---1,00,000 Equity Shares of `100 each 1,00,00,000 
 ---Issued share Capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each  70,00,000 
 subscribed fully paid-up capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each; Fully Called up 70,00,000 
Values involved are: 
(a) Generation of Employment  
(b) Social-upliftment by showing concerns for the differently-abled children. 
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
10. Answer : 
VK Ltd. 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Feb 1 Own Debenture A/c Dr.  48,500  
 ------- To cash and Bank A/c    48,500 
 (Purchased own 500, 9% debentures of `100 each at 
`97 each for immediate cancellation) 
Feb 1 9% Debentures A/c Dr.  50,000  
 --------- To Own Debenture A/c    48,500 
 --------- To Gain on cancellation of Own Debenture A/c    1,500 
 (Cancelled own debentures)     
March 31 Gain on cancellation of Own Debenture A/c Dr.  1,500  
 --------- To Capital Reserve A/c    1,500 
 (Gain on cancellation transferred to capital Reserve)     
11. Answer : 
Capital of Girdhari = `1,00,000 
Girdhari's Share of Goodwill = 1,14,000 
? = 38,000  
Girdhari's Share in Revaluation Profit = 6,000 
? = 2,000 
Girdhari's Share in General Reserve = 30,000 
? = 10,000 
Total Amount Payable to Girdhari = `1,00,000 + ` 38,000 + ` 2,000 + ` 10,000 = `1,50,000 
In books of Banwari & Murari  
Girdhari's  Loan Account 
Dr.     Cr. 
Date Particulars ` Date Particulars ` 
2015   2014   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  75,000 April 1 By Girdhari's Capital A/c  1,50,000 
March 31 To Balance c/d 90,000 2015   
   March 31 By Interest A/c  15,000 
  1,65,000   1,65,000 
2016   2015   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  75,000 April 1 By Balance b/d  90,000 
March 31 To Balance c/d 24,000 2016   
   March 31 By Interest A/c 9,000 
  99,000   99,000 
2016   2016   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  26,400 April 1 By Balance b/d  24,000 
   March 31 By Interest A/c 2,400 
  26,400   26,400 
Working Notes: 
Page 4

CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
Class XII Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1– 2018 Solution 
1. Answer : 
Share of Chaman
2 1 2
Share acquired from Amit
5 6 30
Share acquired from Beena = Share of Chaman Acquired from Amit 
1 2 3 1
6 30 30 10
? ? ?
? ? ? ?
2. Answer : 
Meetu’s Share in Profits: 1/3 (as the profit sharing ratio is not given, it is assumed to be equal). 
Goodwill of the firm = `4,20,000 
Meetu's share of Goodwill = 4,20,000 
? = `1,40,000 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Jan 1 Neetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 Teetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 -------- To Meetu's Capital A/c    1,40,000 
 (Being goodwill adjusted in 1:1)     
3. Answer : 
Basis  Dissolution of partnership  Dissolution of firm 
Settlements of Assets 
and Liabilities 
Assets and Liabilities are revalued 
and the gain or loss is distributed to 
all partners in old ratio. 
Assets of the firm are realised and 
liabilities are settled. Balance amount, 
if any is distributed among all partners. 
4. Answer : 
No, the relationship between Ritesh and Hitesh cannot be called as Partnership but would be they 
regarded as the co-owners. This is because, Partnership requires the partners to conduct the business on 
a regular basis and share the profits from the same whereas in this case this is a one-time activity. 
5. Answer : 
Reserve Capital is a part of “Uncalled Capital”. 
6. Answer : 
Loans taken are majorly secured by mortgage of the assets known as prime or principal security. Security 
given in addition to the prime or principal security is termed as Collateral Security. If the borrower is not 
able to pay the principal amount or interest on loan amount, then the lender has the right to recover the 
dues from the sale of primary security and in case if the primary security is not sufficient to recover the 
amount of debt, then the collateral security can be used to recover the due amount.  
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
7. Answer : 
Jayant's Share (Old)
2 2 4
Jayant's Gain
5 10 50
Jayant's New Share Jayant's Old Share Jayant's Gain
5 4 29
10 50 50
Leena's Share (Old)
3 2 6
Leena's Gain
5 10 50
Leena's New Share Leena's Old Share Leena'
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
?? s Gain 
3 6 21
10 50 50
? ? ?
