UPSC Exam  >  UPSC Notes  >  Monthly Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazine (English)  >  Yojana Magazine October 2022 - 1

Yojana Magazine October 2022 - 1 | Monthly Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazine (English) - UPSC PDF Download

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 Page 1

Zoological Diversity 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee, Dr C Raghunathan
Geoscientific Explorations 
Dr S Raju
Safeguarding Oceans 
Dr Manish Mohan Gore
Oct ObEr  2022 a DE vEl OpmEnt mOnthly
Page 2

Zoological Diversity 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee, Dr C Raghunathan
Geoscientific Explorations 
Dr S Raju
Safeguarding Oceans 
Dr Manish Mohan Gore
Oct ObEr  2022 a DE vEl OpmEnt mOnthly
october 2022
No. 10
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 52
nexT Issue: IndIan MarITIMe
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 32
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
ZOOl OGicAl DivErsiTy 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee 
Dr c raghunathan ........................... 7
Dr Moloy rakshit ........................... 45
JOUrNEy Of yOJANA lOGO ....... 50
NEw lOGO Of yOJANA .... cOvEr- iii
shuchIT a cha TurvedI
Joint DiREC toR , PRoDuC tion 
d K c hrudhaIna Th CovER DESiGn
BIndu verMa
Our rEprESEntativES 
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna vandana P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: roy chacko.
Yojana (English): r oom No. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi r oad, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, r oom No. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
r oad, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
Bharat lal ....................................... 29
iNDiGENOUs BiOrE sOUrcE s  
Of NEr 
rajendra Adak  
Krishna Kant Pachauri 
Dr rakhi chaturvedi ...................... 33
sanjeev Banzal ............................... 37
OUr wATEr HEr OEs 
Dr v c Goyal, Dr Archana sarkar, 
varun Goyal ................................... 42
GEOsciENTific ExPl OrATiONs 
Dr s raju ........................................ 11
Dr Manish Mohan Gore ................. 15
A&N: A BiOl OGicAl P ArADisE 
c sivaperuman............................... 19
wONDEr iN THE wE sT 
r K sugoor ..................................... 25
Page 3

Zoological Diversity 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee, Dr C Raghunathan
Geoscientific Explorations 
Dr S Raju
Safeguarding Oceans 
Dr Manish Mohan Gore
Oct ObEr  2022 a DE vEl OpmEnt mOnthly
october 2022
No. 10
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 52
nexT Issue: IndIan MarITIMe
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 32
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
ZOOl OGicAl DivErsiTy 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee 
Dr c raghunathan ........................... 7
Dr Moloy rakshit ........................... 45
JOUrNEy Of yOJANA lOGO ....... 50
NEw lOGO Of yOJANA .... cOvEr- iii
shuchIT a cha TurvedI
Joint DiREC toR , PRoDuC tion 
d K c hrudhaIna Th CovER DESiGn
BIndu verMa
Our rEprESEntativES 
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna vandana P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: roy chacko.
Yojana (English): r oom No. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi r oad, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, r oom No. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
r oad, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
Bharat lal ....................................... 29
iNDiGENOUs BiOrE sOUrcE s  
Of NEr 
rajendra Adak  
Krishna Kant Pachauri 
Dr rakhi chaturvedi ...................... 33
sanjeev Banzal ............................... 37
OUr wATEr HEr OEs 
Dr v c Goyal, Dr Archana sarkar, 
varun Goyal ................................... 42
GEOsciENTific ExPl OrATiONs 
Dr s raju ........................................ 11
Dr Manish Mohan Gore ................. 15
A&N: A BiOl OGicAl P ArADisE 
c sivaperuman............................... 19
wONDEr iN THE wE sT 
r K sugoor ..................................... 25
4 YOJANA   October 2022
Experts’ Insights
For me, Yojana magazine has been very important part 
of my preparation. These articles are written by experts and 
bureaucrats who have experiences in the field along with the 
solutions. It gives the reader an actual taste of civil services.
– Vishu Reddy
Readable and Enlightening
The Yojana magazine, published monthly, is a real 
feed for information-on-development seeking readers 
including myself (a regular follower). Thanks a lot! 
