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TN History Textbook: Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions | Old & New NCERTs for IAS Preparation (Must Read) - UPSC PDF Download

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 Page 1

Agricultural Revolution
The term agricultural revolution refers to the radical changes
in the method of agriculture in England in the 17
 and 18
There was a massive increase in agricultural productivity, which
supported the growing population. The Agricultural Revolution
preceded the Industrial Revolution in England. During the Agricultural
Revolution, four key changes took place in agricultural practices.
They were enclosure of lands, mechanization of farming, four-field
crop rotation, and selective breeding of domestic animals.
Prior to the agricultural revolution, the practice of agriculture
had been much the same across Europe since the Middle Ages. The
open field system was essentially feudal. Each farmer engaged in
cultivation in common land and dividing the produce.
From the beginning of 12
 century, some of the common fields
in Britain were enclosed into individually owned fields. This process
rapidly accelerated in the 15th and 16th centuries as sheep farming
grew more profitable. This led to farmers losing their land and their
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The process of agricultural revolution.
2. The causes for the Industrial Revolution.
3. Scientific inventions in different sectors of industrial
4. Merits and demerits of the Industrial Revolution.
Page 2

Agricultural Revolution
The term agricultural revolution refers to the radical changes
in the method of agriculture in England in the 17
 and 18
There was a massive increase in agricultural productivity, which
supported the growing population. The Agricultural Revolution
preceded the Industrial Revolution in England. During the Agricultural
Revolution, four key changes took place in agricultural practices.
They were enclosure of lands, mechanization of farming, four-field
crop rotation, and selective breeding of domestic animals.
Prior to the agricultural revolution, the practice of agriculture
had been much the same across Europe since the Middle Ages. The
open field system was essentially feudal. Each farmer engaged in
cultivation in common land and dividing the produce.
From the beginning of 12
 century, some of the common fields
in Britain were enclosed into individually owned fields. This process
rapidly accelerated in the 15th and 16th centuries as sheep farming
grew more profitable. This led to farmers losing their land and their
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The process of agricultural revolution.
2. The causes for the Industrial Revolution.
3. Scientific inventions in different sectors of industrial
4. Merits and demerits of the Industrial Revolution.
275 274
prosperity for some, but in the initial stages many people including
women and children had experienced poor living and working
conditions. This sparked off protests and the government was forced
to enact laws to improve the conditions of workers.
Causes for the Industrial Revolution
! England’s advantageous geographical location.
! The precedence of agricultural revolution.
! New inventions and the introduction of machinery.
! The enterprising spirit of British entrepreneurs.
! Growth of capital in England.
! Colonial possessions of England, which supplied raw
materials and served as markets
Scientific Inventions
Textile Machinery
The primary cause of the Industrial Revolution was the scientific
inventions. The earliest mechanical inventions came in the textile
industry. Spinning was the slowest process in the manufacturing of
cloth. The invention of flying shuttle by Kay in 1733 improved weaving.
In 1764, Hargreaves invented the ‘spinning jenny’. This machine could
spin eight threads at the same time, instead of one. Arkwright
improved the ‘spinning jenny’ in 1769. Compton improved it still further
in 1779. In 1785, Cartwright invented the power loom. Whitney, an
American, speeded up the process (1792) with a cotton gin, which
automatically removed seeds from the fiber of the cotton. The
invention of the sewing machine by Elias Howe, in 1846, accelerated
the production of clothing and made possible the modern clothing
industry. Thus, one invention followed another, not only in textile
industries but also in many others. In this way, the present-day
complex machinery has evolved.
grazing rights. Many farmers became unemployed. In the 16th and
17th centuries, the practice of enclosure was denounced by the
Church, and legislation was drawn up against it. However, the
mechanization of agriculture during the 18th century required large,
enclosed fields. This led to a series of government acts, culminating
finally in the General Enclosure Act of 1801. By the end of the
19th century the process of enclosure was largely complete.
Great experiments were conducted in farming during this
period. Machines were introduced for seeding and harvesting.
