Class 6 Exam  >  Class 6 Notes  >  Computer Science for Class 6  >  Textbook: Chapter 3 - Synthesis of Information: Uses of Computer

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 Page 1

Aim: In this lesson, you will learn:
        Uses of computers in various fields, purposes, products.
        Types of computers used for  different purposes.
        Synthesis of information .
3. Synthesis of Information:  
    Uses of Computers
Tejas and Jyoti have collected information 
about various uses of a computer. They 
are enthusiastically discussing with Moz.  
Tejas: While gathering info we found that 
there are many types of computers. We 
also found that some applications such as 
email need Internet, while others such as 
paint can be used independently.
Jyoti: There are some applications which 
are used to control devices such as washing 
machines, and some applications which are used for special purposes such as weather forecasting. 
Based on these relationships we have drawn a mind map and have come up with the four categories.
Moz: Well done. I see that you have grouped the gathered information on ‘Uses of computer’, 
neatly into four categories. 
Tejas:  Our teachers helped us to identify suitable names for these categories.
Jyoti: But this is only one way of categorization. My friends have created different categories and 
also represented it differently. We will show their work after we describe our work. 
Moz: Ok, tell me more about how you categorized the information?
Jyoti: In our school, some of the computers do not have Internet. So we first listed activities which 
can be done even without Internet connectivity.
Tejas:  For example, if we have to write text documents, paint, or play some educational games, we 
do not need Internet. That means applications such as Open office (word processor), Tux paint 
(paint), and GCompris (games), can be used without an Internet connection. Our teacher told us 
that such applications are called Standalone applications, because these applications can run on their 
own independently (alone) on a desktop. 
Uses Of Computers
Page 2

Aim: In this lesson, you will learn:
        Uses of computers in various fields, purposes, products.
        Types of computers used for  different purposes.
        Synthesis of information .
3. Synthesis of Information:  
    Uses of Computers
Tejas and Jyoti have collected information 
about various uses of a computer. They 
are enthusiastically discussing with Moz.  
Tejas: While gathering info we found that 
there are many types of computers. We 
also found that some applications such as 
email need Internet, while others such as 
paint can be used independently.
Jyoti: There are some applications which 
are used to control devices such as washing 
machines, and some applications which are used for special purposes such as weather forecasting. 
Based on these relationships we have drawn a mind map and have come up with the four categories.
Moz: Well done. I see that you have grouped the gathered information on ‘Uses of computer’, 
neatly into four categories. 
Tejas:  Our teachers helped us to identify suitable names for these categories.
Jyoti: But this is only one way of categorization. My friends have created different categories and 
also represented it differently. We will show their work after we describe our work. 
Moz: Ok, tell me more about how you categorized the information?
Jyoti: In our school, some of the computers do not have Internet. So we first listed activities which 
can be done even without Internet connectivity.
Tejas:  For example, if we have to write text documents, paint, or play some educational games, we 
do not need Internet. That means applications such as Open office (word processor), Tux paint 
(paint), and GCompris (games), can be used without an Internet connection. Our teacher told us 
that such applications are called Standalone applications, because these applications can run on their 
own independently (alone) on a desktop. 
Uses Of Computers
Jyoti: Next we grouped the activities that need Internet connection. This category includes uses 
such as communicating (e-mail) or browsing, searching the Internet. The label for this category is 
Internet applications.
Jyoti: We learnt that devices like smart phones, digital camera, robots and some toys, have a small 
computer inside them. Our teacher told us that such applications which are used in other devices 
are called Embedded applications. A small computer with the application is embedded (put) into the 
Tejas: We also found there are special computers and software that are used for specific purposes 
like defence, space and medical tests. We grouped these uses under Special purpose applications.
Moz: Good. Your categorization is based on types of applications and the purpose of these 
applications. Now let us expand the mind map for each of the categories.
Jyoti and Tejas: Yes, now let us discuss each category in detail.