Although it has a bounty of information on a host of topics 
to read and enlighten oneself, I'd like to request for a few 
more additions, particularly to June's issue which really 
touched upon and decoded many new technological terms.  
Augmented, Virtual, Mixed, Extended Realities, etc., can 
be included in upcoming issues. I wonder if you could 
make a little room for these.
– Rahul Singh, Jharkhand
Diverse Perspectives
Dear Yojana team, first of all, I would like to thank 
you for providing quality content on various important and 
burning topics like Fintech, New-Age Tech, etc. Yojana 
is really helpful in getting holistic and multidimensional 
views on current topics and developments happening 
in different areas. It is a great source of information 
and knowledge, and is contributing in making citizens 
– Prashant Vijay Nanaware, Maharashtra
Scope for Improvement
I would like to draw the attention towards an article 
in August 2022 issue titled "Role of Hindi literature". This 
article is below the standard as compared to others and 
fails to convey much. 
– Dheeraj, Bihar
Most Interesting Issue
Dear Editor, the June 2022 issue, “New Age Tech," was 
one of most interesting issues ever. Excellent information 
regarding NFT s, AI, Machine Learning and their applications 
in various fields such as Governance, Healthcare, and 
Medicine, etc., were described. Not so surprisingly, the 
recent UPSC prelims had a question regarding NFTs. Y ojana 
magazine not only helps Civil services aspirants but is also 
a great source of information to the general public. Thank 
you for providing precise, relevant and quality information 
at such an affordable price.
– Shivani Rane, Karnataka
Pleased to write on a region close to my heart (J&K and Ladakh)! For @DPD_India’s #Yojana magazine September 
2022 issue.
– Dr Sameer Patil
All those years of reading Yojana for UPSC prep, never imagined I would end up writing for it one day! 
– Y asin Choudhary
I am happy to share this note of appreciation that I received from a reader of Yojana's Kashmir issue. These are 
strengths for us as writers and editors. It was a pleasure working with you. Best wishes for the upcoming issues. 
– Namrata Chaturvedi
“I just finished reading your write up in Yojana magazine. And I couldn't resist mailing you. I hail from Kashmir. 
Your write-up gave me a deep mystic and spiritual feel of Kashmir while staying at Delhi. Your words evoke a 
sense of Kashmir. It made me fall more in love with the culture and literature of my home. I am deeply grateful 
for such a wonderful account.” – Syed Faisal
Writer’s Connect
Page 4

Zoological Diversity 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee, Dr C Raghunathan
Geoscientific Explorations 
Dr S Raju
Safeguarding Oceans 
Dr Manish Mohan Gore
Oct ObEr  2022 a DE vEl OpmEnt mOnthly
october 2022
No. 10
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 52
nexT Issue: IndIan MarITIMe
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 32
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
ZOOl OGicAl DivErsiTy 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee 
Dr c raghunathan ........................... 7
Dr Moloy rakshit ........................... 45
JOUrNEy Of yOJANA lOGO ....... 50
NEw lOGO Of yOJANA .... cOvEr- iii
shuchIT a cha TurvedI
Joint DiREC toR , PRoDuC tion 
d K c hrudhaIna Th CovER DESiGn
BIndu verMa
Our rEprESEntativES 
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna vandana P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: roy chacko.
Yojana (English): r oom No. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi r oad, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, r oom No. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
r oad, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
Bharat lal ....................................... 29
iNDiGENOUs BiOrE sOUrcE s  
Of NEr 
rajendra Adak  
Krishna Kant Pachauri 
Dr rakhi chaturvedi ...................... 33
sanjeev Banzal ............................... 37
OUr wATEr HEr OEs 
Dr v c Goyal, Dr Archana sarkar, 
varun Goyal ................................... 42
GEOsciENTific ExPl OrATiONs 
Dr s raju ........................................ 11
Dr Manish Mohan Gore ................. 15
A&N: A BiOl OGicAl P ArADisE 
c sivaperuman............................... 19
wONDEr iN THE wE sT 
r K sugoor ..................................... 25
4 YOJANA   October 2022
Experts’ Insights
For me, Yojana magazine has been very important part 
of my preparation. These articles are written by experts and 
bureaucrats who have experiences in the field along with the 
solutions. It gives the reader an actual taste of civil services.