Rotation of crops was introduced by Townshend. The lands became
fertile by this method. Bakewell introduced scientific breeding of farm
animals. The horse-drawn ploughs, rake, portable threshers, manure
spreaders, multiple ploughs and dairy appliances had revolutionized
farming. These changes in agriculture increased food production as
well as other farm outputs.
Industrial Revolution
 The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ was used by European
scholars – Georges Michelet in France and Friedrich Engels in
Germany. It was used to describe the changes that occurred in the
industrial development of England between 1760 and 1820. The
Industrial Revolution had far-reaching effects in England.
Subsequently, similar changes occurred in European countries and in
the U.S.A. the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the society
and economy of these countries and also on the rest of the world.
This phase of industrial development in England is strongly
associated with new machinery and technologies. These made it
possible to produce goods on a massive scale compared to handicraft
and handloom industries. There were changes in the cotton and iron
industries. Steam, a new source of power, began to be used on a
wide scale in British industries. Its use led to faster forms of
transportation by ships and railways. Industrialisation led to greater
Page 3

Agricultural Revolution
The term agricultural revolution refers to the radical changes
in the method of agriculture in England in the 17
 and 18
There was a massive increase in agricultural productivity, which
supported the growing population. The Agricultural Revolution
preceded the Industrial Revolution in England. During the Agricultural
Revolution, four key changes took place in agricultural practices.
They were enclosure of lands, mechanization of farming, four-field
crop rotation, and selective breeding of domestic animals.
Prior to the agricultural revolution, the practice of agriculture
had been much the same across Europe since the Middle Ages. The
open field system was essentially feudal. Each farmer engaged in
cultivation in common land and dividing the produce.
From the beginning of 12
 century, some of the common fields
in Britain were enclosed into individually owned fields. This process
rapidly accelerated in the 15th and 16th centuries as sheep farming
grew more profitable. This led to farmers losing their land and their
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The process of agricultural revolution.
2. The causes for the Industrial Revolution.
3. Scientific inventions in different sectors of industrial
4. Merits and demerits of the Industrial Revolution.
275 274
prosperity for some, but in the initial stages many people including
women and children had experienced poor living and working
conditions. This sparked off protests and the government was forced
to enact laws to improve the conditions of workers.
Causes for the Industrial Revolution
! England’s advantageous geographical location.
! The precedence of agricultural revolution.
! New inventions and the introduction of machinery.
! The enterprising spirit of British entrepreneurs.
! Growth of capital in England.
! Colonial possessions of England, which supplied raw
materials and served as markets
Scientific Inventions
Textile Machinery
The primary cause of the Industrial Revolution was the scientific
inventions. The earliest mechanical inventions came in the textile
industry. Spinning was the slowest process in the manufacturing of
cloth. The invention of flying shuttle by Kay in 1733 improved weaving.
In 1764, Hargreaves invented the ‘spinning jenny’. This machine could
spin eight threads at the same time, instead of one. Arkwright
improved the ‘spinning jenny’ in 1769. Compton improved it still further
in 1779. In 1785, Cartwright invented the power loom. Whitney, an
American, speeded up the process (1792) with a cotton gin, which
automatically removed seeds from the fiber of the cotton. The
invention of the sewing machine by Elias Howe, in 1846, accelerated
the production of clothing and made possible the modern clothing
industry. Thus, one invention followed another, not only in textile
industries but also in many others. In this way, the present-day
complex machinery has evolved.
grazing rights. Many farmers became unemployed. In the 16th and
17th centuries, the practice of enclosure was denounced by the
Church, and legislation was drawn up against it. However, the
mechanization of agriculture during the 18th century required large,
enclosed fields. This led to a series of government acts, culminating
finally in the General Enclosure Act of 1801. By the end of the
19th century the process of enclosure was largely complete.
Great experiments were conducted in farming during this
period. Machines were introduced for seeding and harvesting.
Rotation of crops was introduced by Townshend. The lands became
fertile by this method. Bakewell introduced scientific breeding of farm
animals. The horse-drawn ploughs, rake, portable threshers, manure
spreaders, multiple ploughs and dairy appliances had revolutionized
farming. These changes in agriculture increased food production as
well as other farm outputs.
