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Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties Practice Questions - DPP for JEE

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DPP - Daily Practice Problems 
Cha pter-wise Shee ts 
Date : L..?---------l Start Time : End Time : 
SYLLABUS : Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 
Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (-1) for incorrect Time : 60 min. 
INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQ's. For each question onl y one option is correct. 
Darken the correct drcle/ bubble in the Response Grid pro vid ed on each page. 
Which of the following is not an actinoid ? 
(a) Curium (Z = 96) (b) Californium (Z = 98) 
(c) Uranium (Z= 92) (d) Terbium (Z= 65) 
Which of the fo llowing species has lowest ionization 
poten tial? 
(a) 0 (b) 02 (c) o 2+ (d) o2-
0n going down a main sub-group in the periodic table 5. 
(example Li to Cs in IA or Be to Ra in ITA), the expected tre n d 
of changes in atomic radius is a 
(a) continuous increase 
(b) continuous decrease 
(c) periodic one, an increase fo llowed by a decrease 
(d) decrease fo llowed by increase 
Match the columns 
(Co-ordination number, 
oxidation number) 
1 7,+7 
n. 4,+4 
ill. 6,+3 
D. S i F 4 IV 2, +2 
E TF 7 
V 4,+1 
(a) A- IV; B-II;C- V; D-Ill; E-1 
(b) A- V;B- ID; C-I Y; D-U; E-I 
(c) A-T l;B-T TI;C-V;D- IY;E-I 
(d) A- TIJ;B-Il; C-I V ;D -I;E-V 
The decreasing order of the ionization potential of the 
following elements is 
(a) Ne> Cl > P> S>AI > Mg 
(b) Ne >Cl>P>S>M g>Al 
(c) Ne> Cl > S> P> Mg>Al 
(d) Ne >Cl>S>P>Al>M g 
The radii ofF , F-, 0 and 0 2- are in the order 
0 2- > F- > F > 0 
F- > 0 2- > F > 0 
0 2- > 0 > F- > F 
0 2- > F- > 0 > F 
Which group of the periodic table contains coinage metal? 
(a) IIA (b) IB 
(c) IA (d) None of these 
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DPP - Daily Practice Problems 
Cha pter-wise Shee ts 
Date : L..?---------l Start Time : End Time : 
SYLLABUS : Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 
Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (-1) for incorrect Time : 60 min. 
INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQ's. For each question onl y one option is correct. 
Darken the correct drcle/ bubble in the Response Grid pro vid ed on each page. 
Which of the following is not an actinoid ? 
(a) Curium (Z = 96) (b) Californium (Z = 98) 
(c) Uranium (Z= 92) (d) Terbium (Z= 65) 
Which of the fo llowing species has lowest ionization 
poten tial? 
(a) 0 (b) 02 (c) o 2+ (d) o2-
0n going down a main sub-group in the periodic table 5. 
(example Li to Cs in IA or Be to Ra in ITA), the expected tre n d 
of changes in atomic radius is a 
(a) continuous increase 
(b) continuous decrease 
(c) periodic one, an increase fo llowed by a decrease 
(d) decrease fo llowed by increase 
Match the columns 
(Co-ordination number, 
oxidation number) 
1 7,+7 
n. 4,+4 
ill. 6,+3 
D. S i F 4 IV 2, +2 
E TF 7 
V 4,+1 
(a) A- IV; B-II;C- V; D-Ill; E-1 
(b) A- V;B- ID; C-I Y; D-U; E-I 
(c) A-T l;B-T TI;C-V;D- IY;E-I 
(d) A- TIJ;B-Il; C-I V ;D -I;E-V 
The decreasing order of the ionization potential of the 
following elements is 
(a) Ne> Cl > P> S>AI > Mg 
(b) Ne >Cl>P>S>M g>Al 
(c) Ne> Cl > S> P> Mg>Al 
(d) Ne >Cl>S>P>Al>M g 
The radii ofF , F-, 0 and 0 2- are in the order 
0 2- > F- > F > 0 
F- > 0 2- > F > 0 
0 2- > 0 > F- > F 
0 2- > F- > 0 > F 
Which group of the periodic table contains coinage metal? 
(a) IIA (b) IB 
(c) IA (d) None of these 
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8. Which of the fo llowing statements are correct? 