– Vishu Reddy
Readable and Enlightening
The Yojana magazine, published monthly, is a real 
feed for information-on-development seeking readers 
including myself (a regular follower). Thanks a lot! 
Although it has a bounty of information on a host of topics 
to read and enlighten oneself, I'd like to request for a few 
more additions, particularly to June's issue which really 
touched upon and decoded many new technological terms.  
Augmented, Virtual, Mixed, Extended Realities, etc., can 
be included in upcoming issues. I wonder if you could 
make a little room for these.
– Rahul Singh, Jharkhand
Diverse Perspectives
Dear Yojana team, first of all, I would like to thank 
you for providing quality content on various important and 
burning topics like Fintech, New-Age Tech, etc. Yojana 
is really helpful in getting holistic and multidimensional 
views on current topics and developments happening 
in different areas. It is a great source of information 
and knowledge, and is contributing in making citizens 
– Prashant Vijay Nanaware, Maharashtra
Scope for Improvement
I would like to draw the attention towards an article 
in August 2022 issue titled "Role of Hindi literature". This 
article is below the standard as compared to others and 
fails to convey much. 
– Dheeraj, Bihar
Most Interesting Issue
Dear Editor, the June 2022 issue, “New Age Tech," was 
one of most interesting issues ever. Excellent information 
regarding NFT s, AI, Machine Learning and their applications 
in various fields such as Governance, Healthcare, and 
Medicine, etc., were described. Not so surprisingly, the 
recent UPSC prelims had a question regarding NFTs. Y ojana 
magazine not only helps Civil services aspirants but is also 
a great source of information to the general public. Thank 
you for providing precise, relevant and quality information 
at such an affordable price.
– Shivani Rane, Karnataka
Pleased to write on a region close to my heart (J&K and Ladakh)! For @DPD_India’s #Yojana magazine September 
2022 issue.
– Dr Sameer Patil
All those years of reading Yojana for UPSC prep, never imagined I would end up writing for it one day! 
– Y asin Choudhary
I am happy to share this note of appreciation that I received from a reader of Yojana's Kashmir issue. These are 
strengths for us as writers and editors. It was a pleasure working with you. Best wishes for the upcoming issues. 
– Namrata Chaturvedi
“I just finished reading your write up in Yojana magazine. And I couldn't resist mailing you. I hail from Kashmir. 
Your write-up gave me a deep mystic and spiritual feel of Kashmir while staying at Delhi. Your words evoke a 
sense of Kashmir. It made me fall more in love with the culture and literature of my home. I am deeply grateful 
for such a wonderful account.” – Syed Faisal
Writer’s Connect
YOJANA   October 2022 5
The World Around Us
umankind represents a very small fraction of the universe, which 
encompasses innumerable species of plants and animals around us. We might 
not even see most of them in our lifetime. The life, as we see around us, is said 
to be a phenomena of around 3.8 billion years with signs of biological activity 
even before that. Where we live today took shape when the Indian subcontinent 
drifted apart from the bigger landmass of Gondwana and almost settled itself to 
the lower part of the existing landmass. It also brought along with it the species 
from its parent land and waters that adapted and evolved according to the newer 
environment. Humans emerged much later when all these changes had mostly 
settled down. 
The delicate balance between these lives and us is what forms the ecosystem. 
It is our basic life support system – abiotic system that includes the air we 
breathe, the land we live on, the water we drink as well as the biotic system, 
i.e., the vegetation that provides us the food, and the living beings that surround us. The realisation that this balance 
determines the socio-economic development and economic growth led the policies and practices towards sustainable 
development in India. The critical relationship between water, environment and ecosystems was acknowledged, built 
upon, shaped and transformed in a sustainable way to meet the challenges without compromising on the health of 
the natural world. 