Thus, the New Profit Sharing Ratio of Jayant and Leena would be 29 : 21 
8. Answer : 
A company is an entity incorporated by a group of persons through the process of law and has a share 
capital divided into shares, the owners of which are referred to as members or shareholders. Share here 
refers to a unit into which the share capital of a company is divided. It includes the stock of the company 
and represents ownership claims on business. 
Basis of 
Preference Shares Equity Shares 
Voting Rights  Preference shareholders have voting 
rights only in special circumstances 
Equity shareholders have voting rights in all the 
Rate of 
Fixed rate of dividend is received  Rate of dividend is decided by the board every 
year and is approved by the shareholders. 
9. Answer : 
 Balance Sheet (Extract ) 
Particular Note No. Current year 
Previous year  
I. Equity and Liabilities    
1. Shareholders' Funds    
(a) Share capital 1 70,00,000 50,00,000 
Total  70,00,000 50,00,000 
 Particulars ` 
1 Share Capital  
 ---Authorised Capital  
 ---1,00,000 Equity Shares of `100 each 1,00,00,000 
 ---Issued share Capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each  70,00,000 
 subscribed fully paid-up capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each; Fully Called up 70,00,000 
Values involved are: 
(a) Generation of Employment  
(b) Social-upliftment by showing concerns for the differently-abled children. 
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
10. Answer : 
VK Ltd. 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Feb 1 Own Debenture A/c Dr.  48,500  
 ------- To cash and Bank A/c    48,500 
 (Purchased own 500, 9% debentures of `100 each at 
`97 each for immediate cancellation) 
Feb 1 9% Debentures A/c Dr.  50,000  
 --------- To Own Debenture A/c    48,500 
 --------- To Gain on cancellation of Own Debenture A/c    1,500 
 (Cancelled own debentures)     
March 31 Gain on cancellation of Own Debenture A/c Dr.  1,500  
 --------- To Capital Reserve A/c    1,500 
 (Gain on cancellation transferred to capital Reserve)     
11. Answer : 
Capital of Girdhari = `1,00,000 
Girdhari's Share of Goodwill = 1,14,000 
? = 38,000  
Girdhari's Share in Revaluation Profit = 6,000 
? = 2,000 
Girdhari's Share in General Reserve = 30,000 
? = 10,000 
Total Amount Payable to Girdhari = `1,00,000 + ` 38,000 + ` 2,000 + ` 10,000 = `1,50,000 
In books of Banwari & Murari  
Girdhari's  Loan Account 
Dr.     Cr. 
Date Particulars ` Date Particulars ` 
2015   2014   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  75,000 April 1 By Girdhari's Capital A/c  1,50,000 
March 31 To Balance c/d 90,000 2015   
   March 31 By Interest A/c  15,000 
  1,65,000   1,65,000 
2016   2015   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  75,000 April 1 By Balance b/d  90,000 
March 31 To Balance c/d 24,000 2016   
   March 31 By Interest A/c 9,000 
  99,000   99,000 
2016   2016   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  26,400 April 1 By Balance b/d  24,000 
   March 31 By Interest A/c 2,400 
  26,400   26,400 
Working Notes: 
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
1. Interest for Year 1
1,50,000 15,000
? ? ? 
2. Interest for Year 2
90,000 9,000
? ? ? 
3. Interest for Year 1
24,000 2,400
? ? ? 