(i) The second period (n = 2) starts with lithium and third 
electron enters the 2s orbital. The next element, 
beryllium has fo ur electrons and has the electronic 
configuration 1 s22s2. From the next element boron, the 
2p orb itals are filled with electrons when the L shell is 
completed at neon (2s22p6 ). Thus there are 8 elements 
in the second period. 
(ii) Successive filling of 3s and 3p orbit als gives rise to 
the third period of8 elements from sodium to argon. 
(iii) The fo urth period (n = 4) starts at potassium and the 
added electron fill up the first 4s and 4p orbitals than 
3d orbital is filled. 
(iv) Fifth period begins with mbidium with the filling of5s 
orbital and ends at xenon with the filling up of the 5p 
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) 
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) 
9. Which ionisation potential (IP) in the fo llowing equations 
involves the greatest ammmt of energy ? 
(a) Na -t Na++ e- (b) K+ -tK 2++ e-
c2+ - + c3+ + e- (d) ca+ -t Ca2+ + e-
10. Which of the fo llowing arrangements represen ts the 
increasing order (smallest to largest) of ionic radii of the 
given species 0 2-, S2 -, N3 -, p3 - ? 
00 ?<?<?< ? M ?<?<? <? 
(c) W < o2- < P3- < S2- (d) W- < s2- < 02- < P3-
11. Which of the fo llowing series correctly represents relations 
between the elements from X toY? 
X- tY 
(a) 3Li - + 1 9K Ionization enthalpy increases 
(b) 9F - + 35Br Electron gain enthalpy (negative sign) 
(c) 6 C - + 32Ge Atomic radii increases 
1 sAr- + 54Xe Noble character increases 
12. The fo rmation of the oxide ion 0 2 -(g), from oxygen atom 
requires first an exothermic and then an endothermic step 
as shown below : 
O (g)+ e- - + O-(g); ? rH6=-141 kJmol - 1 
o-(g)+ e- - + 0 2-(g); ? rH6 = +780 kJ mot-• 
Thus process of fo rmation of 0 2- in gas phase is 
unfavou rable even though 0 2-is isoelectronic with neon. It 
is due to the fa ct that 
(a) Electron repulsion outweighs the stability gained by 
achieving noble gas configuration 
(b) o-ion has comparatively smaller size than oxygen atom 
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(c) Oxygen is more electronegative 
(d) Addition of electron in oxygen results in larger size of 
the ion. 
13. In any period the valency of an element with respect to 
(a) Increases one by one from IA to VUA 
(b) Decreases one by one fo rm TA to VIlA 
(c) Increases one by one from IA to IVA and then decreases 
from VA to VITA one by one 
(d) Decreases one byone from iA to IVA and then increases 
from VA to VIlA one by one 
14. An element having electronic configura tion 
ls22s 22p63s23p6 4s1 fo rms 
(a) Acidic oxide (b) Basic oxide 
(c) Amphoteric oxide (d) Neutral oxide 
15. Which of the fo llowing order is wrong? 
(a) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 -Acidic 
(b) Li < Be < B < C- IE 1 
(c) Al203 < MgO < Na20 < K20- Basic 
(d) Li+ < Na + < K + < Cs + -I onic radius 
16. The first ionisation potential of aluminium is smaller than 
d1at of magnesium because 
(a) Atomic size ofAl >Atomic size ofMg. 
(b) Atomic size ofAl <Atomic size of Mg. 
(c) Al has one electron in p- orbital 
(d) None of these 
17. The first (?iH 1 ) and second (?iHz) ionization enthalpies 
(in kJ tnol-1) and the electron gain enthalpy (?e gH) 
(in kJ mo l- 1) of the elements I, TI, Ill , IV and V are given 
ai H t 
a H 
- 328 
The most reactive metal and the least reactive non -metal of 
these are respectively 
(a) I and V (b) ill and n (c) U and V (d) IV and V 
18. Consider the fo llowing statements: 
(i) The discovery of inert gases later on did not disturb 
Mendeleev's arrangement. 
(ii) In the present periodic table, periodicity in the 
properties of elements is related to the periodicity in 
their electronic configurations. 
Which of these statement(s) is/are correct ? 
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only 
(c) Both (i) and (ii) (d) Neither (i) nor (ii) 
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DPP - Daily Practice Problems 
Cha pter-wise Shee ts 
Date : L..?---------l Start Time : End Time : 
SYLLABUS : Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 
Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (-1) for incorrect Time : 60 min. 
INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQ's. For each question onl y one option is correct. 
Darken the correct drcle/ bubble in the Response Grid pro vid ed on each page. 
Which of the following is not an actinoid ? 
(a) Curium (Z = 96) (b) Californium (Z = 98) 
(c) Uranium (Z= 92) (d) Terbium (Z= 65) 
Which of the fo llowing species has lowest ionization 
poten tial? 
(a) 0 (b) 02 (c) o 2+ (d) o2-
0n going down a main sub-group in the periodic table 5. 
(example Li to Cs in IA or Be to Ra in ITA), the expected tre n d 
of changes in atomic radius is a 
(a) continuous increase 
(b) continuous decrease 
(c) periodic one, an increase fo llowed by a decrease 
(d) decrease fo llowed by increase 
Match the columns 
(Co-ordination number, 
oxidation number) 
1 7,+7 
n. 4,+4 
ill. 6,+3 
D. S i F 4 IV 2, +2 
E TF 7 
V 4,+1 
(a) A- IV; B-II;C- V; D-Ill; E-1 
(b) A- V;B- ID; C-I Y; D-U; E-I 
(c) A-T l;B-T TI;C-V;D- IY;E-I 
(d) A- TIJ;B-Il; C-I V ;D -I;E-V 
The decreasing order of the ionization potential of the 
following elements is 
(a) Ne> Cl > P> S>AI > Mg 
(b) Ne >Cl>P>S>M g>Al 
(c) Ne> Cl > S> P> Mg>Al 
(d) Ne >Cl>S>P>Al>M g 
The radii ofF , F-, 0 and 0 2- are in the order 
0 2- > F- > F > 0 
F- > 0 2- > F > 0 
0 2- > 0 > F- > F 
0 2- > F- > 0 > F 
Which group of the periodic table contains coinage metal? 
(a) IIA (b) IB 
(c) IA (d) None of these 
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8. Which of the fo llowing statements are correct? 
(i) The second period (n = 2) starts with lithium and third 
electron enters the 2s orbital. The next element, 
beryllium has fo ur electrons and has the electronic 
configuration 1 s22s2. From the next element boron, the 
2p orb itals are filled with electrons when the L shell is 
completed at neon (2s22p6 ). Thus there are 8 elements 
in the second period. 
(ii) Successive filling of 3s and 3p orbit als gives rise to 
the third period of8 elements from sodium to argon. 
(iii) The fo urth period (n = 4) starts at potassium and the 
added electron fill up the first 4s and 4p orbitals than 
3d orbital is filled. 
(iv) Fifth period begins with mbidium with the filling of5s 
orbital and ends at xenon with the filling up of the 5p 
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) 
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) 
9. Which ionisation potential (IP) in the fo llowing equations 
involves the greatest ammmt of energy ? 
(a) Na -t Na++ e- (b) K+ -tK 2++ e-
c2+ - + c3+ + e- (d) ca+ -t Ca2+ + e-
10. Which of the fo llowing arrangements represen ts the 
increasing order (smallest to largest) of ionic radii of the 
given species 0 2-, S2 -, N3 -, p3 - ? 
00 ?<?<?< ? M ?<?<? <? 
(c) W < o2- < P3- < S2- (d) W- < s2- < 02- < P3-
11. Which of the fo llowing series correctly represents relations 
between the elements from X toY? 
X- tY 
(a) 3Li - + 1 9K Ionization enthalpy increases 
(b) 9F - + 35Br Electron gain enthalpy (negative sign) 
(c) 6 C - + 32Ge Atomic radii increases 
1 sAr- + 54Xe Noble character increases 
12. The fo rmation of the oxide ion 0 2 -(g), from oxygen atom 
requires first an exothermic and then an endothermic step 
as shown below : 
O (g)+ e- - + O-(g); ? rH6=-141 kJmol - 1 
o-(g)+ e- - + 0 2-(g); ? rH6 = +780 kJ mot-• 
Thus process of fo rmation of 0 2- in gas phase is 
unfavou rable even though 0 2-is isoelectronic with neon. It 
is due to the fa ct that 
(a) Electron repulsion outweighs the stability gained by 
achieving noble gas configuration 
(b) o-ion has comparatively smaller size than oxygen atom 
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(c) Oxygen is more electronegative 
(d) Addition of electron in oxygen results in larger size of 
the ion. 
