CTET & State TET Exam  >  CTET & State TET Notes  >  CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2025  >  CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 1 (Jan - 2021)

CTET Previous Year Question Paper - 1 (Jan - 2021) | CTET (Central Teacher Eligibility Test) Mock Test Series 2025 - CTET & State TET PDF Download

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 Page 1

1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥îR>-1 Ed§
n¥îR>-2 na ܶmZ go Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| &
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¢ Ed§ narjm ‘| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB© F$UmË‘H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡ &
3. Bg n¥îR> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE
Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à¶moJ H$a| &
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V  I h¡ & ¶h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m
g§Ho$V, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥îR>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {‘bVm h¡ & ¶h ^r
gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»¶m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»¶m {‘bVo
h¢ & AJa ¶h {^ÝZ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ
boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± &
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| nm±M ^mJ I II III IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ‘| 150
dñVw{ZîR>> àíZ h¢, VWm à˶oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ …
^mJ I ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemó àíZ g§. 1 30
^mJ II J{UV àíZ g§. 31 60
^mJ III n¶m©daU Aܶ¶Z àíZ g§. 61 90
^mJ IV ^mfm I A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 91 120
^mJ V ^mfm II A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 121 150
^mJ IV ‘| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V ‘| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm go
g§~§{YV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & ¶{X ^mfm I Am¡a ¶m ^mfm II ‘| AmnHo$
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm E± A§J«oµOr ¶m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo
H¥$n¶m I H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eîQ> narjm nwpñVH$m ‘m±J
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ ‘|
MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí¶ ‘ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m n[adV©Z
AZw‘ݶ Zht h¡ &
7. narjmWu ^mfm II ^mJ V Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo CZHo$
Ûmam ^mfm I ^mJ IV ‘| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^ÝZ hmo &
8. a’$ H$m¶© narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Bg à¶moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr
H$a| &
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma ܶmZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à¶moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ &
10. ¶{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| ‘| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo Vmo
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm &
This booklet contains 56 printed pages.
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo ܶmZ go n‹‹T>| &
Test Booklet No.
Test Booklet Code
A A T - 2 0 - I
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars
on this page / marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the CODE
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on
this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the
candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the
Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V , consisting
of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I : Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1-30)
Part-II : Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31-60)
Part-III : Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV : Language I - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91-120)
Part-V : Language II - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V
contains 30 questions for Language-II. In this Test Booklet,
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language have
been given. In case the language/s you have opted for as
Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other
than English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement
Test Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that
language. The languages being answered must tally
with the languages opted for in your Application Form.
No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language-II (Part-V) in a language other than the
one chosen as Language-I (Part-IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the
Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed
for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) :
Roll Number  : in figures 
in words 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) :
Candidate’s Signature :  Invigilator’s Signature :
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent
Page 2

1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥îR>-1 Ed§
n¥îR>-2 na ܶmZ go Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| &
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¢ Ed§ narjm ‘| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB© F$UmË‘H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡ &
3. Bg n¥îR> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE
Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à¶moJ H$a| &
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V  I h¡ & ¶h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m
g§Ho$V, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥îR>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {‘bVm h¡ & ¶h ^r
gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»¶m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»¶m {‘bVo
h¢ & AJa ¶h {^ÝZ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ
boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± &
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| nm±M ^mJ I II III IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ‘| 150
dñVw{ZîR>> àíZ h¢, VWm à˶oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ …
^mJ I ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemó àíZ g§. 1 30
^mJ II J{UV àíZ g§. 31 60
^mJ III n¶m©daU Aܶ¶Z àíZ g§. 61 90
^mJ IV ^mfm I A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 91 120
^mJ V ^mfm II A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 121 150
^mJ IV ‘| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V ‘| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm go
g§~§{YV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & ¶{X ^mfm I Am¡a ¶m ^mfm II ‘| AmnHo$
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm E± A§J«oµOr ¶m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo
H¥$n¶m I H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eîQ> narjm nwpñVH$m ‘m±J
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ ‘|
MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí¶ ‘ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m n[adV©Z
AZw‘ݶ Zht h¡ &
7. narjmWu ^mfm II ^mJ V Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo CZHo$
Ûmam ^mfm I ^mJ IV ‘| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^ÝZ hmo &
8. a’$ H$m¶© narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Bg à¶moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr
H$a| &
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma ܶmZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à¶moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ &
10. ¶{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| ‘| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo Vmo
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm &
This booklet contains 56 printed pages.
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo ܶmZ go n‹‹T>| &
Test Booklet No.
Test Booklet Code
A A T - 2 0 - I
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars
on this page / marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the CODE
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on
this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the
candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the
Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V , consisting
of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I : Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1-30)
Part-II : Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31-60)
Part-III : Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV : Language I - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91-120)
Part-V : Language II - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V
contains 30 questions for Language-II. In this Test Booklet,
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language have
been given. In case the language/s you have opted for as
Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other
than English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement
Test Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that
language. The languages being answered must tally
with the languages opted for in your Application Form.
