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GATE Electrical Engineering Syllabus with Weightage | GATE Electrical Engineering (EE) Mock Test Series 2026 PDF Download

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GATE EE Aptitude Section Analysis 2022
? The level of questions was easy to moderate (Like Syllogism, Speed & Distance, LCM
application, heel/heal word use)
? Some (2) of questions were the pictorial type
? 2 English questions were asked.
GATE EE Technical Section Analysis 2022
? In power electronics, most of the questions were from the converter, one theory question
was from switching frequency of switches.
? In network theory all questions were easy.
? In power system questions was easy to moderate (Economical Load dispatch, load
governor, swing equation, HVDC Link, etc.
? In the electrical machine, two questions was theory tye (Relay used in Alternator filed,
Single phase motor power factor), one very easy question from induction motor
slip-speed, one moderate question from Auto-transformer starter.
? In Analog electronics major of question from Operational Amplifier (2 nos) while in digital
electronics question was from combinational & sequential circuit.
? Some of the Questions was a combination of two subjects.
The exam analysis is as per our experts and it will contain the number of questions asked from
various subjects.
Page 2

GATE EE Aptitude Section Analysis 2022
? The level of questions was easy to moderate (Like Syllogism, Speed & Distance, LCM
application, heel/heal word use)
? Some (2) of questions were the pictorial type
? 2 English questions were asked.
GATE EE Technical Section Analysis 2022
? In power electronics, most of the questions were from the converter, one theory question
was from switching frequency of switches.
? In network theory all questions were easy.
? In power system questions was easy to moderate (Economical Load dispatch, load
governor, swing equation, HVDC Link, etc.
? In the electrical machine, two questions was theory tye (Relay used in Alternator filed,
Single phase motor power factor), one very easy question from induction motor
slip-speed, one moderate question from Auto-transformer starter.
? In Analog electronics major of question from Operational Amplifier (2 nos) while in digital
electronics question was from combinational & sequential circuit.
? Some of the Questions was a combination of two subjects.
The exam analysis is as per our experts and it will contain the number of questions asked from
various subjects.
GATE EE 2022 Subject-Wise Marks Weightage
GATE EE Syllabus 2023
1. Engineering Mathematics
(a) Linear Algebra
? Matrix Algebra
? Systems of linear equations
? Eigenvalues
? Eigenvectors
(b) Calculus
? Mean value theorems
? Theorems of integral calculus
? Evaluation of definite & improper integrals
? Partial Derivatives
? Maxima and minima
? Multiple integrals
? Fourier series
? Vector identities
? Directional derivatives
? Line integral
? Surface integral
? Volume integral
? Stokes’s theorem
Page 3

GATE EE Aptitude Section Analysis 2022
? The level of questions was easy to moderate (Like Syllogism, Speed & Distance, LCM
application, heel/heal word use)
? Some (2) of questions were the pictorial type
? 2 English questions were asked.
GATE EE Technical Section Analysis 2022
? In power electronics, most of the questions were from the converter, one theory question
was from switching frequency of switches.
? In network theory all questions were easy.
? In power system questions was easy to moderate (Economical Load dispatch, load
governor, swing equation, HVDC Link, etc.
? In the electrical machine, two questions was theory tye (Relay used in Alternator filed,
Single phase motor power factor), one very easy question from induction motor
slip-speed, one moderate question from Auto-transformer starter.
? In Analog electronics major of question from Operational Amplifier (2 nos) while in digital
electronics question was from combinational & sequential circuit.
? Some of the Questions was a combination of two subjects.
The exam analysis is as per our experts and it will contain the number of questions asked from
various subjects.
GATE EE 2022 Subject-Wise Marks Weightage
GATE EE Syllabus 2023
1. Engineering Mathematics
(a) Linear Algebra
? Matrix Algebra
? Systems of linear equations
? Eigenvalues
? Eigenvectors
(b) Calculus
? Mean value theorems
? Theorems of integral calculus
? Evaluation of definite & improper integrals
? Partial Derivatives
? Maxima and minima
? Multiple integrals
? Fourier series
? Vector identities
? Directional derivatives
? Line integral
? Surface integral
? Volume integral
? Stokes’s theorem
? Gauss’s theorem
? Divergence theorem
? Green’s theorem
(c) Differential Equations
? First order equations (linear and nonlinear)
? Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients
? Method of variation of parameters
? Cauchy’s equation
? Euler’s equation
? Initial and boundary value problems
? Partial Differential Equations
? Method of separation of variables
(d) Complex Variables
? Analytic functions
? Cauchy’s integral theorem
? Cauchy’s integral formula
? Taylor series
? Laurent series
? Residue theorem
? Solution integrals
(e) Probability and Statistics
? Sampling theorems
? Conditional probability
? Mean
? Median
? Mode
? Standard Deviation
? Random variables
? Discrete & Continuous distributions
? Poisson distribution
? Normal distribution
? Binomial distribution
? Correlation analysis
? Regression analysis
2. Electric Circuits
(a) Network Basics
? Network Elements
? Sources -Independent & Dependent
? Power
? Nodal & mesh Analysis
? Equivalent resistance (Symmetry)
(b) Network Theorems
? Superposition Theorem
? Thevenin & Norton
? Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
Page 4