12. Answer : 
Computation of Adjusted Profit: 
In the books of  Z Ltd 
Year  Profit (`) Adjustments  
Adjusted Profit 
2013-14 `3,50,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost  2,93,750 
2014-15 `4,75,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost  4,18,750 
2015-16 `6,70,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost  6,13,750 
 `7,45,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost 6,88,750  
2016-17     – `15,000 overvaluation of closing Stock (15,000) 6,73,750 
 Total Profit   20,00,000 
Average Profit 5,00,000
Goodwill Average Profit No. of years purchase 5,00,000 2 10,00,000
Raghav's Share of Goodwill 10,00,000 2,50,000 
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
In the books of Asha, Aditi & Raghav 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Apr. 1 Cash A/c Dr.  8,50,000  
 -------- To Raghav’s Capital A/c    6,00,000 
 -------- To Premium for Goodwill A/c    2,50,000 
 (Being Raghav’s Capital and share of goodwill brought in cash)     
Apr. 1 Premium for Goodwill A/c Dr.  2,50,000  
 -------- To Asha’s Capital A/c    1,50,000 
 -------- To Aditi’s Capital A/c    1,00,000 
 (Being Goodwill distributed among sacrificing partners in the 
ratio 3:2) 
13. Answer : 
In the books of Pranav, Karan & Rahim 
Karan’s Capital Account 
Dr.  Cr 
Date Particulars ` Date Particulars ` 
Jun 12 Karan’s Executors A/c 3,28,800 Jun 12 Balance b/d 2,00,000 
   Jun 12 Interest on Capital A/c (WN 1) 4,800 
   Jun 12 Pranav's Capital (Goodwill) (WN 2) 16,000 
   Jun 12 Rahim's Capital (Goodwill) (WN 2) 8,000 
   Jun 12 Profit Loss Suspense A/c (WN3)  40,000 
   Jun 12 General Reserve A/c 60,000 
  3,28,800   3,28,800 
Page 5

CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
Class XII Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1– 2018 Solution 
1. Answer : 
Share of Chaman
2 1 2
Share acquired from Amit
5 6 30
Share acquired from Beena = Share of Chaman Acquired from Amit 
1 2 3 1
6 30 30 10
? ? ?
? ? ? ?
2. Answer : 
Meetu’s Share in Profits: 1/3 (as the profit sharing ratio is not given, it is assumed to be equal). 
Goodwill of the firm = `4,20,000 
Meetu's share of Goodwill = 4,20,000 
? = `1,40,000 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Jan 1 Neetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 Teetu's Capital A/c Dr.  70,000  
 -------- To Meetu's Capital A/c    1,40,000 
 (Being goodwill adjusted in 1:1)     
3. Answer : 
Basis  Dissolution of partnership  Dissolution of firm 
Settlements of Assets 
and Liabilities 
Assets and Liabilities are revalued 
and the gain or loss is distributed to 
all partners in old ratio. 
Assets of the firm are realised and 
liabilities are settled. Balance amount, 
if any is distributed among all partners. 
4. Answer : 
No, the relationship between Ritesh and Hitesh cannot be called as Partnership but would be they 
regarded as the co-owners. This is because, Partnership requires the partners to conduct the business on 
a regular basis and share the profits from the same whereas in this case this is a one-time activity. 
5. Answer : 
Reserve Capital is a part of “Uncalled Capital”. 
6. Answer : 
Loans taken are majorly secured by mortgage of the assets known as prime or principal security. Security 
given in addition to the prime or principal security is termed as Collateral Security. If the borrower is not 
able to pay the principal amount or interest on loan amount, then the lender has the right to recover the 
dues from the sale of primary security and in case if the primary security is not sufficient to recover the 
amount of debt, then the collateral security can be used to recover the due amount.  
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
7. Answer : 
Jayant's Share (Old)
2 2 4
Jayant's Gain
5 10 50
Jayant's New Share Jayant's Old Share Jayant's Gain
5 4 29
10 50 50
Leena's Share (Old)
3 2 6
Leena's Gain
5 10 50
Leena's New Share Leena's Old Share Leena'
? ? ?
? ? ?
? ? ?
?? s Gain 
3 6 21
10 50 50
? ? ?
Thus, the New Profit Sharing Ratio of Jayant and Leena would be 29 : 21 
8. Answer : 
A company is an entity incorporated by a group of persons through the process of law and has a share 
capital divided into shares, the owners of which are referred to as members or shareholders. Share here 
refers to a unit into which the share capital of a company is divided. It includes the stock of the company 
and represents ownership claims on business. 
Basis of 
Preference Shares Equity Shares 
Voting Rights  Preference shareholders have voting 
rights only in special circumstances 
Equity shareholders have voting rights in all the 
Rate of 
Fixed rate of dividend is received  Rate of dividend is decided by the board every 
year and is approved by the shareholders. 
