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Daily Analysis of 'The Hindu' - 29th August, 2020 | Additional Study Material for UPSC PDF Download

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 Page 1

News Articles
Page Number* 
Chinese buyers help lift Indian steel exports
14 16 14 12 16
Targeting Hezbollah (Editorial)
8 10 6 6 8
In Idukki, living in fear of landslides (Ground Zero)
9 11 7 7 9
Coastal areas in Odisha brace for floods
- - 10 -
Don’t curtail Question Hour: Cong.
12 14 10 10 12
Lakshadweep Islands to have more Kerala barn owls to kill rats
15 17 15 13 17
Prelims Practice Questions
Mains Practice Question
The Hindu News Analysis – 29
August 2020 
Page 2

News Articles
Page Number* 
Chinese buyers help lift Indian steel exports
14 16 14 12 16
Targeting Hezbollah (Editorial)
8 10 6 6 8
In Idukki, living in fear of landslides (Ground Zero)
9 11 7 7 9
Coastal areas in Odisha brace for floods
- - 10 -
Don’t curtail Question Hour: Cong.
12 14 10 10 12
Lakshadweep Islands to have more Kerala barn owls to kill rats
15 17 15 13 17
Prelims Practice Questions
Mains Practice Question
The Hindu News Analysis – 29
August 2020 
Pg: 14 – C, D; 
Pg: 16 - B, T; 
Pg: 12- H;  
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? Current events of national and international
? Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social,
Economic Geography of India and the World. .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, 
History and Geography of the World and Society
• Distribution of key natural resources across the
world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-
continent); factors responsible for the location of
primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries
in various parts of the world (including India).
Iron and Steel Industry
• Basic to the industrial development of any country.
Page 3

News Articles
Page Number* 
Chinese buyers help lift Indian steel exports
14 16 14 12 16
Targeting Hezbollah (Editorial)
8 10 6 6 8
In Idukki, living in fear of landslides (Ground Zero)
9 11 7 7 9
Coastal areas in Odisha brace for floods
- - 10 -
Don’t curtail Question Hour: Cong.
12 14 10 10 12
Lakshadweep Islands to have more Kerala barn owls to kill rats
15 17 15 13 17
Prelims Practice Questions
Mains Practice Question
The Hindu News Analysis – 29
August 2020 
Pg: 14 – C, D; 
Pg: 16 - B, T; 
Pg: 12- H;  
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? Current events of national and international
? Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social,
Economic Geography of India and the World. .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, 
History and Geography of the World and Society
• Distribution of key natural resources across the
world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-
continent); factors responsible for the location of
primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries
in various parts of the world (including India).
Iron and Steel Industry
• Basic to the industrial development of any country.
• Raw materials ? iron ore, coking coal,
limestone, dolomite, manganese and fire clay.
• Fourth Plan period - New steel plants in South
? Vizag Steel Plant, Vishakhapatnam, A.P -
first port-based plant - port location is
? Vijaynagar Steel Plant, Hosapete, Karnataka
? Salem Steel Plant, Tamil Nadu
National Steel Policy, 2017
• Vision - to create a technologically advanced
and globally competitive steel industry that
promotes economic growth.
O b j e c t iv e s :
? Buil d a g l o b a l l y c o m p e t i t i v e in d u s t r y
? I n c re a s e p e r C a p i t a S t e e l C o n s u m p t i o n t o 1 6 0 K g s b y
203 0- 31
? T o d o m e s t ic a l l y m e e t e n t i re d e m a n d o f h i gh - gra d e
a ut o m o t i v e s t e e l , e l e c t ric a l s t e e l , s p e c i a l s t e e l s a n d
a l l o ys f o r s t r a t e g ic a p p l i c a t io n s b y 2 030- 3 1
? I n c re a s e d o m e s t ic a v a il a b i l it y o f w a s h e d c o kin g c o a l s o
a s t o r e d uc e im p o r t d e p e n d e n c e o n c o k i n g c o a l f ro m
~ 85% t o ~ 65% b y 2030 - 31
? T o h a v e a w id e r p re s e n c e g l o b a l l y in v a l ue a d d e d / h i g h
g ra d e s t e e l
? E n c o ura ge i n d u s t ry t o b e a w o r l d l e a d e r in e n e r g y
e f f ic ie n t s t e e l p ro d uc t i o n i n a n e n v iro n m e n t a l l y
s u s t a i n a b l e m a n n e r.
? E s t a b l i s h d o m e s t i c in d us t r y a s a c o s t - e f f e c t i v e a n d
qua l it y s t e e l p ro d uc e r
? A t t a i n g l o b a l s t a n d a rd s in I n d us t ria l S a f e t y a n d H e a l t h
? T o s ub s t a n t ia l l y re d uc e t h e c a rb o n f o o t - p r i n t o f t h e
s t e e l in d us t ry
Page 4