The unique topography of Indian subcontinent has blessed the land with various landforms, forests, water bodies, 
wetlands, and climate that let varied forms of lives flourish around us. Different organisms are found in different ocean 
depths, providing a colourful spectrum to marine life and its ecosystem. According to scientific studies, so far, about 
2.5 lakh marine life species have been identified all over the world. Scientists estimate that two million more species 
existing in the ocean are yet to be discovered. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, for example, support a luxuriant and 
rich vegetation due to tropical hot and humid climate with abundant rains. The coral reefs of these islands is the second 
richest found in the world. They provide different varieties of animal life of which, the coral reefs ecosystem constitute the 
most fragile and interesting faunal element as elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific Reefs. Gujarat is one of the rich biodiversity 
States, which is indicated by the presence of 7,500 species of flora and fauna, of which 2,550 are angiosperms, 1,366 are 
vertebrate species, 574 are bird species and rest are mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, etc.
Biodiversity plays a pivotal role in maintaining the ecological balance in nature and is found in abundance in 
Northeastern region (NER). The region sharing Himalayas and Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots, serves as the 
native habitat for valuable natural flora and fauna. Nowadays, indigenous bioresources of NER have experienced 
a number of challenges, such as habitat destruction due to rise in human population, illegal mining, landslide, and 
overutilisation and illegal trading of medicinal plants. The government is undertaking several initiatives to overcome 
these as well.
With the intent to have a holistic view for maintaining and conserving ecological balance, India is taking several 
measures. It has banned the manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of identified single use plastic 
items, which have low utility and high littering potential, all across the country from 1 July 2022. Another initiative 
taken by the Government is National Mission for a Green India. It is one of the eight Missions under the National Action 
Plan on Climate Change and was launched in order to safeguard the country’s biological resources and associated 
livelihoods against the perils of Climate Change. It aims at protecting, restoring, and enhancing India’s forest cover 
and responding to Climate Change. It also aims at recognising the vital impacts of forestry on ecological sustainability, 
biodiversity conservation, and food, water, and livelihood security for the nation.                                                        ?
Page 5

Zoological Diversity 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee, Dr C Raghunathan
Geoscientific Explorations 
Dr S Raju
Safeguarding Oceans 
Dr Manish Mohan Gore
Oct ObEr  2022 a DE vEl OpmEnt mOnthly
october 2022
No. 10
Let noble thoughts come to us from all sides.
Rig Veda
In ThIs Issue
number of pages: 52
nexT Issue: IndIan MarITIMe
Details of the Sales Outlets of the Publications Division on Page 32
YOJANA is published in Assamese, Bengali, English, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, 
Marathi, Odia, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
Since 1957
ZOOl OGicAl DivErsiTy 
Dr Dhriti Banerjee 
Dr c raghunathan ........................... 7
Dr Moloy rakshit ........................... 45
JOUrNEy Of yOJANA lOGO ....... 50
NEw lOGO Of yOJANA .... cOvEr- iii
shuchIT a cha TurvedI
Joint DiREC toR , PRoDuC tion 
d K c hrudhaIna Th CovER DESiGn
BIndu verMa
Our rEprESEntativES 
Ahmedabad: sumanben A Machhar , Bengaluru: 
BK Kiranmai, Bhubaneswar: itishree singh rathaur , 
chennai: sanjay Ghosh, Guwahati: Maruf Alam, 
Hyderabad: Krishna vandana P , Jalandhar: Gagandeep 
Kaur Devgan, Kolkata: Khurshid Mallick, Mumbai: 
Umesh Ujgare: Thiruvananthapuram: roy chacko.
Yojana (English): r oom No. 647, soochna Bhawan, 
cGO complex, lodhi r oad, New Delhi-110 003.  
E-mail (Editorial):
YOJANA, a development monthly published since 
1957, is a theme-based journal providing in-depth 
analyses and views on socio-economic issues in 
the broader framework of government policies. 