9. Answer : 
 Balance Sheet (Extract ) 
Particular Note No. Current year 
Previous year  
I. Equity and Liabilities    
1. Shareholders' Funds    
(a) Share capital 1 70,00,000 50,00,000 
Total  70,00,000 50,00,000 
 Particulars ` 
1 Share Capital  
 ---Authorised Capital  
 ---1,00,000 Equity Shares of `100 each 1,00,00,000 
 ---Issued share Capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each  70,00,000 
 subscribed fully paid-up capital  
 70,000 Equity Shares of `100 each; Fully Called up 70,00,000 
Values involved are: 
(a) Generation of Employment  
(b) Social-upliftment by showing concerns for the differently-abled children. 
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
10. Answer : 
VK Ltd. 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Feb 1 Own Debenture A/c Dr.  48,500  
 ------- To cash and Bank A/c    48,500 
 (Purchased own 500, 9% debentures of `100 each at 
`97 each for immediate cancellation) 
Feb 1 9% Debentures A/c Dr.  50,000  
 --------- To Own Debenture A/c    48,500 
 --------- To Gain on cancellation of Own Debenture A/c    1,500 
 (Cancelled own debentures)     
March 31 Gain on cancellation of Own Debenture A/c Dr.  1,500  
 --------- To Capital Reserve A/c    1,500 
 (Gain on cancellation transferred to capital Reserve)     
11. Answer : 
Capital of Girdhari = `1,00,000 
Girdhari's Share of Goodwill = 1,14,000 
? = 38,000  
Girdhari's Share in Revaluation Profit = 6,000 
? = 2,000 
Girdhari's Share in General Reserve = 30,000 
? = 10,000 
Total Amount Payable to Girdhari = `1,00,000 + ` 38,000 + ` 2,000 + ` 10,000 = `1,50,000 
In books of Banwari & Murari  
Girdhari's  Loan Account 
Dr.     Cr. 
Date Particulars ` Date Particulars ` 
2015   2014   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  75,000 April 1 By Girdhari's Capital A/c  1,50,000 
March 31 To Balance c/d 90,000 2015   
   March 31 By Interest A/c  15,000 
  1,65,000   1,65,000 
2016   2015   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  75,000 April 1 By Balance b/d  90,000 
March 31 To Balance c/d 24,000 2016   
   March 31 By Interest A/c 9,000 
  99,000   99,000 
2016   2016   
March 31 To Cash and Bank A/c  26,400 April 1 By Balance b/d  24,000 
   March 31 By Interest A/c 2,400 
  26,400   26,400 
Working Notes: 
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
1. Interest for Year 1
1,50,000 15,000
? ? ? 
2. Interest for Year 2
90,000 9,000
? ? ? 
3. Interest for Year 1
24,000 2,400
? ? ? 
12. Answer : 
Computation of Adjusted Profit: 
In the books of  Z Ltd 
Year  Profit (`) Adjustments  
Adjusted Profit 
2013-14 `3,50,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost  2,93,750 
2014-15 `4,75,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost  4,18,750 
2015-16 `6,70,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost  6,13,750 
 `7,45,000 – `56,250 for Management Cost 6,88,750  
2016-17     – `15,000 overvaluation of closing Stock (15,000) 6,73,750 
 Total Profit   20,00,000 
Average Profit 5,00,000
Goodwill Average Profit No. of years purchase 5,00,000 2 10,00,000
Raghav's Share of Goodwill 10,00,000 2,50,000 
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ?
In the books of Asha, Aditi & Raghav 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Apr. 1 Cash A/c Dr.  8,50,000  
 -------- To Raghav’s Capital A/c    6,00,000 
 -------- To Premium for Goodwill A/c    2,50,000 
 (Being Raghav’s Capital and share of goodwill brought in cash)     
Apr. 1 Premium for Goodwill A/c Dr.  2,50,000  
 -------- To Asha’s Capital A/c    1,50,000 
 -------- To Aditi’s Capital A/c    1,00,000 
 (Being Goodwill distributed among sacrificing partners in the 
ratio 3:2) 
13. Answer : 
In the books of Pranav, Karan & Rahim 
Karan’s Capital Account 
Dr.  Cr 
Date Particulars ` Date Particulars ` 
Jun 12 Karan’s Executors A/c 3,28,800 Jun 12 Balance b/d 2,00,000 
   Jun 12 Interest on Capital A/c (WN 1) 4,800 
   Jun 12 Pranav's Capital (Goodwill) (WN 2) 16,000 
   Jun 12 Rahim's Capital (Goodwill) (WN 2) 8,000 
   Jun 12 Profit Loss Suspense A/c (WN3)  40,000 
   Jun 12 General Reserve A/c 60,000 
  3,28,800   3,28,800 
CBSE XII  |  Accountancy 
Delhi Board Paper Set 1 – 2018 Solution 
Working Notes: 
1. Interest on capital
12 73
2,00,000 4,800
100 365
? ? ? ? 