News Articles
Page Number* 
Chinese buyers help lift Indian steel exports
14 16 14 12 16
Targeting Hezbollah (Editorial)
8 10 6 6 8
In Idukki, living in fear of landslides (Ground Zero)
9 11 7 7 9
Coastal areas in Odisha brace for floods
- - 10 -
Don’t curtail Question Hour: Cong.
12 14 10 10 12
Lakshadweep Islands to have more Kerala barn owls to kill rats
15 17 15 13 17
Prelims Practice Questions
Mains Practice Question
The Hindu News Analysis – 29
August 2020 
Pg: 14 – C, D; 
Pg: 16 - B, T; 
Pg: 12- H;  
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? Current events of national and international
? Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social,
Economic Geography of India and the World. .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, 
History and Geography of the World and Society
• Distribution of key natural resources across the
world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-
continent); factors responsible for the location of
primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries
in various parts of the world (including India).
Iron and Steel Industry
• Basic to the industrial development of any country.
• Raw materials ? iron ore, coking coal,
limestone, dolomite, manganese and fire clay.
• Fourth Plan period - New steel plants in South
? Vizag Steel Plant, Vishakhapatnam, A.P -
first port-based plant - port location is
? Vijaynagar Steel Plant, Hosapete, Karnataka
? Salem Steel Plant, Tamil Nadu
National Steel Policy, 2017
• Vision - to create a technologically advanced
and globally competitive steel industry that
promotes economic growth.
O b j e c t iv e s :
? Buil d a g l o b a l l y c o m p e t i t i v e in d u s t r y
? I n c re a s e p e r C a p i t a S t e e l C o n s u m p t i o n t o 1 6 0 K g s b y
203 0- 31
? T o d o m e s t ic a l l y m e e t e n t i re d e m a n d o f h i gh - gra d e
a ut o m o t i v e s t e e l , e l e c t ric a l s t e e l , s p e c i a l s t e e l s a n d
a l l o ys f o r s t r a t e g ic a p p l i c a t io n s b y 2 030- 3 1
? I n c re a s e d o m e s t ic a v a il a b i l it y o f w a s h e d c o kin g c o a l s o
a s t o r e d uc e im p o r t d e p e n d e n c e o n c o k i n g c o a l f ro m
~ 85% t o ~ 65% b y 2030 - 31
? T o h a v e a w id e r p re s e n c e g l o b a l l y in v a l ue a d d e d / h i g h
g ra d e s t e e l
? E n c o ura ge i n d u s t ry t o b e a w o r l d l e a d e r in e n e r g y
e f f ic ie n t s t e e l p ro d uc t i o n i n a n e n v iro n m e n t a l l y
s u s t a i n a b l e m a n n e r.
? E s t a b l i s h d o m e s t i c in d us t r y a s a c o s t - e f f e c t i v e a n d
qua l it y s t e e l p ro d uc e r
? A t t a i n g l o b a l s t a n d a rd s in I n d us t ria l S a f e t y a n d H e a l t h
? T o s ub s t a n t ia l l y re d uc e t h e c a rb o n f o o t - p r i n t o f t h e
s t e e l in d us t ry
Page 5

