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CLAT Official Sample Questions by NLU | CLAT Mock Test Series 2026 PDF Download

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? Candidates who appeared in CLAT-2021 for UG and PG Programmes on July 23, 2021 
may file their objections, if any, on Consortium website. The portal for objection(s) will 
open at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021 and close at 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021. 
? After 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021 the link will be de-activated. No Objection(s) will be 
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? Objection(s) received over email or phone calls will not be entertained. 
? A fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) is to be paid for each objection and if the 
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Important Note on Raising Objection(s): 
(a) Master Question Booklet and Master Answer Key will be uploaded on the Consortium 
website at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021; 
(b) Students shall tally the Question Number from their own Question Booklet (Note: there 
are four different series of Question Booklets) with the Master Question Booklet and raise 
Objection only on appropriate Question Number(s) from Master Question Booklet.  
(c) If Candidates raise Objections on their own Question Booklet and the Question Number 
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Process of Raising Objection(s):  
1)  Login to you CLAT account and click on Submit Objections. 
2)  Click on Submit Object button.  
3)  Select the type of objection (1) About the question or (2) About the answer key.  
4)   Enter objection details and click on Submit Objection.  
5)  Once all your objections are submitted, click on the Make Payment button to make 
payment. There is a fee of INR 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) per objection. 
Prof. (Dr.) Vijender Kumar, 
Convenor, CLAT-2021 
Page 2

? Candidates who appeared in CLAT-2021 for UG and PG Programmes on July 23, 2021 
may file their objections, if any, on Consortium website. The portal for objection(s) will 
open at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021 and close at 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021. 
? After 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021 the link will be de-activated. No Objection(s) will be 
entertained thereafter.  
? Objection(s) received over email or phone calls will not be entertained. 
? A fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) is to be paid for each objection and if the 
objection turns out to be valid, the said fee will be refunded/remitted to the same account 
from which it was paid. No requests of depositing it in any other account will be 
? Objection(s) without the prescribed fee will not be entertained.  
Important Note on Raising Objection(s): 
(a) Master Question Booklet and Master Answer Key will be uploaded on the Consortium 
website at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021; 
(b) Students shall tally the Question Number from their own Question Booklet (Note: there 
are four different series of Question Booklets) with the Master Question Booklet and raise 
Objection only on appropriate Question Number(s) from Master Question Booklet.  
(c) If Candidates raise Objections on their own Question Booklet and the Question Number 
does not match with the Master Question Booklet, CLAT Office will not respond to such 
Process of Raising Objection(s):  
1)  Login to you CLAT account and click on Submit Objections. 
2)  Click on Submit Object button.  
3)  Select the type of objection (1) About the question or (2) About the answer key.  
4)   Enter objection details and click on Submit Objection.  
5)  Once all your objections are submitted, click on the Make Payment button to make 
payment. There is a fee of INR 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) per objection. 
Prof. (Dr.) Vijender Kumar, 
Convenor, CLAT-2021 
Page 1 of 41 
English Language 
Read an extract from A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle: 
“I rang the door-bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been 
in part my own. 
With hardly a word spoken, Sherlock Holmes waved me to an armchair. Then he 
stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular introspective fashion. 
“Watson, you did not tell me that you intended to go into harness.” 
“Then, how do you know?” 
“I see it, I deduce it. How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet 
lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?” 
“My dear Holmes,” said I, “this is too much. It is true that I had a country walk on 
Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes, I 
can’t imagine how you deduce it. As to Mary Jane, she is incorrigible, but there, 
again, I fail to see how you work it out.” 
“It is simplicity itself,” said he; “my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe, 
just where the firelight strikes it, the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts. 
Obviously, they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scared round 
the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it. Hence, you see, my 
double deduction that you had been out in vile weather, and that you had a 
particularly malignant boot-slitting specimen of the London slavey.” 
In fiction, detectives like Holmes are usually portrayed as people with exceptionally brilliant 
minds. They possess the rare skill to see and analyze what ordinary people can’t. They have 
incredible abilities to infer, deduce, induce and conclude. 