No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language-II (Part-V) in a language other than the
one chosen as Language-I (Part-IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the
Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed
for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) :
Roll Number  : in figures 
in words 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) :
Candidate’s Signature :  Invigilator’s Signature :
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent
I (2) P-I 
Directions : Answer the following questions     
(Q. Nos. 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most 
appropriate options. 
1. After getting hurt during a play 
activity, Rohan started crying. Seeing 
this, his father responded, “Don’t 
behave like girls, boys don’t cry”. This 
statement by the father 
 (1) reflects gender stereotype. 
 (2) challenges gender stereotype. 
 (3) reduces gender bias. 
 (4) promotes gender equality. 
2. In a progressive classroom 
 (1) a teacher should follow fixed 
 (2) the emphasis should be on 
competition among students. 
 (3) ample opportunities should be 
provided for construction of 
 (4) students should be labelled on the 
basis of their academic scores. 
3. After observing that students are 
struggling to proceed further on an 
ongoing activity, a teacher decides to 
provide cues and hints in form of 
what, why, how. According to Lev 
Vygotsky’s theory, this strategy of 
teacher will 
 (1) demotivate the children to learn. 
 (2) act as a scaffold for learning. 
 (3) cause withdrawal tendency among 
 (4) be meaningless in process of 
????? : ????????? ????? (?. ????? 1 ?? 30) ?? ??? 
???? ?? ??? ???/???? ????? ????? ????? : 
1. ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? 
????? ??? ? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???, 
“??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ????; ???? ????? 
??? ?? ?” ???? ?? ?? ??? – 
 (1) ????? ???????????? ??? ?????? ?? ? 
 (2) ????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????        
?? ? 
 (3) ????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? 
 (4) ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ? 
2. ?? ??????? ??? ?? – 
 (1) ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (2) ?????????? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ???? 
????? ? 
 (3) ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (4) ?????????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ?? 
????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ? 
3. ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ????? ??? ????? ???? 
???, ?? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ???? 
????? ???? –‘???, ????, ????’ ???? ???? ?? 
????? ???? ?? ? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????? ?? 
??????, ???????? ?? ?? ?????? – 
 (1) ???? ??? ????? ?? ??? 
?????????/???????? ????? ? 
 (2) ????? ?? ??? ???/???????? ?????? 
?? ??? ????? ? 
 (3) ????? ?? ???????/????? ???????? ???? 
????? ? 
 (4) ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ? 
PART – I / – I 
Page 3

1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥îR>-1 Ed§
n¥îR>-2 na ܶmZ go Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| &
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¢ Ed§ narjm ‘| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB© F$UmË‘H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡ &
3. Bg n¥îR> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE
Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à¶moJ H$a| &
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V  I h¡ & ¶h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m
g§Ho$V, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥îR>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {‘bVm h¡ & ¶h ^r
gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»¶m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»¶m {‘bVo
h¢ & AJa ¶h {^ÝZ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ
boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± &
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| nm±M ^mJ I II III IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ‘| 150
dñVw{ZîR>> àíZ h¢, VWm à˶oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ …
^mJ I ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemó àíZ g§. 1 30
^mJ II J{UV àíZ g§. 31 60
^mJ III n¶m©daU Aܶ¶Z àíZ g§. 61 90
^mJ IV ^mfm I A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 91 120
^mJ V ^mfm II A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 121 150
^mJ IV ‘| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V ‘| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm go
g§~§{YV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & ¶{X ^mfm I Am¡a ¶m ^mfm II ‘| AmnHo$
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm E± A§J«oµOr ¶m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo
H¥$n¶m I H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eîQ> narjm nwpñVH$m ‘m±J
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ ‘|
MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí¶ ‘ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m n[adV©Z
AZw‘ݶ Zht h¡ &
7. narjmWu ^mfm II ^mJ V Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo CZHo$
Ûmam ^mfm I ^mJ IV ‘| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^ÝZ hmo &
8. a’$ H$m¶© narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Bg à¶moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr
H$a| &
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma ܶmZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à¶moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ &
10. ¶{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| ‘| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo Vmo
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm &
This booklet contains 56 printed pages.
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo ܶmZ go n‹‹T>| &
Test Booklet No.
Test Booklet Code
A A T - 2 0 - I
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars
on this page / marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the CODE
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on
this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the
candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the
Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V , consisting
of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I : Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1-30)
Part-II : Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31-60)
Part-III : Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV : Language I - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91-120)
Part-V : Language II - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V
contains 30 questions for Language-II. In this Test Booklet,
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language have
been given. In case the language/s you have opted for as
Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other
than English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement
Test Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that
language. The languages being answered must tally
with the languages opted for in your Application Form.
