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Page 1 Stator & Rotor Magnetic Fields o When a 3-phase supply is connected to the stator, than a magnetic field is set up whose speed of rotation is S 120f N = P f = frequency of supply o If negative sequence currents are applied the rotating magnetic field rotates in opposite direction as compared to magnetic field produced by positive sequence currents. o The rotor rotates in same direction as the stator magnetic field with a speed, . ? sr s NN slip s = N ? ? rs N = N 1 s ?? o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to rotor s = sN o speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator s = N . Hence, stator & rotor magnetic fields are at rest with respect to each other. o Frequency of emf & current in rotor = sf With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 N s N s(1-s) N s Stator Magnetic Field -Ns 0 -sNs 0 Rotor -N s(1-s) sN s 0 sN s Rotor Magnetic Field -N s 0 -sN s 0 Page 2 Stator & Rotor Magnetic Fields o When a 3-phase supply is connected to the stator, than a magnetic field is set up whose speed of rotation is S 120f N = P f = frequency of supply o If negative sequence currents are applied the rotating magnetic field rotates in opposite direction as compared to magnetic field produced by positive sequence currents. o The rotor rotates in same direction as the stator magnetic field with a speed, . ? sr s NN slip s = N ? ? rs N = N 1 s ?? o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to rotor s = sN o speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator s = N . Hence, stator & rotor magnetic fields are at rest with respect to each other. o Frequency of emf & current in rotor = sf With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 N s N s(1-s) N s Stator Magnetic Field -Ns 0 -sNs 0 Rotor -N s(1-s) sN s 0 sN s Rotor Magnetic Field -N s 0 -sN s 0 Inverted Induction Motor o When a 3 ?? supply is connected to the rotor & stator terminals are shorted or are connected to the resistive load. o Then a rotor magnetic field is set up which rotates at speed s N with respect to rotor ; where f is frequency of supply. o If rotor rotates at speed , than slip ? sr s NN s = N Here, the rotor rotates in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation of stator magnetic field. o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator ? ? s s s = N N 1 s = sN ?? Speed of stator magnetic field s = sN o Frequency of emf & current induced in stator = sf f = supply frequency on rotor. With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 sN s N s(1-s) sN s Stator Magnetic Field -sN s 0 -N s 0 Rotor -Ns(1-s) Ns 0 Ns Rotor Magnetic Field -sNs 0 -Ns 0 Equivalent circuit of Induction Motor Page 3 Stator & Rotor Magnetic Fields o When a 3-phase supply is connected to the stator, than a magnetic field is set up whose speed of rotation is S 120f N = P f = frequency of supply o If negative sequence currents are applied the rotating magnetic field rotates in opposite direction as compared to magnetic field produced by positive sequence currents. o The rotor rotates in same direction as the stator magnetic field with a speed, . ? sr s NN slip s = N ? ? rs N = N 1 s ?? o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to rotor s = sN o speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator s = N . Hence, stator & rotor magnetic fields are at rest with respect to each other. o Frequency of emf & current in rotor = sf With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 N s N s(1-s) N s Stator Magnetic Field -Ns 0 -sNs 0 Rotor -N s(1-s) sN s 0 sN s Rotor Magnetic Field -N s 0 -sN s 0 Inverted Induction Motor o When a 3 ?? supply is connected to the rotor & stator terminals are shorted or are connected to the resistive load. o Then a rotor magnetic field is set up which rotates at speed s N with respect to rotor ; where f is frequency of supply. o If rotor rotates at speed , than slip ? sr s NN s = N Here, the rotor rotates