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In this lesson you will learn:
Concepts of organisation.
Actions associated with the right click of the mouse.
Drag and drop of files.
Activities using a Mouse
Jyoti is looking at the photographs of the recent picnic and Tejas is 
exploring the desktop of the computer.
Tejas [pointing to an icon] : When we double click 
on this icon it only opens a window without any 
activity. What is this icon for?
Moz: The icon you are pointing to represents a 
Folder. A folder helps you to organize files on a 
computer. School bag is like a folder that contains 
the files which are your school books.
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In this lesson you will learn:
Concepts of organisation.
Actions associated with the right click of the mouse.
Drag and drop of files.
Activities using a Mouse
Jyoti is looking at the photographs of the recent picnic and Tejas is 
exploring the desktop of the computer.
Tejas [pointing to an icon] : When we double click 
on this icon it only opens a window without any 
activity. What is this icon for?
Moz: The icon you are pointing to represents a 
Folder. A folder helps you to organize files on a 
computer. School bag is like a folder that contains 
the files which are your school books.
Jyoti: I have another example. For our picnic we placed all our food 
items in one box and games in another box. The boxes are like folders 
and the contents are like files. 
Tejas: We enjoyed the picnic as everything was organized. 
Jyoti: We also labeled all the boxes, so we were able to find these 
items easily.
Moz: Good. Similarly on a computer, files are used to store songs, 
pictures, etc. Files can be organized and saved in different folders. 
Jyoti: Can I create a new folder and keep my files in it?
Moz: Yes, you can. First create a new folder and name it. The name 
should indicate what type of files we want to keep in the folder.
Tejas: I know we can use the mouse to create a folder, but how?
Files are used to store songs, pictures, etc.
Folders help us by:
     Allowing us to keep related files together.
     Making it easy to locate important files quickly.
Creating a folder
   1. Move the mouse pointer to an empty space on the desktop.
    2. Right click (click once on the right button of the mouse).
    3. Select the option ‘Create Folder?.
    4. Enter a name for the folder.
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m A
In this lesson you will learn:
Concepts of organisation.
Actions associated with the right click of the mouse.
Drag and drop of files.
Activities using a Mouse
Jyoti is looking at the photographs of the recent picnic and Tejas is 
exploring the desktop of the computer.
Tejas [pointing to an icon] : When we double click 
on this icon it only opens a window without any 
activity. What is this icon for?
Moz: The icon you are pointing to represents a 
Folder. A folder helps you to organize files on a 
computer. School bag is like a folder that contains 
the files which are your school books.
Jyoti: I have another example. For our picnic we placed all our food 
items in one box and games in another box. The boxes are like folders 
and the contents are like files. 
Tejas: We enjoyed the picnic as everything was organized. 
Jyoti: We also labeled all the boxes, so we were able to find these 
items easily.
Moz: Good. Similarly on a computer, files are used to store songs, 
pictures, etc. Files can be organized and saved in different folders. 
Jyoti: Can I create a new folder and keep my files in it?
Moz: Yes, you can. First create a new folder and name it. The name 
should indicate what type of files we want to keep in the folder.
Tejas: I know we can use the mouse to create a folder, but how?
Files are used to store songs, pictures, etc.
Folders help us by:
     Allowing us to keep related files together.
     Making it easy to locate important files quickly.
Creating a folder
   1. Move the mouse pointer to an empty space on the desktop.
    2. Right click (click once on the right button of the mouse).
    3. Select the option ‘Create Folder?.
    4. Enter a name for the folder.
Tejas and Jyoti take turns to create their own folders on the 
desktop. Tejas names his folder t-songs and Jyoti names her folder  
Jyoti: How can I use the mouse to move my files into j-songs folder?
Moz: First tell me, how did you fill the boxes with the related items 
while packing for the picnic?
Tejas: We picked up an item. If it was a game we put it in the games 
box. If it was food we put it in the food box.
Moz: Similarly, to move files into a folder you can use the mouse. 
First select a file, then move the file using the mouse to the folder in 
which you want to put it and drop it in the folder.
Moving files into a folder 
Using Drag and Drop 
Click the left
mouse button down
Move or drag the 
mouse pointer to the 
Release the mouse
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m A
In this lesson you will learn:
Concepts of organisation.
Actions associated with the right click of the mouse.
Drag and drop of files.
Activities using a Mouse
Jyoti is looking at the photographs of the recent picnic and Tejas is 
exploring the desktop of the computer.
Tejas [pointing to an icon] : When we double click 
on this icon it only opens a window without any 
activity. What is this icon for?
Moz: The icon you are pointing to represents a 
Folder. A folder helps you to organize files on a 
computer. School bag is like a folder that contains 
the files which are your school books.
Jyoti: I have another example. For our picnic we placed all our food 
items in one box and games in another box. The boxes are like folders 
and the contents are like files. 
Tejas: We enjoyed the picnic as everything was organized. 
Jyoti: We also labeled all the boxes, so we were able to find these 
items easily.
Moz: Good. Similarly on a computer, files are used to store songs, 
pictures, etc. Files can be organized and saved in different folders. 
Jyoti: Can I create a new folder and keep my files in it?
Moz: Yes, you can. First create a new folder and name it. The name 
should indicate what type of files we want to keep in the folder.
Tejas: I know we can use the mouse to create a folder, but how?
Files are used to store songs, pictures, etc.
Folders help us by:
     Allowing us to keep related files together.
     Making it easy to locate important files quickly.