Industrial Revolution
 The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ was used by European
scholars – Georges Michelet in France and Friedrich Engels in
Germany. It was used to describe the changes that occurred in the
industrial development of England between 1760 and 1820. The
Industrial Revolution had far-reaching effects in England.
Subsequently, similar changes occurred in European countries and in
the U.S.A. the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the society
and economy of these countries and also on the rest of the world.
This phase of industrial development in England is strongly
associated with new machinery and technologies. These made it
possible to produce goods on a massive scale compared to handicraft
and handloom industries. There were changes in the cotton and iron
industries. Steam, a new source of power, began to be used on a
wide scale in British industries. Its use led to faster forms of
transportation by ships and railways. Industrialisation led to greater
277 276
the extent to which water
transportation could be utilized.
Railroads provided a solution for these
problems. The first tracks were made
of wood and the first cars were horse
drawn, but the introduction of iron for
rails and the application of Watt’s
steam engine for traction power
revolutionized the whole procedure. George Stephenson constructed
the first practical locomotive in 1814.The Stockton and Darlington
railroad started operation in England in 1825. The era of railroads
had begun.
 Modern transportation and business enterprises are much
dependent on rapid and efficient communication. Before the
perfection of the telegraph, carrier pigeons and
semaphores were the speediest methods available. The
electric telegraph depended upon earlier basic
researches made by Faraday, Volta, Ampere, and
Franklin. It was invented independently in Germany,
England, and the United States, by Steinheil,
Wheatstone, and Morse, respectively. Telegraphic
equipment was widely installed after 1845. A cable from  America
to Europe was laid under the Atlantic Ocean in 1866. By the close of
the 19
  century, all the important commercial centers in the world
had telegraphic communications. The penny post was established in
1840. The Universal Postal Union, to aid international mail service,
was adopted in 1875. Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
Steam Engine
Heavy machinery could not function with
out power to operate it. The invention of the steam
engine provided the practical solution. The first
practical application of steam to machinery was
made by James Watt in 1765. He devised the first
closed cylinder with a piston pushed back and forth
by steam. This has been extensively used in textile machinery.
Development of Transport
There is a close relationship between the development of
industry and improvement in transportation. Industrializaion depends
largely on the bringing of raw materials to factories and on the
disposing of manufactured goods in a wide market. As late as the
17th century, highways were poorly kept. A pack horse was the only
possible means of travel on land. In the second half of the 18
John McAdam (1756-1836) built a type of hard-surfaced road in
England. The only important change made in this method was the
substitution of a tar composition for mud as a binder. France copied
the English methods, and under the patronage of the government
many highways were built.
The heavy expenses involved in the building and upkeep of
highway encouraged the development of inland waterways. During
the second half of the 18
 century and the early part of the 19
century thousands of miles of artificial water route were dug in
England, in France, and in the United Slates. In 1761, a canal was
built in England from Worsley to Manchester to carry coal from the
mines to the furnaces.
There were serious drawbacks in the river and canal
transportation. The rate of travel  was slow and the expense of
construction and maintenance was high. Geographical factors limited
Page 4

Agricultural Revolution
The term agricultural revolution refers to the radical changes
in the method of agriculture in England in the 17
 and 18
There was a massive increase in agricultural productivity, which
supported the growing population. The Agricultural Revolution
preceded the Industrial Revolution in England. During the Agricultural
Revolution, four key changes took place in agricultural practices.
They were enclosure of lands, mechanization of farming, four-field
crop rotation, and selective breeding of domestic animals.
Prior to the agricultural revolution, the practice of agriculture
had been much the same across Europe since the Middle Ages. The
open field system was essentially feudal. Each farmer engaged in
cultivation in common land and dividing the produce.
From the beginning of 12
 century, some of the common fields
in Britain were enclosed into individually owned fields. This process
rapidly accelerated in the 15th and 16th centuries as sheep farming
grew more profitable. This led to farmers losing their land and their
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The process of agricultural revolution.