Jyoti: Office applications are used to write documents, reports and make presentations. For example 
Open office writer and MS word are used for making documents. We can save our documents on 
the computer and retrieve and edit them. The file extensions for Open office document is ‘.odt’ 
and for MS word is ‘.doc’. We learnt these in Computer Masti- Level IV. We can install and use 
these applications on a computer without Internet connectivity. 
Tejas: Multimedia applications that are installed on the desktop can be used to edit videos, music, 
make animations and presentations. 
Moz: Why are the applications called multimedia applications?
Tejas: Video has sound and moving images. Since there are more than one media, and there is 
movement in the applications, these are called multimedia applications.
Moz: Right. Did you use any of these applications?
Tejas: I took a video of my pet. I loaded the video on my computer at home. 
Using Movie maker, I edited the video and removed parts that I did not want. 
I copied the video onto a CD to show to my friends. 
Category 1: Standalone applications. 
Jyoti: Yes. Scratch is also an application which can run independently on a 
desktop. After Scratch is installed on a computer, we can create many programs 
like animations, stories, quizzes, games using Scratch blocks. 
Moz: Are there some other uses you can recall which do not involve the use of 
Moz: What about programming applications such as Scratch? Does this also come under standalone 
Tejas: Our teacher sometimes asks us to play educational games on Maths, Science, 
Geography and English. These games are available on our school computer and 
we do not need internet connectivity to play these games. Therefore, educational 
games applications that are available on desktop also belong to this category. 
Page 3

Aim: In this lesson, you will learn:
        Uses of computers in various fields, purposes, products.
        Types of computers used for  different purposes.
        Synthesis of information .
3. Synthesis of Information:  
    Uses of Computers
Tejas and Jyoti have collected information 
about various uses of a computer. They 
are enthusiastically discussing with Moz.  
Tejas: While gathering info we found that 
there are many types of computers. We 
also found that some applications such as 
email need Internet, while others such as 
paint can be used independently.
Jyoti: There are some applications which 
are used to control devices such as washing 
machines, and some applications which are used for special purposes such as weather forecasting. 
Based on these relationships we have drawn a mind map and have come up with the four categories.
Moz: Well done. I see that you have grouped the gathered information on ‘Uses of computer’, 
neatly into four categories. 
Tejas:  Our teachers helped us to identify suitable names for these categories.
Jyoti: But this is only one way of categorization. My friends have created different categories and 
also represented it differently. We will show their work after we describe our work. 
Moz: Ok, tell me more about how you categorized the information?
Jyoti: In our school, some of the computers do not have Internet. So we first listed activities which 
can be done even without Internet connectivity.
Tejas:  For example, if we have to write text documents, paint, or play some educational games, we 
do not need Internet. That means applications such as Open office (word processor), Tux paint 
(paint), and GCompris (games), can be used without an Internet connection. Our teacher told us 
that such applications are called Standalone applications, because these applications can run on their 
own independently (alone) on a desktop. 
Uses Of Computers
Jyoti: Next we grouped the activities that need Internet connection. This category includes uses 
such as communicating (e-mail) or browsing, searching the Internet. The label for this category is 
Internet applications.
Jyoti: We learnt that devices like smart phones, digital camera, robots and some toys, have a small 
computer inside them. Our teacher told us that such applications which are used in other devices 
are called Embedded applications. A small computer with the application is embedded (put) into the 
Tejas: We also found there are special computers and software that are used for specific purposes 
like defence, space and medical tests. We grouped these uses under Special purpose applications.
Moz: Good. Your categorization is based on types of applications and the purpose of these 
applications. Now let us expand the mind map for each of the categories.
Jyoti and Tejas: Yes, now let us discuss each category in detail.
Jyoti: Office applications are used to write documents, reports and make presentations. For example 
Open office writer and MS word are used for making documents. We can save our documents on 
the computer and retrieve and edit them. The file extensions for Open office document is ‘.odt’ 
and for MS word is ‘.doc’. We learnt these in Computer Masti- Level IV. We can install and use 
these applications on a computer without Internet connectivity. 