Then, there is G.K. Chesterton’s fictional catholic priest, Father Brown who relies on his 
extraordinary power of sympathy and empathy that enable him to imagine and feel as criminals 
do. He explains, “I had thought out exactly how a thing like that could be done, and in what 
style or state of mind a man could really do it. And when I was quite sure that I felt exactly like 
the murderer myself, of course I knew who he was.” 
Sherlock finds the criminal by starting from the outside. He relies on science, experimental 
methods and deduction. On the contrary, Father Brown uses varied psychological experiences 
learned from those who make confessions of crime to him. He relies on introspection, intuition 
and empathy. 
There is yet another set of detectives like those created by writers like Agatha Christie. Her 
Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot is a story-teller who draws information from the stories that 
others tell. He patiently listens to numerous accounts of what happened, where it happened and 
how it happened. He listens for credibility and ambiguity; he identifies why and how the pieces 
of the jig-saws don’t fit together. Ultimately, he uncovers the truth. 
1.  From the passage, it can be inferred that   
(A)  Watson is Holmes’ mentor. 
(B)  Earlier, Watson used to live with Holmes. 
(C)  Watson is a detective. 
(D)  Watson shares all his personal matters with Holmes. 
Page 3

? Candidates who appeared in CLAT-2021 for UG and PG Programmes on July 23, 2021 
may file their objections, if any, on Consortium website. The portal for objection(s) will 
open at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021 and close at 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021. 
? After 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021 the link will be de-activated. No Objection(s) will be 
entertained thereafter.  
? Objection(s) received over email or phone calls will not be entertained. 
? A fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) is to be paid for each objection and if the 
objection turns out to be valid, the said fee will be refunded/remitted to the same account 
from which it was paid. No requests of depositing it in any other account will be 
? Objection(s) without the prescribed fee will not be entertained.  
Important Note on Raising Objection(s): 
(a) Master Question Booklet and Master Answer Key will be uploaded on the Consortium 
website at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021; 
(b) Students shall tally the Question Number from their own Question Booklet (Note: there 
are four different series of Question Booklets) with the Master Question Booklet and raise 
Objection only on appropriate Question Number(s) from Master Question Booklet.  
(c) If Candidates raise Objections on their own Question Booklet and the Question Number 
does not match with the Master Question Booklet, CLAT Office will not respond to such 
Process of Raising Objection(s):  
1)  Login to you CLAT account and click on Submit Objections. 
2)  Click on Submit Object button.  
3)  Select the type of objection (1) About the question or (2) About the answer key.  
4)   Enter objection details and click on Submit Objection.  
5)  Once all your objections are submitted, click on the Make Payment button to make 
payment. There is a fee of INR 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) per objection. 
Prof. (Dr.) Vijender Kumar, 
Convenor, CLAT-2021 
Page 1 of 41 
English Language 
Read an extract from A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle: 
“I rang the door-bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been 
in part my own. 
With hardly a word spoken, Sherlock Holmes waved me to an armchair. Then he 
stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular introspective fashion. 
“Watson, you did not tell me that you intended to go into harness.” 
“Then, how do you know?” 
“I see it, I deduce it. How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet 
lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?” 
“My dear Holmes,” said I, “this is too much. It is true that I had a country walk on 
Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes, I 
can’t imagine how you deduce it. As to Mary Jane, she is incorrigible, but there, 
again, I fail to see how you work it out.” 
“It is simplicity itself,” said he; “my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe, 
just where the firelight strikes it, the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts. 
Obviously, they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scared round 
the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it. Hence, you see, my 
double deduction that you had been out in vile weather, and that you had a 
particularly malignant boot-slitting specimen of the London slavey.” 
In fiction, detectives like Holmes are usually portrayed as people with exceptionally brilliant 
minds. They possess the rare skill to see and analyze what ordinary people can’t. They have 
incredible abilities to infer, deduce, induce and conclude. 
Then, there is G.K. Chesterton’s fictional catholic priest, Father Brown who relies on his 
extraordinary power of sympathy and empathy that enable him to imagine and feel as criminals 
do. He explains, “I had thought out exactly how a thing like that could be done, and in what 
style or state of mind a man could really do it. And when I was quite sure that I felt exactly like 
the murderer myself, of course I knew who he was.” 