2. The causes for the Industrial Revolution.
3. Scientific inventions in different sectors of industrial
4. Merits and demerits of the Industrial Revolution.
275 274
prosperity for some, but in the initial stages many people including
women and children had experienced poor living and working
conditions. This sparked off protests and the government was forced
to enact laws to improve the conditions of workers.
Causes for the Industrial Revolution
! England’s advantageous geographical location.
! The precedence of agricultural revolution.
! New inventions and the introduction of machinery.
! The enterprising spirit of British entrepreneurs.
! Growth of capital in England.
! Colonial possessions of England, which supplied raw
materials and served as markets
Scientific Inventions
Textile Machinery
The primary cause of the Industrial Revolution was the scientific
inventions. The earliest mechanical inventions came in the textile
industry. Spinning was the slowest process in the manufacturing of
cloth. The invention of flying shuttle by Kay in 1733 improved weaving.
In 1764, Hargreaves invented the ‘spinning jenny’. This machine could
spin eight threads at the same time, instead of one. Arkwright
improved the ‘spinning jenny’ in 1769. Compton improved it still further
in 1779. In 1785, Cartwright invented the power loom. Whitney, an
American, speeded up the process (1792) with a cotton gin, which
automatically removed seeds from the fiber of the cotton. The
invention of the sewing machine by Elias Howe, in 1846, accelerated
the production of clothing and made possible the modern clothing
industry. Thus, one invention followed another, not only in textile
industries but also in many others. In this way, the present-day
complex machinery has evolved.
grazing rights. Many farmers became unemployed. In the 16th and
17th centuries, the practice of enclosure was denounced by the
Church, and legislation was drawn up against it. However, the
mechanization of agriculture during the 18th century required large,
enclosed fields. This led to a series of government acts, culminating
finally in the General Enclosure Act of 1801. By the end of the
19th century the process of enclosure was largely complete.
Great experiments were conducted in farming during this
period. Machines were introduced for seeding and harvesting.
Rotation of crops was introduced by Townshend. The lands became
fertile by this method. Bakewell introduced scientific breeding of farm
animals. The horse-drawn ploughs, rake, portable threshers, manure
spreaders, multiple ploughs and dairy appliances had revolutionized
farming. These changes in agriculture increased food production as
well as other farm outputs.
Industrial Revolution
 The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ was used by European
scholars – Georges Michelet in France and Friedrich Engels in
Germany. It was used to describe the changes that occurred in the
industrial development of England between 1760 and 1820. The
Industrial Revolution had far-reaching effects in England.
Subsequently, similar changes occurred in European countries and in
the U.S.A. the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the society
and economy of these countries and also on the rest of the world.
This phase of industrial development in England is strongly
associated with new machinery and technologies. These made it
possible to produce goods on a massive scale compared to handicraft
and handloom industries. There were changes in the cotton and iron
industries. Steam, a new source of power, began to be used on a
wide scale in British industries. Its use led to faster forms of
transportation by ships and railways. Industrialisation led to greater
277 276
the extent to which water
transportation could be utilized.
Railroads provided a solution for these
problems. The first tracks were made
of wood and the first cars were horse
drawn, but the introduction of iron for
rails and the application of Watt’s
steam engine for traction power
revolutionized the whole procedure. George Stephenson constructed
the first practical locomotive in 1814.The Stockton and Darlington
railroad started operation in England in 1825. The era of railroads
had begun.
 Modern transportation and business enterprises are much
dependent on rapid and efficient communication. Before the
perfection of the telegraph, carrier pigeons and
semaphores were the speediest methods available. The
electric telegraph depended upon earlier basic
researches made by Faraday, Volta, Ampere, and
Franklin. It was invented independently in Germany,
England, and the United States, by Steinheil,
Wheatstone, and Morse, respectively. Telegraphic
equipment was widely installed after 1845. A cable from  America
to Europe was laid under the Atlantic Ocean in 1866. By the close of
the 19
  century, all the important commercial centers in the world
had telegraphic communications. The penny post was established in
1840. The Universal Postal Union, to aid international mail service,
was adopted in 1875. Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
Steam Engine
Heavy machinery could not function with
out power to operate it. The invention of the steam
engine provided the practical solution. The first
practical application of steam to machinery was
made by James Watt in 1765. He devised the first
closed cylinder with a piston pushed back and forth
by steam. This has been extensively used in textile machinery.