Tejas: Multimedia applications that are installed on the desktop can be used to edit videos, music, 
make animations and presentations. 
Moz: Why are the applications called multimedia applications?
Tejas: Video has sound and moving images. Since there are more than one media, and there is 
movement in the applications, these are called multimedia applications.
Moz: Right. Did you use any of these applications?
Tejas: I took a video of my pet. I loaded the video on my computer at home. 
Using Movie maker, I edited the video and removed parts that I did not want. 
I copied the video onto a CD to show to my friends. 
Category 1: Standalone applications. 
Jyoti: Yes. Scratch is also an application which can run independently on a 
desktop. After Scratch is installed on a computer, we can create many programs 
like animations, stories, quizzes, games using Scratch blocks. 
Moz: Are there some other uses you can recall which do not involve the use of 
Moz: What about programming applications such as Scratch? Does this also come under standalone 
Tejas: Our teacher sometimes asks us to play educational games on Maths, Science, 
Geography and English. These games are available on our school computer and 
we do not need internet connectivity to play these games. Therefore, educational 
games applications that are available on desktop also belong to this category. 
Moz: Does every desktop computer always have all the applications that you have listed under 
standalone applications?
Tejas: I do not think so. I observed that some of the applications on the school computer are not 
available on my home computer.
Moz: Yes. A desktop will have some common applications, like text editor installed by default 
(which means that application need not be downloaded and installed specifically). If we want other 
applications beyond these, they have to be installed additionally on the computer. 
Jyoti: I can request my parents to install all the educational games on my home computer as well.
Moz: You can search on the Internet and find these applications and their installation guidelines.  
For example, you can go to website- to download and install Scratch. 
Note that you need Internet only to download these applications. These applications can be run 
in standalone manner.
• A computer which can be used without a network connection is called 
a standalone computer system.
• The applications and programs that can be installed and used on such 
a system are called standalone computer applications.
Standalone applications
Examples of Category 1: Standalone applications
Applications Nature of use Name of application 
Office Writing documents, doing calculations, preparing 
Open Office
Xmind for mindmapping and 
brainstorming (
Multimedia Drawing and painting, listening to music, 
composing music, editing photographs and 
videos,  view documentaries, educational CDs
Audacity (
Avidemux for video editing
Programming Write programs using software Scratch (
Alice a 3D programming language
Educational games Practice and test of knowledge of other subjects Kbruch, Tux math Kgeography
Moz: To summarize, all the applications that do not require Internet connectivity and can run 
independently on a desktop, can be grouped together in a category labelled Standalone Applications. 
Some examples of such applications are office, multimedia, programming and educational 
Page 4

Aim: In this lesson, you will learn:
        Uses of computers in various fields, purposes, products.
        Types of computers used for  different purposes.
        Synthesis of information .
3. Synthesis of Information:  
    Uses of Computers
Tejas and Jyoti have collected information 
about various uses of a computer. They 
are enthusiastically discussing with Moz.  
Tejas: While gathering info we found that 
there are many types of computers. We 
also found that some applications such as 
email need Internet, while others such as 
paint can be used independently.
Jyoti: There are some applications which 
are used to control devices such as washing 
machines, and some applications which are used for special purposes such as weather forecasting. 
Based on these relationships we have drawn a mind map and have come up with the four categories.
Moz: Well done. I see that you have grouped the gathered information on ‘Uses of computer’, 
neatly into four categories. 
Tejas:  Our teachers helped us to identify suitable names for these categories.
Jyoti: But this is only one way of categorization. My friends have created different categories and 
also represented it differently. We will show their work after we describe our work. 
Moz: Ok, tell me more about how you categorized the information?
Jyoti: In our school, some of the computers do not have Internet. So we first listed activities which 
can be done even without Internet connectivity.