Although published by the Ministry of information 
and Broadcasting, YOJANA is not restricted to 
expressing the official point of view.
l 	 The 	 vie ws 	 e xpre sse d 	 in 	 various 	 articles 	 are	
those 	 of 	 the 	 authors 	 and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 ne c essarily	
re flect 	 the 	 vie ws 	 of 	 the 	 Go vernme n t 	 or 	 the	
organisation/ s 	 the y 	 work 	 f or .
l Map s/flags 	 use d 	 in 	 the 	 article s 	 are 	 only 	 indic ative 	
and 	 the y 	 do 	 not 	 re flect 	 the 	 politic al 	 map 	 or 	 le gal	
re presen t ation 	 of 	 the 	 flag 	 of 	 India/an y 	 othe r	
c oun try .
l The 	 inf ographics/figure s 	 are 	 pro vide d 	 b y 	 the	
authors 	 through 	 the ir 	 re liable 	 sourc e s 	 and	
YOJANA 	 claims 	 no 	 re sponsibility 	 f or 	 the 	 same.
l Image s, 	 graphics 	 and 	 illus trations, 	 whe re ve r	
use d, 	 are 	 mos tly 	 sourc ed 	 from 	 go vernme n t	
channels 	 and 	 are 	 indic ative 	 in 	 nature .
l YOJANA 	does 	not 	o wn 	re sponsibility 	re garding	
the 	 c on t e n ts 	 of 	 the 	 adve rtise men ts. 	 The 	 re aders	
are 	 re que s t e d 	 t o 	 ve rify 	 the 	 claims 	 made 	 in 	 the	
adve rtise men ts 	 re garding 	 c ourse s, 	 c are e r -
guidanc e 	 book s 	 or 	 ins titutions.
l YOJANA doesn't 	 e ndorse 	 or 	 promot e 	 an y 	 brands	
or 	 privat e 	 e n titie s 	 prese n t ed 	 as 	 c ase 	 s tudie s 	 in 	 an y	 
of 	 the 	 article s.
Phone: 011-24367453  
(Monday-Friday, 9:30 am- 6:00 pm)
Postal Address: Abhishek Chaturvedi, Editor, 
Journals Unit, Publications Division, r oom No. 
779, soochna Bhawan, cGO complex, lodhi 
r oad, New Delhi-110 003.
Please	 not e	 that	 it	 will	 t ak e	 atleas t	 eigh t	
week s	 t o	 s t art	 your	 sub scrip tion.	 Kindly	 raise	 
your	 queries/grie vanc es	 about	 non	 rec eip t	 of	 the	
journals	only	aft er	this	period.
Bharat lal ....................................... 29
iNDiGENOUs BiOrE sOUrcE s  
Of NEr 
rajendra Adak  
Krishna Kant Pachauri 
Dr rakhi chaturvedi ...................... 33
sanjeev Banzal ............................... 37
OUr wATEr HEr OEs 
Dr v c Goyal, Dr Archana sarkar, 
varun Goyal ................................... 42
GEOsciENTific ExPl OrATiONs 
Dr s raju ........................................ 11
Dr Manish Mohan Gore ................. 15
A&N: A BiOl OGicAl P ArADisE 
c sivaperuman............................... 19
wONDEr iN THE wE sT 
r K sugoor ..................................... 25
4 YOJANA   October 2022
Experts’ Insights
For me, Yojana magazine has been very important part 
of my preparation. These articles are written by experts and 
bureaucrats who have experiences in the field along with the 
solutions. It gives the reader an actual taste of civil services.
– Vishu Reddy
Readable and Enlightening
The Yojana magazine, published monthly, is a real 
feed for information-on-development seeking readers 
including myself (a regular follower). Thanks a lot! 
Although it has a bounty of information on a host of topics 
to read and enlighten oneself, I'd like to request for a few 
more additions, particularly to June's issue which really 
touched upon and decoded many new technological terms.  
Augmented, Virtual, Mixed, Extended Realities, etc., can 
be included in upcoming issues. I wonder if you could 
make a little room for these.
– Rahul Singh, Jharkhand
Diverse Perspectives
Dear Yojana team, first of all, I would like to thank 
you for providing quality content on various important and 
burning topics like Fintech, New-Age Tech, etc. Yojana 
is really helpful in getting holistic and multidimensional 
views on current topics and developments happening 
in different areas. It is a great source of information 
and knowledge, and is contributing in making citizens 
– Prashant Vijay Nanaware, Maharashtra
Scope for Improvement
I would like to draw the attention towards an article 
in August 2022 issue titled "Role of Hindi literature". This 
article is below the standard as compared to others and 
fails to convey much. 