Sherlock finds the criminal by starting from the outside. He relies on science, experimental 
methods and deduction. On the contrary, Father Brown uses varied psychological experiences 
learned from those who make confessions of crime to him. He relies on introspection, intuition 
and empathy. 
There is yet another set of detectives like those created by writers like Agatha Christie. Her 
Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot is a story-teller who draws information from the stories that 
others tell. He patiently listens to numerous accounts of what happened, where it happened and 
how it happened. He listens for credibility and ambiguity; he identifies why and how the pieces 
of the jig-saws don’t fit together. Ultimately, he uncovers the truth. 
1.  From the passage, it can be inferred that   
(A)  Watson is Holmes’ mentor. 
(B)  Earlier, Watson used to live with Holmes. 
(C)  Watson is a detective. 
(D)  Watson shares all his personal matters with Holmes. 
Page 2 of 41 
2.  It is evident that for solving cases, Father Brown relies largely on 
(A)  His own sympathetic and empathic thought process about criminals. 
(B)  A sympathetic approach towards various people’s opinion on the case to be solved. 
(C)  A deductive analysis of the crime and his ability to sympathize. 
(D)  All the above. 
3.  For the three detectives mentioned in the passage, which one of these would be non-
essential for solving criminal cases? 
(A)  Forgiving nature   
(B)  Sensitivity  
(C)  Critical thinking  
(D)  Patience 
4.  In order to solve cases, Poirot uses the art of  ______ the narratives that he has been told. 
(A)  Building a fantasy based on    
(B)  Empathizing with all the characters in   
(C)  Creating new plots for    
(D)  Detecting and analyzing the missing links in 
5.  The word incorrigible is the antonym of 
(A)  Habitual  
(B)  Unperformable   
(C)  Repentant  
(D)  Incurable  
Since long, we have witnessed unimaginable levels of success and failure of various projects, 
businesses, scientific missions and even wars. From such triumphs and defeats emerges the 
much debatable thought: Is planning and strategy more important than execution? 
Some project leaders and their teams are of the view that planning leads to clarity of objectives; 
it helps to set the timeline and the budget. Consequently, when the planning is haphazard and 
unstructured, the very aims of the projects become hazy. This further leads to unprecedented 
budget collapses and poor time-management. In some cases, teams have worked relentlessly 
to complete assignments, but poor planning has invariably led to customer dissatisfaction and 
at times a complete collapse of the entire project. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Failing 
to plan is planning to fail.” 
Numerous entrepreneurs have the faith that strategies help to enhance not only speed and 
quality of production, but also consumer satisfaction. If there are no strategies to tackle 
unplanned events or unexpected interruptions, there is a possibility of entire projects coming 
to a grinding halt. 
Some of the world’s best airports, bridges and astronomical missions are the result of careful 
planning and excellent strategies. However, there are some architects, artists and entrepreneurs 
who prefer to dive straight from the board of ideas into the pool of execution. They believe that 
suitable strategies are best shaped during the process of execution; great plans and strategies 
can fail while encountering unexpected situations. 
Steve Jobs says, “To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. 
Execution is worth millions.” 
Page 4

? Candidates who appeared in CLAT-2021 for UG and PG Programmes on July 23, 2021 
may file their objections, if any, on Consortium website. The portal for objection(s) will 
open at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021 and close at 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021. 
? After 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021 the link will be de-activated. No Objection(s) will be 
entertained thereafter.  
? Objection(s) received over email or phone calls will not be entertained. 
? A fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) is to be paid for each objection and if the 
objection turns out to be valid, the said fee will be refunded/remitted to the same account 
from which it was paid. No requests of depositing it in any other account will be 
? Objection(s) without the prescribed fee will not be entertained.  
Important Note on Raising Objection(s): 
(a) Master Question Booklet and Master Answer Key will be uploaded on the Consortium 
website at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021; 
(b) Students shall tally the Question Number from their own Question Booklet (Note: there 
are four different series of Question Booklets) with the Master Question Booklet and raise 
Objection only on appropriate Question Number(s) from Master Question Booklet.  