Tejas:  For example, if we have to write text documents, paint, or play some educational games, we 
do not need Internet. That means applications such as Open office (word processor), Tux paint 
(paint), and GCompris (games), can be used without an Internet connection. Our teacher told us 
that such applications are called Standalone applications, because these applications can run on their 
own independently (alone) on a desktop. 
Uses Of Computers
Jyoti: Next we grouped the activities that need Internet connection. This category includes uses 
such as communicating (e-mail) or browsing, searching the Internet. The label for this category is 
Internet applications.
Jyoti: We learnt that devices like smart phones, digital camera, robots and some toys, have a small 
computer inside them. Our teacher told us that such applications which are used in other devices 
are called Embedded applications. A small computer with the application is embedded (put) into the 
Tejas: We also found there are special computers and software that are used for specific purposes 
like defence, space and medical tests. We grouped these uses under Special purpose applications.
Moz: Good. Your categorization is based on types of applications and the purpose of these 
applications. Now let us expand the mind map for each of the categories.
Jyoti and Tejas: Yes, now let us discuss each category in detail.
Jyoti: Office applications are used to write documents, reports and make presentations. For example 
Open office writer and MS word are used for making documents. We can save our documents on 
the computer and retrieve and edit them. The file extensions for Open office document is ‘.odt’ 
and for MS word is ‘.doc’. We learnt these in Computer Masti- Level IV. We can install and use 
these applications on a computer without Internet connectivity. 
Tejas: Multimedia applications that are installed on the desktop can be used to edit videos, music, 
make animations and presentations. 
Moz: Why are the applications called multimedia applications?
Tejas: Video has sound and moving images. Since there are more than one media, and there is 
movement in the applications, these are called multimedia applications.
Moz: Right. Did you use any of these applications?
Tejas: I took a video of my pet. I loaded the video on my computer at home. 
Using Movie maker, I edited the video and removed parts that I did not want. 
I copied the video onto a CD to show to my friends. 
Category 1: Standalone applications. 
Jyoti: Yes. Scratch is also an application which can run independently on a 
desktop. After Scratch is installed on a computer, we can create many programs 
like animations, stories, quizzes, games using Scratch blocks. 
Moz: Are there some other uses you can recall which do not involve the use of 
Moz: What about programming applications such as Scratch? Does this also come under standalone 
Tejas: Our teacher sometimes asks us to play educational games on Maths, Science, 
Geography and English. These games are available on our school computer and 
we do not need internet connectivity to play these games. Therefore, educational 
games applications that are available on desktop also belong to this category. 
Moz: Does every desktop computer always have all the applications that you have listed under 
standalone applications?
Tejas: I do not think so. I observed that some of the applications on the school computer are not 
available on my home computer.
Moz: Yes. A desktop will have some common applications, like text editor installed by default 
(which means that application need not be downloaded and installed specifically). If we want other 
applications beyond these, they have to be installed additionally on the computer. 
Jyoti: I can request my parents to install all the educational games on my home computer as well.
Moz: You can search on the Internet and find these applications and their installation guidelines.  
For example, you can go to website- to download and install Scratch. 
Note that you need Internet only to download these applications. These applications can be run 
in standalone manner.
• A computer which can be used without a network connection is called 
a standalone computer system.
• The applications and programs that can be installed and used on such 
a system are called standalone computer applications.
Standalone applications
Examples of Category 1: Standalone applications
Applications Nature of use Name of application 
Office Writing documents, doing calculations, preparing 
Open Office
Xmind for mindmapping and 
brainstorming (
Multimedia Drawing and painting, listening to music, 
composing music, editing photographs and 
videos,  view documentaries, educational CDs
Audacity (
Avidemux for video editing
Programming Write programs using software Scratch (
Alice a 3D programming language
Educational games Practice and test of knowledge of other subjects Kbruch, Tux math Kgeography
Moz: To summarize, all the applications that do not require Internet connectivity and can run 
independently on a desktop, can be grouped together in a category labelled Standalone Applications. 