in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation of stator magnetic field. o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator ? ? s s s = N N 1 s = sN ?? Speed of stator magnetic field s = sN o Frequency of emf & current induced in stator = sf f = supply frequency on rotor. With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 sN s N s(1-s) sN s Stator Magnetic Field -sN s 0 -N s 0 Rotor -Ns(1-s) Ns 0 Ns Rotor Magnetic Field -sNs 0 -Ns 0 Equivalent circuit of Induction Motor If we refer all parameters on stator side 22 11 2 2 2 2 22 NN r = r ; x = x NN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? 1 1 1 N = N k ? ? Where 1 N = no. of turns per phase on stator 1 k ? = winding factor of stator winding 2 2 2 N = N k ? ? 2 N = number of turns per phase on rotor 2 k ? = winding factor of rotor winding Tests Conducted on Induction Motor (i) No-Load Test o Conducted on Stator with no-load on rotor side. o It gives No-Load Losses ( Rotational Loss + Core Loss). (ii) Blocked Rotor Test o Conducted on stator side keeping rotor blocked o It gives full load Copper Losses and equivalent resistance and equivalent reactance referred to Stator Side. Page 4 Stator & Rotor Magnetic Fields o When a 3-phase supply is connected to the stator, than a magnetic field is set up whose speed of rotation is S 120f N = P f = frequency of supply o If negative sequence currents are applied the rotating magnetic field rotates in opposite direction as compared to magnetic field produced by positive sequence currents. o The rotor rotates in same direction as the stator magnetic field with a speed, . ? sr s NN slip s = N ? ? rs N = N 1 s ?? o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to rotor s = sN o speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator s = N . Hence, stator & rotor magnetic fields are at rest with respect to each other. o Frequency of emf & current in rotor = sf With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 N s N s(1-s) N s Stator Magnetic Field -Ns 0 -sNs 0 Rotor -N s(1-s) sN s 0 sN s Rotor Magnetic Field -N s 0 -sN s 0 Inverted Induction Motor o When a 3 ?? supply is connected to the rotor & stator terminals are shorted or are connected to the resistive load. o Then a rotor magnetic field is set up which rotates at speed s N with respect to rotor ; where f is frequency of supply. o If rotor rotates at speed , than slip ? sr s NN s = N Here, the rotor rotates in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation of stator magnetic field. o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator ? ? s s s = N N 1 s = sN ?? Speed of stator magnetic field s = sN o Frequency of emf & current induced in stator = sf f = supply frequency on rotor. With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 sN s N s(1-s) sN s Stator Magnetic Field -sN s 0 -N s 0 Rotor -Ns(1-s) Ns 0 Ns Rotor Magnetic Field -sNs 0 -Ns 0 Equivalent circuit of Induction Motor If we refer all parameters on stator side 22 11 2 2 2 2 22 NN r = r ; x = x NN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? 1 1 1 N = N k ? ? Where 1 N = no. of turns per phase on stator 1 k ? = winding factor of stator winding 2 2 2 N = N k ? ? 2 N = number of turns per phase on rotor 2 k ? = winding factor of rotor winding Tests Conducted on Induction Motor (i) No-Load Test o Conducted on Stator with no-load on rotor side. o It gives No-Load Losses ( Rotational Loss + Core Loss). (ii) Blocked Rotor Test o Conducted on stator side keeping rotor blocked o It gives full load Copper Losses and equivalent resistance and equivalent reactance referred to Stator Side. o 01 R & 01 X are equivalent winding resistance & equivalent leakage reactor referred to Stator side. o Wattmeter reading = 2 sc 01 P = I R from this equation, we can calculate 01 R o sc 01 sc V Z = I & 22 01 01 01 X = Z R ? o We obtain 01 R , 01 X & full load copper losses from this test. o 01 R = R 1+ R 2’ ; 01 X = X 1+ X 2’ Power Flow Diagram Rotor i/p = g P (Airgap power) Mechanical Power