GATE EE Aptitude Section Analysis 2022
? The level of questions was easy to moderate (Like Syllogism, Speed & Distance, LCM
application, heel/heal word use)
? Some (2) of questions were the pictorial type
? 2 English questions were asked.
GATE EE Technical Section Analysis 2022
? In power electronics, most of the questions were from the converter, one theory question
was from switching frequency of switches.
? In network theory all questions were easy.
? In power system questions was easy to moderate (Economical Load dispatch, load
governor, swing equation, HVDC Link, etc.
? In the electrical machine, two questions was theory tye (Relay used in Alternator filed,
Single phase motor power factor), one very easy question from induction motor
slip-speed, one moderate question from Auto-transformer starter.
? In Analog electronics major of question from Operational Amplifier (2 nos) while in digital
electronics question was from combinational & sequential circuit.
? Some of the Questions was a combination of two subjects.
The exam analysis is as per our experts and it will contain the number of questions asked from
various subjects.
GATE EE 2022 Subject-Wise Marks Weightage
GATE EE Syllabus 2023
1. Engineering Mathematics
(a) Linear Algebra
? Matrix Algebra
? Systems of linear equations
? Eigenvalues
? Eigenvectors
(b) Calculus
? Mean value theorems
? Theorems of integral calculus
? Evaluation of definite & improper integrals
? Partial Derivatives
? Maxima and minima
? Multiple integrals
? Fourier series
? Vector identities
? Directional derivatives
? Line integral
? Surface integral
? Volume integral
? Stokes’s theorem
? Gauss’s theorem
? Divergence theorem
? Green’s theorem
(c) Differential Equations
? First order equations (linear and nonlinear)
? Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients
? Method of variation of parameters
? Cauchy’s equation
? Euler’s equation
? Initial and boundary value problems
? Partial Differential Equations
? Method of separation of variables
(d) Complex Variables
? Analytic functions
? Cauchy’s integral theorem
? Cauchy’s integral formula
? Taylor series
? Laurent series
? Residue theorem
? Solution integrals
(e) Probability and Statistics
? Sampling theorems
? Conditional probability
? Mean
? Median
? Mode
? Standard Deviation
? Random variables
? Discrete & Continuous distributions
? Poisson distribution
? Normal distribution
? Binomial distribution
? Correlation analysis
? Regression analysis
2. Electric Circuits
(a) Network Basics
? Network Elements
? Sources -Independent & Dependent
? Power
? Nodal & mesh Analysis
? Equivalent resistance (Symmetry)
(b) Network Theorems
? Superposition Theorem
? Thevenin & Norton
? Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
? Reciprocity Theorem
(c) Transient Analysis in AC & DC circuits
? Initial & final condition
? First order Circuits (tau calculation)
? Second order circuits (Step response & natural response)
? Analysis using Laplace Transform (non unit-step)
(d) AC Analysis
? Phasor diagram, impedence & admittance
? RMS, average, FF
? Basic analysis (KCL, KVL, Nodal, Mesh)
? Network Theorems - Superposition, Thevenin & Norton, Maximum Power Transfer theorem
? Power & complex power Analysis
? sinusoidal steady-state analysis
? Resonance
(e) Two Port Network
? z,y,h,g,T (Equations)
? Pie , T lattice Network
? Interconnection- Cascade, series, Parallel
(f) Magnetically Coupled Circuits
? Dot Convention
? Equivalent Inductance
? T-model of a T/F
(g) Graph Theory
? Terms: Trees, twigs
? Matrices
(h) 3-Phase Circuits
? Phasor sequence
? Balanced & unbalanced
? Star-delta Connection
3. EMFT (Electromagnetic Field Theory)
? Coulomb's Law, Gauss's Law, Divergence
? Electric Field Intensity
? Electric Flux Density
? Electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions
? Effect of dielectric medium
? Capacitance of simple configurations
? Biot-Savart’s law
? Ampere’s law
? Curl
? Faraday’s law
? Lorentz force
? Inductance
? Magnetomotive force
? Reluctance
? Magnetic circuits, Self and Mutual inductance of simple configurations
Page 5