No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language-II (Part-V) in a language other than the
one chosen as Language-I (Part-IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the
Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed
for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) :
Roll Number  : in figures 
in words 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) :
Candidate’s Signature :  Invigilator’s Signature :
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent
I (2) P-I 
Directions : Answer the following questions     
(Q. Nos. 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most 
appropriate options. 
1. After getting hurt during a play 
activity, Rohan started crying. Seeing 
this, his father responded, “Don’t 
behave like girls, boys don’t cry”. This 
statement by the father 
 (1) reflects gender stereotype. 
 (2) challenges gender stereotype. 
 (3) reduces gender bias. 
 (4) promotes gender equality. 
2. In a progressive classroom 
 (1) a teacher should follow fixed 
 (2) the emphasis should be on 
competition among students. 
 (3) ample opportunities should be 
provided for construction of 
 (4) students should be labelled on the 
basis of their academic scores. 
3. After observing that students are 
struggling to proceed further on an 
ongoing activity, a teacher decides to 
provide cues and hints in form of 
what, why, how. According to Lev 
Vygotsky’s theory, this strategy of 
teacher will 
 (1) demotivate the children to learn. 
 (2) act as a scaffold for learning. 
 (3) cause withdrawal tendency among 
 (4) be meaningless in process of 
????? : ????????? ????? (?. ????? 1 ?? 30) ?? ??? 
???? ?? ??? ???/???? ????? ????? ????? : 
1. ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? 
????? ??? ? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???, 
“??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ????; ???? ????? 
??? ?? ?” ???? ?? ?? ??? – 
 (1) ????? ???????????? ??? ?????? ?? ? 
 (2) ????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????        
?? ? 
 (3) ????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? 
 (4) ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ? 
2. ?? ??????? ??? ?? – 
 (1) ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (2) ?????????? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ???? 
????? ? 
 (3) ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (4) ?????????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ?? 
????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ? 
3. ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ????? ??? ????? ???? 
???, ?? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ???? 
????? ???? –‘???, ????, ????’ ???? ???? ?? 
????? ???? ?? ? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????? ?? 
??????, ???????? ?? ?? ?????? – 
 (1) ???? ??? ????? ?? ??? 
?????????/???????? ????? ? 
 (2) ????? ?? ??? ???/???????? ?????? 
?? ??? ????? ? 
 (3) ????? ?? ???????/????? ???????? ???? 
????? ? 
 (4) ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ? 
PART – I / – I 
P-I (3) I 
4. Which of the following is correct in the 
context of socialization of children ? 
 (1) School is a secondary 
socialization agent and family is a 
primary socialization agent. 
 (2) School is a primary socialization 
agent and peers are secondary 
socialization agents. 
 (3) Peers are primary socialization 
agents and family is a secondary 
socialization agent. 
 (4) Family and mass-media both are 
secondary socialization agents. 
5. Theory of multiple intelligence 
emphasizes that 
 (1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be 
measured only by objective tests. 
 (2) Intelligence in one domain ensures 
intelligence in all other domains. 
 (3) There are several forms of 
 (4) There are no individual 
differences in intelligence. 
6. According to Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory, “Performing an act and doing 
something because others approves 
it”, represents _________ stage of 
 (1) Pre-conventional 
 (2) Conventional 
 (3) Post-conventional 
 (4) Formal conventional 
4. ???? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? 
???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? 
 (1) ?????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? 
???? ?? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? 
?? ?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (2) ?????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? 
???? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ?? 
?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (3) ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? 
?? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ?? 
?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (4) ?????? ???? ??-????? ?????? 
???????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ? 
5. ??-???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? – 
 (1) ????-???? ???? ??????? ??????? 
???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ? 
 (2) ?? ????? ?? ???????, ??? ??? 
??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ? 
 (3) ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ? 
 (4) ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? 
??? ????? ?? ? 
6. ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????, “???? 
???? ??? ?????? ????, ?????? ????? ??? 
??????? ???? ??”, ????? ????? ?? _____ 
??? ??? ?????? ?? ? 
 (1) ???-???? 
 (2) ????? 
 (3) ???-????? 
 (4) ????? ????????? 