(c) If Candidates raise Objections on their own Question Booklet and the Question Number 
does not match with the Master Question Booklet, CLAT Office will not respond to such 
Process of Raising Objection(s):  
1)  Login to you CLAT account and click on Submit Objections. 
2)  Click on Submit Object button.  
3)  Select the type of objection (1) About the question or (2) About the answer key.  
4)   Enter objection details and click on Submit Objection.  
5)  Once all your objections are submitted, click on the Make Payment button to make 
payment. There is a fee of INR 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) per objection. 
Prof. (Dr.) Vijender Kumar, 
Convenor, CLAT-2021 
Page 1 of 41 
English Language 
Read an extract from A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle: 
“I rang the door-bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been 
in part my own. 
With hardly a word spoken, Sherlock Holmes waved me to an armchair. Then he 
stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular introspective fashion. 
“Watson, you did not tell me that you intended to go into harness.” 
“Then, how do you know?” 
“I see it, I deduce it. How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet 
lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?” 
“My dear Holmes,” said I, “this is too much. It is true that I had a country walk on 
Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes, I 
can’t imagine how you deduce it. As to Mary Jane, she is incorrigible, but there, 
again, I fail to see how you work it out.” 
“It is simplicity itself,” said he; “my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe, 
just where the firelight strikes it, the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts. 
Obviously, they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scared round 
the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it. Hence, you see, my 
double deduction that you had been out in vile weather, and that you had a 
particularly malignant boot-slitting specimen of the London slavey.” 
In fiction, detectives like Holmes are usually portrayed as people with exceptionally brilliant 
minds. They possess the rare skill to see and analyze what ordinary people can’t. They have 
incredible abilities to infer, deduce, induce and conclude. 
Then, there is G.K. Chesterton’s fictional catholic priest, Father Brown who relies on his 
extraordinary power of sympathy and empathy that enable him to imagine and feel as criminals 
do. He explains, “I had thought out exactly how a thing like that could be done, and in what 
style or state of mind a man could really do it. And when I was quite sure that I felt exactly like 
the murderer myself, of course I knew who he was.” 
Sherlock finds the criminal by starting from the outside. He relies on science, experimental 
methods and deduction. On the contrary, Father Brown uses varied psychological experiences 
learned from those who make confessions of crime to him. He relies on introspection, intuition 
and empathy. 
There is yet another set of detectives like those created by writers like Agatha Christie. Her 
Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot is a story-teller who draws information from the stories that 
others tell. He patiently listens to numerous accounts of what happened, where it happened and 
how it happened. He listens for credibility and ambiguity; he identifies why and how the pieces 
of the jig-saws don’t fit together. Ultimately, he uncovers the truth. 
1.  From the passage, it can be inferred that   
(A)  Watson is Holmes’ mentor. 
(B)  Earlier, Watson used to live with Holmes. 
(C)  Watson is a detective. 
(D)  Watson shares all his personal matters with Holmes. 
Page 2 of 41 
2.  It is evident that for solving cases, Father Brown relies largely on 
(A)  His own sympathetic and empathic thought process about criminals. 
(B)  A sympathetic approach towards various people’s opinion on the case to be solved. 
(C)  A deductive analysis of the crime and his ability to sympathize. 
(D)  All the above. 
3.  For the three detectives mentioned in the passage, which one of these would be non-
essential for solving criminal cases? 
(A)  Forgiving nature   
(B)  Sensitivity  
(C)  Critical thinking  
(D)  Patience 
4.  In order to solve cases, Poirot uses the art of  ______ the narratives that he has been told. 
(A)  Building a fantasy based on    
(B)  Empathizing with all the characters in   
(C)  Creating new plots for    
(D)  Detecting and analyzing the missing links in 
5.  The word incorrigible is the antonym of 
(A)  Habitual  
(B)  Unperformable   
(C)  Repentant  
(D)  Incurable  
Since long, we have witnessed unimaginable levels of success and failure of various projects, 
businesses, scientific missions and even wars. From such triumphs and defeats emerges the 
much debatable thought: Is planning and strategy more important than execution? 