13. In any period the valency of an element with respect to 
(a) Increases one by one from IA to VUA 
(b) Decreases one by one fo rm TA to VIlA 
(c) Increases one by one from IA to IVA and then decreases 
from VA to VITA one by one 
(d) Decreases one byone from iA to IVA and then increases 
from VA to VIlA one by one 
14. An element having electronic configura tion 
ls22s 22p63s23p6 4s1 fo rms 
(a) Acidic oxide (b) Basic oxide 
(c) Amphoteric oxide (d) Neutral oxide 
15. Which of the fo llowing order is wrong? 
(a) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 -Acidic 
(b) Li < Be < B < C- IE 1 
(c) Al203 < MgO < Na20 < K20- Basic 
(d) Li+ < Na + < K + < Cs + -I onic radius 
16. The first ionisation potential of aluminium is smaller than 
d1at of magnesium because 
(a) Atomic size ofAl >Atomic size ofMg. 
(b) Atomic size ofAl <Atomic size of Mg. 
(c) Al has one electron in p- orbital 
(d) None of these 
17. The first (?iH 1 ) and second (?iHz) ionization enthalpies 
(in kJ tnol-1) and the electron gain enthalpy (?e gH) 
(in kJ mo l- 1) of the elements I, TI, Ill , IV and V are given 
ai H t 
a H 
- 328 
The most reactive metal and the least reactive non -metal of 
these are respectively 
(a) I and V (b) ill and n (c) U and V (d) IV and V 
18. Consider the fo llowing statements: 
(i) The discovery of inert gases later on did not disturb 
Mendeleev's arrangement. 
(ii) In the present periodic table, periodicity in the 
properties of elements is related to the periodicity in 
their electronic configurations. 
Which of these statement(s) is/are correct ? 
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only 
(c) Both (i) and (ii) (d) Neither (i) nor (ii) 
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19. Consider the fo llowing ionization enthalpies of two elements 
'A' and 'B'. 
Ele men t 
Which of the following statements is correct ? 
(a) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group-1 where 'B' comes 
below 'A'. 
(b) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group-1 where 'A' comes 
below 'S'. 
(c) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group - 2 where 'B' comes 
below 'A'. 
(d) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group-2 where 'A' comes 
below 'S'. 
20. Sodium sulphate is soluble in water whereas barium sulphate 
is sparingly soluble because : 
(a) the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is less than 
its lattice energy 
(b) the lattice energy of barium sulphate is more than its 
hydration energy 
(c) the lattice energy has no role to play in solubility 
(d) the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is less than 
its lattice energy. 
21. Which of the fol lowing is the reason for the different 
chemical behaviour of the first member of a group of 
elements in the s- and p-blocks compared to that of the 
subsequent members in the same group? 
(i) Small size 
(ii) Large charge I radius ratio 
(iii) Low electronegativity of the element 
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i), (ii) and(iii) 
(c) (i) and (ii) (d) (ii) and (iii) 
22. The element with outer electronic configuration 3d 6 
4s2 is a 
(a) metalloid (b) n o n -meta l 
(c) transition metal (d) noble gas 
23. Which of the fo llowing statements is wrong ? 
(a) van der Wa al's radius of iodine is more than its covalent 
(b) All isoelectronic ions belong to same period of the 
periodic table 
(c) I.E., ofN is higher than that ofO while I.E.2 ofO is 
higher than that ofN 
(d) The electron gain enthalpy ofN is almost zero while 
that ofP is 74.3 kJ mo l- ' 
24. Which of the following sequence correctly represents the 
decreasing acidic nature of oxides? 
(a) Lip> BeO > 820 3 > C02 > N20 3 
(b) Np 3 > C02 > 820 3 > BeO> Lip 
(c) C02>Np 3>Bp 3>BeO>L ip 
(d) Bp 3 > C02 > Np 3 >Lip> BeO 
25. ? atom has electronic configuration 1 s2 2s2 2p 6 3s2 3p 6 
3d·' 4s 2, you will place it in which group? 
(a) Fifth (b) Fifte en th 
(c) Second (d) Third 
26. In which of the following arrangements, the sequence is not 
strictly according to the property written against it? 