Page 4

1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥îR>-1 Ed§
n¥îR>-2 na ܶmZ go Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| &
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¢ Ed§ narjm ‘| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB© F$UmË‘H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡ &
3. Bg n¥îR> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE
Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à¶moJ H$a| &
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V  I h¡ & ¶h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m
g§Ho$V, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥îR>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {‘bVm h¡ & ¶h ^r
gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»¶m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»¶m {‘bVo
h¢ & AJa ¶h {^ÝZ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ
boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± &
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| nm±M ^mJ I II III IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ‘| 150
dñVw{ZîR>> àíZ h¢, VWm à˶oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ …
^mJ I ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemó àíZ g§. 1 30
^mJ II J{UV àíZ g§. 31 60
^mJ III n¶m©daU Aܶ¶Z àíZ g§. 61 90
^mJ IV ^mfm I A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 91 120
^mJ V ^mfm II A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 121 150
^mJ IV ‘| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V ‘| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm go
g§~§{YV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & ¶{X ^mfm I Am¡a ¶m ^mfm II ‘| AmnHo$
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm E± A§J«oµOr ¶m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo
H¥$n¶m I H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eîQ> narjm nwpñVH$m ‘m±J
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ ‘|
MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí¶ ‘ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m n[adV©Z
AZw‘ݶ Zht h¡ &
7. narjmWu ^mfm II ^mJ V Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo CZHo$
Ûmam ^mfm I ^mJ IV ‘| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^ÝZ hmo &
8. a’$ H$m¶© narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Bg à¶moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr
H$a| &
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma ܶmZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à¶moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ &
10. ¶{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| ‘| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo Vmo
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm &
This booklet contains 56 printed pages.
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo ܶmZ go n‹‹T>| &
Test Booklet No.
Test Booklet Code
A A T - 2 0 - I
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars
on this page / marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the CODE
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on
this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the
candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the
Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V , consisting
of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I : Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1-30)
Part-II : Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31-60)
Part-III : Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV : Language I - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91-120)
Part-V : Language II - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V
contains 30 questions for Language-II. In this Test Booklet,
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language have
been given. In case the language/s you have opted for as
Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other
than English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement
Test Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that
language. The languages being answered must tally
with the languages opted for in your Application Form.
No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language-II (Part-V) in a language other than the
one chosen as Language-I (Part-IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the
Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed
for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) :
Roll Number  : in figures 
in words 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) :
Candidate’s Signature :  Invigilator’s Signature :
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent
I (2) P-I 
Directions : Answer the following questions     
(Q. Nos. 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most 
appropriate options. 
1. After getting hurt during a play 
activity, Rohan started crying. Seeing 
this, his father responded, “Don’t 
behave like girls, boys don’t cry”. This 
statement by the father 
 (1) reflects gender stereotype. 
 (2) challenges gender stereotype. 
 (3) reduces gender bias. 
 (4) promotes gender equality. 
2. In a progressive classroom 
 (1) a teacher should follow fixed 
 (2) the emphasis should be on 
competition among students. 
 (3) ample opportunities should be 
provided for construction of 
 (4) students should be labelled on the 
basis of their academic scores. 
3. After observing that students are 
struggling to proceed further on an 
ongoing activity, a teacher decides to 
provide cues and hints in form of 
what, why, how. According to Lev 
Vygotsky’s theory, this strategy of 
teacher will 
 (1) demotivate the children to learn. 
 (2) act as a scaffold for learning. 
 (3) cause withdrawal tendency among 
 (4) be meaningless in process of 
????? : ????????? ????? (?. ????? 1 ?? 30) ?? ??? 
???? ?? ??? ???/???? ????? ????? ????? : 
1. ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? 
????? ??? ? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???, 
“??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ????; ???? ????? 
??? ?? ?” ???? ?? ?? ??? – 
 (1) ????? ???????????? ??? ?????? ?? ? 
 (2) ????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????        
?? ? 
 (3) ????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? 
 (4) ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ? 
2. ?? ??????? ??? ?? – 
 (1) ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (2) ?????????? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ???? 
????? ? 
 (3) ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (4) ?????????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ?? 
????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ? 
3. ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ????? ??? ????? ???? 
???, ?? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ???? 
????? ???? –‘???, ????, ????’ ???? ???? ?? 
????? ???? ?? ? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????? ?? 
??????, ???????? ?? ?? ?????? – 
 (1) ???? ??? ????? ?? ??? 
?????????/???????? ????? ? 
 (2) ????? ?? ??? ???/???????? ?????? 
?? ??? ????? ? 
 (3) ????? ?? ???????/????? ???????? ???? 
????? ? 
 (4) ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ? 
PART – I / – I 
P-I (3) I 
4. Which of the following is correct in the 
context of socialization of children ? 
 (1) School is a secondary 
socialization agent and family is a 
primary socialization agent. 
 (2) School is a primary socialization 
agent and peers are secondary 
socialization agents. 
 (3) Peers are primary socialization 
agents and family is a secondary 
socialization agent. 
 (4) Family and mass-media both are 
secondary socialization agents. 
5. Theory of multiple intelligence 
emphasizes that 
 (1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be 
measured only by objective tests. 
 (2) Intelligence in one domain ensures 
intelligence in all other domains. 
 (3) There are several forms of 
 (4) There are no individual 
differences in intelligence. 
6. According to Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory, “Performing an act and doing 
something because others approves 
it”, represents _________ stage of 
 (1) Pre-conventional 
 (2) Conventional 
 (3) Post-conventional 
 (4) Formal conventional 
4. ???? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? 
