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Page 1 1. The oxyacid of phosphorous in which phosphorous has the lowest oxidation state is (a) hypophosphorous acid (b) orthophosphoric acid (c) pyrophosphoric acid (d) metaphosphoric acid 2. The decreasing values of bond angles from NH 3 (106º) to SbH 3 (101º) down group-15 of the periodic table is due to (a) decreasing lp-bp repulsion (b) decreasing electronegativity (c) increasing bp-bp repulsion (d) increasing p-orbital character in sp 3 3. The deep blue colour produced on adding excess of ammonia to copper sulphate is due to presence of (a) Page 2 1. The oxyacid of phosphorous in which phosphorous has the lowest oxidation state is (a) hypophosphorous acid (b) orthophosphoric acid (c) pyrophosphoric acid (d) metaphosphoric acid 2. The decreasing values of bond angles from NH 3 (106º) to SbH 3 (101º) down group-15 of the periodic table is due to (a) decreasing lp-bp repulsion (b) decreasing electronegativity (c) increasing bp-bp repulsion (d) increasing p-orbital character in sp 3 3. The deep blue colour produced on adding excess of ammonia to copper sulphate is due to presence of (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. In nitroprusside ion, the iron and NO exist as Fe ++ and NO + rather than Fe +++ and NO. These forms can be differentiated by (a) estimating the concentration of iron (b) measuring the concentration of (c) measuring the solid state magnetic moment (d) thermally decomposing the compound 5. The brown ring test for and is due to the formation of complex ion with a formula (a) [Fe(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ (b) [Fe(NO)(CN) 5 ] 2+ (c) [Fe(H 2 O) 5 NO] 2+ (d) [Fe(H 2 O)(NO) 5 ] 2+ 6. Concentrated hydrochloric acid when kept in open air sometimes produces a cloud of white fumes. The explanation for it is that (a) oxygen in air reacts with the emitted HCl gas to form a cloud of chlorine gas (b) strong affinity of HCl gas for moisture in air results in forming of droplets of liquid solution which appears like a cloudy smoke. (c) due to strong affinity for water, concentrated hydrochloric acid pulls moisture of air towards itself. This moisture forms droplets of water and hence the cloud. (d) concentrated hydrochloric acid emits strongly smelling HCl gas all the Page 3 1. The oxyacid of phosphorous in which phosphorous has the lowest oxidation state is (a) hypophosphorous acid (b) orthophosphoric acid (c) pyrophosphoric acid (d) metaphosphoric acid 2. The decreasing values of bond angles from NH 3 (106º) to SbH 3 (101º) down group-15 of the periodic table is due to (a) decreasing lp-bp repulsion (b) decreasing electronegativity (c) increasing bp-bp repulsion (d) increasing p-orbital character in sp 3 3. The deep blue colour produced on adding excess of ammonia to copper sulphate is due to presence of (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. In nitroprusside ion, the iron and NO exist as Fe ++ and NO + rather than Fe +++ and NO. These forms can be differentiated by (a) estimating the concentration of iron (b) measuring the concentration of (c) measuring the solid state magnetic moment (d) thermally decomposing the compound 5. The brown ring test for and is due to the formation of complex ion with a formula (a) [Fe(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ (b) [Fe(NO)(CN) 5 ] 2+ (c) [Fe(H 2 O) 5 NO] 2+ (d) [Fe(H 2 O)(NO) 5 ] 2+ 6. Concentrated hydrochloric acid when kept in open air sometimes produces a cloud of white fumes. The explanation for it is that (a) oxygen in air reacts with the emitted HCl gas to form a cloud of chlorine gas (b) strong affinity of HCl gas for moisture in air results in forming of droplets of liquid solution which appears like a cloudy smoke. (c) due to strong