Development of Transport
There is a close relationship between the development of
industry and improvement in transportation. Industrializaion depends
largely on the bringing of raw materials to factories and on the
disposing of manufactured goods in a wide market. As late as the
17th century, highways were poorly kept. A pack horse was the only
possible means of travel on land. In the second half of the 18
John McAdam (1756-1836) built a type of hard-surfaced road in
England. The only important change made in this method was the
substitution of a tar composition for mud as a binder. France copied
the English methods, and under the patronage of the government
many highways were built.
The heavy expenses involved in the building and upkeep of
highway encouraged the development of inland waterways. During
the second half of the 18
 century and the early part of the 19
century thousands of miles of artificial water route were dug in
England, in France, and in the United Slates. In 1761, a canal was
built in England from Worsley to Manchester to carry coal from the
mines to the furnaces.
There were serious drawbacks in the river and canal
transportation. The rate of travel  was slow and the expense of
construction and maintenance was high. Geographical factors limited
279 278
The introduction of power machinery rapidly increased
production of goods.
Intellectual Movement
The intellectual encouragement had also been great. Schools,
colleges, newspapers, libraries, and the radio had been dependent on
the capitalistic system for their rapid development. Many intellectual
like Marx, St. Simon emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
Large Employment
The starting of new industries provided employment to many
men and women.
Demerits of Industrial Revolution
New Social Problems
The rapid growth of industrial cities created problems that were
difficult to solve. Accommodation, sanitation, and health were not
provided adequately. Sickness and crime prevailed. Women and
children were employed for cheap labour. They worked for 12 to 14
hours per day.
The establishment of the factory system increased the amount
of money in circulation. However, money concentrated in the hands
of a few people.
Class Division
The Industrial Revolution divided society into two distinct
groups: the rich middle class (bourgeoisie), composed of
manufacturers, merchants, mine owners, bankers, and professional
men, on the one hand, and the wage-earning class (proletariat),
composed of mill workers and factory workers, on the other. This
In industry, transportation, social activities, amusements, and
cultural pursuits, artificial light plays a very important role. In 1784, a
burner was devised for oil lamps, which was later used for kerosene
lamps. Gas for artificial illumination was introduced and widely used
by the middle of the 19th century. Davy, in 1821, worked out the
theory of the electric arc. Edison, in 1879 invented the electric bulb.
Iron and Steel
The coal and iron industries replaced old technologies of wood,
water and wind. In 1709 Darby introduced coal for charcoal in blast
furnace. John Smeaton invented the blast furnace
with a rotary fan. For the new machinery, a better
grade than ordinary cast iron was needed. Henry
Cord and Peter Onions introduced puddling and
rolling Process in 1784. In 1740 steel was produced
at Sheffield by Huntsman. Later, Henry Bessemer
invented a faster and cheaper method of producing
steel. The first iron bridge was constructed in 1777.
The first iron ship was made in 1790.
Merits of Industrial Revolution
The factory system introduced by the Industrial Revolution
created cities and urban centres. In England, cities like Manchester,
Birmingham, Leeds, and Sheffield arose. People left their rural homes
and gathered around these cities by the hundreds and thousands in
quest of work and wages. The population of Manchester increased
six fold within a half century.
Page 5

Agricultural Revolution
The term agricultural revolution refers to the radical changes
in the method of agriculture in England in the 17
 and 18
There was a massive increase in agricultural productivity, which
supported the growing population. The Agricultural Revolution
preceded the Industrial Revolution in England. During the Agricultural
Revolution, four key changes took place in agricultural practices.
They were enclosure of lands, mechanization of farming, four-field
crop rotation, and selective breeding of domestic animals.
Prior to the agricultural revolution, the practice of agriculture
had been much the same across Europe since the Middle Ages. The
open field system was essentially feudal. Each farmer engaged in
cultivation in common land and dividing the produce.