Some project leaders and their teams are of the view that planning leads to clarity of objectives; 
it helps to set the timeline and the budget. Consequently, when the planning is haphazard and 
unstructured, the very aims of the projects become hazy. This further leads to unprecedented 
budget collapses and poor time-management. In some cases, teams have worked relentlessly 
to complete assignments, but poor planning has invariably led to customer dissatisfaction and 
at times a complete collapse of the entire project. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Failing 
to plan is planning to fail.” 
Numerous entrepreneurs have the faith that strategies help to enhance not only speed and 
quality of production, but also consumer satisfaction. If there are no strategies to tackle 
unplanned events or unexpected interruptions, there is a possibility of entire projects coming 
to a grinding halt. 
Some of the world’s best airports, bridges and astronomical missions are the result of careful 
planning and excellent strategies. However, there are some architects, artists and entrepreneurs 
who prefer to dive straight from the board of ideas into the pool of execution. They believe that 
suitable strategies are best shaped during the process of execution; great plans and strategies 
can fail while encountering unexpected situations. 
Steve Jobs says, “To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. 
Execution is worth millions.” 
Page 3 of 41 
According to Bill Gates, unhappy customers are the greatest source of learning. Fickle-minded 
consumers and wavering market trends can mar projects that stand on fixed plans. It is the 
need-based, flexible and innovative strategies that help to withstand the impact of these 
vacillating desires and trends. 
 After rigorous planning and testing a new recipe on two lakh consumers, in 1985, the company 
Coke brought out the New Coke. Much to the company’s dismay, the product did not take off 
as expected and the financial loss was enormous. The company realized that during the process 
of data collection, it had not considered the product-loyalty and old-fashioned habits of the 
Hence, a balance of pragmatic planning, effective strategies and efficient execution is likely to 
ensure the accomplishment of tasks at each stage of a project. Successful execution is not an 
easy journey. The road is winding and bumpy. It may require tweaking or at times abandoning 
the original plan and re-designing it.  
Often, we turn to nature for inspiration. Think plans and strategies are the seed; execution is 
the nourishment; consumer is the capricious weather.  
6.  The passage can be best termed as  
(A)  Expository   
(B)  Descriptive 
(C)  Abstract  
(D)  Narrative 
7. The author’s main purpose is to 
(A)  Suggest that people succeed only when they have great strategies. 
(B)  Highlight the fact that execution is as indispensable as planning and strategy. 
(C)  Illustrate the impact of poor planning and weak strategy. 
(D)  Highlight the hurdles that come in the way of execution. 
8.  From the failure of New Coke, the company learnt that 
(A)  Tested and tried strategies are essential for success. 
(B)  Surveys and data calibration are a sheer waste of time. 
(C)  Consumers change brand preferences too frequently. 
(D)  Changes in consumers’ habits should not be taken for granted. 
9.  For the accomplishment of a project, Steve Jobs   
(A)  Propagates an approach that is similar to Benjamin Franklin’s. 
(B)  Suggests an approach that is different from Benjamin Franklin’s. 
(C)  Believes that the main control is in the hands of consumers. 
(D)  None of the above. 
10.  The ______ in ‘consumer is the capricious weather’ refers to the ______ demands of the 
(A) Onomatopoeia ……….. stagnant  
(B) Simile …………. unpredictable   
(C) Metaphor……….. wavering  
(D) Anaphora………oscillating   
Page 5

? Candidates who appeared in CLAT-2021 for UG and PG Programmes on July 23, 2021 
may file their objections, if any, on Consortium website. The portal for objection(s) will 
open at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021 and close at 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021. 
? After 09:00 P.M. on July 24, 2021 the link will be de-activated. No Objection(s) will be 
entertained thereafter.  
? Objection(s) received over email or phone calls will not be entertained. 
? A fee of Rs. 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) is to be paid for each objection and if the 
objection turns out to be valid, the said fee will be refunded/remitted to the same account 
from which it was paid. No requests of depositing it in any other account will be 
? Objection(s) without the prescribed fee will not be entertained.  
Important Note on Raising Objection(s): 
(a) Master Question Booklet and Master Answer Key will be uploaded on the Consortium 
website at 09:00 P.M. on July 23, 2021; 
(b) Students shall tally the Question Number from their own Question Booklet (Note: there 
are four different series of Question Booklets) with the Master Question Booklet and raise 
Objection only on appropriate Question Number(s) from Master Question Booklet.  