Creating a folder
   1. Move the mouse pointer to an empty space on the desktop.
    2. Right click (click once on the right button of the mouse).
    3. Select the option ‘Create Folder?.
    4. Enter a name for the folder.
Tejas and Jyoti take turns to create their own folders on the 
desktop. Tejas names his folder t-songs and Jyoti names her folder  
Jyoti: How can I use the mouse to move my files into j-songs folder?
Moz: First tell me, how did you fill the boxes with the related items 
while packing for the picnic?
Tejas: We picked up an item. If it was a game we put it in the games 
box. If it was food we put it in the food box.
Moz: Similarly, to move files into a folder you can use the mouse. 
First select a file, then move the file using the mouse to the folder in 
which you want to put it and drop it in the folder.
Moving files into a folder 
Using Drag and Drop 
Click the left
mouse button down
Move or drag the 
mouse pointer to the 
Release the mouse
Jyoti selects and drags her music file. She releases the mouse when 
the mouse pointer is on the folder named j-songs.  She then double 
clicks on the j-songs folder to open it.
Jyoti: The file is inside the folder! I can see the file when 
I open the folder with a double click.
Tejas: This is good. Can I move my folder to a different
position on the desktop.
Moz: Yes. You can rearrange the objects on the desktop. Use the 
same method of drag and drop with the mouse. 
Simply drag the icon to wherever you want to put 
it and drop it when you reach that place on the 
Reorganizing icons on a desktop 
     1. Select the icon (using left click of the mouse).
      2. Drag the icon on the desktop using the mouse.
      3. Release the mouse in an empty space, to Drop the
          icon at that place.
1. Select the file (using left click of the mouse). 
2. Hold the left button pressed and move the mouse 
    towards the folder. The file icon selected also moves 
    as you move the mouse pointer. This is called ‘Drag?.
3. Release the mouse button when the mouse pointer is on 
    the folder. This action of the mouse is called ‘Drop?. 
Drag and Drop
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In this lesson you will learn:
Concepts of organisation.
Actions associated with the right click of the mouse.
Drag and drop of files.
Activities using a Mouse
Jyoti is looking at the photographs of the recent picnic and Tejas is 
exploring the desktop of the computer.
Tejas [pointing to an icon] : When we double click 
on this icon it only opens a window without any 
activity. What is this icon for?
Moz: The icon you are pointing to represents a 
Folder. A folder helps you to organize files on a 
computer. School bag is like a folder that contains 
the files which are your school books.
Jyoti: I have another example. For our picnic we placed all our food 
items in one box and games in another box. The boxes are like folders 
and the contents are like files. 
Tejas: We enjoyed the picnic as everything was organized. 
Jyoti: We also labeled all the boxes, so we were able to find these 
items easily.
Moz: Good. Similarly on a computer, files are used to store songs, 
pictures, etc. Files can be organized and saved in different folders. 
Jyoti: Can I create a new folder and keep my files in it?
Moz: Yes, you can. First create a new folder and name it. The name 
should indicate what type of files we want to keep in the folder.
Tejas: I know we can use the mouse to create a folder, but how?
Files are used to store songs, pictures, etc.
Folders help us by:
     Allowing us to keep related files together.
     Making it easy to locate important files quickly.
Creating a folder
   1. Move the mouse pointer to an empty space on the desktop.
    2. Right click (click once on the right button of the mouse).
    3. Select the option ‘Create Folder?.
    4. Enter a name for the folder.
Tejas and Jyoti take turns to create their own folders on the 
desktop. Tejas names his folder t-songs and Jyoti names her folder  
Jyoti: How can I use the mouse to move my files into j-songs folder?
Moz: First tell me, how did you fill the boxes with the related items 
while packing for the picnic?
Tejas: We picked up an item. If it was a game we put it in the games 
box. If it was food we put it in the food box.
Moz: Similarly, to move files into a folder you can use the mouse. 
First select a file, then move the file using the mouse to the folder in 
which you want to put it and drop it in the folder.
Moving files into a folder 
Using Drag and Drop 
Click the left
mouse button down
Move or drag the 
mouse pointer to the 
Release the mouse
Jyoti selects and drags her music file. She releases the mouse when 
the mouse pointer is on the folder named j-songs.  She then double 
clicks on the j-songs folder to open it.
Jyoti: The file is inside the folder! I can see the file when 
I open the folder with a double click.
Tejas: This is good. Can I move my folder to a different
position on the desktop.
Moz: Yes. You can rearrange the objects on the desktop. Use the 
same method of drag and drop with the mouse. 
Simply drag the icon to wherever you want to put 
it and drop it when you reach that place on the 
Reorganizing icons on a desktop 
     1. Select the icon (using left click of the mouse).
      2. Drag the icon on the desktop using the mouse.
      3. Release the mouse in an empty space, to Drop the
          icon at that place.
1. Select the file (using left click of the mouse). 
2. Hold the left button pressed and move the mouse 
    towards the folder. The file icon selected also moves 
    as you move the mouse pointer. This is called ‘Drag?.
3. Release the mouse button when the mouse pointer is on 
    the folder. This action of the mouse is called ‘Drop?. 
Drag and Drop
After you have studied this lesson, 
you will be able to:
Group realted objects.
Group files into folders.
Create folders on the desktop and 
move files into the folders.
Arrange icons on the desktop.  
Learning Outcome 
Tejas: Moz, I want to create a file with a story that I wrote and  save 
it in another folder t-stories. 
Jyoti: I want to enter my poems.
Moz: Ok. Tomorrow you can use the text editor to create the text 
files. Chin Chinaki...
Tejas and Jyoti organise the files and rearrange the desktop as 
shown below. 
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