2. Karan’s Goodwill
60,000 24,000
? ? ? 
3. Profit till the date of death 
73 2
5,00,000 40,000
365 5
? ? ? ? 
14. Answer :  
In the books of Chander & Damini 
Revaluation Account 
Dr.  Cr 
Particulars ` Particulars ` 
To Furniture  11,000 By Debtors  5,000 
To Provision for bad & Doubtful debts 6,250 By Land and Building  62,000 
To Claim for Damages 8,000   
To Profit transferred to:    
Chander’s Capital  20,875    
Damini’s Capital  20,875 41,750   
  67,000  67,000 
In the books of Chander, Damini & Elina  
Partner’s Capital Account 
Dr.  Cr. 
Particulars Chander Damini Elina Particulars Chander Damini Elina 
To Bank A/c  12,500 12,500  By Balance b/d 2,50,000 2,16,000  
To Balance c/d 2,83,375 2,49,375 3,00,000 By Bank A/c   3,00,000 
    By Premium for Goodwill A/c  25,000 25,000  
    By Revaluation A/c 20,875 20,875  
 2,95,875 2,61,875 3,00,000  2,95,875 2,61,875 3,00,000 
15. Answer : 
In the books of KK Ltd. 
Date Particulars  L.F. 
Apr 1 Bank A/c Dr.  56,40,000  
 -------- To Debenture Application & Allotment A/c    56,40,000 
 (Being debenture application money received @ `940 on 
6,000 debentures) 
Apr 1 Debenture Application & Allotment A/c Dr.  56,40,000  
 Loss on Issue of Debentures A/c (3,00,000 + 5,00,000) Dr.  8,00,000  
 -------- To 10% Debenture A/c    50,00,000 
 -------- To Premium on Redemption of Debenture A/c    5,00,000 
 -------- To Bank A/c (1000*940)    9,40,000 
 (Being debentures allotted at a discount of 6% to be 
redeemable at a 10% premium. Excess refunded.) 
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FAQs on CBSE Accountancy Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) Solution - 2018, Class 12 - Additional Study Material for Commerce

1. What is the format of the CBSE Accountancy Past year paper for Class 12 Commerce?
Ans. The CBSE Accountancy Past year paper for Class 12 Commerce generally follows a similar format every year. It consists of multiple choice questions (MCQs), short answer type questions, and long answer type questions. The paper is divided into different sections, each focusing on different topics within the subject.
2. How can I access the CBSE Accountancy Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) Solution for 2018?
Ans. The CBSE Accountancy Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) Solution for 2018 can be accessed through various online platforms. You can search for it on educational websites, online study portals, or even on the official CBSE website. These solutions are usually available in PDF format, which can be downloaded and used for reference.
3. What is the importance of solving past year papers for CBSE Accountancy exams?
Ans. Solving past year papers for CBSE Accountancy exams is extremely important as it helps students familiarize themselves with the exam pattern, marking scheme, and types of questions asked. It also helps in identifying the weak areas and areas where more practice is required. Solving these papers provides a real-time exam experience and boosts confidence before the actual exam.
4. Are the solutions provided in the CBSE Accountancy Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) Solution for 2018 accurate?
Ans. The solutions provided in the CBSE Accountancy Past year paper Delhi (Set - 1) Solution for 2018 are generally accurate and prepared by subject experts. However, it is always recommended to cross-verify the solutions with the official marking scheme or consult the teacher if any doubts or discrepancies arise. It is important to rely on authentic sources for accurate solutions.
5. Can solving CBSE Accountancy Past year papers guarantee good marks in the Class 12 Commerce exam?
Ans. While solving CBSE Accountancy Past year papers is an effective preparation strategy, it does not guarantee good marks in the Class 12 Commerce exam. It is just one aspect of exam preparation and should be supplemented with regular studies, understanding of concepts, and practicing different types of questions. It is important to have a comprehensive and consistent study approach to achieve good marks in the exam.
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