Some examples of such applications are office, multimedia, programming and educational 
Many useful applications are available free of cost on the Internet. The software can be 
downloaded from the Internet and installed on the desktop and used. 
Some useful links for finding free education applications are:   
• Open source and free software for school environment:  
• Open source applications. For example: Ubuntu operating system, Blender.
Downloading application from Internet
Some examples of Standalone applications
Tejas: We need internet connectivity to check our emails. Gmail, Yahoo, Rediffmail and AOL are 
some of the email service providers. We can get an email account with any of the email service 
providers and communicate with our friends and family. 
Jyoti: I talk to my cousins staying in different cities using Skype. Some 
applications like chat and skype can also be used for video conferencing. 
Moz: Yes. There are various modes of communicating like email, video 
conferencing and chat on the internet. Using chat one can talk to a person 
using text, audio or video. Internet is widely used for communication.
Tejas: We can find information on various topics on the Internet using 
search engines like Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo.
Jyoti: Using appropriate keywords in the search engines, we can find 
information quickly and conveniently.
Tejas: We can even search for current news, weather, recipes, tourist 
places, maps of places and more such topics. 
Moz: Yes. Browsing and searching for information is used extensively on Internet for various 
Category 2: Internet applications
Jyoti: We can buy books, tickets (Example: railway tickets from 
and products ranging from clothes to musical instruments on the Internet from 
some websites. These are delivered to our address within 24 hours.  
Tejas: Yes. I recall that I wanted to read a book which was unavailable in our 
library and local book shop. My parents searched and purchased the book from an  
Internet site Flipkart which sells books.
Education Multimedia Games
Page 5

Aim: In this lesson, you will learn:
        Uses of computers in various fields, purposes, products.
        Types of computers used for  different purposes.
        Synthesis of information .
3. Synthesis of Information:  
    Uses of Computers
Tejas and Jyoti have collected information 
about various uses of a computer. They 
are enthusiastically discussing with Moz.  
Tejas: While gathering info we found that 
there are many types of computers. We 
also found that some applications such as 
email need Internet, while others such as 
paint can be used independently.
Jyoti: There are some applications which 
are used to control devices such as washing 
machines, and some applications which are used for special purposes such as weather forecasting. 
Based on these relationships we have drawn a mind map and have come up with the four categories.
Moz: Well done. I see that you have grouped the gathered information on ‘Uses of computer’, 
neatly into four categories. 
Tejas:  Our teachers helped us to identify suitable names for these categories.
Jyoti: But this is only one way of categorization. My friends have created different categories and 
also represented it differently. We will show their work after we describe our work. 
Moz: Ok, tell me more about how you categorized the information?
Jyoti: In our school, some of the computers do not have Internet. So we first listed activities which 
can be done even without Internet connectivity.
Tejas:  For example, if we have to write text documents, paint, or play some educational games, we 
do not need Internet. That means applications such as Open office (word processor), Tux paint 
(paint), and GCompris (games), can be used without an Internet connection. Our teacher told us 
that such applications are called Standalone applications, because these applications can run on their 
own independently (alone) on a desktop. 
Uses Of Computers
Jyoti: Next we grouped the activities that need Internet connection. This category includes uses 
such as communicating (e-mail) or browsing, searching the Internet. The label for this category is 
Internet applications.
Jyoti: We learnt that devices like smart phones, digital camera, robots and some toys, have a small 
computer inside them. Our teacher told us that such applications which are used in other devices 
are called Embedded applications. A small computer with the application is embedded (put) into the 
Tejas: We also found there are special computers and software that are used for specific purposes 
like defence, space and medical tests. We grouped these uses under Special purpose applications.
Moz: Good. Your categorization is based on types of applications and the purpose of these 
applications. Now let us expand the mind map for each of the categories.
Jyoti and Tejas: Yes, now let us discuss each category in detail.