(a) C02 < Si02 < Sn02 < Pb02: increasing oxidising power 
(b) Nil:,< PH3 <AsH;,< SbR:,: increasing basic strength 
(c) HF < H C l < HBr <HI: in c r eas ing acid strength 
(d) B < C < 0 < N: increasing first ionisation enthalpy. 
27. Whic h one of the following statements is incorrect ? 
(a) Greater the nuclear charge, greater is the electron 
(b) Nitrogen has zero electron affinity 
(c) Electron affinity decreases from fluorine to iodine in 
17th group 
(d) Chlorine has highest electron affinity 
28. An element X occurs in short period having configuration 
ns 2 np1. The formula and nature of its oxide is 
(a) X0 3, basic (b) X03 acidic 
(c) xp3, amphoteric (d) ?03 bas ic 
29. Ionic radii of 
(a) Ti 4+ < M n2+ (b) 3sc1- < 37CI-
(c) K+ > Cl-1 (d) p3+ > p5+ 
The ionic radii (in A) ofW-, 0 2- and F- are respectively : 
(a) 1.71, 1. 40and 1. 36 (b) 1.71, 1.36and 1.40 
(c) 1. 36, 1.4 0 and 1 .71 (d) 1.36, 1.71 and 1.40 
Amongst?O,?S,?Seand ?Te, tbeonewith the highest 
boiling point is 
(a) ?0 because of hydrogen bonding 
(b) ? Te because ofhigher molecular weight 
(c) H2S because of hydrogen bonding 
(d) ?Se because of lower molecular weight 
Match the Column -! and Column-II and select the correct 
answer by given codes. 
Column- I 
A. Li+< AI3+< M g2+< K+ L 
B. Li+> AJ3+> M g 2+> K+ ll. 
C Cl> F> Br> I ID. 
D. F > Cl > Br >I IY. 
(a) A- II; B- IV; C - UI; D- I 
(b) A- II; B- IV; C - I; D -III 
(c) A- IV; B- 11; C- lll; D-I 
(d) A- IV; B- 11; C-1; D-I II 
Column- II 
DEA (Electron affinity) 
Ionic radii 
EN (Eiectronegativity) 
Eff ective nuclear charge 
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DPP - Daily Practice Problems 
Cha pter-wise Shee ts 
Date : L..?---------l Start Time : End Time : 
SYLLABUS : Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties 
Max. Marks : 180 Marking Scheme : + 4 for correct & (-1) for incorrect Time : 60 min. 
INSTRUCTIONS : This Daily Practice Problem Sheet contains 45 MCQ's. For each question onl y one option is correct. 
Darken the correct drcle/ bubble in the Response Grid pro vid ed on each page. 
Which of the following is not an actinoid ? 
(a) Curium (Z = 96) (b) Californium (Z = 98) 
(c) Uranium (Z= 92) (d) Terbium (Z= 65) 
Which of the fo llowing species has lowest ionization 
poten tial? 
(a) 0 (b) 02 (c) o 2+ (d) o2-
0n going down a main sub-group in the periodic table 5. 
(example Li to Cs in IA or Be to Ra in ITA), the expected tre n d 
of changes in atomic radius is a 
(a) continuous increase 
(b) continuous decrease 
(c) periodic one, an increase fo llowed by a decrease 
(d) decrease fo llowed by increase 
Match the columns 
(Co-ordination number, 
oxidation number) 
1 7,+7 
n. 4,+4 
ill. 6,+3 
D. S i F 4 IV 2, +2 
E TF 7 
V 4,+1 
(a) A- IV; B-II;C- V; D-Ill; E-1 
(b) A- V;B- ID; C-I Y; D-U; E-I 
(c) A-T l;B-T TI;C-V;D- IY;E-I 
(d) A- TIJ;B-Il; C-I V ;D -I;E-V 
The decreasing order of the ionization potential of the 
following elements is 
(a) Ne> Cl > P> S>AI > Mg 
(b) Ne >Cl>P>S>M g>Al 
(c) Ne> Cl > S> P> Mg>Al 
(d) Ne >Cl>S>P>Al>M g 
The radii ofF , F-, 0 and 0 2- are in the order 
0 2- > F- > F > 0 
F- > 0 2- > F > 0 
0 2- > 0 > F- > F 
0 2- > F- > 0 > F 
Which group of the periodic table contains coinage metal? 