???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? 
 (1) ?????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? 
???? ?? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? 
?? ?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (2) ?????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? 
???? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ?? 
?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (3) ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? 
?? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ?? 
?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (4) ?????? ???? ??-????? ?????? 
???????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ? 
5. ??-???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? – 
 (1) ????-???? ???? ??????? ??????? 
???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ? 
 (2) ?? ????? ?? ???????, ??? ??? 
??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ? 
 (3) ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ? 
 (4) ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? 
??? ????? ?? ? 
6. ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????, “???? 
???? ??? ?????? ????, ?????? ????? ??? 
??????? ???? ??”, ????? ????? ?? _____ 
??? ??? ?????? ?? ? 
 (1) ???-???? 
 (2) ????? 
 (3) ???-????? 
 (4) ????? ????????? 
I (4) P-I 
7. Lev Vygotsky’s social-cultural 
perspective of learning emphasizes 
importance of _________ in the 
learning process. 
 (1) Cultural tools 
 (2) Attribution 
 (3) Motivation 
 (4) Equilibration 
8. In his theory of cognitive development, 
Jean Piaget explains cognitive 
structures in terms of _________. 
 (1) Psychological tools 
 (2) Stimulus-response association 
 (3) Zone of proximal development 
 (4) Schemas 
9. Pre-operational stage in Jean Piaget’s 
theory of cognitive development 
characterizes _________. 
 (1) Development of abstract thinking 
 (2) Centration in thought 
 (3) Hypothetico deductive thinking  
 (4) Ability to conserve and seriate 
10. Which of the following statement is 
correct in context of development ? 
 (1) Development has the same rate of 
growth across cultures for 
 (2) Development occurs only through 
learning that takes place in school. 
 (3) Development occurs only during 
the period of childhood. 
 (4) Development is multi-
7. ??? ?????????? ?? ???????-????????? 
???????, ????? ????? ?? _____ ?? ???? 
?? ???? ???? ?? ? 
 (1) ????????? ??????? 
 (2) ????????? 
 (3) ???????? 
 (4) ????????? 
8. ??? ?????? ???? ????????? ????? ?? 
?????? ??, ????????? ????????? ??? _____ 
?? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ? 
 (1) ??????????? ??????? 
 (2) ?????-??????? ????? 
 (3) ????? ?? ?????? ??? 
 (4) ?????/??????? 
9. ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ?? ?????? 
??, ????-????????? ????? ?? ????? ?? 
???? ??? ??? ????? ?? ? 
 (1) ????? ???? ?? ????? 
 (2) ?????/???? ?? ??????? 
 (3) ????????-????????? ???? 
 (4) ????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ?? 
10. ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? 
??? ?? ? 
 (1) ????? ?? ??, ??? ?????????? ?? ??? 
?? ??? ???? ????? ?? ? 
 (2) ????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ???? 
????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ? 
 (3) ????? ???? ????????? ?? ?????? ?? 
????? ?? ? 
 (4) ????? ???????? ????? ?? ? 
Page 5

1. OMR CÎma nÌ Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ AÝXa aIm h¡ & O~ AmnH$mo narjm
nwpñVH$m ImobZo H$mo H$hm OmE, Vmo CÎma nÌ {ZH$mb H$a n¥îR>-1 Ed§
n¥îR>-2 na ܶmZ go Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ go {ddaU ^a| &
2. narjm H$s Ad{Y 2½ K§Q>o h¢ Ed§ narjm ‘| 150 àíZ h¢ & H$moB© F$UmË‘H$
A§H$Z Zht h¡ &
3. Bg n¥îR> na {ddaU A§{H$V H$aZo Ed§ CÎma nÌ na {ZemZ bJmZo Ho$ {bE
Ho$db Zrbo/H$mbo ~m°b nm°B§Q> noZ H$m à¶moJ H$a| &
4. Bg nwpñVH$m H$m g§Ho$V  I h¡ & ¶h gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ Bg nwpñVH$m H$m
g§Ho$V, CÎma nÌ Ho$ n¥îR>-2 na N>no g§Ho$V go {‘bVm h¡ & ¶h ^r
gw{ZpíMV H$a b| {H$ narjm nwpñVH$m g§»¶m Am¡a CÎma nÌ g§»¶m {‘bVo