Jyoti: Office applications are used to write documents, reports and make presentations. For example 
Open office writer and MS word are used for making documents. We can save our documents on 
the computer and retrieve and edit them. The file extensions for Open office document is ‘.odt’ 
and for MS word is ‘.doc’. We learnt these in Computer Masti- Level IV. We can install and use 
these applications on a computer without Internet connectivity. 
Tejas: Multimedia applications that are installed on the desktop can be used to edit videos, music, 
make animations and presentations. 
Moz: Why are the applications called multimedia applications?
Tejas: Video has sound and moving images. Since there are more than one media, and there is 
movement in the applications, these are called multimedia applications.
Moz: Right. Did you use any of these applications?
Tejas: I took a video of my pet. I loaded the video on my computer at home. 
Using Movie maker, I edited the video and removed parts that I did not want. 
I copied the video onto a CD to show to my friends. 
Category 1: Standalone applications. 
Jyoti: Yes. Scratch is also an application which can run independently on a 
desktop. After Scratch is installed on a computer, we can create many programs 
like animations, stories, quizzes, games using Scratch blocks. 
Moz: Are there some other uses you can recall which do not involve the use of 
Moz: What about programming applications such as Scratch? Does this also come under standalone 
Tejas: Our teacher sometimes asks us to play educational games on Maths, Science, 
Geography and English. These games are available on our school computer and 
we do not need internet connectivity to play these games. Therefore, educational 
games applications that are available on desktop also belong to this category. 
Moz: Does every desktop computer always have all the applications that you have listed under 
standalone applications?
Tejas: I do not think so. I observed that some of the applications on the school computer are not 
available on my home computer.
Moz: Yes. A desktop will have some common applications, like text editor installed by default 
(which means that application need not be downloaded and installed specifically). If we want other 
applications beyond these, they have to be installed additionally on the computer. 
Jyoti: I can request my parents to install all the educational games on my home computer as well.
Moz: You can search on the Internet and find these applications and their installation guidelines.  
For example, you can go to website- to download and install Scratch. 
Note that you need Internet only to download these applications. These applications can be run 
in standalone manner.
• A computer which can be used without a network connection is called 
a standalone computer system.
• The applications and programs that can be installed and used on such 
a system are called standalone computer applications.
Standalone applications
Examples of Category 1: Standalone applications
Applications Nature of use Name of application 
Office Writing documents, doing calculations, preparing 
Open Office
Xmind for mindmapping and 
brainstorming (
Multimedia Drawing and painting, listening to music, 
composing music, editing photographs and 
videos,  view documentaries, educational CDs
Audacity (
Avidemux for video editing
Programming Write programs using software Scratch (
Alice a 3D programming language
Educational games Practice and test of knowledge of other subjects Kbruch, Tux math Kgeography
Moz: To summarize, all the applications that do not require Internet connectivity and can run 
independently on a desktop, can be grouped together in a category labelled Standalone Applications. 
Some examples of such applications are office, multimedia, programming and educational 
Many useful applications are available free of cost on the Internet. The software can be 
downloaded from the Internet and installed on the desktop and used. 
Some useful links for finding free education applications are:   
• Open source and free software for school environment:  
• Open source applications. For example: Ubuntu operating system, Blender.
Downloading application from Internet
Some examples of Standalone applications
Tejas: We need internet connectivity to check our emails. Gmail, Yahoo, Rediffmail and AOL are 
some of the email service providers. We can get an email account with any of the email service 
providers and communicate with our friends and family. 
Jyoti: I talk to my cousins staying in different cities using Skype. Some 
applications like chat and skype can also be used for video conferencing. 
Moz: Yes. There are various modes of communicating like email, video 
conferencing and chat on the internet. Using chat one can talk to a person 
using text, audio or video. Internet is widely used for communication.
Tejas: We can find information on various topics on the Internet using 
search engines like Google, Ask Jeeves, Yahoo.