(c) If Candidates raise Objections on their own Question Booklet and the Question Number 
does not match with the Master Question Booklet, CLAT Office will not respond to such 
Process of Raising Objection(s):  
1)  Login to you CLAT account and click on Submit Objections. 
2)  Click on Submit Object button.  
3)  Select the type of objection (1) About the question or (2) About the answer key.  
4)   Enter objection details and click on Submit Objection.  
5)  Once all your objections are submitted, click on the Make Payment button to make 
payment. There is a fee of INR 1,000/- (Rs. One Thousand only) per objection. 
Prof. (Dr.) Vijender Kumar, 
Convenor, CLAT-2021 
Page 1 of 41 
English Language 
Read an extract from A Scandal in Bohemia by Arthur Conan Doyle: 
“I rang the door-bell and was shown up to the chamber which had formerly been 
in part my own. 
With hardly a word spoken, Sherlock Holmes waved me to an armchair. Then he 
stood before the fire and looked me over in his singular introspective fashion. 
“Watson, you did not tell me that you intended to go into harness.” 
“Then, how do you know?” 
“I see it, I deduce it. How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet 
lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?” 
“My dear Holmes,” said I, “this is too much. It is true that I had a country walk on 
Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes, I 
can’t imagine how you deduce it. As to Mary Jane, she is incorrigible, but there, 
again, I fail to see how you work it out.” 
“It is simplicity itself,” said he; “my eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe, 
just where the firelight strikes it, the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts. 
Obviously, they have been caused by someone who has very carelessly scared round 
the edges of the sole in order to remove crusted mud from it. Hence, you see, my 
double deduction that you had been out in vile weather, and that you had a 
particularly malignant boot-slitting specimen of the London slavey.” 
In fiction, detectives like Holmes are usually portrayed as people with exceptionally brilliant 
minds. They possess the rare skill to see and analyze what ordinary people can’t. They have 
incredible abilities to infer, deduce, induce and conclude. 
Then, there is G.K. Chesterton’s fictional catholic priest, Father Brown who relies on his 
extraordinary power of sympathy and empathy that enable him to imagine and feel as criminals 
do. He explains, “I had thought out exactly how a thing like that could be done, and in what 
style or state of mind a man could really do it. And when I was quite sure that I felt exactly like 
the murderer myself, of course I knew who he was.” 
Sherlock finds the criminal by starting from the outside. He relies on science, experimental 
methods and deduction. On the contrary, Father Brown uses varied psychological experiences 
learned from those who make confessions of crime to him. He relies on introspection, intuition 
and empathy. 
There is yet another set of detectives like those created by writers like Agatha Christie. Her 
Belgian detective, Hercule Poirot is a story-teller who draws information from the stories that 
others tell. He patiently listens to numerous accounts of what happened, where it happened and 
how it happened. He listens for credibility and ambiguity; he identifies why and how the pieces 
of the jig-saws don’t fit together. Ultimately, he uncovers the truth. 
1.  From the passage, it can be inferred that   
(A)  Watson is Holmes’ mentor. 
(B)  Earlier, Watson used to live with Holmes. 
(C)  Watson is a detective. 
(D)  Watson shares all his personal matters with Holmes. 
Page 2 of 41 
2.  It is evident that for solving cases, Father Brown relies largely on 
(A)  His own sympathetic and empathic thought process about criminals. 
(B)  A sympathetic approach towards various people’s opinion on the case to be solved. 
(C)  A deductive analysis of the crime and his ability to sympathize. 
(D)  All the above. 
3.  For the three detectives mentioned in the passage, which one of these would be non-
essential for solving criminal cases? 