GATE EE Aptitude Section Analysis 2022
? The level of questions was easy to moderate (Like Syllogism, Speed & Distance, LCM
application, heel/heal word use)
? Some (2) of questions were the pictorial type
? 2 English questions were asked.
GATE EE Technical Section Analysis 2022
? In power electronics, most of the questions were from the converter, one theory question
was from switching frequency of switches.
? In network theory all questions were easy.
? In power system questions was easy to moderate (Economical Load dispatch, load
governor, swing equation, HVDC Link, etc.
? In the electrical machine, two questions was theory tye (Relay used in Alternator filed,
Single phase motor power factor), one very easy question from induction motor
slip-speed, one moderate question from Auto-transformer starter.
? In Analog electronics major of question from Operational Amplifier (2 nos) while in digital
electronics question was from combinational & sequential circuit.
? Some of the Questions was a combination of two subjects.
The exam analysis is as per our experts and it will contain the number of questions asked from
various subjects.
GATE EE 2022 Subject-Wise Marks Weightage
GATE EE Syllabus 2023
1. Engineering Mathematics
(a) Linear Algebra
? Matrix Algebra
? Systems of linear equations
? Eigenvalues
? Eigenvectors
(b) Calculus
? Mean value theorems
? Theorems of integral calculus
? Evaluation of definite & improper integrals
? Partial Derivatives
? Maxima and minima
? Multiple integrals
? Fourier series
? Vector identities
? Directional derivatives
? Line integral
? Surface integral
? Volume integral
? Stokes’s theorem
? Gauss’s theorem
? Divergence theorem
? Green’s theorem
(c) Differential Equations
? First order equations (linear and nonlinear)
? Higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients
? Method of variation of parameters
? Cauchy’s equation
? Euler’s equation
? Initial and boundary value problems
? Partial Differential Equations
? Method of separation of variables
(d) Complex Variables
? Analytic functions
? Cauchy’s integral theorem
? Cauchy’s integral formula
? Taylor series
? Laurent series
? Residue theorem
? Solution integrals
(e) Probability and Statistics
? Sampling theorems
? Conditional probability
? Mean
? Median
? Mode
? Standard Deviation
? Random variables
? Discrete & Continuous distributions
? Poisson distribution
? Normal distribution
? Binomial distribution
? Correlation analysis
? Regression analysis
2. Electric Circuits
(a) Network Basics
? Network Elements
? Sources -Independent & Dependent
? Power
? Nodal & mesh Analysis
? Equivalent resistance (Symmetry)
(b) Network Theorems
? Superposition Theorem
? Thevenin & Norton
? Maximum Power Transfer Theorem
? Reciprocity Theorem
(c) Transient Analysis in AC & DC circuits
? Initial & final condition
? First order Circuits (tau calculation)
? Second order circuits (Step response & natural response)
? Analysis using Laplace Transform (non unit-step)
(d) AC Analysis
? Phasor diagram, impedence & admittance
? RMS, average, FF
? Basic analysis (KCL, KVL, Nodal, Mesh)
? Network Theorems - Superposition, Thevenin & Norton, Maximum Power Transfer theorem
? Power & complex power Analysis
? sinusoidal steady-state analysis
? Resonance
(e) Two Port Network
? z,y,h,g,T (Equations)
? Pie , T lattice Network
? Interconnection- Cascade, series, Parallel
(f) Magnetically Coupled Circuits
? Dot Convention
? Equivalent Inductance
? T-model of a T/F
(g) Graph Theory
? Terms: Trees, twigs
? Matrices
(h) 3-Phase Circuits
? Phasor sequence
? Balanced & unbalanced
? Star-delta Connection
3. EMFT (Electromagnetic Field Theory)
? Coulomb's Law, Gauss's Law, Divergence
? Electric Field Intensity
? Electric Flux Density
? Electric field and potential due to point, line, plane and spherical charge distributions
? Effect of dielectric medium
? Capacitance of simple configurations
? Biot-Savart’s law
? Ampere’s law
? Curl
? Faraday’s law
? Lorentz force
? Inductance
? Magnetomotive force
? Reluctance
? Magnetic circuits, Self and Mutual inductance of simple configurations
4. Signals & Systems
? Representation of continuous and discrete time signals
? shifting and scaling properties
? linear time invariant and causal systems
? Fourier series representation of continuous periodic signals
? discrete time periodic signals
? sampling theorem
? Applications of Fourier Transform for continuous and discrete time signals
? Laplace Transform and Z transform
? R.M.S. value, average value calculation for any general periodic waveform
5. Electrical Machines
(a) Single phase transformer
? Equivalent circuit
? Phasor diagram
? Open circuit and short circuit tests
? Regulation and Efficiency
(b) Three phase transformers
? Connections
? Parallel operation
(c) Auto -transformer
? Electromechanical energy conversion principles
(d) DC machines
? Separately excited DC Machine
? Series and shunt DC Machine
? Motoring and generating mode of operation and their characteristics
? Starting and speed control of dc motors
(e) Three phase induction motors:
? Principle of operation
? Types
? Performance
? Torque-speed characteristics
? No-load and blocked rotor tests
? Equivalent Circuit
? Starting and Speed Control
(f) Operating principle of single phase induction motors
(g) Synchronous machines
? Cylindrical and salient pole machines
? Performance
? Regulation and parallel operation of generators
? Starting of synchronous motor
? Characteristics
(h) Types of losses and efficiency calculations of electric machines
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25 docs|247 tests