h¢ & AJa ¶h {^ÝZ hm| Vmo narjmWu Xÿgar narjm nwpñVH$m Am¡a CÎma nÌ
boZo Ho$ {bE {ZarjH$ H$mo VwaÝV AdJV H$amE± &
5. Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| nm±M ^mJ I II III IV Am¡a V h¢, {OZ‘| 150
dñVw{ZîR>> àíZ h¢, VWm à˶oH$ 1 A§H$ H$m h¡ …
^mJ I ~mb {dH$mg d {ejmemó àíZ g§. 1 30
^mJ II J{UV àíZ g§. 31 60
^mJ III n¶m©daU Aܶ¶Z àíZ g§. 61 90
^mJ IV ^mfm I A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 91 120
^mJ V ^mfm II A§J«oµOr {hÝXr àíZ g§. 121 150
^mJ IV ‘| ^mfm I Ho$ {bE 30 àíZ Am¡a ^mJ V ‘| ^mfm II Ho$ {bE 30
àíZ {XE JE h¢ & Bg narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Ho$db A§J«oµOr d {hÝXr ^mfm go
g§~§{YV àíZ {XE JE h¢ & ¶{X ^mfm I Am¡a ¶m ^mfm II ‘| AmnHo$
Ûmam MwZr JB© ^mfm E± A§J«oµOr ¶m {hÝXr Ho$ Abmdm h¡/h¢, Vmo
H¥$n¶m I H$moS> dmbr Cg ^mfm dmbr n[a{eîQ> narjm nwpñVH$m ‘m±J
br{OE & {OZ ^mfmAm| Ho$ àíZm| Ho$ CÎma Amn Xo aho h¢ dh AmdoXZ nÌ ‘|
MwZr JB© ^mfmAm| go Adí¶ ‘ob ImZr Mm{hE & ^mfmAm| H$m n[adV©Z
AZw‘ݶ Zht h¡ &
7. narjmWu ^mfm II ^mJ V Ho$ {bE, ^mfm gyMr go Eogr ^mfm MwZ| Omo CZHo$
Ûmam ^mfm I ^mJ IV ‘| MwZr JB© ^mfm go {^ÝZ hmo &
8. a’$ H$m¶© narjm nwpñVH$m ‘| Bg à¶moOZ Ho$ {bE Xr JB© Imbr OJh na hr
H$a| &
9. g^r CÎma Ho$db OMR CÎma nÌ na hr A§{H$V H$a| & AnZo CÎma ܶmZnyd©H$
A§{H$V H$a| & CÎma ~XbZo hoVw ídoV a§OH$ H$m à¶moJ {Z{fÕ h¡ &
10. ¶{X A§J«oµOr Am¡a {hÝXr g§ñH$aU Ho$ àíZm|/CÎmam| ‘| H$moB© {dg§J{V hmo Vmo
A§J«oµOr g§ñH$aU A§{V‘ ‘mZm Om¶oJm &
This booklet contains 56 printed pages.
Do not open this Test Booklet until you are asked to do so.
Read carefully the Instructions on the Back Cover of this Test Booklet.
Bg narjm nwpñVH$m Ho$ {nN>bo AmdaU na {XE JE {ZX}em| H$mo ܶmZ go n‹‹T>| &
Test Booklet No.
Test Booklet Code
A A T - 2 0 - I
1. The OMR Answer Sheet is inside this Test Booklet. When
you are directed to open the Test Booklet, take out the
Answer Sheet and fill in the particulars on Side-1 and
Side-2 carefully with blue/black ball point pen only.
2. The test is of 2½ hours duration and consists of 150
questions. There is no negative marking.
3. Use Blue/Black Ball Point Pen only for writing particulars
on this page / marking responses in the Answer Sheet.
4. The CODE for this Booklet is I. Make sure that the CODE
printed on Side-2 of the Answer Sheet is the same as that on
this Booklet. Also ensure that your Test Booklet No. and
Answer Sheet No. are the same. In case of discrepancy, the
candidate should immediately report the matter to the
Invigilator for replacement of both the Test Booklet and the
Answer Sheet.
5. This Test Booklet has five Parts, I, II, III, IV and V , consisting
of 150 Objective Type Questions and each carries 1 mark :
Part-I : Child Development and Pedagogy (Q. Nos. 1-30)
Part-II : Mathematics (Q. Nos. 31-60)
Part-III : Environmental Studies (Q. Nos. 61-90)
Part-IV : Language I - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 91-120)
Part-V : Language II - (English/Hindi) (Q. Nos. 121-150)
6. Part-IV contains 30 questions for Language-I and Part-V
contains 30 questions for Language-II. In this Test Booklet,
only questions pertaining to English and Hindi language have
been given. In case the language/s you have opted for as
Language-I and/or Language-II is a language other
than English or Hindi, please ask for a Supplement
Test Booklet of I Code that contains questions on that
language. The languages being answered must tally
with the languages opted for in your Application Form.
No change in languages is allowed.
7. Candidates are required to attempt questions in
Language-II (Part-V) in a language other than the
one chosen as Language-I (Part-IV) from the list of
8. Rough work should be done only in the space provided in the
Test Booklet for the same.
9. The answers are to be recorded on the OMR Answer Sheet
only. Mark your responses carefully. No whitener is allowed
for changing answers.
10. In case of any discrepancy in the English and Hindi versions
of questions/answers, English version will be taken as final.