(A)  Forgiving nature   
(B)  Sensitivity  
(C)  Critical thinking  
(D)  Patience 
4.  In order to solve cases, Poirot uses the art of  ______ the narratives that he has been told. 
(A)  Building a fantasy based on    
(B)  Empathizing with all the characters in   
(C)  Creating new plots for    
(D)  Detecting and analyzing the missing links in 
5.  The word incorrigible is the antonym of 
(A)  Habitual  
(B)  Unperformable   
(C)  Repentant  
(D)  Incurable  
Since long, we have witnessed unimaginable levels of success and failure of various projects, 
businesses, scientific missions and even wars. From such triumphs and defeats emerges the 
much debatable thought: Is planning and strategy more important than execution? 
Some project leaders and their teams are of the view that planning leads to clarity of objectives; 
it helps to set the timeline and the budget. Consequently, when the planning is haphazard and 
unstructured, the very aims of the projects become hazy. This further leads to unprecedented 
budget collapses and poor time-management. In some cases, teams have worked relentlessly 
to complete assignments, but poor planning has invariably led to customer dissatisfaction and 
at times a complete collapse of the entire project. In the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Failing 
to plan is planning to fail.” 
Numerous entrepreneurs have the faith that strategies help to enhance not only speed and 
quality of production, but also consumer satisfaction. If there are no strategies to tackle 
unplanned events or unexpected interruptions, there is a possibility of entire projects coming 
to a grinding halt. 
Some of the world’s best airports, bridges and astronomical missions are the result of careful 
planning and excellent strategies. However, there are some architects, artists and entrepreneurs 
who prefer to dive straight from the board of ideas into the pool of execution. They believe that 
suitable strategies are best shaped during the process of execution; great plans and strategies 
can fail while encountering unexpected situations. 
Steve Jobs says, “To me, ideas are worth nothing unless executed. They are just a multiplier. 
Execution is worth millions.” 
Page 3 of 41 
According to Bill Gates, unhappy customers are the greatest source of learning. Fickle-minded 
consumers and wavering market trends can mar projects that stand on fixed plans. It is the 
need-based, flexible and innovative strategies that help to withstand the impact of these 
vacillating desires and trends. 
 After rigorous planning and testing a new recipe on two lakh consumers, in 1985, the company 
Coke brought out the New Coke. Much to the company’s dismay, the product did not take off 
as expected and the financial loss was enormous. The company realized that during the process 
of data collection, it had not considered the product-loyalty and old-fashioned habits of the 
Hence, a balance of pragmatic planning, effective strategies and efficient execution is likely to 
ensure the accomplishment of tasks at each stage of a project. Successful execution is not an 
easy journey. The road is winding and bumpy. It may require tweaking or at times abandoning 
the original plan and re-designing it.  
Often, we turn to nature for inspiration. Think plans and strategies are the seed; execution is 
the nourishment; consumer is the capricious weather.  
6.  The passage can be best termed as  
(A)  Expository   
(B)  Descriptive 
(C)  Abstract  
(D)  Narrative 
7. The author’s main purpose is to 
(A)  Suggest that people succeed only when they have great strategies. 
(B)  Highlight the fact that execution is as indispensable as planning and strategy. 
(C)  Illustrate the impact of poor planning and weak strategy. 
(D)  Highlight the hurdles that come in the way of execution. 
8.  From the failure of New Coke, the company learnt that 
(A)  Tested and tried strategies are essential for success. 
(B)  Surveys and data calibration are a sheer waste of time. 
(C)  Consumers change brand preferences too frequently. 
(D)  Changes in consumers’ habits should not be taken for granted. 
9.  For the accomplishment of a project, Steve Jobs   
(A)  Propagates an approach that is similar to Benjamin Franklin’s. 
(B)  Suggests an approach that is different from Benjamin Franklin’s. 
(C)  Believes that the main control is in the hands of consumers. 
(D)  None of the above. 