(a) IIA (b) IB 
(c) IA (d) None of these 
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Space for Rough Wo rk ----------------- lc-10?------------------------------------------------------ DPP/ CC03 
8. Which of the fo llowing statements are correct? 
(i) The second period (n = 2) starts with lithium and third 
electron enters the 2s orbital. The next element, 
beryllium has fo ur electrons and has the electronic 
configuration 1 s22s2. From the next element boron, the 
2p orb itals are filled with electrons when the L shell is 
completed at neon (2s22p6 ). Thus there are 8 elements 
in the second period. 
(ii) Successive filling of 3s and 3p orbit als gives rise to 
the third period of8 elements from sodium to argon. 
(iii) The fo urth period (n = 4) starts at potassium and the 
added electron fill up the first 4s and 4p orbitals than 
3d orbital is filled. 
(iv) Fifth period begins with mbidium with the filling of5s 
orbital and ends at xenon with the filling up of the 5p 
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (i), (ii) and (iii) 
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) 
9. Which ionisation potential (IP) in the fo llowing equations 
involves the greatest ammmt of energy ? 
(a) Na -t Na++ e- (b) K+ -tK 2++ e-
c2+ - + c3+ + e- (d) ca+ -t Ca2+ + e-
10. Which of the fo llowing arrangements represen ts the 
increasing order (smallest to largest) of ionic radii of the 
given species 0 2-, S2 -, N3 -, p3 - ? 
00 ?<?<?< ? M ?<?<? <? 
(c) W < o2- < P3- < S2- (d) W- < s2- < 02- < P3-
11. Which of the fo llowing series correctly represents relations 
between the elements from X toY? 
X- tY 
(a) 3Li - + 1 9K Ionization enthalpy increases 
(b) 9F - + 35Br Electron gain enthalpy (negative sign) 
(c) 6 C - + 32Ge Atomic radii increases 
1 sAr- + 54Xe Noble character increases 
12. The fo rmation of the oxide ion 0 2 -(g), from oxygen atom 
requires first an exothermic and then an endothermic step 
as shown below : 
O (g)+ e- - + O-(g); ? rH6=-141 kJmol - 1 
o-(g)+ e- - + 0 2-(g); ? rH6 = +780 kJ mot-• 
Thus process of fo rmation of 0 2- in gas phase is 
unfavou rable even though 0 2-is isoelectronic with neon. It 
is due to the fa ct that 
(a) Electron repulsion outweighs the stability gained by 
achieving noble gas configuration 
(b) o-ion has comparatively smaller size than oxygen atom 
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(c) Oxygen is more electronegative 
(d) Addition of electron in oxygen results in larger size of 
the ion. 
13. In any period the valency of an element with respect to 
(a) Increases one by one from IA to VUA 
(b) Decreases one by one fo rm TA to VIlA 
(c) Increases one by one from IA to IVA and then decreases 
from VA to VITA one by one 
(d) Decreases one byone from iA to IVA and then increases 
from VA to VIlA one by one 
14. An element having electronic configura tion 
ls22s 22p63s23p6 4s1 fo rms 
(a) Acidic oxide (b) Basic oxide 
(c) Amphoteric oxide (d) Neutral oxide 
15. Which of the fo llowing order is wrong? 
(a) NH3 < PH3 < AsH3 -Acidic 
(b) Li < Be < B < C- IE 1 
(c) Al203 < MgO < Na20 < K20- Basic 
(d) Li+ < Na + < K + < Cs + -I onic radius 
16. The first ionisation potential of aluminium is smaller than 
d1at of magnesium because 
(a) Atomic size ofAl >Atomic size ofMg. 
(b) Atomic size ofAl <Atomic size of Mg. 
(c) Al has one electron in p- orbital 
(d) None of these 
17. The first (?iH 1 ) and second (?iHz) ionization enthalpies 
(in kJ tnol-1) and the electron gain enthalpy (?e gH) 
(in kJ mo l- 1) of the elements I, TI, Ill , IV and V are given 
ai H t 
a H 
- 328 
The most reactive metal and the least reactive non -metal of 
these are respectively 
(a) I and V (b) ill and n (c) U and V (d) IV and V 
18. Consider the fo llowing statements: 
(i) The discovery of inert gases later on did not disturb 
Mendeleev's arrangement. 
(ii) In the present periodic table, periodicity in the 
properties of elements is related to the periodicity in 
their electronic configurations. 