affinity for water, concentrated hydrochloric acid pulls moisture of air towards itself. This moisture forms droplets of water and hence the cloud. (d) concentrated hydrochloric acid emits strongly smelling HCl gas all the time. 7. The hybridization in ICl 7 is (a) sp 3 d 3 (b) d 2 sp 3 (c) sp 3 d (d) sp 3 8. The compound of sulphur that can be used as refrigerant is (a) SO 2 (b) SO 3 (c) S 2 Cl 2 (d) H 2 SO 4 9. Which of the following is a saline oxide ? (a) Na 2 O 2 (b) BaO 2 (c) Na 2 O (d) Fe 2 O 3 10. Which one of the following substances has the highest proton affinity ? (a) H 2 S (b) NH 3 (c) PH 3 (d) H 2 O 11. Which one of the following statement regarding helium is incorrect ? (a) It is used to produce and sustain powerful superconducting magnets (b) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying out experiments at low temperatures (c) It is used to fill gas balloons instead of hydrogen because it is lighter and Page 4 1. The oxyacid of phosphorous in which phosphorous has the lowest oxidation state is (a) hypophosphorous acid (b) orthophosphoric acid (c) pyrophosphoric acid (d) metaphosphoric acid 2. The decreasing values of bond angles from NH 3 (106º) to SbH 3 (101º) down group-15 of the periodic table is due to (a) decreasing lp-bp repulsion (b) decreasing electronegativity (c) increasing bp-bp repulsion (d) increasing p-orbital character in sp 3 3. The deep blue colour produced on adding excess of ammonia to copper sulphate is due to presence of (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. In nitroprusside ion, the iron and NO exist as Fe ++ and NO + rather than Fe +++ and NO. These forms can be differentiated by (a) estimating the concentration of iron (b) measuring the concentration of (c) measuring the solid state magnetic moment (d) thermally decomposing the compound 5. The brown ring test for and is due to the formation of complex ion with a formula (a) [Fe(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ (b) [Fe(NO)(CN) 5 ] 2+ (c) [Fe(H 2 O) 5 NO] 2+ (d) [Fe(H 2 O)(NO) 5 ] 2+ 6. Concentrated hydrochloric acid when kept in open air sometimes produces a cloud of white fumes. The explanation for it is that (a) oxygen in air reacts with the emitted HCl gas to form a cloud of chlorine gas (b) strong affinity of HCl gas for moisture in air results in forming of droplets of liquid solution which appears like a cloudy smoke. (c) due to strong affinity for water, concentrated hydrochloric acid pulls moisture of air towards itself. This moisture forms droplets of water and hence the cloud. (d) concentrated hydrochloric acid emits strongly smelling HCl gas all the time. 7. The hybridization in ICl 7 is (a) sp 3 d 3 (b) d 2 sp 3 (c) sp 3 d (d) sp 3 8. The compound of sulphur that can be used as refrigerant is (a) SO 2 (b) SO 3 (c) S 2 Cl 2 (d) H 2 SO 4 9. Which of the following is a saline oxide ? (a) Na 2 O 2 (b) BaO 2 (c) Na 2 O (d) Fe 2 O 3 10. Which one of the following substances has the highest proton affinity ? (a) H 2 S (b) NH 3 (c) PH 3 (d) H 2 O 11. Which one of the following statement regarding helium is incorrect ? (a) It is used to produce and sustain powerful superconducting magnets (b) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying out experiments at low temperatures (c) It is used to fill gas balloons instead of hydrogen because it is lighter and non-inflammable (d) It is used in gas-cooled nuclear reactors 12. The acid which forms two series of salts is (a) H 3 PO 4 (b) H 3 PO 3 (c) H 3 BO 3 (d) 13. Gaseous HCl is a poor conductor of electricity while its aqueous solution is a good conductor this is because (a) is a good conductor of electricity (b) a gas cannot conduct electricity but a liquid can (c) HCl gas does not obey Ohm’s law, whereas the solution