– Dheeraj, Bihar
Most Interesting Issue
Dear Editor, the June 2022 issue, “New Age Tech," was 
one of most interesting issues ever. Excellent information 
regarding NFT s, AI, Machine Learning and their applications 
in various fields such as Governance, Healthcare, and 
Medicine, etc., were described. Not so surprisingly, the 
recent UPSC prelims had a question regarding NFTs. Y ojana 
magazine not only helps Civil services aspirants but is also 
a great source of information to the general public. Thank 
you for providing precise, relevant and quality information 
at such an affordable price.
– Shivani Rane, Karnataka
Pleased to write on a region close to my heart (J&K and Ladakh)! For @DPD_India’s #Yojana magazine September 
2022 issue.
– Dr Sameer Patil
All those years of reading Yojana for UPSC prep, never imagined I would end up writing for it one day! 
– Y asin Choudhary
I am happy to share this note of appreciation that I received from a reader of Yojana's Kashmir issue. These are 
strengths for us as writers and editors. It was a pleasure working with you. Best wishes for the upcoming issues. 
– Namrata Chaturvedi
“I just finished reading your write up in Yojana magazine. And I couldn't resist mailing you. I hail from Kashmir. 
Your write-up gave me a deep mystic and spiritual feel of Kashmir while staying at Delhi. Your words evoke a 
sense of Kashmir. It made me fall more in love with the culture and literature of my home. I am deeply grateful 
for such a wonderful account.” – Syed Faisal
Writer’s Connect
YOJANA   October 2022 5
The World Around Us
umankind represents a very small fraction of the universe, which 
encompasses innumerable species of plants and animals around us. We might 
not even see most of them in our lifetime. The life, as we see around us, is said 
to be a phenomena of around 3.8 billion years with signs of biological activity 
even before that. Where we live today took shape when the Indian subcontinent 
drifted apart from the bigger landmass of Gondwana and almost settled itself to 
the lower part of the existing landmass. It also brought along with it the species 
from its parent land and waters that adapted and evolved according to the newer 
environment. Humans emerged much later when all these changes had mostly 
settled down. 
The delicate balance between these lives and us is what forms the ecosystem. 
It is our basic life support system – abiotic system that includes the air we 
breathe, the land we live on, the water we drink as well as the biotic system, 
i.e., the vegetation that provides us the food, and the living beings that surround us. The realisation that this balance 
determines the socio-economic development and economic growth led the policies and practices towards sustainable 
development in India. The critical relationship between water, environment and ecosystems was acknowledged, built 
upon, shaped and transformed in a sustainable way to meet the challenges without compromising on the health of 
the natural world. 
The unique topography of Indian subcontinent has blessed the land with various landforms, forests, water bodies, 
wetlands, and climate that let varied forms of lives flourish around us. Different organisms are found in different ocean 
depths, providing a colourful spectrum to marine life and its ecosystem. According to scientific studies, so far, about 
2.5 lakh marine life species have been identified all over the world. Scientists estimate that two million more species 
existing in the ocean are yet to be discovered. The Andaman and Nicobar Islands, for example, support a luxuriant and 
rich vegetation due to tropical hot and humid climate with abundant rains. The coral reefs of these islands is the second 
richest found in the world. They provide different varieties of animal life of which, the coral reefs ecosystem constitute the 
most fragile and interesting faunal element as elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific Reefs. Gujarat is one of the rich biodiversity 
States, which is indicated by the presence of 7,500 species of flora and fauna, of which 2,550 are angiosperms, 1,366 are 
vertebrate species, 574 are bird species and rest are mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, etc.
Biodiversity plays a pivotal role in maintaining the ecological balance in nature and is found in abundance in 
Northeastern region (NER). The region sharing Himalayas and Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspots, serves as the 
native habitat for valuable natural flora and fauna. Nowadays, indigenous bioresources of NER have experienced 
a number of challenges, such as habitat destruction due to rise in human population, illegal mining, landslide, and 
overutilisation and illegal trading of medicinal plants. The government is undertaking several initiatives to overcome 
these as well.
