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Daily Analysis of 'The Hindu' - 9th August, 2020 | Additional Study Material for UPSC PDF Download

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 Page 1

News Articles
Page Number* 
Kodagu landslip: body of one victim recovered
8 1 6 - 6
Ammonium nitrate to be moved out of city soon
1 - - - -
Kerala crash toll hits 18, probe begins
1, 8 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6
How can ‘tabletop’ airports be safer? (FAQ)
14 12 12 12 12
Kozhikode tragedy brings back Mangaluru crash memories
- 5 - - -
Artefacts from microlithic and iron age found
4 - - - -
‘Lockdown has hit nutritional services’
10 8 8 8 8
Prelims Practice Questions
The Hindu News Analysis – 09
August 2020 
Page 2

News Articles
Page Number* 
Kodagu landslip: body of one victim recovered
8 1 6 - 6
Ammonium nitrate to be moved out of city soon
1 - - - -
Kerala crash toll hits 18, probe begins
1, 8 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6
How can ‘tabletop’ airports be safer? (FAQ)
14 12 12 12 12
Kozhikode tragedy brings back Mangaluru crash memories
- 5 - - -
Artefacts from microlithic and iron age found
4 - - - -
‘Lockdown has hit nutritional services’
10 8 8 8 8
Prelims Practice Questions
The Hindu News Analysis – 09
August 2020 
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? C u r r e n t e v e nt s o f n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l i m por t a nc e .
? I n d i a n a n d W o r l d G e o g r a ph y - P h y s i c a l , S oc i a l , Ec o n o m i c
G e og r a ph y o f I n d i a a n d t h e W or l d .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, History and
Geography of the World and Society.
• I m p or t a n t G e o p h y s i c a l p h e n o m e n a s u c h a s e a r t hqua k e s ,
T s u n a m i , V o l c a n i c a c t i vi t y , c y c l one e t c . , g e o g r a ph i c a l f e a t u r e s
a n d t h e i r l o c a t i o n - c ha n g e s i n c r i t i c a l g e o g r a p hi c a l f e a t u r e s
( i n c l udi n g w a t e r - b o d i e s a n d i c e - c a p s ) a n d i n f l o r a a n d f a una a n d
t h e e f f e c t s of s uc h c h a nge s .
General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio
diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management
• C o n s e r v a t i o n , e nvi r o n m e nt a l p o l l ut i o n a nd d e gr a d a t i o n ,
e n v i r onm e n t a l i m p a c t a s s e s s m e nt .
• D i s a s t e r a n d d i s a s t e r m a n a g e m e n t . Pg: 8 – C; 1 – B; 6 – D, T;
• Mass movements of rock, debris or earth down
a slope.
? Mass movements transfer the mass of rock
debris down the slopes under the direct
influence of gravity.
• Often take place, in conjunction with
earthquakes, floods and volcanoes.
• A major concern in hilly terrain
• Quite rapid and perceptible movements.
Page 3

News Articles
Page Number* 
Kodagu landslip: body of one victim recovered
8 1 6 - 6
Ammonium nitrate to be moved out of city soon
1 - - - -
Kerala crash toll hits 18, probe begins
1, 8 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6
How can ‘tabletop’ airports be safer? (FAQ)
14 12 12 12 12
Kozhikode tragedy brings back Mangaluru crash memories
- 5 - - -
Artefacts from microlithic and iron age found
4 - - - -
‘Lockdown has hit nutritional services’
10 8 8 8 8
Prelims Practice Questions
The Hindu News Analysis – 09
August 2020 
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? C u r r e n t e v e nt s o f n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l i m por t a nc e .
? I n d i a n a n d W o r l d G e o g r a ph y - P h y s i c a l , S oc i a l , Ec o n o m i c
G e og r a ph y o f I n d i a a n d t h e W or l d .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, History and
Geography of the World and Society.
• I m p or t a n t G e o p h y s i c a l p h e n o m e n a s u c h a s e a r t hqua k e s ,
T s u n a m i , V o l c a n i c a c t i vi t y , c y c l one e t c . , g e o g r a ph i c a l f e a t u r e s
a n d t h e i r l o c a t i o n - c ha n g e s i n c r i t i c a l g e o g r a p hi c a l f e a t u r e s
( i n c l udi n g w a t e r - b o d i e s a n d i c e - c a p s ) a n d i n f l o r a a n d f a una a n d
t h e e f f e c t s of s uc h c h a nge s .
General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio
diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management
• C o n s e r v a t i o n , e nvi r o n m e nt a l p o l l ut i o n a nd d e gr a d a t i o n ,
e n v i r onm e n t a l i m p a c t a s s e s s m e nt .
• D i s a s t e r a n d d i s a s t e r m a n a g e m e n t . Pg: 8 – C; 1 – B; 6 – D, T;
• Mass movements of rock, debris or earth down
a slope.
? Mass movements transfer the mass of rock
debris down the slopes under the direct
influence of gravity.
• Often take place, in conjunction with
earthquakes, floods and volcanoes.
• A major concern in hilly terrain
• Quite rapid and perceptible movements.
• Size and shape of the detached mass depends on
? nature of discontinuities in the rock
? degree of weathering
? steepness of the slope.
• Landslides category - depending upon the type of
movement of materials.
? Slump - slipping of one or several units of
rock debris with a backward rotation with
respect to the slope over which the mass
movement takes place.
? Debris slide - Rapid rolling or sliding of
earth debris without backward rotation of
? Debris fall - Nearly a free fall of earth
debris from a vertical or overhanging face.
? Rockslide - Sliding of individual rock masses
down the bedding, joint or fault surfaces.
? Rock fall - Free falling of rock blocks over
any steep slope keeping itself away from the
slope - occur from the superficial layers of
the rock face.
Page 4