Name of the Candidate (in Capital Letters) :
Roll Number  : in figures 
in words 
Centre of Examination (in Capital Letters) :
Candidate’s Signature :  Invigilator’s Signature :
Facsimile signature stamp of Centre Superintendent
I (2) P-I 
Directions : Answer the following questions     
(Q. Nos. 1 to 30) by selecting the correct/most 
appropriate options. 
1. After getting hurt during a play 
activity, Rohan started crying. Seeing 
this, his father responded, “Don’t 
behave like girls, boys don’t cry”. This 
statement by the father 
 (1) reflects gender stereotype. 
 (2) challenges gender stereotype. 
 (3) reduces gender bias. 
 (4) promotes gender equality. 
2. In a progressive classroom 
 (1) a teacher should follow fixed 
 (2) the emphasis should be on 
competition among students. 
 (3) ample opportunities should be 
provided for construction of 
 (4) students should be labelled on the 
basis of their academic scores. 
3. After observing that students are 
struggling to proceed further on an 
ongoing activity, a teacher decides to 
provide cues and hints in form of 
what, why, how. According to Lev 
Vygotsky’s theory, this strategy of 
teacher will 
 (1) demotivate the children to learn. 
 (2) act as a scaffold for learning. 
 (3) cause withdrawal tendency among 
 (4) be meaningless in process of 
????? : ????????? ????? (?. ????? 1 ?? 30) ?? ??? 
???? ?? ??? ???/???? ????? ????? ????? : 
1. ?? ??? ???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ????? 
????? ??? ? ?? ????? ???? ???? ?? ???, 
“??????? ?? ??? ?????? ?? ????; ???? ????? 
??? ?? ?” ???? ?? ?? ??? – 
 (1) ????? ???????????? ??? ?????? ?? ? 
 (2) ????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????        
?? ? 
 (3) ????? ?????? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? 
 (4) ????? ?????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ? 
2. ?? ??????? ??? ?? – 
 (1) ?????? ??? ??? ?????? ?? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (2) ?????????? ?? ???????? ?? ?? ???? 
????? ? 
 (3) ??? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ????? ???? 
???? ????? ? 
 (4) ?????????? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ?? 
????? ?? ???????? ???? ????? ? 
3. ?? ??????? ?? ??????, ????? ??? ????? ???? 
???, ?? ???????? ???? ??? ????? ???? 
????? ???? –‘???, ????, ????’ ???? ???? ?? 
????? ???? ?? ? ??? ?????????? ?? ?????? ?? 
??????, ???????? ?? ?? ?????? – 
 (1) ???? ??? ????? ?? ??? 
?????????/???????? ????? ? 
 (2) ????? ?? ??? ???/???????? ?????? 
?? ??? ????? ? 
 (3) ????? ?? ???????/????? ???????? ???? 
????? ? 
 (4) ????? ?? ????? ?? ?????? ????? ? 
PART – I / – I 
P-I (3) I 
4. Which of the following is correct in the 
context of socialization of children ? 
 (1) School is a secondary 
socialization agent and family is a 
primary socialization agent. 
 (2) School is a primary socialization 
agent and peers are secondary 
socialization agents. 
 (3) Peers are primary socialization 
agents and family is a secondary 
socialization agent. 
 (4) Family and mass-media both are 
secondary socialization agents. 
5. Theory of multiple intelligence 
emphasizes that 
 (1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) can be 
measured only by objective tests. 
 (2) Intelligence in one domain ensures 
intelligence in all other domains. 
 (3) There are several forms of 
 (4) There are no individual 
differences in intelligence. 
6. According to Lawrence Kohlberg’s 
theory, “Performing an act and doing 
something because others approves 
it”, represents _________ stage of 
 (1) Pre-conventional 
 (2) Conventional 
 (3) Post-conventional 
 (4) Formal conventional 
4. ???? ?? ???????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? 
???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ? 
 (1) ?????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? 
???? ?? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? 
?? ?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (2) ?????? ???????? ?? ?? ?????? 
???? ?? ???? ????? ???????? ?? 
?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (3) ????? ???????? ?? ?????? ???? 
?? ???? ?????? ???????? ?? ?? 
?????? ???? ?? ? 
 (4) ?????? ???? ??-????? ?????? 
???????? ?? ?????? ???? ?? ? 
5. ??-???? ?? ?????? ???? ???? ?? ?? – 
 (1) ????-???? ???? ??????? ??????? 
???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ? 
 (2) ?? ????? ?? ???????, ??? ??? 
??????? ?? ??????? ???????? ???? ?? ? 
 (3) ??????? ?? ?????? ????? ?? ? 
 (4) ??????? ?? ????? ?????? ?????????? 
??? ????? ?? ? 
6. ?????? ??????? ?? ?????? ?? ??????, “???? 
???? ??? ?????? ????, ?????? ????? ??? 