Jyoti: Using appropriate keywords in the search engines, we can find 
information quickly and conveniently.
Tejas: We can even search for current news, weather, recipes, tourist 
places, maps of places and more such topics. 
Moz: Yes. Browsing and searching for information is used extensively on Internet for various 
Category 2: Internet applications
Jyoti: We can buy books, tickets (Example: railway tickets from 
and products ranging from clothes to musical instruments on the Internet from 
some websites. These are delivered to our address within 24 hours.  
Tejas: Yes. I recall that I wanted to read a book which was unavailable in our 
library and local book shop. My parents searched and purchased the book from an  
Internet site Flipkart which sells books.
Education Multimedia Games
Jyoti: Using Google earth, which is an application that can be downloaded from 
Google, we can see maps, see monuments in 3D. We can see Mount Everest, and 
we can even see the sky, some stars and galaxies like Andromeda galaxy. This makes 
it very interesting to learn about various continents, the stars, planets and galaxies.
Tejas: At home we watch cricket, football online during the weekends. 
Jyoti: On YouTube we can watch magic, movies, dance, music videos. There 
are some very good ones. My grandparents listen to classical music on 
YouTube. Yesterday they were listening to Mrs. Subbalakshmi and Pandit 
Tejas: Along with educational games, we also enjoy playing games for fun. I find these online. All 
these activities can be categorised as entertainment using the Internet.  
Moz: To summarize, all applications that require Internet connectivity can be grouped together 
in a category labelled Internet applications. Some examples of such applications are communication, 
browsing, online transaction, education and entertainment.
Jyoti: I have seen websites such as, www.attanolearn.
com, where the lessons in our school textbook are explained with some 
animations. This site also evaluates if we have understood the lesson. 
Many more other topics can also be learnt from such web sites.
Moz: Internet is a good place for educating yourself about many topics. There are also some sites 
where you can read books.
• Applications which require Internet connectivity are called Internet 
• Some Internet applications, such as search, can be accessed by 
simply using a browser.
• Others, like video conferencing require software to be downloaded on 
the desktop.
• Some Internet applications, such as transactions, require registration 
before using them online. 
Internet applications
Jyoti: One of my uncles sent me a gift for my birthday. He ordered the gift through the Internet 
and asked them to deliver it to me at my home. 
Moz: Making online purchase of goods and payment is called online transactions.    
Google earth
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49 videos|20 docs|6 tests

FAQs on Textbook: Chapter 3 - Synthesis of Information: Uses of Computer - Computer Science for Class 6

1. What is computer synthesis of information?
Ans. Computer synthesis of information refers to the process of gathering and combining different pieces of information from various sources using a computer. It involves analyzing, organizing, and summarizing data to generate meaningful and useful insights.
2. How can computer synthesis of information be used in education?
Ans. Computer synthesis of information can be used in education to create interactive learning materials, develop personalized learning experiences, and analyze student data for personalized feedback and assessment. It can also be used to conduct research and gather information for academic purposes.
3. What are the benefits of using computer synthesis of information in the classroom?
Ans. Using computer synthesis of information in the classroom can enhance student engagement, promote critical thinking and problem-solving skills, facilitate collaborative learning, provide immediate feedback, and enable access to a wide range of educational resources and materials.
4. Are there any limitations or challenges associated with computer synthesis of information?
Ans. Yes, there are some limitations and challenges with computer synthesis of information. These include the need for reliable and accurate data sources, potential biases in data analysis, privacy concerns related to student data, and the requirement for technical skills and resources to effectively implement computer synthesis tools in the classroom.
5. How can teachers incorporate computer synthesis of information in their teaching practices?
Ans. Teachers can incorporate computer synthesis of information in their teaching practices by using educational software and tools that allow students to explore, analyze, and synthesize information. They can also design activities that require students to conduct research, evaluate sources, and present their findings using digital tools. Additionally, teachers can use data analysis tools to track student progress and adapt instruction accordingly.
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