Which of these statement(s) is/are correct ? 
(a) (i) only (b) (ii) only 
(c) Both (i) and (ii) (d) Neither (i) nor (ii) 
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19. Consider the fo llowing ionization enthalpies of two elements 
'A' and 'B'. 
Ele men t 
Which of the following statements is correct ? 
(a) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group-1 where 'B' comes 
below 'A'. 
(b) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group-1 where 'A' comes 
below 'S'. 
(c) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group - 2 where 'B' comes 
below 'A'. 
(d) Both 'A' and 'B' belong to group-2 where 'A' comes 
below 'S'. 
20. Sodium sulphate is soluble in water whereas barium sulphate 
is sparingly soluble because : 
(a) the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is less than 
its lattice energy 
(b) the lattice energy of barium sulphate is more than its 
hydration energy 
(c) the lattice energy has no role to play in solubility 
(d) the hydration energy of sodium sulphate is less than 
its lattice energy. 
21. Which of the fol lowing is the reason for the different 
chemical behaviour of the first member of a group of 
elements in the s- and p-blocks compared to that of the 
subsequent members in the same group? 
(i) Small size 
(ii) Large charge I radius ratio 
(iii) Low electronegativity of the element 
(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (i), (ii) and(iii) 
(c) (i) and (ii) (d) (ii) and (iii) 
22. The element with outer electronic configuration 3d 6 
4s2 is a 
(a) metalloid (b) n o n -meta l 
(c) transition metal (d) noble gas 
23. Which of the fo llowing statements is wrong ? 
(a) van der Wa al's radius of iodine is more than its covalent 
(b) All isoelectronic ions belong to same period of the 
periodic table 
(c) I.E., ofN is higher than that ofO while I.E.2 ofO is 
higher than that ofN 
(d) The electron gain enthalpy ofN is almost zero while 
that ofP is 74.3 kJ mo l- ' 
24. Which of the following sequence correctly represents the 
decreasing acidic nature of oxides? 
(a) Lip> BeO > 820 3 > C02 > N20 3 
(b) Np 3 > C02 > 820 3 > BeO> Lip 
(c) C02>Np 3>Bp 3>BeO>L ip 
(d) Bp 3 > C02 > Np 3 >Lip> BeO 
25. ? atom has electronic configuration 1 s2 2s2 2p 6 3s2 3p 6 
3d·' 4s 2, you will place it in which group? 
(a) Fifth (b) Fifte en th 
(c) Second (d) Third 
26. In which of the following arrangements, the sequence is not 
strictly according to the property written against it? 
(a) C02 < Si02 < Sn02 < Pb02: increasing oxidising power 
(b) Nil:,< PH3 <AsH;,< SbR:,: increasing basic strength 
(c) HF < H C l < HBr <HI: in c r eas ing acid strength 
(d) B < C < 0 < N: increasing first ionisation enthalpy. 
27. Whic h one of the following statements is incorrect ? 
(a) Greater the nuclear charge, greater is the electron 
(b) Nitrogen has zero electron affinity 
(c) Electron affinity decreases from fluorine to iodine in 
17th group 
(d) Chlorine has highest electron affinity 
28. An element X occurs in short period having configuration 
ns 2 np1. The formula and nature of its oxide is 
(a) X0 3, basic (b) X03 acidic 
(c) xp3, amphoteric (d) ?03 bas ic 
29. Ionic radii of 
(a) Ti 4+ < M n2+ (b) 3sc1- < 37CI-
(c) K+ > Cl-1 (d) p3+ > p5+ 
The ionic radii (in A) ofW-, 0 2- and F- are respectively : 
(a) 1.71, 1. 40and 1. 36 (b) 1.71, 1.36and 1.40 
(c) 1. 36, 1.4 0 and 1 .71 (d) 1.36, 1.71 and 1.40 
Amongst?O,?S,?Seand ?Te, tbeonewith the highest 
boiling point is 
(a) ?0 because of hydrogen bonding 
(b) ? Te because ofhigher molecular weight 
(c) H2S because of hydrogen bonding 
(d) ?Se because of lower molecular weight 
Match the Column -! and Column-II and select the correct 
answer by given codes. 
Column- I 
A. Li+< AI3+< M g2+< K+ L 
B. Li+> AJ3+> M g 2+> K+ ll. 
C Cl> F> Br> I ID. 