??????? ???? ??”, ????? ????? ?? _____ 
??? ??? ?????? ?? ? 
 (1) ???-???? 
 (2) ????? 
 (3) ???-????? 
 (4) ????? ????????? 
I (4) P-I 
7. Lev Vygotsky’s social-cultural 
perspective of learning emphasizes 
importance of _________ in the 
learning process. 
 (1) Cultural tools 
 (2) Attribution 
 (3) Motivation 
 (4) Equilibration 
8. In his theory of cognitive development, 
Jean Piaget explains cognitive 
structures in terms of _________. 
 (1) Psychological tools 
 (2) Stimulus-response association 
 (3) Zone of proximal development 
 (4) Schemas 
9. Pre-operational stage in Jean Piaget’s 
theory of cognitive development 
characterizes _________. 
 (1) Development of abstract thinking 
 (2) Centration in thought 
 (3) Hypothetico deductive thinking  
 (4) Ability to conserve and seriate 
10. Which of the following statement is 
correct in context of development ? 
 (1) Development has the same rate of 
growth across cultures for 
 (2) Development occurs only through 
learning that takes place in school. 
 (3) Development occurs only during 
the period of childhood. 
 (4) Development is multi-
7. ??? ?????????? ?? ???????-????????? 
???????, ????? ????? ?? _____ ?? ???? 
?? ???? ???? ?? ? 
 (1) ????????? ??????? 
 (2) ????????? 
 (3) ???????? 
 (4) ????????? 
8. ??? ?????? ???? ????????? ????? ?? 
?????? ??, ????????? ????????? ??? _____ 
?? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ? 
 (1) ??????????? ??????? 
 (2) ?????-??????? ????? 
 (3) ????? ?? ?????? ??? 
 (4) ?????/??????? 
9. ??? ?????? ?? ????????? ????? ?? ?????? 
??, ????-????????? ????? ?? ????? ?? 
???? ??? ??? ????? ?? ? 
 (1) ????? ???? ?? ????? 
 (2) ?????/???? ?? ??????? 
 (3) ????????-????????? ???? 
 (4) ????? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ???? ?? 
10. ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? 
??? ?? ? 
 (1) ????? ?? ??, ??? ?????????? ?? ??? 
?? ??? ???? ????? ?? ? 
 (2) ????? ???? ?????? ?? ????? ???? 
????? ?? ?? ????? ?? ? 
 (3) ????? ???? ????????? ?? ?????? ?? 
????? ?? ? 
 (4) ????? ???????? ????? ?? ? 
P-I (5) I 
11. Sequence of development among 
children from birth to adolescence is  
 (1) sensory, concrete, abstract. 
 (2) abstract, sensory, concrete. 
 (3) concrete, abstract, sensory. 
 (4) abstract, concrete, sensory. 
12. Individual differences in a progressive 
classroom should be treated as  
 (1) a hindrance to the process of learning. 
 (2) a failure on the part of teacher. 
 (3) criteria for making ability-based 
 (4) important for planning of 
teaching-learning process. 
13. In an Inclusive classroom emphasis 
should be on  
 (1) performance oriented goals. 
 (2) undifferentiated instructions 
 (3) segregation of students based on 
their social identity. 
 (4) providing opportunities aiming at 
maximizing potential of individual 
14. According to Right of Persons with 
Disabilities Act (2016), which of the 
following term is appropriate to use ? 
 (1) Retarded student 
 (2) Handicapped student 
 (3) Student with physical disability 
 (4) Student with crippled body 
11. ??? ?? ??????????? ?? ???? ?? ????? 
??? ?? ?? ????? ?? ? 
 (1) ????????, ????, ????? 
 (2) ?????, ????????, ???? 
 (3) ????, ?????, ???????? 
 (4) ?????, ????, ???????? 
12. ?? ??????? ??? ?? ?????? ??????????? 
??? ??? ???? ???? ???? ????? ? 
 (1) ????? ?? ????? ?? ???? ? 
 (2) ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?????? ? 
 (3) ???????-??????? ???? ????? ?? 
?????? ? 
 (4) ??????-????? ????? ?? ????????? 
?? ??? ???????? ? 
13. ?? ??????? ??? ?? _____ ?? ???? ????? 
????? ? 
 (1) ?????-??????? ????? 
 (2) ???????/????? ??????? 
 (3) ??????? ????? ?? ????? ?? ????? ?? 
 (4) ?? ??? ?? ?????? ??? ?????? ???? 
?? ??? ???? ???? ???? 
14. ????????? ?????? ??????? (2016) ?? 
??????, ???? ?? ?? ??? ??????? ?? ????? 
????? ?? ? 
 (1) ????? ??? 
 (2) ??????? ??? 
 (3) ??? ???? ??????? ????????? ?? ? 
 (4) ??? ????? ??? ???? ?? ? 
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