From the beginning of 12
 century, some of the common fields
in Britain were enclosed into individually owned fields. This process
rapidly accelerated in the 15th and 16th centuries as sheep farming
grew more profitable. This led to farmers losing their land and their
Learning Objectives
Students will acquire knowledge about
1. The process of agricultural revolution.
2. The causes for the Industrial Revolution.
3. Scientific inventions in different sectors of industrial
4. Merits and demerits of the Industrial Revolution.
275 274
prosperity for some, but in the initial stages many people including
women and children had experienced poor living and working
conditions. This sparked off protests and the government was forced
to enact laws to improve the conditions of workers.
Causes for the Industrial Revolution
! England’s advantageous geographical location.
! The precedence of agricultural revolution.
! New inventions and the introduction of machinery.
! The enterprising spirit of British entrepreneurs.
! Growth of capital in England.
! Colonial possessions of England, which supplied raw
materials and served as markets
Scientific Inventions
Textile Machinery
The primary cause of the Industrial Revolution was the scientific
inventions. The earliest mechanical inventions came in the textile
industry. Spinning was the slowest process in the manufacturing of
cloth. The invention of flying shuttle by Kay in 1733 improved weaving.
In 1764, Hargreaves invented the ‘spinning jenny’. This machine could
spin eight threads at the same time, instead of one. Arkwright
improved the ‘spinning jenny’ in 1769. Compton improved it still further
in 1779. In 1785, Cartwright invented the power loom. Whitney, an
American, speeded up the process (1792) with a cotton gin, which
automatically removed seeds from the fiber of the cotton. The
invention of the sewing machine by Elias Howe, in 1846, accelerated
the production of clothing and made possible the modern clothing
industry. Thus, one invention followed another, not only in textile
industries but also in many others. In this way, the present-day
complex machinery has evolved.
grazing rights. Many farmers became unemployed. In the 16th and
17th centuries, the practice of enclosure was denounced by the
Church, and legislation was drawn up against it. However, the
mechanization of agriculture during the 18th century required large,
enclosed fields. This led to a series of government acts, culminating
finally in the General Enclosure Act of 1801. By the end of the
19th century the process of enclosure was largely complete.
Great experiments were conducted in farming during this
period. Machines were introduced for seeding and harvesting.
Rotation of crops was introduced by Townshend. The lands became
fertile by this method. Bakewell introduced scientific breeding of farm
animals. The horse-drawn ploughs, rake, portable threshers, manure
spreaders, multiple ploughs and dairy appliances had revolutionized
farming. These changes in agriculture increased food production as
well as other farm outputs.
Industrial Revolution
 The term ‘Industrial Revolution’ was used by European
scholars – Georges Michelet in France and Friedrich Engels in
Germany. It was used to describe the changes that occurred in the
industrial development of England between 1760 and 1820. The
Industrial Revolution had far-reaching effects in England.
Subsequently, similar changes occurred in European countries and in
the U.S.A. the Industrial Revolution had a major impact on the society
and economy of these countries and also on the rest of the world.
This phase of industrial development in England is strongly
associated with new machinery and technologies. These made it
possible to produce goods on a massive scale compared to handicraft
and handloom industries. There were changes in the cotton and iron
industries. Steam, a new source of power, began to be used on a
wide scale in British industries. Its use led to faster forms of
transportation by ships and railways. Industrialisation led to greater
277 276
the extent to which water
transportation could be utilized.
Railroads provided a solution for these
problems. The first tracks were made
of wood and the first cars were horse
drawn, but the introduction of iron for
rails and the application of Watt’s
steam engine for traction power
revolutionized the whole procedure. George Stephenson constructed
the first practical locomotive in 1814.The Stockton and Darlington
railroad started operation in England in 1825. The era of railroads
had begun.