D. F > Cl > Br >I IY. 
(a) A- II; B- IV; C - UI; D- I 
(b) A- II; B- IV; C - I; D -III 
(c) A- IV; B- 11; C- lll; D-I 
(d) A- IV; B- 11; C-1; D-I II 
Column- II 
DEA (Electron affinity) 
Ionic radii 
EN (Eiectronegativity) 
Eff ective nuclear charge 
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Which ofthe following statement(s) is/are correct ? 
(i) Aluminium react with HCl to form AP+ and ? is 
(ii) Aluminium dissolve in NaOH to form NaAl(OH\ and 
H ? 
(a) (i )and(ii) 
(b) Only(ii) 
(c) Only(i) (d) Neither(i)nor(ii) 
Which has most stable+2 oxidation state : 
(a) Sn (b) Pb (c) Fe (d) Ag 
Match Column-! (IUPAC nomenclature of element) with 
Column-IT (IUPAC official name). 
Column-1 Column-11 
A. Unnilheximn 1 
B. Unniltrimn ll. 
C Unnilunium J1l 
D. Unnilpentium IV 
(a) A- IV; B- I; C- III; D- JI 
(b) A- III; B- I; C- IV; D- IT 
(c) A -I II; B- IV; C-I;D-l l 
(d) A- ll; B-I II; C-l ;D-I V 
In the Mende leev periodic table, which of the following 
element instead of having lower atomic weight was placed 
after the element ofhigher atomic weight thereby ignoring 
the order of increasing atomic weights. 
(a) Iodine (b) Antimony 
(c) Bromine (d) Molybdenum 
The van der Waal and covalent radii of fluorine atom 
respectively from the following figure are. 
144 pill 
(a) 219 pm, 72pm 
(b) 75pm, 72pm 
(c) l47pm, 72pm (d) l47pm, l44pm 
40. As we move across the second period from C to F ionisation 
enthalpy increases but the trend from C to F for ionisation 
enthalpyis C< 0 <N <Fw hy it is note <N <0< F. This 
is because 
(a) atomic radii ofO >atomic radii ofN 
(b) electronic configuration of N is more stable than 
electronic configuration ofO 
(c) atomic radii ofN > atomic radii ofO 
(d) None of these 
41. The electron affinity of chlorine is 3.7 eV. l gram of chlorine 
is completely converted to CJ - ion in a gaseous state. 
(leV= 23.06 kcalmol-1). 
Energy released in the process is 
(a) 4.8kcal (b) 7.2 kcal (c) 8.2kcal (d) 2.4kcal 
42. Gradual addition of electron ic shells in the noble gases 
causes a decrease in their 
(a) ionization energy (b) atomic radius 
(c) boiling point (d) density 
43. The formation of the oxide ion Of g) requires first an 
exothermic and then an endothermic step as shown below 
O( g) +e- = O( g) ?W = -142 kJmol -1 
o-(g)+e-=Of g) ?W= 844 kJmol-t 
This is because 
(a) o-ion will tend to resist the addition of another electron 
(b) Oxygen has high electron affinity 
(c) Oxygen is more elecronegative 
(d) o- ion has compar atively larger size than oxygen atom 
44. Which of the following is correct about Eka-Aluminium and 
Eka-Silicon ? 
(a) Oxides ofEka-Aluminium is Alp3 and Eka-Silicon is 
(b) Oxides ofEka-Aluminium is Gap3 and Eka-Silicon is 
Ge0 2 
(c) Melting point of Eka-Altuninium is lower than the 
melting point ofEka-Silicon 
Cl, Br, I, if this is Dobereiner 's triad and the atomic masses of 
Cl and l are 35.5 and 127 respectively the atomic mass ofBr 
(d) Both (a) and (c) 
Covalent radii of atoms varies in range of72 pm to 133 pm 
from F to I while that of noble gases He to Xe varies from 
120pm to 220pm. This is because in case of noble gases 
(a) covalent radius is very large 
(a) 162.5 (b) 91.5 (c) 81.25 (d) 45.625 
The first ionisation potential ofNa is 5.1 eV. The value of 
electron gain enthalpy of Na + will be: 
(a) -2.55eV (b) -5.1eV 
(c) -10.2eV 
(d) +2.55eV 
(b) van der Waal radius is considered 
(c) met allic radii is considered 
(d) None of these 
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