News Articles
Page Number* 
Kodagu landslip: body of one victim recovered
8 1 6 - 6
Ammonium nitrate to be moved out of city soon
1 - - - -
Kerala crash toll hits 18, probe begins
1, 8 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6
How can ‘tabletop’ airports be safer? (FAQ)
14 12 12 12 12
Kozhikode tragedy brings back Mangaluru crash memories
- 5 - - -
Artefacts from microlithic and iron age found
4 - - - -
‘Lockdown has hit nutritional services’
10 8 8 8 8
Prelims Practice Questions
The Hindu News Analysis – 09
August 2020 
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? C u r r e n t e v e nt s o f n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l i m por t a nc e .
? I n d i a n a n d W o r l d G e o g r a ph y - P h y s i c a l , S oc i a l , Ec o n o m i c
G e og r a ph y o f I n d i a a n d t h e W or l d .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, History and
Geography of the World and Society.
• I m p or t a n t G e o p h y s i c a l p h e n o m e n a s u c h a s e a r t hqua k e s ,
T s u n a m i , V o l c a n i c a c t i vi t y , c y c l one e t c . , g e o g r a ph i c a l f e a t u r e s
a n d t h e i r l o c a t i o n - c ha n g e s i n c r i t i c a l g e o g r a p hi c a l f e a t u r e s
( i n c l udi n g w a t e r - b o d i e s a n d i c e - c a p s ) a n d i n f l o r a a n d f a una a n d
t h e e f f e c t s of s uc h c h a nge s .
General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio
diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management
• C o n s e r v a t i o n , e nvi r o n m e nt a l p o l l ut i o n a nd d e gr a d a t i o n ,
e n v i r onm e n t a l i m p a c t a s s e s s m e nt .
• D i s a s t e r a n d d i s a s t e r m a n a g e m e n t . Pg: 8 – C; 1 – B; 6 – D, T;
• Mass movements of rock, debris or earth down
a slope.
? Mass movements transfer the mass of rock
debris down the slopes under the direct
influence of gravity.
• Often take place, in conjunction with
earthquakes, floods and volcanoes.
• A major concern in hilly terrain
• Quite rapid and perceptible movements.
• Size and shape of the detached mass depends on
? nature of discontinuities in the rock
? degree of weathering
? steepness of the slope.
• Landslides category - depending upon the type of
movement of materials.
? Slump - slipping of one or several units of
rock debris with a backward rotation with
respect to the slope over which the mass
movement takes place.
? Debris slide - Rapid rolling or sliding of
earth debris without backward rotation of
? Debris fall - Nearly a free fall of earth
debris from a vertical or overhanging face.
? Rockslide - Sliding of individual rock masses
down the bedding, joint or fault surfaces.
? Rock fall - Free falling of rock blocks over
any steep slope keeping itself away from the
slope - occur from the superficial layers of
the rock face.
Scenario in India
• Himalayas - very frequently
? Tectonically active
? Mostly made up of sedimentary rocks and
unconsolidated and semi-consolidated deposits.
? Slopes are very steep.
• Nilgiris and Western Ghats - not as frequent
- relatively tectonically stable and mostly made
of hard rocks.
? Many slopes are steeper with almost
vertical cliffs and escarpments.
? Mechanical weathering because of
temperature changes is pronounced.
? Heavy amounts of rainfall over short periods.
Disaster mitigation measures
• Hazard mapping locate areas prone to
landslides - such areas can be avoided for
building settlements.
Page 5