 Modern transportation and business enterprises are much
dependent on rapid and efficient communication. Before the
perfection of the telegraph, carrier pigeons and
semaphores were the speediest methods available. The
electric telegraph depended upon earlier basic
researches made by Faraday, Volta, Ampere, and
Franklin. It was invented independently in Germany,
England, and the United States, by Steinheil,
Wheatstone, and Morse, respectively. Telegraphic
equipment was widely installed after 1845. A cable from  America
to Europe was laid under the Atlantic Ocean in 1866. By the close of
the 19
  century, all the important commercial centers in the world
had telegraphic communications. The penny post was established in
1840. The Universal Postal Union, to aid international mail service,
was adopted in 1875. Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876.
Steam Engine
Heavy machinery could not function with
out power to operate it. The invention of the steam
engine provided the practical solution. The first
practical application of steam to machinery was
made by James Watt in 1765. He devised the first
closed cylinder with a piston pushed back and forth
by steam. This has been extensively used in textile machinery.
Development of Transport
There is a close relationship between the development of
industry and improvement in transportation. Industrializaion depends
largely on the bringing of raw materials to factories and on the
disposing of manufactured goods in a wide market. As late as the
17th century, highways were poorly kept. A pack horse was the only
possible means of travel on land. In the second half of the 18
John McAdam (1756-1836) built a type of hard-surfaced road in
England. The only important change made in this method was the
substitution of a tar composition for mud as a binder. France copied
the English methods, and under the patronage of the government
many highways were built.
The heavy expenses involved in the building and upkeep of
highway encouraged the development of inland waterways. During
the second half of the 18
 century and the early part of the 19
century thousands of miles of artificial water route were dug in
England, in France, and in the United Slates. In 1761, a canal was
built in England from Worsley to Manchester to carry coal from the
mines to the furnaces.
There were serious drawbacks in the river and canal
transportation. The rate of travel  was slow and the expense of
construction and maintenance was high. Geographical factors limited
279 278
The introduction of power machinery rapidly increased
production of goods.
Intellectual Movement
The intellectual encouragement had also been great. Schools,
colleges, newspapers, libraries, and the radio had been dependent on
the capitalistic system for their rapid development. Many intellectual
like Marx, St. Simon emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution.
Large Employment
The starting of new industries provided employment to many
men and women.
Demerits of Industrial Revolution
New Social Problems
The rapid growth of industrial cities created problems that were
difficult to solve. Accommodation, sanitation, and health were not
provided adequately. Sickness and crime prevailed. Women and
children were employed for cheap labour. They worked for 12 to 14
hours per day.
The establishment of the factory system increased the amount
of money in circulation. However, money concentrated in the hands
of a few people.
Class Division
The Industrial Revolution divided society into two distinct
groups: the rich middle class (bourgeoisie), composed of
manufacturers, merchants, mine owners, bankers, and professional
men, on the one hand, and the wage-earning class (proletariat),
composed of mill workers and factory workers, on the other. This
In industry, transportation, social activities, amusements, and
cultural pursuits, artificial light plays a very important role. In 1784, a
burner was devised for oil lamps, which was later used for kerosene
lamps. Gas for artificial illumination was introduced and widely used
by the middle of the 19th century. Davy, in 1821, worked out the
theory of the electric arc. Edison, in 1879 invented the electric bulb.
Iron and Steel
The coal and iron industries replaced old technologies of wood,
water and wind. In 1709 Darby introduced coal for charcoal in blast
furnace. John Smeaton invented the blast furnace
with a rotary fan. For the new machinery, a better
grade than ordinary cast iron was needed. Henry
Cord and Peter Onions introduced puddling and
rolling Process in 1784. In 1740 steel was produced
at Sheffield by Huntsman. Later, Henry Bessemer
invented a faster and cheaper method of producing
steel. The first iron bridge was constructed in 1777.
The first iron ship was made in 1790.
Merits of Industrial Revolution
The factory system introduced by the Industrial Revolution
created cities and urban centres. In England, cities like Manchester,
Birmingham, Leeds, and Sheffield arose. People left their rural homes
and gathered around these cities by the hundreds and thousands in
quest of work and wages. The population of Manchester increased
six fold within a half century.
281 280
gap between employer and employee gave rise to many economic
and social problems.