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FAQs on GATE Electrical Engineering Syllabus with Weightage - GATE Electrical Engineering (EE) Mock Test Series 2026

1. What is the syllabus for GATE Electrical Engineering 2023?
Ans. The syllabus for GATE Electrical Engineering 2023 includes various topics such as Engineering Mathematics, Electric Circuits and Fields, Signals and Systems, Electrical Machines, Power Systems, Control Systems, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, Analog and Digital Electronics, Power Electronics, and more. It covers a wide range of subjects related to electrical engineering.
2. What is the weightage of the Electrical Engineering syllabus in GATE 2023?
Ans. The weightage of the Electrical Engineering syllabus in GATE 2023 is not officially disclosed. However, based on previous years' question papers and analysis, it is observed that certain topics like Engineering Mathematics, Electric Circuits and Fields, Signals and Systems, and Power Systems have relatively higher weightage compared to other topics. It is recommended to thoroughly study all the topics to maximize the chances of scoring well in the exam.
3. What are the frequently asked topics in GATE Electrical Engineering exam?
Ans. Some frequently asked topics in the GATE Electrical Engineering exam include Engineering Mathematics, Electric Circuits and Fields, Signals and Systems, Power Systems, Control Systems, Electrical and Electronic Measurements, and Power Electronics. These topics have been consistently appearing in the previous years' question papers. It is advisable to focus on these topics while preparing for the exam.
4. How should I prepare for the GATE Electrical Engineering exam?
Ans. To prepare for the GATE Electrical Engineering exam, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern. Start by creating a study plan and allocating time for each topic. Refer to standard textbooks and study materials to strengthen your concepts. Solve previous years' question papers and take mock tests to practice time management and improve problem-solving skills. Additionally, joining coaching classes or online courses can provide guidance and additional resources for preparation.
5. Are numerical questions common in the GATE Electrical Engineering exam?
Ans. Yes, numerical questions are common in the GATE Electrical Engineering exam. The exam includes a mix of both theoretical and numerical-based questions. It is important to practice solving numerical problems to improve accuracy and speed. Understanding the concepts and formulas related to different topics will help in solving numerical questions effectively.

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GATE Electrical Engineering Syllabus with Weightage | GATE Electrical Engineering (EE) Mock Test Series 2026


GATE Electrical Engineering Syllabus with Weightage | GATE Electrical Engineering (EE) Mock Test Series 2026


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