Developed in P Stator Stator Rotor Rotor Friction & 2 IR loss core loss 2 IR loss core loss windage loss 2 22 g 3I r P = s 2 I = rotor current s = slip 2 r = rotor resistance per phase Rotor u C Loss 2 2 2 g = 3I r = sP Mechanical power developed ? ? g g g = P sP = 1-s P ? Developed Torque, ? ? ? ? g g m e rs s 1-s P P P T = = ww 1-s w ? Page 5 Stator & Rotor Magnetic Fields o When a 3-phase supply is connected to the stator, than a magnetic field is set up whose speed of rotation is S 120f N = P f = frequency of supply o If negative sequence currents are applied the rotating magnetic field rotates in opposite direction as compared to magnetic field produced by positive sequence currents. o The rotor rotates in same direction as the stator magnetic field with a speed, . ? sr s NN slip s = N ? ? rs N = N 1 s ?? o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to rotor s = sN o speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator s = N . Hence, stator & rotor magnetic fields are at rest with respect to each other. o Frequency of emf & current in rotor = sf With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 N s N s(1-s) N s Stator Magnetic Field -Ns 0 -sNs 0 Rotor -N s(1-s) sN s 0 sN s Rotor Magnetic Field -N s 0 -sN s 0 Inverted Induction Motor o When a 3 ?? supply is connected to the rotor & stator terminals are shorted or are connected to the resistive load. o Then a rotor magnetic field is set up which rotates at speed s N with respect to rotor ; where f is frequency of supply. o If rotor rotates at speed , than slip ? sr s NN s = N Here, the rotor rotates in a direction opposite to the direction of rotation of stator magnetic field. o Speed of rotor magnetic field with respect to stator ? ? s s s = N N 1 s = sN ?? Speed of stator magnetic field s = sN o Frequency of emf & current induced in stator = sf f = supply frequency on rotor. With respect to Relative Speed of Stator Stator Magnetic Field Rotor Rotor Magnetic Field Stator 0 sN s N s(1-s) sN s Stator Magnetic Field -sN s 0 -N s 0 Rotor -Ns(1-s) Ns 0 Ns Rotor Magnetic Field -sNs 0 -Ns 0 Equivalent circuit of Induction Motor If we refer all parameters on stator side 22 11 2 2 2 2 22 NN r = r ; x = x NN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ?? ?? 1 1 1 N = N k ? ? Where 1 N = no. of turns per phase on stator 1 k ? = winding factor of stator winding 2 2 2 N = N k ? ? 2 N = number of turns per phase on rotor 2 k ? = winding factor of rotor winding Tests Conducted on Induction Motor (i) No-Load Test o Conducted on Stator with no-load on rotor side. o It gives No-Load Losses ( Rotational Loss + Core Loss). (ii) Blocked Rotor Test o Conducted on stator side keeping rotor blocked o It gives full load Copper Losses and equivalent resistance and equivalent reactance referred to Stator Side. o 01 R & 01 X are equivalent winding resistance & equivalent leakage reactor referred to Stator side. o Wattmeter reading = 2 sc 01 P = I R from this equation, we can calculate 01 R o sc 01 sc V Z = I & 22 01 01 01 X = Z R ? o We obtain 01 R , 01 X & full load copper losses from this test. o 01 R = R 1+ R 2’ ; 01 X = X 1+ X 2’ Power Flow Diagram Rotor i/p = g P (Airgap power) Mechanical Power Developed in P Stator Stator Rotor Rotor Friction & 2 IR loss core loss 2 IR loss core loss windage loss 2 22 g 3I r P = s 2 I = rotor current s = slip 2 r = rotor resistance per phase Rotor u C Loss 2 2 2 g = 3I r = sP Mechanical power developed ? ? g g g = P sP = 1-s P ? Developed Torque, ? ? ? ? g g m e rs s 1-s P P P T = = ww 1-s w ? Torque – Slip Characteristics If core loss is neglected then equivalent circuit looks like as shown ? ? ? ? m 1 e m 11 V jX V = r j X X ?? ? ? mm 11 ee m 1 m 1 r X X X R = ; X = XX XX ? ? Torque developed, 2 e 2 c 2 2 2 s e e 2 r mV T = s r w R X X s ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? For Approximate analysis, Stator impedance is neglected; 2 12 c 2 s 2 2 2 Vr 3 T = ws R X s ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ?Read More