News Articles
Page Number* 
Chinese buyers help lift Indian steel exports
14 16 14 12 16
Targeting Hezbollah (Editorial)
8 10 6 6 8
In Idukki, living in fear of landslides (Ground Zero)
9 11 7 7 9
Coastal areas in Odisha brace for floods
- - 10 -
Don’t curtail Question Hour: Cong.
12 14 10 10 12
Lakshadweep Islands to have more Kerala barn owls to kill rats
15 17 15 13 17
Prelims Practice Questions
Mains Practice Question
The Hindu News Analysis – 29
August 2020 
Pg: 14 – C, D; 
Pg: 16 - B, T; 
Pg: 12- H;  
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? Current events of national and international
? Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social,
Economic Geography of India and the World. .
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture, 
History and Geography of the World and Society
• Distribution of key natural resources across the
world (including South Asia and the Indian sub-
continent); factors responsible for the location of
primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries
in various parts of the world (including India).
Iron and Steel Industry
• Basic to the industrial development of any country.
• Raw materials ? iron ore, coking coal,
limestone, dolomite, manganese and fire clay.
• Fourth Plan period - New steel plants in South
? Vizag Steel Plant, Vishakhapatnam, A.P -
first port-based plant - port location is
? Vijaynagar Steel Plant, Hosapete, Karnataka
? Salem Steel Plant, Tamil Nadu
National Steel Policy, 2017
• Vision - to create a technologically advanced
and globally competitive steel industry that
promotes economic growth.
O b j e c t iv e s :
? Buil d a g l o b a l l y c o m p e t i t i v e in d u s t r y
? I n c re a s e p e r C a p i t a S t e e l C o n s u m p t i o n t o 1 6 0 K g s b y
203 0- 31
? T o d o m e s t ic a l l y m e e t e n t i re d e m a n d o f h i gh - gra d e
a ut o m o t i v e s t e e l , e l e c t ric a l s t e e l , s p e c i a l s t e e l s a n d
a l l o ys f o r s t r a t e g ic a p p l i c a t io n s b y 2 030- 3 1
? I n c re a s e d o m e s t ic a v a il a b i l it y o f w a s h e d c o kin g c o a l s o
a s t o r e d uc e im p o r t d e p e n d e n c e o n c o k i n g c o a l f ro m
~ 85% t o ~ 65% b y 2030 - 31
? T o h a v e a w id e r p re s e n c e g l o b a l l y in v a l ue a d d e d / h i g h
g ra d e s t e e l
? E n c o ura ge i n d u s t ry t o b e a w o r l d l e a d e r in e n e r g y
e f f ic ie n t s t e e l p ro d uc t i o n i n a n e n v iro n m e n t a l l y
s u s t a i n a b l e m a n n e r.
? E s t a b l i s h d o m e s t i c in d us t r y a s a c o s t - e f f e c t i v e a n d
qua l it y s t e e l p ro d uc e r
? A t t a i n g l o b a l s t a n d a rd s in I n d us t ria l S a f e t y a n d H e a l t h
? T o s ub s t a n t ia l l y re d uc e t h e c a rb o n f o o t - p r i n t o f t h e
s t e e l in d us t ry
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks) 
? Current events of international importance.
? Indian and World Geography-Physical, Social,
Economic Geography of India and the World.
Part B—Main Examination 
General Studies-I : Indian Heritage and Culture,
History and Geography of the World and Society.
• Salient features of world’s physical geography
General Studies- II: Governance, Constitution, Polity,
Social Justice and International relations
• Effect of policies and politics of developed and
developing countries on India’s interests, Indian
Pg: 8 – C, T; 
Pg: 6 - D, H; 
Pg: 10 - B;  
• Geography - bounded to
? the north by Lebanon
? the northeast by Syria
? the east and southeast by Jordan
? the southwest by Egypt
? the west by the Mediterranean Sea
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FAQs on Daily Analysis of 'The Hindu' - 29th August, 2020 - Additional Study Material for UPSC

1. What is the significance of reading 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. 'The Hindu' is a renowned newspaper that covers a wide range of topics including current affairs, politics, economics, and social issues. Reading 'The Hindu' can help UPSC aspirants stay updated with the latest news and developments, which is crucial for the UPSC exam. It provides in-depth analysis, diverse perspectives, and reliable information that can be beneficial in answering questions related to current affairs in the exam.
2. How can 'The Hindu' help in improving general knowledge for the UPSC exam?
Ans. 'The Hindu' covers a wide range of topics and provides detailed news articles that can help in improving general knowledge for the UPSC exam. By reading the newspaper regularly, aspirants can gain knowledge about various subjects such as politics, governance, international relations, science and technology, environment, and more. This comprehensive understanding of diverse topics can prove to be valuable while attempting questions in the UPSC exam.
3. What are the benefits of analyzing 'The Hindu' articles for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. Analyzing 'The Hindu' articles can provide several benefits for UPSC exam preparation. It helps in developing critical thinking skills by understanding different perspectives on various issues. It enhances comprehension and analytical abilities, which are essential for answering UPSC exam questions. Additionally, analyzing 'The Hindu' articles can improve language skills, vocabulary, and writing abilities, helping aspirants express their ideas effectively in the exam.
4. How can one effectively utilize 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. To effectively utilize 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation, one should adopt a systematic approach. It is advisable to read the newspaper daily, focusing on articles related to current affairs, national and international news, governance, and other relevant topics. Highlight or make notes of important points, facts, and statistics. Regularly revise and revise the notes to retain the information. Additionally, aspirants can refer to editorial sections for diverse opinions on significant issues.
5. Are there any online resources or applications available to access 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation?
Ans. Yes, there are online resources and applications available to access 'The Hindu' for UPSC exam preparation. The official website of 'The Hindu' provides e-paper versions that can be accessed digitally. Additionally, there are various mobile applications that offer the daily newspaper in a digital format. These resources allow aspirants to read 'The Hindu' conveniently and also provide features like article bookmarks, search options, and notifications for important news updates.
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