does (d) HCl ionises in aqueous solution 14. The number of hydrogen atom(s) attached to phosphorus atom in hypophosphorous acid is (a) three (b) one (c) two (d) zero 15. What products are expected from the disproportionation reaction of hypochlorous acid? (a) HCl and Cl 2 O (b) HCl and HClO 3 (c) HClO 3 and Cl 2 O Page 5 1. The oxyacid of phosphorous in which phosphorous has the lowest oxidation state is (a) hypophosphorous acid (b) orthophosphoric acid (c) pyrophosphoric acid (d) metaphosphoric acid 2. The decreasing values of bond angles from NH 3 (106º) to SbH 3 (101º) down group-15 of the periodic table is due to (a) decreasing lp-bp repulsion (b) decreasing electronegativity (c) increasing bp-bp repulsion (d) increasing p-orbital character in sp 3 3. The deep blue colour produced on adding excess of ammonia to copper sulphate is due to presence of (a) (b) (c) (d) 4. In nitroprusside ion, the iron and NO exist as Fe ++ and NO + rather than Fe +++ and NO. These forms can be differentiated by (a) estimating the concentration of iron (b) measuring the concentration of (c) measuring the solid state magnetic moment (d) thermally decomposing the compound 5. The brown ring test for and is due to the formation of complex ion with a formula (a) [Fe(H 2 O) 6 ] 2+ (b) [Fe(NO)(CN) 5 ] 2+ (c) [Fe(H 2 O) 5 NO] 2+ (d) [Fe(H 2 O)(NO) 5 ] 2+ 6. Concentrated hydrochloric acid when kept in open air sometimes produces a cloud of white fumes. The explanation for it is that (a) oxygen in air reacts with the emitted HCl gas to form a cloud of chlorine gas (b) strong affinity of HCl gas for moisture in air results in forming of droplets of liquid solution which appears like a cloudy smoke. (c) due to strong affinity for water, concentrated hydrochloric acid pulls moisture of air towards itself. This moisture forms droplets of water and hence the cloud. (d) concentrated hydrochloric acid emits strongly smelling HCl gas all the time. 7. The hybridization in ICl 7 is (a) sp 3 d 3 (b) d 2 sp 3 (c) sp 3 d (d) sp 3 8. The compound of sulphur that can be used as refrigerant is (a) SO 2 (b) SO 3 (c) S 2 Cl 2 (d) H 2 SO 4 9. Which of the following is a saline oxide ? (a) Na 2 O 2 (b) BaO 2 (c) Na 2 O (d) Fe 2 O 3 10. Which one of the following substances has the highest proton affinity ? (a) H 2 S (b) NH 3 (c) PH 3 (d) H 2 O 11. Which one of the following statement regarding helium is incorrect ? (a) It is used to produce and sustain powerful superconducting magnets (b) It is used as a cryogenic agent for carrying out experiments at low temperatures (c) It is used to fill gas balloons instead of hydrogen because it is lighter and non-inflammable (d) It is used in gas-cooled nuclear reactors 12. The acid which forms two series of salts is (a) H 3 PO 4 (b) H 3 PO 3 (c) H 3 BO 3 (d) 13. Gaseous HCl is a poor conductor of electricity while its aqueous solution is a good conductor this is because (a) is a good conductor of electricity (b) a gas cannot conduct electricity but a liquid can (c) HCl gas does not obey Ohm’s law, whereas the solution does (d) HCl ionises in aqueous solution 14. The number of hydrogen atom(s) attached to phosphorus atom in hypophosphorous acid is (a) three (b) one (c) two (d) zero 15. What products are expected from the disproportionation reaction of hypochlorous acid? (a) HCl and Cl 2 O (b) HCl and HClO 3 (c) HClO 3 and Cl 2 O (d) HClO 2 and HClO 4 16. Shape of XeOF 4 is (a) octahedral (b) square pyramidal (c) pyramidal (d) T-shaped 17. Yellow ammonium sulphide is (a) (b) (c) (d) 18. The correct order of increasing bond angles in the following species are : (a) (b) (c) (d) 19. Which one of the following reactions of xenon compounds is not feasible? (a) (b) (c) (d) 20. Trigonal bipyramidal geometry is shown by :Read More