Growth of Colonialism and Imperialism
The Industrial Revolution had strengthened colonialism because
the colonies were useful to obtain raw materials and sell the finished
products. So, larger territories were captured thus paving way for
Industry Name Invention Year
John Kay
Richard Arkwright
Samuel Crompton
Edmund Cartwright
Ely Whitney
Elias Howe
Flying Shuttle
Spinning jenny
Water Frame
Spinning Mule
Power Loom
Cotton Gin
Sewing Machine
Coal and
John Smeaton
Henry Bessemen
Sir Humphrey Davy
Safety Lamp
Field of
James Watt
George Stephenson
Steam Engine
Field of
John Mc Adam
He used a mud
birder to build a
type of hard
surface road
1876 Comm-
Alexander Graham
Learning Outcome
After learning this lesson the students will be able to explain
1. The meaning and the process of Agricultural Revolution.
2. The causes for the Industrial Revolution.
3. Scientific Inventions that contributed to the growth of
Industrial Revolution.
4. Growth of different industrial sectors such as textiles and
5. The merits and demerits of industrial revolution.
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FAQs on TN History Textbook: Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions - Old & New NCERTs for IAS Preparation (Must Read) - UPSC

1. How did the Agricultural Revolution impact Tennessee's history?
The Agricultural Revolution led to significant changes in Tennessee's history. Prior to this revolution, agriculture in the state was characterized by small-scale subsistence farming. However, with the introduction of new farming techniques and technologies, such as the use of plows and the cultivation of cash crops like cotton, Tennessee experienced a shift towards large-scale commercial agriculture. This resulted in the expansion of plantations, increased production of cash crops, and a rise in the slave population to meet the labor demands. The Agricultural Revolution thus played a pivotal role in shaping Tennessee's economy, society, and its relationship with the institution of slavery.
2. What were the key factors that contributed to the Industrial Revolution in Tennessee?
Several factors contributed to the Industrial Revolution in Tennessee. Firstly, the state had abundant natural resources, including coal, iron ore, and timber, which were essential for industrial development. The presence of these resources attracted investors and entrepreneurs who established industries such as iron furnaces, textile mills, and factories. Secondly, the construction of railroads in Tennessee facilitated the transportation of raw materials and finished goods, connecting the state to regional and national markets. Additionally, the availability of a large and relatively cheap labor force, including former slaves, played a crucial role in driving industrialization in the state.
3. How did the Industrial Revolution impact Tennessee's economy?
The Industrial Revolution transformed Tennessee's economy in various ways. It led to the growth of manufacturing industries, such as iron production, textile manufacturing, and coal mining, which became major contributors to the state's economy. These industries provided employment opportunities and attracted a significant influx of workers, contributing to urbanization and the growth of cities like Nashville and Chattanooga. The increased industrial output also stimulated trade and commerce, as Tennessee's manufactured goods were transported and sold in regional and national markets. Overall, the Industrial Revolution brought about a shift from an agrarian-based economy to one driven by manufacturing and trade.
4. What were the social consequences of the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions in Tennessee?
The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions had profound social consequences in Tennessee. The Agricultural Revolution led to the expansion of plantations and the increased reliance on slave labor, reinforcing the institution of slavery and deepening racial divisions in the state. It also contributed to the widening wealth gap between plantation owners and small farmers, exacerbating social inequalities. The Industrial Revolution, on the other hand, brought about significant changes in the way people lived and worked. The growth of industrial cities led to the rise of a working class, with workers facing poor working conditions, long hours, and low wages. This period also witnessed the emergence of labor movements and efforts to improve workers' rights and conditions.
5. How did the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions shape Tennessee's overall development?
The Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions played a crucial role in shaping Tennessee's overall development. The Agricultural Revolution led to the expansion of agriculture and the growth of cash crop production, which in turn fueled economic growth and influenced the state's social and political landscape. The Industrial Revolution, with its growth of manufacturing industries and urbanization, further accelerated Tennessee's economic development. It brought about significant technological advancements, improved transportation networks, and increased trade opportunities, positioning the state as an important contributor to the regional and national economy. Additionally, the revolutions brought about profound social changes, shaping the demographics, class dynamics, and labor movements in Tennessee.
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