With the intent to have a holistic view for maintaining and conserving ecological balance, India is taking several 
measures. It has banned the manufacture, import, stocking, distribution, sale and use of identified single use plastic 
items, which have low utility and high littering potential, all across the country from 1 July 2022. Another initiative 
taken by the Government is National Mission for a Green India. It is one of the eight Missions under the National Action 
Plan on Climate Change and was launched in order to safeguard the country’s biological resources and associated 
livelihoods against the perils of Climate Change. It aims at protecting, restoring, and enhancing India’s forest cover 
and responding to Climate Change. It also aims at recognising the vital impacts of forestry on ecological sustainability, 
biodiversity conservation, and food, water, and livelihood security for the nation.                                                        ?
YOJANA   October 2022 7
Dr Dhriti Banerjee is the Director of Zoological Survey of India having an expertise on Entomology. Email:
Dr C Raghunathan is Scientist-F in Zoological Survey of India having an expertise on Marine Biology. Email:
ccording to world biogeographic classification, India represents 
two of the major realms, the Palearctic and Indo-Malayan, and 
three biomes viz. Tropical Humid Forests, Tropical Dry Deciduous 
Forests, and Warm Deserts/Semi-Deserts. Indian landmass has been 
classified into 10 Biogeographic Zones and ZSI documented the faunal resources 
in all biogeographic zones to the extent of 30,377 species in the Himalayas, 
3,324 species in Trans-Himalayas, 11,009 species in Islands, 18,527 species in 
Northeast, 3,346 species in Desert, 7,424 species in Semi-Arid, 11,883 species 
in Coasts, 17,099 species in the Western Ghats, 14,640 species in Gangetic 
Plains, and 15,539 species in Deccan Peninsula. In order to protect biodiversity, 
990 Protected Areas sprawling over 5.27% of the country’s geographical areas 
have been designated, of which faunal communities have been thoroughly listed 
among 120 Protected Areas by the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI). 
The ZSI under the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 
(MoEF&CC) is a more than a century-old organisation, established in 1916, 
for inventorying the faunal resources of the country right from Protozoa to 
Mammalia. It has contributed to the revision of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 
1972 by Govt of India and has advised on the matter related to faunal diversity 
and conservation in different international forums. Headquartered in Kolkata, 
with its 16 Regional Centres spread across the country, ZSI is studying the Indian 
fauna of all the States, UTs, and Protected Areas present in different ecosystems. 
Zoological Diversity
Dr Dhriti Banerjee
Dr C Raghunathan
India is one of the 
countries in the 
world with unique 
locations, diversified 
climatic conditions 
and wide array of 
ecosystems from deep 
sea to high mountain 
ranges at Himalayas. 
During the century, a 
variety of terrestrial 
and marine ecosystem 
areas, especially the 
diversity-rich areas in 
the forest ecosystems, 
grasslands, coastal 
plains (terrestrial 
ecosystem types), 
and varying coastal/
marine ecosystems, 
including coral-reef 
ecosystems have been 
explored in India.
Great-Indian Bustard at Desert National Park, Rajasthan
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FAQs on Yojana Magazine October 2022 - 1 - Monthly Yojana & Kurukshetra Magazine (English) - UPSC

1. What is the theme of the October 2022 issue of Yojana Magazine?
Ans. The theme of the October 2022 issue of Yojana Magazine is not mentioned in the article.
2. How can I subscribe to Yojana Magazine?
Ans. To subscribe to Yojana Magazine, you can visit their official website and follow the subscription process mentioned there. Alternatively, you can also subscribe through various online platforms or by contacting the magazine's customer support.
3. What are some of the important articles covered in the October 2022 issue of Yojana Magazine?
Ans. The article does not provide specific details about the content of the October 2022 issue of Yojana Magazine. However, it is likely to cover a range of topics related to current affairs, social issues, government policies, and development initiatives.
4. Can I access the October 2022 issue of Yojana Magazine online for free?
Ans. The article does not mention whether the October 2022 issue of Yojana Magazine is available online for free. It is recommended to visit the magazine's official website or check their online platforms to find out if they offer any free access options or if there is a subscription fee.
5. Is Yojana Magazine available in languages other than English?
Ans. Yes, Yojana Magazine is available in multiple languages besides English. It is published in various regional languages to cater to a wider readership across different states in India.
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