10.  The ______ in ‘consumer is the capricious weather’ refers to the ______ demands of the 
(A) Onomatopoeia ……….. stagnant  
(B) Simile …………. unpredictable   
(C) Metaphor……….. wavering  
(D) Anaphora………oscillating   
Page 4 of 41 
Since the worldwide inoculation process is going strong, vaccine diplomacy has become a hot 
topic. In their quest for ensuring vaccine security, a report by The New York Times, based on 
the data on vaccine contracts compiled by Duke University, shows that the advance purchase 
contracts made by some advanced countries for potential vaccines would vaccinate their 
population many times: the European Union, two times, the United States and the United 
Kingdom, four times, and Canada, six times. The expectation that an early vaccination will 
bring back normalcy and a required push to economic growth fuelled many advanced countries 
to engage in vaccine battles. The arguments of public good and global cooperation have gone 
out of the window now. While advanced countries have turned their back on the need of poor 
countries to access COVID-19 vaccines, India has displayed empathy to their needs. India has 
taken a position that a significant percentage of the approved doses will be permitted for 
exports. While its exports to neighbouring countries will be under grant mode, initial shipment 
of vaccines to least developed countries will be free of cost. And, shipments of vaccines from 
India have already started reaching different parts of the developing world. While India is in 
its first phase of vaccination to cover health-care workers, exports from India are helping other 
countries also in initiating phase one of their vaccination programme, a gesture well 
appreciated globally. In a democracy, one can expect the backlash of sending vaccines abroad 
without vaccinating its population. Nevertheless, India’s approach only reinforces the need of 
having coordinated global efforts in bringing COVID-19 under control. This response 
manifests India’s unstinted commitment to global development and has consolidated its name 
as the world’s pharmacy. The attitude of India towards vaccinating the populations in the 
poorer countries has generated discussion in the richer countries about the necessity for more 
proactive measures to roll out vaccines to the developing nations.  
11. Which of the following best describes the purpose of this passage? 
(A) To encourage vaccine nationalism, and discourage global cooperation. 
(B) To discourage vaccine nationalism, and encourage global cooperation. 
(C) To encourage poor countries and discourage advanced countries. 
(D) To encourage India to provide vaccines to poor nations.  
12. The term ‘inoculation process’ as used in the passage means 
(A) Production and distribution of vaccines. 
(B) Global struggle for vaccines.  
(C) Pharmaceutical production of vaccines. 
(D) Artificially inducing immunity.  
13. Advanced purchase contracts of vaccines by developed countries are premised on hopes 
(A) Vaccination will restore normalcy and thrust economic recovery. 
(B) Vaccination will bring back powers to nations. 
(C) Vaccination will promote global well-being and growth. 
(D) Vaccination will protect the health of the world population. 
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FAQs on CLAT Official Sample Questions by NLU - CLAT Mock Test Series 2026

1. What is the CLAT exam?
Ans. CLAT stands for Common Law Admission Test. It is a national level entrance exam conducted by 22 National Law Universities (NLUs) for admissions to undergraduate and postgraduate law programmes offered by these universities.
2. What is the eligibility criteria for the CLAT exam?
Ans. The eligibility criteria for CLAT exam are as follows: - For UG programme, candidates must have passed 10+2 or an equivalent exam with minimum 45% marks (40% for SC/ST candidates). - For PG programme, candidates must have passed LL.B or an equivalent exam with minimum 50% marks (45% for SC/ST candidates). - There is no upper age limit for appearing in the CLAT exam.
3. What is the exam pattern of the CLAT exam?
Ans. The exam pattern of the CLAT exam is as follows: - For UG programme, the exam is of 2 hours duration and consists of 150 multiple choice questions from English, General Knowledge, Mathematics, Legal Aptitude, and Logical Reasoning. - For PG programme, the exam is of 2 hours duration and consists of 120 multiple choice questions from Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, Law of Contracts, Law of Torts, Criminal Law, International Law, Family Law, Property Law, and Intellectual Property Law.
4. How can I prepare for the CLAT exam?
Ans. Here are some tips to prepare for the CLAT exam: - Understand the exam pattern and syllabus thoroughly. - Practice previous year question papers and take mock tests. - Read newspapers and current affairs magazines regularly to stay updated with the latest happenings. - Refer to good quality study material and books recommended by experts. - Prepare a study schedule and stick to it regularly.
5. What is the application process for the CLAT exam?
Ans. The application process for the CLAT exam is as follows: - Visit the official website of CLAT and register yourself. - Fill in the application form with all the necessary details and upload scanned copies of your photograph, signature, and other documents. - Pay the application fee online through net banking, credit card, or debit card. - Submit the application form and take a printout of the confirmation page for future reference.
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