News Articles
Page Number* 
Kodagu landslip: body of one victim recovered
8 1 6 - 6
Ammonium nitrate to be moved out of city soon
1 - - - -
Kerala crash toll hits 18, probe begins
1, 8 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6 1, 6
How can ‘tabletop’ airports be safer? (FAQ)
14 12 12 12 12
Kozhikode tragedy brings back Mangaluru crash memories
- 5 - - -
Artefacts from microlithic and iron age found
4 - - - -
‘Lockdown has hit nutritional services’
10 8 8 8 8
Prelims Practice Questions
The Hindu News Analysis – 09
August 2020 
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? C u r r e n t e v e nt s o f n a t i o n a l a n d i n t e r n a t i o n a l i m por t a nc e .
? I n d i a n a n d W o r l d G e o g r a ph y - P h y s i c a l , S oc i a l , Ec o n o m i c
G e og r a ph y o f I n d i a a n d t h e W or l d .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, History and
Geography of the World and Society.
• I m p or t a n t G e o p h y s i c a l p h e n o m e n a s u c h a s e a r t hqua k e s ,
T s u n a m i , V o l c a n i c a c t i vi t y , c y c l one e t c . , g e o g r a ph i c a l f e a t u r e s
a n d t h e i r l o c a t i o n - c ha n g e s i n c r i t i c a l g e o g r a p hi c a l f e a t u r e s
( i n c l udi n g w a t e r - b o d i e s a n d i c e - c a p s ) a n d i n f l o r a a n d f a una a n d
t h e e f f e c t s of s uc h c h a nge s .
General Studies-III: Technology, Economic Development, Bio
diversity, Environment, Security and Disaster Management
• C o n s e r v a t i o n , e nvi r o n m e nt a l p o l l ut i o n a nd d e gr a d a t i o n ,
e n v i r onm e n t a l i m p a c t a s s e s s m e nt .
• D i s a s t e r a n d d i s a s t e r m a n a g e m e n t . Pg: 8 – C; 1 – B; 6 – D, T;
• Mass movements of rock, debris or earth down
a slope.
? Mass movements transfer the mass of rock
debris down the slopes under the direct
influence of gravity.
• Often take place, in conjunction with
earthquakes, floods and volcanoes.
• A major concern in hilly terrain
• Quite rapid and perceptible movements.
• Size and shape of the detached mass depends on
? nature of discontinuities in the rock
? degree of weathering
? steepness of the slope.
• Landslides category - depending upon the type of
movement of materials.
? Slump - slipping of one or several units of
rock debris with a backward rotation with
respect to the slope over which the mass
movement takes place.
? Debris slide - Rapid rolling or sliding of
earth debris without backward rotation of
? Debris fall - Nearly a free fall of earth
debris from a vertical or overhanging face.
? Rockslide - Sliding of individual rock masses
down the bedding, joint or fault surfaces.
? Rock fall - Free falling of rock blocks over
any steep slope keeping itself away from the
slope - occur from the superficial layers of
the rock face.
Scenario in India
• Himalayas - very frequently
? Tectonically active
? Mostly made up of sedimentary rocks and
unconsolidated and semi-consolidated deposits.
? Slopes are very steep.
• Nilgiris and Western Ghats - not as frequent
- relatively tectonically stable and mostly made
of hard rocks.
? Many slopes are steeper with almost
vertical cliffs and escarpments.
? Mechanical weathering because of
temperature changes is pronounced.
? Heavy amounts of rainfall over short periods.
Disaster mitigation measures
• Hazard mapping locate areas prone to
landslides - such areas can be avoided for
building settlements.
• Construction of retention wall to stop land
from slipping
Contractors, Inc.
• Increase in the vegetation cover is an
effective way to arrest landslide.
• The surface drainage control works are
implemented to control the movement of
landslide along with rain water and spring
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FAQs on Daily Analysis of 'The Hindu' - 9th August, 2020 - Additional Study Material for UPSC

1. What is the significance of daily analysis of 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. Daily analysis of 'The Hindu' is highly beneficial for UPSC exam preparation as it provides comprehensive coverage of current affairs, national and international news, and in-depth analysis of various issues. It helps candidates stay updated with the latest developments and enhances their understanding of diverse subjects that are important for the exam.
2. How can daily analysis of 'The Hindu' help in improving general knowledge for UPSC exam?
Ans. Daily analysis of 'The Hindu' can significantly improve general knowledge for the UPSC exam as it covers a wide range of topics including politics, economics, science and technology, environment, and more. By reading the analysis regularly, candidates can gain a deeper understanding of these subjects and develop a strong command over current affairs, which is crucial for the exam.
3. What are the key features of 'The Hindu' newspaper that make it relevant for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. 'The Hindu' newspaper is highly relevant for UPSC exam preparation due to the following key features: - Comprehensive coverage of national and international news - In-depth analysis of current affairs and issues - Reliable and accurate reporting - Focus on important topics for the exam such as governance, economy, environment, etc. - Editorials and opinion pieces that provide diverse perspectives on relevant issues
4. How can candidates effectively utilize the daily analysis of 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. To effectively utilize the daily analysis of 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation, candidates can follow these steps: 1. Read the analysis regularly to stay updated with current affairs. 2. Make notes of important points, facts, and figures. 3. Focus on understanding the background, context, and implications of news articles. 4. Analyze the different perspectives presented in editorials and opinion pieces. 5. Connect the news with relevant topics in the UPSC syllabus and try to form a holistic understanding.
5. Are there any alternative newspapers or sources that can be used in conjunction with 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. Yes, there are alternative newspapers and sources that can be used in conjunction with 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation. Some popular alternatives include 'The Indian Express', 'Livemint', 'Business Standard', and 'Economic and Political Weekly'. Online platforms like 'Press Information Bureau (PIB)', 'PRS Legislative Research', and 'Yojana Magazine' also provide valuable insights on current affairs and government policies. Utilizing a combination of these sources can provide a broader perspective and enhance the preparation for the UPSC exam.
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